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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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I voted twice for each. I use a Pepsi log in, then I log in via facebook. It's the same email addy, but they haven't worked that out yet.
05/Sep/10 2:40 PM
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I hope they die down too Heidi. Driving Ebob to work this morning was a bit scary. I have to pick her up in about an hour.
05/Sep/10 2:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The temps are down to 56℉ / 13.3℃, and falling. That's a 40℉ drop from yesterday afternoon.
05/Sep/10 2:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, it is 61F here already, and that is the lowest we have had since last winter! I had the doors open for a while tonight.
Could not raise the windows, no way I was even gonna try. Muscle relaxers and Tylenol have eased the ouch a bit I am happy to say.
Al's friend said the car show was nice, not a LOT of cars there, but such a nice day and the ones there were really restored nicely. Wish We could have gone.
I am off to bed now, see you on the other side.
Good night moon . . .
05/Sep/10 3:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The Grasshoppers plan on returning here to take the full tour of the Corvette Museum. That's an hour and a half south of me. They had a deadline to make on the west coast, so they'll probably be back here next year or the following year.
05/Sep/10 4:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to bed soon. The dogs are finishing their suppers.
05/Sep/10 4:12 PM
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In the north of the state it says and most of our SA people are south.
05/Sep/10 4:49 PM
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T his is my area. You must have jinxed me Theresa!
05/Sep/10 5:04 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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No dramas here Suzy, just very wet underfoot. Although, when hubby had a look out this morning, he saw that our huge grevillea tree has given up the ghost and fallen over. There's no hope of resurrecting it, it's too big for us to deal with, so we will take it out and reclaim the area for lawn (or what passes for lawn up here!).
05/Sep/10 5:14 PM
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This is my area too. Guess we should have been listening to the news...
05/Sep/10 5:21 PM
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Gail, poor tree! I'm glad it didn't fall on the house.
05/Sep/10 5:42 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I sat tree, but really an oversized bush, and it is on the low side of the block so was never going to pose a problem My main fear is the hundred foot eucalypts both front and back of the house, one of those falls on the house and we will have TWO houses!
05/Sep/10 6:06 PM
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Hi everyone! Doing a bit of a Happy Dance here ... I've just spoken to my parents, and Mum is talking to me again! (Till next time ... ! ) Yesterday was a bit of a nightmare, and as we left she said "don't bother coming back!" As we drove along the flooded highway on our way home, I rang my sister and we did a bit of comforting each other - today I rang Dad again ... and everything is back to normal! SUCH a relief ... I feel completely exhausted though. I guess we'll just have to get used to this ... not sure if they gave her anything, but she was quite normal/nice! Talk about a roller-coaster!
Thanks to all my Sudoku friends for your comfort/support - it really helps! Hope you are all well and happy. :)
05/Sep/10 6:07 PM
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Judy, I'm glad things are okay again. That must have been so hard!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Gail, getting them inspected doesn't help either. The inspectors are greenies who think trees are more important than houses and so should be saved, and the arborists want the money they'll earn removing them so will tell you they are unsafe! If you could find someone without an agenda....
05/Sep/10 6:22 PM
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This is not funny at all, but I have to admit to having to read the title twice to make sure nobody from here was shaking Christchurch... ke-hit-new-zealand-city/
05/Sep/10 6:27 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning all ... can't sleep, so what better place could I be than right here?
MizT, hope your back is better by now. My back and hips and baby fingers have been really sore during the periods of high humidity/rain. The only thing that seems to help is my hot water bottle while I'm lying down. (Any excuse for a nap, huh?)
Julie, thanks for the links again. I didn't realize that it went beyond the end of August, so haven't voted since then. Back to voting as many times a day as possible (usually only once).
05/Sep/10 6:49 PM
Small Town Canada
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Sorry if I jinxed you, Suzy. We had high winds yesterday as well. I thought maybe we were getting the outer edges of "Earl", but I guess not because none of the weather reports mention that. Seems to be calmer now.
Judy, glad things are easing up a bit with regards to your parents. It's very difficult when they go through something and then blame us. Thinking of you!!!!
Well, it's almost 5:00 AM and the coffee maker has finally finished dripping through, so I'll take a bit of a break. Catch you all later. Hugs to all who need it. June, your friend is always on my mind.
05/Sep/10 6:55 PM
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Hi all!
Just went on line to see if we're allowed to flush toilets or have showers yet - but can't find an update. Bugger! Hubby works with the guys who'd be trying to handle that problem, though not the ones who will actually fix it by getting power back to the pumping stations and treatment plants. At least we were spared the power outages at home. Ebob said a lot of her customers today were shopping because there was no power at home.
05/Sep/10 8:51 PM
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Gail force winds - no wonder we are having so many problems, that's a lot of force!
05/Sep/10 8:57 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I understand how Ebob's customers feel. When we had no power after Hurricane Wilma (5 yrs ago) I would take the kids to the mall just to walk around and get in the AC. It is also the only year I ever took them trick-or-treating in the mall.
Hope things are settling down down-under and there is no major damage to anyone or anything.
I still like the idea of a Sudoku commune. It would be a great place to run to when I need a break.
05/Sep/10 11:25 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Spoke with my friend who is relocating. Her husband is coming down next Saturday and will move in with her brother until he can find a place. He starts his new job the following Monday. They are going to take turns traveling every other weekend. She'll come here on weekend, he'll go to Atlanta 2 weeks later. She will be here for my (and hubby's) birthday weekend. We were planning on going to her house next year during spring break but may now drive up for a few days at Christmas. The fun of being a teacher. I get a 2 week vacation in December. She will probably not be here until early next year. Need to sell (or rent) her house and find a place down here. Her brother loves about 5 minutes from me.
