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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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A busy day. No camment about Suzy's photo. There should be a face with it. Happy birthday to 'D' Suzy.
18/Oct/10 6:26 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Vicki - had a 'knowing' smile when I read your MIL story - been through similar, not with my MIL who never demanded anything, but with my own Mum.
On the weekend my cousin and her hubby came up from Sydney to visit her elderly Mum, my Aunty Rose, who I seldom see. Rose herself organised for them to bring her across town to visit us at my sister's place. Arrived there, saw my cousin and asked where her Mother was (get this!!) - 'Oh, she wouldn't come once she realised we had to drive over the Gateway Bridge'. Anyway we got to have a nice visit with cousin Liz. It was disappointing though but typical of an elderly person.
18/Oct/10 6:28 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Well, Hayley has gone, Chloe has been delivered to us, now just waiting for Andrew to collect Emily.
The girls were good enough, but there's always someone in your face wanting something - it tires me out!
18/Oct/10 6:30 PM
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Three broke Ebob's nose - again
18/Oct/10 8:11 PM
Stevenage UK
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Mr.Suzy hope you had a good day.
Oh no Suzy, what happened this time with three and Ebob?
18/Oct/10 8:54 PM
Stevenage UK
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June sounds like a wonderful holiday, but you haven't had time to relax since you got back.
Broni and Gail, it sounds like you are having a good time, I don't know who said it but I too sympathise with Mr. Gail I bet his ears are sore with all the chatter going on.
18/Oct/10 8:58 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Suzy!............. Should one even ask?
18/Oct/10 9:00 PM
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The first time they were "messing around with friends" and she ended up with a broken nose. This time they were "messing around with" Three's niece. Her nose is bent over to the right. So far she is refusing to go to the doctor and my mother is refusing to believe there was any messing around, just messing with. I'm just plain mad!
18/Oct/10 9:11 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, it won't be easy but get her to a doctor. I am inclined to side with your mother on this one. Once might be an accident, but twice?? Wish your hubby a belated happy birthday for me.
Gail/Broni, glad you are both having so much fun together. Saw a pic on the other page and looks like a good time was had by all.
June, glad the cruise was good. Sounds like you had a great time and of course you would win at a sudoku contest. We don't expect anything less.
Heidi, "enjoy" the new washing machine that your IH graciously bought for you. (hope you can read the sarcasm). Can anyone really enjoy a new washing machine?
Cyn, glad you enjoyed the kiddies and yes they are a lot of work. My grandmother used to tell my mom that G-d was wise when he gave children to the young.
Vicki, sorry about the incident with you MIL. Glad things are better now. You can always come in here to vent. We are very good listeners.
18/Oct/10 9:24 PM
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Tami, there is absolutely no way she will allow me to take her anywhere, you should have heard the way she spoke to me tonight! Toad sweat is rated higher. But hubby might be able to get her there..
18/Oct/10 9:45 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, this may sound mean but let her suffer. She will come to her senses eventually. Don't even let hubby take her.
18/Oct/10 9:58 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Anyone want to join me for a morning cup of coffee???
18/Oct/10 10:00 PM
qld, australia
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Goodnight my friends.
{{{{hugs}}}} to all, you know who you are.
18/Oct/10 10:44 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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18/Oct/10 11:09 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, fence repair seems to be a full time job of late. Hope it goes well today, and that temps warm nicely for you, but not too warm. Stay safe, no mishaps today.
Julie, lovely summary yet again, have i said I do enjoy those? You do a good job of reminding me what I already read hehehe. What is with you these days? What time do you get up mornings after staying up till 1 am?
VICKI, so glad your MIL solved her problems herself, yes, she can do a lot when it is required. I see that jealousy and competition for attention between MIL and Mother thing. My daughter tells me about my Ex BIL who has both living with him, and if either one thinks one gets more than the other, be it attention, food, gifts, flowers, new plants for their patio, anything they voice their objections long and loud. They are constantly in competition like children. Hope this leads to more independance for your MIL, but I will not hold my breath
JUNE, no way could I sleep in the house that has been invaded by ANY snake, I would have been sitting in the middle of the bed with all the lights on, looking for it's mate or it's offspring! Did I ever say I am really scared of snakes?
ROLANDA have a lovely time while away in the caravan. I do hope your weather cooperates.
SUZY, love your haircut, looks so easy to care for. Is this after you came home and washed it and did it yourself? Would have loved to see the rest of your face in your photo, you know.
BRONI, hope you are continuing to enjoy your visit with Gail and family.
CYNB, how lovely you will get to meat the beanie baby when she is up your way. I am so envious of all the meetings, wish I could meet you all. You will have to enjoy it all the more so you can share with us who cannot manage meetings.
TAMI, happy you are safely home and had an enjoyable time with the beastie boys and the mouse. Have you ever taken them to Disney world before? Were you only the one day in Disney?
