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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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wear is every body.
29/Sep/10 9:29 AM
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I'm thinking with the long weekend I should pitch a tent, drink some rum, light a fire and dance naked around it, what do you think.
29/Sep/10 9:39 AM
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FOR SALE. One slightly used teenager! Not much help with daily chores, but knowledge is great - they know EVERYTHING!!!
29/Sep/10 9:40 AM
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To hear your voice, to see you smile,
To sit and talk to you a while.
To be together in the same old way,
Would be my dearest wish today.
29/Sep/10 9:42 AM
Small Town Canada
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eaa - your weekend sounds perfect. No thanks to the teenager ... been there, done that, definitely don't want to do it again.
29/Sep/10 9:43 AM
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Well that me done and dusted.
catchya later alligator.
29/Sep/10 9:43 AM
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Hi Theresa, sorry i can't natter now, got thing to do .
29/Sep/10 9:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Here, you're supposed to call 911 if you have car problems on a major highway. They send the proper help, usually a wrecker. Too many people have been killed by trying to change a tire at night on a busy interstate, and passing cars don't see them. Plus here in Kentucky, people aren't required to carry flares or reflective triangles.
29/Sep/10 9:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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eaa. Another quickie again, I see.
29/Sep/10 9:49 AM
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A big NO on the teenager eaa! Got 2 and that's more than enough.
Heidi, I stripped a tyre on a freeway in LA and decided to drive on my rim until I got to a place I could stop with relative safety. The girls were with me (Ebob was 3 yo, Ally was 5 weeks old) It's scary stuff and that was in the day time. I used one of the emergency phones on the side of the freeway and they called AAA for me. Back then they even had tow trucks cruising the freeways during peak hours to get cars off the road. I bet with budget cuts they're gone now.
29/Sep/10 9:52 AM
Small Town Canada
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I think my SIL might have solved my computer problems (I paid him in cookies). There was a problem with my browser and he switched to a different browser if that makes sense. I really don't know enough about computers.
Now there are black squares around all the comments. It also doesn't say the word "more" under people's comments, it shows all of them. It's also a lot faster.
Ah, I breathe a sigh of relief.
29/Sep/10 9:57 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I had to laugh at your Anzac Biscuit recipe. It looked like all the measurements were converted for us topsiders but one was still in grams. I actually do know how to convert but LOL.
I have really enjoyed the jokes today. The laugh did me good. I also once pulled over on the side of a highway to change a tire, which I know how to do. Pulled over, emptied trunk of stroller and other junk to get to tire. Got car jacked up when two cars pulled over in front of me. A guy jumped out of each, took over and changed it very quickly. They would not accept money, only a thank you. Mitchell, 2 at the time, slept through the whole thing.
29/Sep/10 10:02 AM
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I didn't convert anything Tami! It's all in metric!!
I've been going to go and do ffuts about 5 times so far. ENOUGH. Go do it Suzy!!!!!
29/Sep/10 10:05 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Blond jokes courtesy of Mitchell.
What does a blond see in a box of Cheerios? Donut seeds.
Why did the blond climb a glass wall? To see the other side.
What do you call a blond who dyes her hair? Artificial intelligence.
A blond and a brunette jump out of a burning building, who will land first? The brunette, the blond will have to ask for directions.
29/Sep/10 10:06 AM
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Gail lives in Cockatoo and has the sulphur crested variety fly over sometimes.
29/Sep/10 10:07 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Every measurement is cups or spoons except for one. It looks like you converted them all.
29/Sep/10 10:07 AM
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Nope, all metric, 250ml cups etc.... Our spoons are different sizes too.
29/Sep/10 10:08 AM
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Great SIL - I'd bake him cookies for that.
Ally was watching TV and working on a project - even though I have been asking and asking her to clean her room. I snuck in while she was distracted and tried to get the worst of it done. She caught me and threw a tandy!! Oh well, I'll try again the next time she gets distracted, or I might....
I think it's my turn....
29/Sep/10 10:49 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Suzy, I wouldn't bother to clean her room. If she won't do it then maybe you won't wash or iron her clothes or vacuum the floors etc. Perhaps you might even be too busy to take her to rehearsals or judo etc. I bet the room gets tidied up really quickly then.
I never go near the boys rooms. If they want to live like pigs thats ok by me.
Shauns room is clean and tidy but James room looks like a bomb dropped. Fortunately his room is right at the end of the hallway and you only need to pass it if you are going to the toilet. I use our ensuite so I don't go past.
He leaves his clean washing in the basket it was brought up in. He does throw his dirty clothes in his laundry hamper. His bed is never made - unless I've washed the sheets and helped him remake it. He has even been known to sleep on the mattress protector! Lazy little B!
