Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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We had a visiting team at our bowling club today so I have been bowling. We had a reasonable game and we won on our green. Sorry I have not had time to be on the computer much to tell about the holiday.
17/Oct/10 7:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi June!
Do you ever wish you hadn't retired so you wouldn't be so busy? We'll wait patiently...
17/Oct/10 7:59 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wow June, that is the only way I like my snakes!
17/Oct/10 8:00 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Trying to shake the cobwebs out of my brain this a.m. Just poured the 2nd cuppa coffee. Cool & cloudy today. I DID take photos in Park City. My camera is right next to my laptop. I will download them after my shower this morning.
I missed 2 pages AGAIN!!! I try not to miss anything, but I've been trying to get my Mary Kay business back on track. SLOW summer, 3 re-orders since June! Hoping the holiday season will help. I also think a lot of my issues with the business is this stupid recession here in the states, I try to give discounts to my clients to help them out.
Will try to come back later.
Hello to Broni, Gail (have a great time together!)Heidi, MizT, June, Suzy, Rolanda,Julie,and anyone else I missed! TTFN
18/Oct/10 1:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June.... I love animals (except goats) but not when they invade our territory and threaten us. Your daughter must have freaked to find that snake.

REMEMBER THAT QUOTE, everyone!!! "You can kill them if they pose a threat!!!" The same thing applies to goats on a dangerous curve of a road.
18/Oct/10 2:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to get dressed (I know... it's nearly noon) and go buy a new washing machine. Mine has been acting up for weeks, and last night it gave up the ghost with a loud . IH was standing next to it when it happened and immediately told me to get a new one, and put it on the credit card. Which means I pay for it, since I pay the credit card bill. He's SO generous.
18/Oct/10 2:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll be back soon, the proud owner of a new washing machine. I'm also getting some spray marker to mark off the new patio for George to start work on that.
18/Oct/10 4:18 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
It's not quite 5am which actually qualifies as the middle of the night! Aaaaah!

Heidi, I need one while you're there too. I'm babying mine along at the moment.
18/Oct/10 4:59 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Morning all. A quick summary of our holiday. Two days in Waikiki. A bus trip around the Island and shopping etc. Then 6 days at sea. Smooth seas and warm weather. I spent time just looking over the rail at the deep blue water and lots of small flying fish. Very relaxing. Four days sight seeing four of the Islands around Tahiti. Fantastic scenery and beautiful colours of the water. I even stroked a sting ray. Does anyone remember the movie "South Pacific"? Bali'hi was the Island Moorea which we visited.
It was then another 6 days sailing to Sydney. The last few days the weather got rough. A few of our group were sea sick but we were both OK. There was lots to do on the ship. Games, talks, films, variety shows, dancing etc etc. Wonderful food. There was a sudoku puzzle each day and even a 'sudoku challenge' where you were given two very easy puzzles and first to finish got a 'gold medal' The contest was all over in about 10 minutes. From giving out the papers to giving me the 'gold' medal.
18/Oct/10 5:12 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It is amazing just how big the Pacific Ocean is. We did not see another ship while we were at sea and at times we had 5-7 kilometers of water underneath us. We never saw land on the first 6 days and just a few Islands on the last 6 days. It may be a while till I get some photos up on my page.
18/Oct/10 5:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The new washing machine will be delivered on Tuesday morning. I don't know if that's good or bad. It means that I'll have to do laundry again.
18/Oct/10 7:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, it might be much easier with a new washing machine. I do not mind the washing, it is the ironing that I procrastinate over getting done.
18/Oct/10 7:50 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.

♪♫♪ Happy Birthday to Mr Suzy
18/Oct/10 10:05 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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June.. your holiday sounds wonderful.
18/Oct/10 10:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mr. Suzy.
18/Oct/10 11:18 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - just calling in quickly without reading, except this page (quickly). I have Hayley and Em here again - it's a pupil-free day today and quite inexplicably, the School Care system (before/after/vacation) doesn't cover these days which leaves working parents scrambling for carers. I offered to take them. And when they go this afternoon, I inherit Chloe for the day tomorrow. I will be exhausted by tomorrow night.
18/Oct/10 11:19 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Evening all. I am safely back home after spending some quality time with a mouse and the beastie boys. Not sure if that qualifies as relaxing or not but....