05/Sep/10 11:28 PM
Alabama, USA
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JUDY, sorry to hear your Mom was so very uspet with you. I do not remember, does she have Alzheimers or dementia? If so, words often pop out like that and are forgotten by the time you get to your car. It is so sad some of the issues we have to deal with from aging parents.
Thank heavens Mom accepted the need for assisted living and for hospice. My step father never accepted her need for either. Mom's long term doctor became very ill about same time Mom began her decline, and sold his practice. Step father kept saying "Dr ____ could do something for her, make her better, he always did." and thought my sisters and I were "just throwing away" our Mom. It was hard, but would have been worse if Mom felt that way, so I know a bit how you feel.
Sending Sudoku Wishes that your Mom settles in and accepts the need for care. HUGE HUGS to you till that can happen.
05/Sep/10 11:39 PM
Alabama, USA
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SUZY, those 110 kph winds convert to just under 70 mph, that is dangerously close to CAT 1 hurricane winds! I do hope they diminish to 70 kph, that just sounds so much better. 45 mph are still some strong winds to contend with. Hang onto your hats today. will be thinking of you.
The damage even sounds like a CAT 1, with trees down and roofs off. Any damage in your neighborhood? None at your house?
I did read some of your links today, so many people displaced by the flooding. I hope all affected can remain safe.
Gail, sorry for your bush/tree It is too bad it cannot be propped up again. Will you have to cal in help to get it removed?
06/Sep/10 12:21 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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June, I know it is hard but remember you and your sister are trying to the best for your parents. I am sure they will get to like it eventually.
06/Sep/10 12:21 AM
Alabama, USA
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Theresa, you can usually tell if you had hurricane winds if winds kept changing direction over the day. I know that was the strangest thing when we had hurricane make it this far inland at a CAT 1
I think I have it right, a hurricane brushing by mostly out to sea on the Atlantic, would have winds first from the North east, then North, then North west as the swirling winds go past.
06/Sep/10 12:30 AM
Alabama, USA
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TAMI, lots of luck to your friend in selling their house and getting the family back together. I do not remember, do they have children? Living apart like that has to be so hard, not to mention expensive. they are lucky her hubby can live with relatives and not have to rent temporary accommodations.
06/Sep/10 12:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've read everything, and can only echo all the ((( hugs ))) and good wishes.
Judy... at least this behavior of your mother's is new. And I don't believe she means it. I grew up with a mother who was severely bi-polar and mildly schizophrenic. There was always a lot of drama and extreme emotionalism, most of it very bad.
06/Sep/10 2:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... wouldn't hurricane winds in the southern hemisphere rotate in the opposite direction?
06/Sep/10 2:13 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, yes, they do rotate opposite down under. I was talking about Theresa's winds and Hurricane Earl that made landfall in Canada.
the winds down under were not cyclone generated, were they?
06/Sep/10 2:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I don't know. They seemed pretty strong and destructive, and with all the rain and flooding, it sounds suspicious. We have a lot of tornadoes and straight line winds, and they cover a much smaller area with their damage, and rarely produce flooding since they don't last as long as the effects of a hurricane or tropical storm.
06/Sep/10 2:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It didn't get as cold as expected last night. I have a wireless thermometer which records 24 hour highs and lows. It says our low last night was 51℉ / 10.5℃.
06/Sep/10 2:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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heidi, I just checked with WeatherUnderground, and there are only 3 tropical storms listed world wide, all in the northern hemisphere. Guess it is still too cool for cyclones down under.
Suzy had mentioned before that they just have high winds in spring.
Glad it did not get as cold as expected at your house, that was a bit unseasonably cold. Hope your birds and orchids stayed happy overnight.
06/Sep/10 3:13 AM
Alabama, USA
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Did I say earlier that back seems a bit better today? I get up and down lots better, and walking is better too. Just bending is still a chore.
Hubby was sooo sweet this morning. He was just up and usually not so observant first thing. I was sitting in a rolling secretary chair at dishwasher, trying to empty the bottom shelf, when he walked in and without even saying a thing (he does not talk much till after coffee) started unloading for me. he took all the plates bowls and eating vessels to the dish cabinet for me. Left the cooking things which he still does not know where they go, on the counter for me. MUCH easier to just put those few things away from my chair, no lifting or bending required.
06/Sep/10 3:19 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm having a bad day. I've been worshipping the porcelain god. Can't keep anything down.
06/Sep/10 4:02 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, is your mouth swelling up with infection again? You seem to have problems keeping food down when you get a major infection, if I remember right.
BTW, SA8 is now closed. Gath sent me e-mail yesterday saying he would take care of it. Thanks for letting me know it was time to close it. but it sure did have a long run!!
06/Sep/10 4:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I had the last post on SA 8!!! Take THAT!
06/Sep/10 5:09 AM
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Just popping in before running errands. Last night, I wasn't able to post a comment for over an hour and finally gave up. Just testing to see if I can finally get back on. (I REALLY don't think it was anything I said.)
Congrats to Heidi for getting the last post on SA8! Wow! We kept it going for a while!
{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to all! Hope to be back later (after running some errands)!
06/Sep/10 5:25 AM
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Maybe I should do a few while I can!
06/Sep/10 5:26 AM
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Hope all who are "under the weather" will soon be OVER it!
06/Sep/10 5:26 AM
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Nobody here to stop me?
06/Sep/10 5:27 AM
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