Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Can I turn the page again for another new day.
27/Aug/10 7:49 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, you are getting to be the official page turner here, good Job How many aprons are finished and how many left to do today? You and doing a good thing for your daughter and her students.

Theresa, I have never before known a night owl turn into a morning person. You must really need that alone time to do that. Glad it ha worked for you. I had to try to turn into a night owl after marrying Al, If he is up at 6 am, it is because he is just going to bed!! I tried staying up with him for years, but now I go to bed and leave him with his computer out in the office. He comes in when he is ready.

Suzy, that translates to 30 mph winds with 47 mph gusts, and that is windy!! Enough to blow things about if not anchored, eh?

Theresa, glad daughter is having less pain now. Constant pain can be so very draining and can really change a personality too. I hope her pain continues to deminish.

Well, our trip to doc was a wasted trip. We had just got registered and looking good to be on time for appointment, only one other person waiting, when an emergency came in. When we had been waiting for half an hour, were told that doc was now taking this emergency to surgery, but he should be back in 30 minutes. At 2 hours past our appointment, were told they still had not heard from doc, so not sure when he would be back. Hubby decided to reschedule cause he was hungry. MEN!! hehehe

That and my nap when we got home have taken up my day today. And I have to do it again on Tuesday, bummer.

Nuttin else going on here soI will sign off and catch you later, Hugs to all.
27/Aug/10 8:22 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all.
Theresa, glad to hear that your daughter is doing a little better. I hope she keeps doing better.
Suzy, I don't live in a small town but it seems every where I go I run into someone who knows me or my older brother. I was with a cousin at one of the malls and a group of kids walked by and all of a sudden yelled "Hi Mrs. O..." She is convinced I know everyone in Florida.
27/Aug/10 8:35 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, when my daughter was a teenager things got pretty rough ... she and I constantly seemed to be arguing about something. She was a teenager with an attitude. I basically needed alone time away from her just to save my sanity. Hence I became a morning person, a time when I knew she would not be out of bed.

My daughter's condition can change from day to day and she could suffer a serious attack at any time, but we'll take the good days while we have them. Since the ball of her femur has collapsed by 25 percent, she will not be totally better until after the surgery. But her spirits have been better the last week or so and it's nice to see. Her MIL comes here twice a week and takes the girls to different parks for the entire afternoon. Her MIL is also painting the kids' bedrooms, something my daughter was planning on doing this summer. The weekend of Sept. 11th hubby and I are going to take the grandies to a fair in a nearby town. I love fairs and exhibitions, but my arthritis dictates that I sit fairly frequently. I still love a lot of the rides on the midway ... I guess I'm a kid at heart.

Yes, June, it is amazing what we do for our kids. I can remember my daughter telling me just before bedtime on more than one occasion that she needed a couple of dozen cookies for the next day!!!! I think most mothers have been through something like that. I still get that from her sometimes: "Mom, can you hem a pair of pants for me? I won't need them for an hour or so."

Well, off to do a little more swearing ... hope to be back later.
27/Aug/10 9:06 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, you somehow reminded me about my daughter and what she expected of Mom. I sewed a lot of their clothes, especially fancy dress things. . It was sooo strange, things daughter thought should be easy were well nigh impossible and things she was reluctant to ask (in altering a pattern) were the easy things. I finally told her, just ask, and I will pick the easier things to do.
27/Aug/10 9:45 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The computer swallowed grandma,
Yes, honestly its true!
She pressed 'control and 'enter'
And disappeared from view.

It devoured her completely,
The thought just makes me squirm.
she must have caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm.

I've searched through the recycle bin
And files of every kind;
I've even used the Internet,
But nothing did I find.

In desperation, I asked Jeeves
My searches to refine.
The reply from him was negative,
Not a thing was found 'online.'

So, if inside your 'Inbox,'
My Grandma you should see,
Please 'Copy, Scan' and 'Paste' her
And send her back to me.
27/Aug/10 10:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Fuuuuuuunny, Theresa.
27/Aug/10 10:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just woke up from a nice nap. Tonight is my last night by myself. I'd better make the most of it.
27/Aug/10 11:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa..... what do they call your daughter's condition? It sounds like hip displasia, found in dogs.
27/Aug/10 11:13 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, it's called avascular necrosis.
27/Aug/10 11:21 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well, it's about time for me to get to bed. Have a good night/day/evening everyone.
27/Aug/10 11:57 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
(((Hugs))) to all and sundry.
27/Aug/10 1:17 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hi Rolanda, nice to see you pop in and out this morning. Hope you and your Mum and both doing well.

Theresa I do need to look up that condition your daughter has, I am not familiar with it. How much longer till she can have surgery??

Heidi, what are you planning to enjoy this last night alone??

Theresa, I liked your grandma poem, very cute.