The trip was great, if short. We went to a water park on Friday and then out to dinner with one of hubby's friends. Saturday we spent the entire day in Disney World and got back to the hotel in time to get to sleep. Had a nice breakfast and then a 3.5 hour drive home. Got home and had to go buy food for the week. Just winding down and getting ready for Monday. Read the posts but will reread tomorrow and see if they make any more sense.
18/Oct/10 11:21 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - welcome back from your cruise - sounds wonderful.
Is it Mr Suzy's birthday - is that who the cake was for? I saw the pic on FB. Happy Birthday Mr Suzy!
It seems I will be meeting our Beanie in a few weeks when she's up here - that's exciting. Looks like they had a great time (and great food )at yesterday's gathering for Broni.
18/Oct/10 11:22 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning All, we just down here.
Great summary June, sounds like a wonderful holiday and relaxing.
18/Oct/10 11:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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New photo on my page
18/Oct/10 1:29 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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There are bits missing from the piccie Suzy.. other than that Noice !!!
18/Oct/10 1:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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The faceless one strikes again!
18/Oct/10 2:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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WHY do you hide your face like that, Suzy???
18/Oct/10 2:20 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Because she is a silly billy Heidi, as you all saw from the photos with Vici last year she is beautiful, just like the rest of us.
18/Oct/10 2:24 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone!

Suzy, your hair looks great. What a shame we didn't get to see your smiling face as well.

Did we just have a weekend? I must have missed the part about not working and relaxing. The only me-time I had was Saturday afternoon when I curled up on the couch and had a sleep. Spent the morning organising food for the working bee at church and yesterday at my mothers.

Of course, today I've had words with MIL. She needs someone (oh, you want Hubby) to come and put the doctors phone number on speed dial on her phone. We'll come when we can get there as we are at work. Her response - I'm always at the bottom of the list. Well that was a red rag to a bull comment and I very nearly hung up on her. I told her that I thought Hubby and I were at the bottom of the list as EVERYONE wants a part of us. The big problem is that she is jealous that hubby came with me to my mothers yesterday. Sorry, the hour each way in the car was about the extent of the time we had together all weekend. I'm still annoyed as you have probably all guessed.
18/Oct/10 2:25 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Vicki, know where you are coming from. Breath, one deep breath in, on deep breath out.
Have justing finished a yummy lunch of all different types of meats and cheeses, tomatoes, pickles, avocado, cucumber, crackers, flat bread, houmus and salad greens all washed down with a scrummy white wine, oh what a life!
18/Oct/10 2:34 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Sorry for the rant - I think I feel better now.

June, I'm glad you had a good trip. Well done on the sudoku win - we'd have been very suprised if you hadn't won.

Tami, I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend. 12 hours at a theme park is a long time. Your poor feet!!

Broni & Gail, I hope you two are behaving yourselves!! Poor Mr Gail!! Fancy having to put up with the mischief and non-stop nattering, giggling etc.

Cyn, I quite like pupil free days - it's so much easier to get to work with out all the mothers dropping their darlings off at school. Yes, I was one of those mothers dropping off her darlings in years gone by and I still appreciated pupil free days.

#2 son said he wouldn't go to school unless I took him there (he was in high school at the time). Only once in 12 years did he have to get himself to school - I had an early day surgery that hubby had to take me to and they had to get themselves to school.
18/Oct/10 2:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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18/Oct/10 3:04 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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MIL rang back and we're friends again. After our phone call she went to the office and they are trying to get her help one day a week. The chemist will package her tablets so she doesn't get confused about what she needs to take. It's amazing what she can accomplish if necessary.
Things will be good for another week or two.
18/Oct/10 3:19 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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am Packed, the House is Clean and Tidy, Washing done/Ironed/Folded and put away..
Time for some lunch, then wait for P to come home from work...
than au revoir till Sunday.
18/Oct/10 3:44 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Victoria (((Hugs)))

With this warm/hot temps, my mum is not coping too well, she was not feeling too great this morning, when I popped in.

