Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sorry meant to spell check before I hit send!
27/Sep/10 12:55 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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What a surprise. 14441 what a great palindrome.
27/Sep/10 12:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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eaa..... I love your words of wisdom. And your words of silliness. Keep 'em coming, please.
27/Sep/10 12:57 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, enjoyed our chat on Skype yesterday. Have a wonderful trip and can't wait to hear about it when you return.
27/Sep/10 1:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Gail, we like to think we can make changes that will reduce the abuse from a controling husband, but it rarely happens. If it were not the petrol Viv is using, it would be something else, even if he had to make it up. Dissing friends also is common, they are trying to isolate the wife from her support system, makes her easier to keep under his control. I know these things first hand and from studying them in psychology courses. My ex was very controlling, an emotional abuser.

Story that is amusing now. After we divorced, I painted the foyer of what had been "our" house. Next time he came to pick up daughter for her weekend, he stopped and said, You had the foyer painted, it looks good. Who did you get to do it and how much did it cost? (still trying to be controling you see) I said I painted it, only cost the price of the paint. He then starts a minute inspection, hunting for any tiny flaws, and made up a few. "you know you cannot paint, never have been able too". Nope, you never let me paint, but it was looking good till you heard I did it myself. He did not see anything wrong with his change of opinion mid stream either, but by then, it did not matter to me any longer. I was very happy with my freshly painted clean foyer, so there!!

27/Sep/10 1:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, that sounds like a great way to have a "clean start"
27/Sep/10 1:15 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, the idea of a commune is starting to sound better and better.

Tami, I know where you're coming from. I still haven't found a job and it's difficult to make it on one income. No room for extra.

Which leads me to another point. My computer is on its last legs I believe. If it should conk out, we cannot afford another one right now. So if I disappear at some point, you'll know why. Maybe after Christmas we can get another one ... maybe. Sigh .....
27/Sep/10 1:33 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, here in the states, we have computers in every library, even small town libraries, for public use. I hope there is the same in small town Canada, so you could at least get to us once to say your computer died. We would worry if you just disappeared. Thanks for letting us know.

Just had another rain shower go through. Kitties were on back porch, one on the railing and one on arm of a chair. Rain started blowing in, both of them get UNDER the chair, hunting a dry spot. both of them are meowing at me, they want me to turn off the rain. Silly Kitties.
27/Sep/10 1:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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TAMI, I do hope something turns up for your hubby job wise, soon. It is happening everywhere, to all kinds of people. I am glad you came to tell us about it. HUGS to you friend.
27/Sep/10 2:09 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, quite honestly I have never gone to our local library since we moved here. I do read lots, but friends and family tend to share books when they are done with them, or I go to the Sally Ann to check out their books. A friend of ours also owns a used book store, but mostly dealing with history and military books. I'm assuming the library has computers for the public to use. Hopefully my daughter will let me borrow hers to let you know. I will definitely feel lost without a computer, but with me no longer working at home the expense is hard to justify right now. I never thought at my age I would be pecking and scratching to make a living again. Life sure has its twists and turns.
27/Sep/10 2:21 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick visit to say Good Morning (just barely)! I hope everyone is well. We had water aerobics (deep water, so we were mostly below water from shoulders on down) in the outdoor pool this morning. The air temperature was about 56* F. Today was officially the last day for using the outdoor pool until May 30, 2011.

When I woke up this morning, I realized that I hadn't commented on the rain MizT reported yesterday. I hope it continued and was able to soak the ground & revive the grass, trees and flowers!

I also had forgotten to comment about Heidi purchasing another water tank. If that has already happened, I hope it went well. Otherwise, good luck crossing that bridge with the updraft! Your cattle will be well-watered! (Was this a replacement for another tank that leaked - or an additional one?)