Time to call it a day, catch you tomorrow. Hugs and extras if you need them.

27/Aug/10 1:54 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Quick hi and bye. Just about to go pick up Hannah from school then going to flake it for the afternoon! Hubby and I have made the most of the sun that tried valiantly to poke it's head through the clouds, and finally got the rest of the hebes into there bed, twenty all up, but I think we put in 6 today. Plus another three elsewhere, two crepe myrtles (fingers crossed they're not deceased) and a magnificent purple flowering whatchamacallit! Oh, and the Orange Twist got replanted into a different spot with better loving care this wonder I am knackered!
27/Aug/10 3:05 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gail, you have had a busy day. No wonder you are Knackered!
Finished 8 aprons and the others are not far behind. 24 aprons means 48 ties to be sewn turned and pressed! They are ready to be turned but I find my fingers are not as sensitive as they used to be and those jobs seem much harder.
Hugs to you are your family Rolanda. I hope you are all feeling much better.
27/Aug/10 4:53 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Chopsticks come in handy for turning, June.
27/Aug/10 5:14 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning ... beautiful sunny day here with only a high of 23C. Good day to get some yard work done.

MizT, my daughter's surgery will be within 6 to 9 months so not until the new year at the earliest.

Hi Gail ... hope all is settling in your world.
27/Aug/10 10:44 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, thanks for reminding me, I had forgotten how long, and it has seemed she has waited so long already. I know, not as long as it seems to her.

Gail, good to see you, and yes, you deserve a flake a bit after all that gardening. Hope all plants flourish for you.

June, that is a lot of ties to have to turn. If It were me, would have been looking for an alternative method to turning, especially since these are for a performance. Lots cannot be seen onstage

Weather forecast has a lot of high 80's for the coming week, yeah, I can enjoy that and perhaps get outside some.

time to make coffee, and get the day started. Might can sit on porch for a few this morning. Hugs to all, I will be back later.

27/Aug/10 11:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I do not understand why people have to wait so long for much needed surgery. Are the doctors hoping that serious conditions will magically disappear with time? If one of them had a serious problem requiring surgery, you can bet that they'd never wait in pain for 7 months!
28/Aug/10 12:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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You're right Heidi. Someone sent me an email at one point about two patients, one got in right away to see their doctor and have the surgery, and the other had to wait 6 months, but they both had the same disease. At the end you find out that the first doctor is a vet. It's true, I never have to wait for a vet appointment no matter what the problem is. Is it because at the vet we have to pay cash up front? Hmmmm.
28/Aug/10 12:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think it's because 1) Vets seem to care more for their patients, and 2) They don't have to deal with insurance companies and all their paperwork. Plus, it's harder to get into Vet School. Most people who wash out of Vet School become MD's instead. I, personally, would rather be under the care of a Vet. They don't like to allow their patients to suffer needlessly.
28/Aug/10 12:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Slow day on site. I ran some errands, including grocery shopping and repotted a bunch of orchids, and nobody showed up here.
28/Aug/10 6:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hi Heidi ... I'm back. But gotta go fling food and then take the grandies outside after supper. Wish I could have house plants, but for some reason the cats like to eat them or play with them or use the container as a litter box. TTFN.
28/Aug/10 7:11 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Looks like it will be a noice day. Might see if I can do some much needed work in the garden.
28/Aug/10 7:16 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
I've been and voted 4 times for each. Unfortunately neither is budging from 6th or 24th... The autism dogs group are promoting their cause widely! They have been putting up display stands in different places and were just written up in a newspaper - the Guardian I think, I'd have to go back to check. I see that because I 'liked' them on facebook.
28/Aug/10 7:48 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I'm not sure what I will do today. The girls have practice for the women's baseball team this afternoon. I have to go over town for a few minutes this morning, the wind has died down for a little while... I will probably swear at clothes. BORING! My plants are a bit hungry, I might do that in between swearing.

Theresa, outide after supper - the expression sounds so foreign and yet comforting to me.

Heidi and Theresa, I read an article just the other day about people waiting for 'elective' surgery. I shake my head every time they call it that. What is elective about endometriosis? Hip replacements? Vascular... what was the rest of it Theresa? They have to rename it to 'you won't die if you don't get it immediately - though your life might be h3ll'.
28/Aug/10 8:09 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Fun morning on fb this morning. I've watched videos of a labrador swimming with a dolphin, a woman who goes back to work after 30 years (4 seconds long and that was all it needed!) and a warning not to honk at old people - that one still makes me smile (well, laugh so hard it is embarrassing)!! And Dino has posted an amazing photo of a koala who climbed up and rang her doorbell!!!
28/Aug/10 8:37 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I meant to say the other day that I got up between 4 and 5 am for years for pretty much the same reason as you are an early riser! It helped when I was studying. These days I'm back to needing an alarm though. I liked it better the other way...
28/Aug/10 9:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Popping in between T storms, thunder is rolling around in the distance even now, and we are being drenched. Second really downpour this afternoon.