Sharing more warm temps with you that are feeling the brrr : current temp is 32C
18/Oct/10 3:47 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, have a great time away. Is this the pre-50 getaway?
It's been a bit cool in Brissie (nice at the moment though) and I've been wearing sweat shirts and ugg boots at night. 11C last night. It's unusually cool for this time of year.
I think we are in for a very wet summer. I'm not expecting to come home from my Christmas holiday with a suntan.
At least we aren't complaining about the heat and humidity.
18/Oct/10 3:58 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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yes pre 50, Party is Sat week.

Victoria Suntan is not what it is cracked up to be..
Trust me I know.. not that I ever sunbaked for a Suntan, but still I do suffer the consequences from Sun exposure.
18/Oct/10 4:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vicki, it is good that your MIL listened and did something for herself. It may be a short break, but at least it happened this time.

Listening to all of you talk about your parents and in-laws has finally made me see a silver lining to my kids growing up with only one grandparent. Well, they had 2 for a while, but only 1 now. And come to think of it, my life did revolve around my FIL for a while when the kids were little. That stopped when I was lifting his wheelchair in and out of the car when I was 5 months pregnant with Ally. Came home and called hubby and said he and his brother were going to have to work it out from then on.
18/Oct/10 4:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, know what you mean! One thing that I didn't think of when I got all of my hair cut off - I have always said the scars on my jaws don't matter because my hair covers it. Well it doesn't now!! Lucky I scar well.
This is funny. Some people search and search and never find their one true love - this guy has 3!!
18/Oct/10 4:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! I hope you've had/are having an amazing day!

Hi, Gail, Broni, Judy, Suzy, June, Suzanne, Heidi, Rolanda, CynB, Tami the T, and Victoria!

How wonderful that the get-together(s) went so well! I can only imagine how exciting it is to meet Sudoku friends in person. I hope all who attended had a wonderful time! Thank you, Gail, Broni and Judy for posting about it!

Suzy, I'm glad spring is returning! Happy Birthday to Mr. Suzy!
Have you posted photos of the "new you" yet?

Welcome home, June!

OMG, June, a poisonous snake in the bedroom! Yikes! If I had to stay there, I'd be finding ways to close up ANY way I could imagine that it got into the house! Yes, I'd say it was a threat! (Why are they protected? Are their numbers dwindling?)

June, congrats on your win at bowls! No apology is needed for any delays in posting information about your holiday! My goodness, you just got back! Are you even completely unpacked! You must have so much to do! We're just glad to have you back and able to post when you have time!

Heidi, RIP your old washing machine! What a generous man IH is to tell you to go buy a new one - with your money! Does that mean you don't have to wash his clothes? What kind of washing machine did you buy? (I've noticed recently that several brands incorporate steam.)

June, thanks for the quick run-down of the highlights of your vacation! It sounds wonderful! Congrats on you Sudoku gold medal!

Tami, I'm glad you're home safely after a whirlwind visit with the mouse!

Vicki, it's awful when you just can't please someone! Can't the doctor's phone number be put on speed dial during the next visit? Does it require a special trip just for that? (Won't her doctor be pleased when he finds out how many more calls he'll be getting?) I'm amazed that the chemist will package your MIL's medications to make it easier and less confusing for her. Pharmacists here wouldn't be so accommodating! When my MIL got to the point when she had trouble keeping track of her medications (she was in assisted living), either we had to arrange her meds. for the week (but she still had access to them and could take them the wrong day or time) or pay someone to set up the meds. and administer them. It was worth the $30 or $35 additional per week for the peace of mind.

Rolanda, enjoy your week away!
18/Oct/10 4:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, I just read your link about the second mistress. They were right when they referred to the first one as being "outspoken!"

Just checked your new photo! Love your new hair style (possibly a bit longer than mine), but I'm having trouble seeing your eyes . . . and, well, the rest of your face too!
18/Oct/10 4:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Vicki, I'm glad you and your MIL were able to work out the problem this time!

Rolanda, have a wonderful week away!

Sending lots of positive vibes and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone! Feel free to take as much as you'd like!

It's nearly 1 a.m., so I must bid you all Good Night!
18/Oct/10 4:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. Busy day tomorrow. MORE fence repair scheduled.
18/Oct/10 4:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hey Rolanda, guess what I hate???
18/Oct/10 5:34 PM
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