Off to do some ffuts. We are supposed to meet with some friends for a late lunch, so will be back later. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all!
27/Sep/10 2:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, Julie, I haven't gotten the second metal tank yet. This one is a replacement for another leaky tank... this one to be shared by the horses and a different cow pasture. Maybe I'll pick it up tomorrow or the next day.
27/Sep/10 3:05 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
June , have a wonderful holiday and I hope you come back refreshed and happy.
Viv, sorry you had to leave the play,but proud that you will not give up John and the cafe.I'm sure the solidarity we all feel here will help you.
Many people here have said it before and I must agree too, that having other women to talk to is great therapy.We all have jobs,family and commitments,know a little about each other and can understand.No one here is rude or judgmental.
Tami...I understand your plight too.Women are so strong, but it would be nice to lean on someone every now and then.
27/Sep/10 5:06 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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The longer I sit at the computer the worse the sciatica gets.(Thanks for the correct spelling Julie).Adjusting the chair hasn't made any difference.
Off to an optometrist with Greg after lunch,a dietitian and podiatrist in a few weeks ,all for the diabetes.This getting older is not only expensive but painful.
Now I had better get back into a wound management assignment before getting on-line at 8.30am.
Catch you later.
27/Sep/10 5:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nola, I understand what you mean about getting old. It hasn't happened to me yet but I am dealing with it with my parents. My brother and I started to clean out there garage today and I brought a bunch of stuff to my house for the garage sale next week. My dad was arguing about some of his power tools. My brother was keeping them. I told my dad that he is not going to be using them anymore and any repairs needed would be made by me, my hubby or my brother. My dad's hands are shaky and the thought of him holding a drill or saw is scary. He is still able to drive and so is my mom.
27/Sep/10 6:04 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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About the scabies vaccine, I will have to check with my sister. I checked the internet and it says there is no vaccine, but I thought that's what she told me she got. If only I could remember to ask her. She is on holiday for a few days at a canyon further up north, both she and her hubby like to hike.
27/Sep/10 6:47 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Theresa, I have had lots of vaccines mostly for Hep A/B then the flu etc, so that is probably what your sister meant. is sad to hear that your Dad is arguing about the disposal of his things. Usually it is not that he will be using them but the loss of his independence and acceptance that he just cannot do what once came so easy.I have talked to many who have come into Aged Care and they mostly miss all their precious memorabilia that just cannot fit into their small rooms.They feel their life has come down to what is enclosed in 4 walls and things that took them years to gather means little to others. So sad.
27/Sep/10 7:13 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nola, my sister's vaccine wasn't for hep a/b. It was for some kind of skin condition that left the skin dry and scaly and itchy (not psoriasis or eczema). I will have to check with her. Things enter my mind, many of them leave and only a few remain.
27/Sep/10 7:17 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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MizT. Have you ever had a leg ulcer? Since you are a diabetic, I am interested to hear.
27/Sep/10 7:19 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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According to (first husband) MizT can't do anything right, According to Al (and us), she's beautiful and wonderful!

Getting out of controlling marriages is not easy for lots of reasons. You can't change them. The other person is who he or she is. I wish it was as simple as just leaving. The very first step is accepting that you ARE beautiful and wonderful and don't actually deserve this stuff. Many never come to believe that.
27/Sep/10 7:29 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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Nola, working on an assignment with sciatica must be awful! Sending healing hugs (wish I could really do those - wouldn't it be amazing?! Imagine a world where hugs healed pain....)

Tami, I hate the idea of you getting a second job... you hardly seem to stop as it is. I hope you guys are able to work something out that doesn't involve you giving up sleep.

MizT, I shuddered at your 'never let me paint' comment. Mum was not allowed to do anything that fell into the category of 'man's work' so people wouldn't talk about him. You should see what she does now!! In her case leaving might have been fatal, but he died when she was 36 so she got her freedom without having to test that out. Unfortunately it took her another 20 or so years to learn that she is beautiful and wonderful.

27/Sep/10 7:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nola, my dad has always been a pack rat. He never wanted to get rid of anything. It is just overcoming the pack rat mentality. My parents wanted to sell their house a few years ago and buy a smaller place. Then the economy changed so they are staying put. Brother and I are just trying to make the eventual move easier. That, and my brother needs their garage for his jet sky
27/Sep/10 7:54 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Suzy. isn't it a goal you HAVE achieved!! I think so. Thanks for the hugs and yes, it would be marvelous if they healed pain.
Bye again, enjoy your day/night all.
27/Sep/10 8:04 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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Heidi, I think it would take me as long as I could possibly get away with it to get that second tank! I can only imagine how scary it was when the first one flew off the back of the truck, and that's bad enough! How scary must it have been to be there!!!???