He does wash his own clothes and every now and then I leave the vacuum cleaner in his room as a reminder.
29/Sep/10 11:18 AM
Small Town Canada
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Well, it looks like we have an addition to our cat family. I mentioned before about the two strays outside (Splotch and Sweetie) who are very friendly. Well, yesterday I took Splotch in to see how he would do with our gang and if he would use the litter box. So far so good, except he doesn't like the other cats yet and growls at them. He is a sweet little fellow who is very timid. Tomorrow I will phone the vet and start the process for his shots, and then the "nip and tuck". He is all black short-hair except for a bit of white on the neck and another bit of white on his tummy between his hind legs.
I think my daughter is going to take Sweetie in. They have tried and he has been to the vet for his shots (he was already neutered). But he wants out all the time. The first time they didn't let him out he tinkled on their couch. So he spends a lot of time outside now. Hopefully when winter comes he will want to spend more time inside.
29/Sep/10 11:30 AM
Perth W Aust
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Suzy, I wouldn't bother either, cleaning D2 room. Her choice to occupy a pigsty!
Victoria, my S2 is like that, sleeps in an unmade made!
Every once in a while I would grrrr at the unmade bed, unvacuumed/undusted room.
We came home from the weekend, no son, but a clean and tidy bedroom, I had to sit down very quickly before I fainted!!!
Speaking of Son, haven't seen him since Friday Morning.
29/Sep/10 11:50 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Actually we are about to institute new rules at our house. Since we all work then we all need to help with the general cleaning. I'm about to sit them all down and discuss whether we spend time every Saturday and do a general clean e.g. living areas/kitchen/bathrooms etc.
A friend of mine does that with her sons. The youngest is in charge of cleaning the toilets.
I'll let you know if it actually happens!
29/Sep/10 12:27 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Rolanda, your S2 sounds like my S2- of course they are the same age. S2 went out on Saturday morning to "Parklife" a concert in the botanical gardens. As he left he said I'll see you....maybe tomorrow. I think it was about 10pm Sunday he arrived home.
I haven't seen him since as he is working all sorts of strange hours. Started at 6am yesterday, home around lunchtime and then back to work at 5pm. I don't know what time he got home - S1 thinks around 4am. They are demolishing a block wall in a shopping centre and can't work while the shops are open.
I imagine that his pay for this week and last week will be quite impressive - for an apprentice that is.
29/Sep/10 12:33 PM
Perth W Aust
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My Friend Sue, in the household where she grew up, her Mum had that in place.
Saturday Mornings : One week it was the living areas, the next week it was the bedrooms. Then they would all sit down and watch the midday movie on TV while eating lunch. Worked for them.
29/Sep/10 12:36 PM
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As I sit on the 11th. floor of our hotel in Waikiki looking out over the board riders in the surf.........................
We did lots of looking at shops yesterday and a bus tour right around the Island today. We get on the ship tomorrow afternoon. I had said I would get some sandals for the Grandsons and that was a major undertaking. Mainly just tourist shops around here. I have not read any posts so hope everything is OK with all my friends. Hugs to you all.
29/Sep/10 12:36 PM
Perth W Aust
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I have been on the MSN with the boy this morn, he assures me he is home today/tonight and will be eating and sleeping...
He is at work today.
But then yesterday, he said he was home for dinner; got the phone call around 4.00pm to say, plans change, not home for dinner, but I will be home to sleep.... He was not home to sleep.
29/Sep/10 12:39 PM
Perth W Aust
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June, green eyed monster here !!!
Have a great time...... aloha
29/Sep/10 12:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Aloha, June. I wish I could join you.
29/Sep/10 12:59 PM
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It would be wonderful if we could all be here together.
29/Sep/10 1:14 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The collies are REALLY happy. They just got the juices from the corned beef added to their suppers.
29/Sep/10 1:39 PM
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In spite of the best attentions, I am only now (10:47 p.m.) getting here to read and post. I hope each of you has had/is having a wonderful day! I can't believe I'm still 4 pages behind!
Suzy, I hope your hubby is feeling better and you completely avoid whatever Ally shared! I need to add my 2-cents about Ebob's room. Seems it might be a bit early to do too many changes! She may have given up on the family for the time being, but you don't want her to feel that you have given up on her. If Three's mother is as bad as he represented, I can't imagine Ebob willingly staying there for very long.
Tami, it sounds like you are making headway on sorting through accumulations! You're welcome here, as it sounds like you have a system that is working! Continued good luck, both at your house and Bobbi & Bernie's!
