Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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and now a link for M&Ms, which are similar to European Smarties:'s

So - that was the problem - too many links per comment.
06/Sep/10 10:44 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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And we start a new page with a sweet thought!
06/Sep/10 10:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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This discussion of candy is making me hungry. I may have to go and raid the pantry.
06/Sep/10 10:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, I slept through an entire page! Still feel nauseous, though. IH went over to his cousin's for dinner, since I'm not up to eating yet.
06/Sep/10 11:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can't comment much on the discussions about children, since I have none besides my Collies. But.... Tami, I think part of the problem is that Mitchell has had his Bar Mitzvah, celebrating him becoming an adult. So now he feels that he should be treated as an adult, with all the rights and privileges. Tell him that "adult" movies are inappropriate for decent adults, too. I have never allowed them to be viewed in this house, and there are no kids to shield.
06/Sep/10 11:17 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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What about 'your' children Heidi, sure they need shielding too! Hope you feel better soon.
06/Sep/10 11:19 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mitchell thinks that I am too strict with him. He will thank me when he is older and has a good head on his shoulders. I had a conference with a parent a few years ago. She was upset at her daughter's behavior in school and at home. I told her that she did not have a daughter, that at some point the child becomes "the creature from the black lagoon" and that everything adults do is stupid and we know nothing. I assured her that eventually she would get her daughter back. She laughed and agreed with me. I am just waiting for Mitchell to come back from the lagoon. He stood next to me today and we are officially the same height.
06/Sep/10 11:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Broni, I don't think Heidi's children would be paying attention to "adult" movies. Mitchell is upset because I put a password on our TV to block adult content.
06/Sep/10 11:23 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I agree that adult content should be blocked. When my daughter was about 7 or 8 she spent the night at a friend's house. They were watching The Shining on TV. It was about 6 months before my daughter would go into the bathroom alone at home because of a scene from the movie. The friend's parents I don't think knew any better though. They were part of the "boat people" group that came over from Viet Nam and their knowledge of English was not great. That movie scares the heck out of me even though I've seen it a couple of times. Not something I would have allowed her to watch.
06/Sep/10 12:07 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
Heidi, a vist to the GP/Dentist is in order to fix up your health issues... sooner rather than later Please !!!
Kids: love them to bits, but sometimes they can be soooooo grrrrrrrrrrrrr, stressful, awful, they KNOW everything NOT.....
06/Sep/10 12:17 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Julie : Definitely Smarties are much much yummmier than M & M's..
06/Sep/10 12:18 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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The new Caravan is wonderful, am looking forward in going away in it.
Hubby and I have spent the weekend, packing the van with 'that stays in the Caravan' stuff.
Today, back to normal 'Mondayitis' stuff.. ...cte,gninori ,gninaelc ,gnihsaw

Empty House.. the child is just leaving, off to Uni, not home for dinner, may or maynot be home to sleep...

Later Aligaters
06/Sep/10 12:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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{{hugs }} to you all.I have read the comments but too much to comment on. Heidi,hope you are feeling better and hope your back keeps improving MizT. Nice day today Suzy, now the winds have eased. My neighbour was just telling me about a friend who lives down your way and the plastic flowers from the cemetery abut 1/2 kilometre away were up on her roof.
06/Sep/10 12:49 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Check out my Picture Gallery!!
Caravan Photo
06/Sep/10 1:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks for the caravan photo(s), Rolanda! Hope both you and your Mum are doing well!

Hoping all who were not feeling well (Heidi, included) will soon be on the road to recovery (the dentist, in Heidi's case)! Sending positive vibes and wishes for good health! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all!

Enjoy the remainder of your day/night, Everyone! I think I'm going to head to bed - almost 11 p.m. here and too many late nights recently! Nighty-night, Everyone! Sleep Tight!
06/Sep/10 1:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
June, one of my fb friends has posted a photo of someone's roof in his back yard! Yikes! We were very lucky this time. Just small branches down around our house - and someone's trash in my front garden.

Speaking of adult movies, "creeper r@pe child" as Ebob calls him has been reported to DOCS just now. They are hoping to match him up with stuff in the system but seem to suspect the older brother exposing him to p0rn.

Yay Rolanda! It looks very aerodynamic and spiffy.
06/Sep/10 2:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad that awful child has been reported, Suzy.