Time for breakfast here. I am thinking of making muffins, house is cool, having the oven on would feel good. Our Temps are getting coolish at nights but daytime is warming up nicely, 45 up to 80 (7 to 26C)
Everyone, I am wishing you a great day or night, and sending hugs with extras. Till later.
19/Oct/10 1:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... I agree with Tami wholeheartedly. LET HER SUFFER! Don't let hubby help her either. Ever hear of Tough Love?
I also agree with the suspicion about it being an "accident". Once, yes. Twice??? And why didn't Three's wonderful mother take Ebob to a doctor?
19/Oct/10 1:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizTricia.... It's always the same section of fence, too!
19/Oct/10 1:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Don't we get topsiders here during the day? Or does everyone have a life?
19/Oct/10 5:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Nothing got done today. Robert overslept and didn't call in until 3 pm. I marked off the new patio and sidewalk with George (who's delighted that IH's goats aren't bothering him any more) and he'll give me an estimate in a day or two. IH left for the plant very early this morning and wasn't supposed to return 'til tomorrow night, but will be back here in an hour instead.
19/Oct/10 8:21 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Howdy all.
Broni will be going over to her brother's place today (taking my car) and staying overnight. We have studied the maps several times...hope she doesn't get lost...
19/Oct/10 8:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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If she can navigate at sea, she should be able to keep on course, Gail.
19/Oct/10 8:50 AM
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Good mAen everyone. I have downloaded 3 photos that I took last Thursday in Park City, Utah. They were taken on the side of the road. I hope you enjoy them.
I made beef chili in the crock pot and the whole house smells yummy!
I hope everyone is doing well. Things here are fine. Darrell is working graveyard shift, so he is sleeping now. That's all for now, take care & hugs to those who need them. TTFN
19/Oct/10 9:42 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Good morning all. It's very quiet here at work. The phone hasn't even rung this morning and the fax machine has gone into hibernation. More time for me to play!
Suzy, it's very strange about Ebob's nose. If she's old enough to leave home then she's old enough to get herself to the doctor/hospital to get it fixed (or get three's mother to organise it for her). Kids (big sigh) who'd have 'em (even bigger sigh).
19/Oct/10 10:52 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Cyn, enjoy your day with Chloe!! At least you can give her back at the end of the day.
I cooked dinner on Sunday night and after everyone disappeared to their beds, I cleaned up the dishes (dishwasher is not yet replaced). I had just finished the last of the dishes and emptied the sink when #1 comes out of his room bearing his dirty plate and cutlery. He plonked it on the bench and left. I rinsed it off and left it in the sink. Not happy Jan!
Last night hubby washed and I wiped. Why did I have children - they just create work and never help. I still haven't got around to organising a day a week to get stuck into the housework - I've been too busy with everything else.
19/Oct/10 10:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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My dogs LOVE to help with the dishes. Every one of them wants the privilege of rinsing bits off the plates.
19/Oct/10 11:03 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, I am only about 3.5 hours from Disney and we have been there many times. This was the first trip in about 3 or 4 years as we got a little tired of it. We all had a great time and really needed the break.
Heidi, I can't access this site from school. They have a firewall blocking sites so the kids can't access them. I know how to get around the firewall but I won't do it. I like causing trouble but not the type that can cost me my job. I learned how to get around the firewall so that I can check on the kids easier. I try to stay a step ahead of them.
19/Oct/10 11:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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WHAT do you hate, Suzy????
19/Oct/10 12:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Found out who did the burglary. One of the things they stole was an old ship's bell that had been in the family for a long time. Cousin Don called the scrapyards, and the one closest to us had it. The thief had smashed it to bits, and sold it for scrap metal, but they left their name and address with the scrapyard. They had also mentioned a number of other items to the scrapyard owner they'd stolen that they were selling. About now, I wish they practiced medieval tortures in jails.
19/Oct/10 12:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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What happened to Suzie's post?
19/Oct/10 12:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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OH...... I must have clicked on page 395 instead of 396.
19/Oct/10 12:14 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Maybe it's my upset tummy affecting my brain. I'm trying not to
19/Oct/10 12:16 PM
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Hi, Everyone! It's only 8:15 p.m. here, so I'm doing better tonight! I hope each of you is having/has had a great day!
Hi, June, CynB, Suzy, Brenda, Tami, Broni, Gail, MizTricia, Heidi, Suzanne, and Vicki, and anyone I've missed!
June, I hope you are getting a chance to relax a bit! (I know, you said it would be a busy day today.) How are things going with your friend? We've kept the prayers going while you were away.
Cyn, how disappointing that you weren't able to see and visit with your Aunty Rose, but at least you had a nice visit with your cousin Liz! Do you know why your Aunt didn't want to cross the bridge?
Cyn, I hope the day was quieter with only 1 grandie! I know they can wear you out, and ours do too, when we get a chance to see them (every couple of months or so). I sometimes think I wish it were more often, then realize how much time you and Theresa spend with yours - and how exhausting it can be.