27/Sep/10 8:05 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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27/Sep/10 8:09 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - today is one of those days that confirm why I love you people and why I keep coming back here.
Tami and Theresa - we have been going through the same also. Some of you may remember that 2 years ago we sold our business and life looked rosy, as it had for many years up to then, we had ample funds to live the lifestyle we liked and I was heading into a comfortable retirement. Then hubby went into business again - mowing and gardening. Despite the fact that he had a small loyal customer base, we found that due to the ecomonic downturn and the cowboys in the industry, we finally had to close down the business as it was not providing a living at all for us. Things got worse, there were no jobs available - nothing, our money situation worsened and finally we had to go to Centrelink who paid us a pittance and insisted we both look for work. I lost the plot, had to have counselling for months, it has been soooo bad. Anyway on the day Col's Mum died he finally started a job, had to leave instantly but they held it for him luckily. He has now been working for 2 months and whilst we are nowhere near back on our feet and we have to watch our pennies, at least there is money coming into the bank weekly.
We have found it so hard to deal with the fact that we worked hard all our lives, never had a problem finding another job, then suddenly, no-one wants you and you're just a number.
Tami and Theresa - I wish you both luck and hope your situations change soon. And thanks for having the courage that I didn't have - to share with these lovely people.
27/Sep/10 8:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH is home! And only 24 hours after he said he'd be home. Maybe the next time he pulls this I'll change the locks.
27/Sep/10 9:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Equanimous.... There are other ways people get out of a controlling marriage. Remember IH's cousin's daughter Jackie who was married to an abusive, controlling jerk? He finally drove her to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. I always thought that Jackie was a strong woman. IH saw her 3 kids today. They've already forgotten their mother. I know they're young, but that's so sad. Especially since their father has custody, and is not doing anything to help the children remember her.
27/Sep/10 9:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Cyn, thanks for sharing your story. It's hard to almost start over. I thought by the time we got to this age we were supposed to be comfortable. We are holding our own right now, but ........

I dread the fact that at any time the fridge could die, the stove, etc., and then we're really in trouble. I've worked all my life and I still have a few years left to work before I can retire, but everyone wants to hire younger people. What they don't realize is if I like the job I will be there until I retire, whereas younger people are always looking for something bigger and better. Age is not supposed to matter, but it certainly does.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to everyone.
27/Sep/10 9:19 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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Heidi, you had mentioned that before and I had forgotten. So very very very sad....
27/Sep/10 9:44 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thanks Theresa - sounds like we're living in parallel universes. My greatest fear also is having to replace a large household appliance or, worse still - a car. We're fairly rural here so not much in public transport. Should either of our cars need expensive repairs, I would be a prisoner at home because hubby needs to get to work and since he starts between 4-5am, I don't relish driving him to work. Also he takes whatever overtime he can so often he's not home until 5pm and dead on his feet -although younger than me, he's still no spring chicken. And as far as anyone being prepared to hire me, that's laughable at my age despite the fact that I could run rings around many younger people.
Oh, where's the chocolate!!
27/Sep/10 9:58 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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Demi Moore will be in Melbourne on Monday - any of your Melburnians planning on trying for a celebrity encounter? lol
27/Sep/10 9:59 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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Damn you Cyn! Why'd you have to mention the C word!!!!
27/Sep/10 10:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That does sound therapeutic, and tasty.
27/Sep/10 10:03 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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And of course I have none in the house!
27/Sep/10 10:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I set up a second nest box for the Budgies and there's a female interested in each. I'm not sure who their mates are. I'll need to watch them more.
27/Sep/10 10:05 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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Now here's some research that we would wish was finished yesterday! Of a year ago! Or known all along!!!
27/Sep/10 10:40 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Interesting Suzy - I do hope something positive in cancer treatment comes of it. You often hear of research that should help cancer, alzheimers etc - and then - nothing. Where does it go? Or does further research find that it won't/can't work?
This is from someone who is anxiously waiting on help for alzheimers before it strikes me - and it will with my genes and my luck.
27/Sep/10 10:56 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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OK chocolate all round - and for those who'd prefer something different -

Oh, and we need a drinkie or ten -

Oops - forgot the barbecue, the pav and the lamingtons -

Forget your troubles, it's party time, enjoy!!!!!
27/Sep/10 11:02 AM
   Equanimous  From Well, it's a goal
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Research takes soooooo long Cyn! They can test that one on me if they want...
27/Sep/10 11:02 AM
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