06/Sep/10 3:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, is DOCS Department of Child Services? Just guessing here.

Heidi hope you are better soon.

Theresa, good to hear your arthritis is better today.

Other things I should comment on, but it is late and I need my pillow. See ya all over the rainbow. HUGS!!
06/Sep/10 3:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, you guessed it. Though I think they have changed their name again.

I'm an M&M person myself.

One of my friends has had all kinds of problems with arthritis, her neck and back etc etc. A couple of months ago she started going to 'boot camp'. From the stuff she describes this camp puts Biggest Loser to shame. The stuff they do!!! I ache just thinking about it. But she says, apart from the aching, she feels the best she has in years.
06/Sep/10 4:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just discovered that we have lost a down pipe in the winds. Oh well, it could have been worse.
06/Sep/10 4:29 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Evening all!
Suzy - glad the damage was minimal. Also glad the boy has been reported - someone stole his childhood/innocence and he'll never get it back again - it's horrible when you think about it.
Tami - that creature from the Black Lagoon stage seemed to last most of high school with my kids.
Julie - thanks for all the links to the sweets - now I'm hungry again!
Heidi - hope you feel better soon.
{{{hugs}}} to all who need them.
06/Sep/10 8:43 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Why do mobile phones have to be so darned complicated? We both just got new ones - sounded good - just take simcard out of old one, put into new one - turn on and off you go!?
No way! I have given up. I'll leave mine until Andrew comes over on Wed night for dinner and he can sort mine. Meanwhile simcard is back in old phone. And we insisted on getting a Nokia 'because we can understand them'.
Mumble mumble, grumble grumble, swear swear!!
06/Sep/10 8:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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I am getting a new phone, a Nokia, on the '3 Mobile' service, the boy ordered it over the net yesterday.
06/Sep/10 8:58 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have the cheapest prepaid phone I could get. If I have a problem (like how do I turn it on) I go into a Telstra shop and let them sort it. I was not able to get them to make the ring tone loud enough for me to hear it though!!!!
06/Sep/10 9:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June.... I got the cheapest prepaid phone I could find as well. I don't use it much, only in the truck for emergencies, so I don't want to deal with a monthly bill if it isn't used. It's a simple Motorola flip, with no extras like texting or camera, and I use Tracfone. I got it new on eBay for $5.
06/Sep/10 10:02 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning everyone - holiday Monday for us.

Rolanda, love the caravan. Can I stow away in it some time?

Suzy, as Cyn said, glad the damage was minimal and glad the "creepy" child has been reported.

Off to have my coffee outside, but right now it's only 11C. But rain and possible thunderstorm for the afternoon, so I have to get my dose of "outside" while I can. The two stray cats, Sweetie and Splotch, are sitting on the lawn swing. We have a home for Sweetie, and I think we will be taking Splotch in. I was surprised when hubby said he was okay with us taking him in so he didn't have to spend the winter outside. I was waiting for the right opportunity to mention it to hubby, but he got to it first. He is not as much of a cat person as I am.
06/Sep/10 10:03 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning Heidi, hope you're feeling better.
06/Sep/10 10:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My old male, Cole, is having serious problems. He's losing the ability to stand. For the last week, he started falling down whenever he stepped onto a wood or tile floor. That progressed to the cement floor in the garage. This morning he went down in the carpeted hallway. He's rapidly lost all muscle tone and has little strength left. I'm hoping that the Vet is open today. Otherwise, I'll take him in tomorrow. Maybe he has some miracle treatment. Several years ago, Cole had a baffling medical problem that stumped the top experts in the country. He started pouring blood out of one nostril, 3 times a day or more. It started late one night and I rushed him to the emergency hospital in Louisville. The bleeding stopped before I got him there, and they could find nothing. The following day I took him to my own Vet, where he put on a nice bleeding exhibition, but my Vet could find nothing. This went on for a full month while we went to all sorts of bleeding specialists, did x-rays, ultrasounds and even a CT scan. My home and truck looked like crime scenes with all the blood. I got to be an expert at cleaning up pools of blood on the carpeting and upholstery. One time I even drove back from Louisville wiping blood off the inside of the windshield so I could see where I was going. I'm very surprised that I wasn't stopped by the police. All of the top bleeding experts in the country were called in, and everyone was baffled. No cause could be found for the bleeding, and no meds had any effect. As a last resort, a top surgeon split his skull in two and removed everything on that side of the head from where the sinuses split, and sent it all in to the top lab in the country. They could find no problem whatsoever, but the bleeding finally stopped. Despite all the mess he made, he was a huge favorite at all of the animal hospitals he stayed at. He's always been a perfect gentleman, and a true lover. He has never met a person he didn't adore, especially the ladies, and is a magnificent looking Collie with a long, thick black coat with white on the chest, feet and tail tip. He was born here 11 years ago in May.
06/Sep/10 10:39 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rolanda, enjoy the new caravan. It looks like a lot of fun.
Theresa, an EX boyfriend talked me into watching the Shining knowing that I hated horror/creepy movies. I was not a very happy person after that.
Cyn, my brother's description of raising children: you go from being g-d and knowing everything. then they become teens and you know jack sh*t. eventually they get older and realize that maybe you do know something. I am also expecting the black lagoon stage to end when he is in high school or college.
06/Sep/10 10:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nope, Vet Clinic is closed today. I'll call them first thing tomorrow morning.
06/Sep/10 10:44 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just checked the local weather. High today is supposed to be 89 (31.5) with a feels like of 100 (38). We are going to head to the beach. It shows rain but it typically rains in the afternoon.
06/Sep/10 10:51 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I missed you a few minutes ago. I hope Cole is doing better soon. How are you feeling?
06/Sep/10 11:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still crummy, but staying away from the porcelain god.
06/Sep/10 11:30 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning Heidi and Tami, and anyone else who drops in. It is already getting warm outside today, another hot one, our fall tmeps have gone. Humidity down so it will not be too bad. AC is still off this morning cause of the overnight lows were cool, Hubby said when he came in last night he almost needed a coat hehehe, it was not that cold.