Tami, your grandmother was clever to share this with your Mom! It's best to have children when you're young!
Oh, Suzy, what can we say? It must break your heart when she treats you that way. Of course, you want her to get the medical treatment she needs, yet there's much to be said for tough love. Does she have a friend she will listen to who might be able to bring up the subject of abuse? Twice in a month or so certainly does look suspicious. If she is attending school, perhaps the school nurse could make contact and make a referral to a counselor. In the US (well, at least in Illinois), if abuse of any kind is suspected, teachers/school authorities are required by law to report it.
Suzy, I hope Mr. Suzy's birthday was a good one!
Gail and Broni, those of us who aren't able to join you are green with envy. It sounds like you're having a wonderful time!
Brenda, I bet Mr. Gail is enjoying the visit as well.
MizT, muffins for breakfast sound good - and baking them to warm up the house a bit is a great idea! (Don't worry about me getting enough sleep, MizT. On the mornings when I go to the early water aerobics, I usually get up around 7:30. Other mornings I might sleep until somewhere between 8 and 9 a.m.)
Heidi, I'm sorry you and Robert didn't get to re-repair the fence today. Perhaps you can get to it tomorrow. At least you and George were able to mark/measure for the new patio and sidewalk! And just think, isn't your new washing machine due to be delivered tomorrow? Such excitement! (BTW, I sometimes get here during the day, but not on any kind of predictable schedule.)
Gail, I'm sure Broni was able to find her brother's place and will have a wonderful visit and over-night at his place! How sweet of you to loan her your car!
Suzanne, hope you have a great day! I'll try to get to your page in a bit to check out your photos!
Vicki, I'm glad you're having a quiet day at work! That way you have time to visit us here!
Heidi, what a shame that the thieves had destroyed the bell! How nice that they left
19/Oct/10 12:54 PM
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Here's the rest of that comment:
Heidi, what a shame that the thieves had destroyed the bell! How nice that they left their names and address with the scrapyard owner. Hopefully some justice can be achieved in your county. I somehow doubt that you can convince anyone to use the medieval torture, though.
I'm off to check email, but should be back later. {{{HUGS}}} to all of you!
Heidi, I hope your tummy will soon feel better! (Very appropriate smilie, though!)
19/Oct/10 12:55 PM
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Tami, we used to be 15 minutes from the other one of those. We had annual passes which was wonderful.
Vicki, I know what you hate! Rolanda and I hate them too! We love them and nobody else better hate them or hurt them though.
Not having a very productive day. Thinking about what I should get done though.
19/Oct/10 1:08 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good evening friends. Heidi, I should have been here this afternoon, butsomething came up and I lost one of my stay at home days. I hate when that happens!
SUZY, I too was wondering if the school might be able to get Ebob to the doctor and perhaps to counseling. Here in Alabama too, schools must report suspected abuse. I do hope such is so in Oz. Hang in there Mom, we know you are hurting. we are here if you need to vent, come and rant on.
CYN, how are you doing with the one grandchild today? My grandchildren are about 15 hours away, so I saw them seldom. I missed them growing up, but at my age and health now, no way I could care for them. Well, none but the youngest needs " caring for", but you know what I mean.
Hugs to all and i will check in tomorrow. Cross fingers that we get to stay home tomorrow, I am really tired.
19/Oct/10 1:33 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Only an hour or two and peace will reign here again. It is exhausting and I really can't explain exactly why. But she has been good.
19/Oct/10 4:06 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie - the bridge my aunt wouldn't come across is on the main Motorway through Brisbane. It is busy and 4 lanes each way - when roadworks are finished in the next year or so, it will be 6 lanes each way. But it's not as if she was doing the driving anyway. She was just being cantankerous.
19/Oct/10 4:10 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Re the broken nose - tough love sounds great until it's your own child. Isn't that true, Suzy?
19/Oct/10 4:13 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Just popping back in for a minute, then off to bed.
Suzy, sending lots of
, positive vibes and {{{{HUGS}}}}! I hope you understand that we are all hurting with you and trying to find words that might help you deal with what is going on. None of us knows for sure what we would do in your shoes. We're here to hear your thoughts and offer you support! Hang in there, Sweetie!
MizT, so sorry your day at home turned into a day of running errands or whatever dragged you away. Hopefully you will have a quiet and maybe even restful stay-at-home day tomorrow! {{{{HUGS}}}}
Cyn, hang in there! As you said, just a couple more hours! Your grandies are so lucky to have you in their lives! Think of the memories you are making!
It's past midnight here. It must be time for Heidi to feed the dogs and get to bed, as well! I suspect most of the other topsiders are sleeping. Good Night from here! Good Evening, DUGs! Enjoy the rest of your day!
19/Oct/10 4:26 PM
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{{{{HUGS}}}}, positive vibes and prayers for all!
19/Oct/10 4:27 PM
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