I need to vent. Two things happened today, and thier being same day was a bit much for me. One, I had to slice a ham this morning, for freezing part and keeping enough we can eat before it spoils in fridge. that got hand to really hurting. Yep, again, did not hurt till later, or I would have stopped and yelled for hubby help.

Second, I had called the nurse at the ortho for a refill of pain meds. I only got 30 tabs of the mildest kind, 30 days ago, so I can get to sleep nights. Well, she phones back to say, no more refills, he only refills for 12 weeks. AAGHAGGGG!! Even though I have been told my thumb will hurt for 6 to 12 months? " it is his policy". It was all I could do not to scream at her what I thought of said policy. Nurse told me to get pain meds from my primary care doc now. The surgery that the ortho doc did is what is making this hurt, he should be the doc treating it, don't you think?

I have just taken the second of stronger pain meds I still have, trying to get this hand easy, so I know it has hurt badly for more than 4 hours. I really hate pain meds, they make me goofy, teary, groggy, sleepy. I hate hurting worse. Just not a good day for me today. Can I have some hugs back today please??
28/Aug/10 10:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Dinner tonight is veal tenderloin cubed steak in onion gravy. Luckily I cooked before I sliced ham, early morning. Still have fresh steamed Brussels sprouts, need some smashed taters or rice, but Al will have to supply those, I am not allowed to turn on stove when taking strong pain meds
28/Aug/10 10:10 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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{{{{{Hugs}}}}} to Miz T. Take as many as you need. My daughter had a similar experience with her pain meds. Doctor called in a "refill" but the drug store will not refill this particular kind of pain med. Go figure! Hope you're feeling better soon.

Suzy, why does outside after supper sound foreign? Is it because it is too dark after supper in your neck of the woods at this time of year?

I have to get one of the grandies to bed at 9:00. Her dad usually does that, but he is out with the boys tonight playing poker. Not only do I have to get her to bed, I will have to stay with her until she falls asleep. Here's hoping I don't fall asleep too.

Catch you all later if I can stay awake. Hope everyone has a good day/night/evening.
28/Aug/10 10:23 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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{{{hugs}}} for you Tricia. Please take care of that hand. We do not want you to have unnecessary pain. If I am keeping ham in the fridge I put a piece of absorant kitchen paper underneath and tip some vinegar on it. (ene if only for a dya or two)
Aprons finished, just have to give them a light press and fold them into a bag. Gail I used an old steel #6 knitting needle to do the turning. I did that while I watched TV last night.
28/Aug/10 10:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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to you, MizT. I know what you're going through. I know it's hard to avoid using the hand. They make you hurt at P.T., and you have things that have to be done at home. It's a no-win situation.
Speaking of those, the spot in my mouth is swelling again. I finished with the antibiotics 5 days ago. Next week I'll talk to my Dentist to schedule the oral surgery.
28/Aug/10 10:47 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}} MizT. Grrrr-ing with you. I hope you can get some of the milder pain meds from your GP very very soon - without having to wait to get into an appointment.

Theresa, we don't have supper, we have dinner or tea. (Yes, the evening meal has the same name as the drink!) Supper has a more home like and soothing feel to it. I don't know why. Usually that kind of feeling goes with things from your child hood. Maybe it's the movies.

Your grandies get to stay up late! My 14 year old is supposed to be well and tryly on her way there by 9 - on weeknights anyway.

June, when I use knitting needles I always manage to push them through the ends!
28/Aug/10 11:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, big


to you
28/Aug/10 11:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Big hugs to everyone else who needs them also. Hope all is going well. I am tired after the first week of school and plan on going to sleep early tonight. I will be back tomorrow.
28/Aug/10 11:11 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Feeling better after second pain meds and putting on my splint to immobilize the thumb. Hubby made his dinner without me, tummy a bit off from the pills so I passed. A cola over ice was just all I wanted.

I would be happy to limit use of this hand, if I had any idea what would set it off again. Last night I was doing exercises, same ole exercises I have done hundreds of times, and suddenly something "caught" in the thumb and I let out a loud OHHH! Hubby just looked at me. Sometimes I do wish I could read his looks. Still cannot after 25 years.

Back to my recliner, just wanted to say thank you for the hugs, it does help. We have such a great group here.
28/Aug/10 12:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, what does the vinegar do? Never heard of that before, sounds interesting.

Hubby has requested a big pot of dry beans with the ham bone cooked with. And cornbread. I hope I can do that tomorrow.
28/Aug/10 12:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's a popular dish here, MizT, served with cornbread.
28/Aug/10 12:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just walked in the door. Drat.
28/Aug/10 12:58 PM
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