Heidi, hope the vet can help Cole when you get him there tomorrow. Sounds like he had a hard time before with his bleeding problems. How many of the collies were born there and how many were rescues?

Tami, hope you enjoy the beach today. Remember plenty of sun screen. Hope rain holds off till late afternoon at your local.

Theresa, I just might follow your lead and take my coffee outside this morning fore it gets hot. It is going to require that I get dressed though. Just out of shower, clean all under, in my terry robe at the moment.

Catch you all later, hugs.

07/Sep/10 12:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I only have three left that were born here, all 11 years old. They are Cole, Dennis and Coffee. Everybody here has heard about Dennis and his fear of thunderstorms. Coffee is a quiet one, except around cats. There isn't a cat alive that can outrun her. She thinks that cats are one of the major food groups. Then I have 2 collies that I bought as puppies... Patch and Angel. That leaves 10 Rescues, some I adopted and some fosters. They are Fancy, Cindy, Missy, Willow, Mason, Hollie, Penny, Lucy, Molly and Lady.
07/Sep/10 12:48 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Lawn bowls today.
Heidi it does not sound very good for Cole. You probably understand Collies health problems as much as the Vet.
MizT enjoy your coffee outside, along with Theresa. Have a fun day at the beach Tami.
07/Sep/10 7:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear Cole is so bad. I hope the vet can do something.

We have a very light rain here this morning. Shame as I still have a lot of sloshy stuff to go. Yesterday I should have started with clothes and then moved onto blankets and sheets. But that would have been logical and I've never claimed to be that...

MizT and Theresa, I hope you got to enjoy your coffee before the weather got too hot.
07/Sep/10 7:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just as we were packing a cooler of water it started to rain at our house. Nice big thunder storm. That ended our beach outing. I live 20 minutes from the beach and don't go very often. We ended up taking a drive later on and visited this huge store that specializes in outdoor stuff. They have a lot of kid stuff to look at and do. It ended up being a nice day. Came home and I am getting dinner ready as well as cooking for Wednesday to put in the freezer. Both boys have baseball games tomorrow night so I won't have much time to get ready.
07/Sep/10 7:34 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning June, I hope you have fine weather for it!

Tami, sunscreen, hats, shirts, sunglasses.... I'm getting my spot cut out tomorrow so I'd go back in time and do that for myself if I could.
07/Sep/10 7:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oops, should refresh before posting. Tami, shame about the thunderstorm. We're the same, between 20 and 40 minutes from a half dozen beautiful beaches and hardly ever go to them.
07/Sep/10 7:37 AM
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