Vicki, Rolanda, CynB, Suzy, Judy, and anyone else with aging parents - my heart goes out to all of you. What you are all going through is faced by the majority of people with aging parents. Unfortunately, there's pretty much only 1 way that things get better. I can't imagine what it must be like to find yourself unable to hear most of what is being said, unable to see most of what goes on around you, unable to remember how to do things, and just plain being angry that many of your friends are gone - and you really have little or NO control over anything happening to you. Fortunately, some parents deal with it much better than others! If not, it's extremely difficult to be the adult child. I remember hearing a psychologist once say that teenagers start making it so hard to love them and live with them as they are preparing to leave the nest. It just occurred to me that the same thing might be said for older adults as they begin to realize that they are entering their twilight years. (I'm so sorry that was so long and rambling. I just couldn't think of a way to explain what I was thinking.)
29/Sep/10 2:01 PM
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I'm so glad that Ally is now talking and you are listening, Suzy! That should help a bunch! Just wondering . . . how did the carpet cleaning go?
Broni, great idea for everyone to tell a joke! I'm reading them now. Thank you, thank you to all who contributed the jokes! What great reading they made!
Suzy, thanks for the recipe for Anzac biscuits - and for the explanations for those of us in the US who might not understand!
29/Sep/10 2:38 PM
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Afternoon all!
I started to feel a little nauseous so decided to lie down for a while to see if I could nip it in the bud. I woke up nearly 4 hours later (in the middle of the day!!!) and so far so good, though I can still sense that all is not good.
I have put up with Ally's room, and Dana's too before hers, for a long time now. I have not been able to get in to vacuum or wash windows and decided that enough is enough! She has been told that if it isn't done when she leaves that I will be doing it while she's gone. She will hate that so hopefully I've finally found the threat that works. She's worn dirty clothes, she's lost precious stuff (including homework), she has gone weeks without TV or computer... nothing seems to work.
29/Sep/10 3:50 PM
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Tami, tell Mitchell I love his jokes!
June, if we win a gazillion dollars in lotto we could do a mass cruise booking. Wouldn't that be wonderful??!!
Victoria, I worked with a guy in the States who had that sort of system, except it was Thursday nights. Nobody was allowed to make plans, they all cleaned the house together. I think they had 'usual' jobs to make it go smoother, but back then I didn't have any kids at all so didn't ask for details - don't I wish I had now!
29/Sep/10 3:55 PM
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Oh, my, I just read the first sentence of my first post above. It should say, "In spite of my best INTENTIONS . . ." Apparently, I am more tired than I think!
Greetings to all who have commented on page 369! Hi, eaa, Theresa, Heidi, Suzy, Tami, Victoria, Rolanda, and June! Hi and a big Thank-You to all who posted jokes on the previous pages! Great fun!
eaa, thank you for your words of wisdom!
Theresa, good for your SIL! How great if he has been able to solve your computer problems - for the cost of some home-made cookies!
Oh, no, Suzy, now YOU have the virus that Ally brought home? I hope you and hubby are soon feeling better!
Theresa, good luck with Splotch and Sweetie and their conversion to "pet" cats!
Aloha, June, and Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful holiday! June, we'd love to be on your trip with you!
Heidi, sounds like the dogs enjoyed their dinner tonight! I must head to bed - nearly 1 a.m. here! Sending positive vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
to everyone and your family members! Good Night, and I'll see you tomorrow!
29/Sep/10 3:58 PM
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If you were eaa Julie we'd be sure you did it on purpose. But since it was you I knew it was a 'fast typing typo'...
29/Sep/10 4:34 PM
qld, australia
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Well I am back and thinking of you all.
Heidi, do you realise that everyone will be sending you jokes by email careful what you wish for hehe!
Julie, did not even see you typo, that is how much in tune we all are.
Zusy, you actually saw it???? The sleep must have helped.
June, safe travels and enjoy yourself, you and Ken derserve a happy time.
29/Sep/10 5:04 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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hi folks.
Still haven't done any reading.
Hope to catch up soon...
29/Sep/10 5:38 PM
Stevenage UK
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My son's room sounds like those represented here. I can stand it so long, but when the rubbish starts spilling out the door I have to pass to get to my room I will try to sort it out. He is never happy if he catches me doing it. A couple of years back he went to New York for a long weekend, so I decided to blitz his room. Scattered around his room, under his bed, even under his mattress I found loose change. In total I found over £50. What I should have done was kept it, he would never have known, but I put it into his bank for him. Every so often now he does his room out without me saying anything but not as often as he should.
29/Sep/10 6:02 PM
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We went and had a nice dinner. Imagine over 20 of us turning up at place and asking if they could fit us in? A couple could not but we found this great cook yourself BBQ and it was all great fun. No more meals to worry about now until we get home. We will have them on the ship. A lovely balmy night with people walking the streets until midnight. We will be off to bed soon. Still catching up after the long flight on Monday.
29/Sep/10 6:19 PM
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