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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Ran over the allotted space again. Here is the rest:
I need to ask Mr. Google what Cherry Ripes are. BRB! Ah, here it is: Inside the lovely almost blackish dark chocolate coating is a deliciously moist, Bounty-like coconut mixture generously studded with glace cherries. (This is made by Cadbury.) Rolanda, I think I agree with you; I don't think it would be my choice of a sweet.
And now, I must really head to bed. I hope to see all of you tomorrow! Please share these positive vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}} and
until then! Good Night!
28/Oct/10 5:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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They sound like Mounds bars with cherries. I think I'd get addicted quickly.
28/Oct/10 6:56 PM
Small Town Canada
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Sounds like what we call Cherry Blossoms here.
Morning all. Coffee is ready!
28/Oct/10 7:58 PM
Perth W Aust
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28/Oct/10 8:04 PM
Small Town Canada
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Why do I have a craving for chocolate at this hour in the morning?
28/Oct/10 8:22 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, as much as I love my morning coffee, I could have chocolate with it.
28/Oct/10 9:18 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Julie and Rolanda, thanks for the info on Cherry Ripe bars. I was going to ask what they are. Sounds like something I would like but I think I would prefer a Flake or TimeOut bar.
Julie, no the boys did not go. We found out that none of the kids were going, only adults.
28/Oct/10 9:24 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Coffee is ready and time for me to get dressed. See you all later.
28/Oct/10 9:59 PM
Alabama, USA
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Checking in with my morning coffee. tummy seems back to narmal today, yeah. I have ffuts that I have not attended this week, and today is my only day to do it. the sloshy thing is sloshing, in hopes the weather report is correct. It is sooo humid those towels would not dry hanging out at the moment, but we have a fire weather alert for afternoon, when humidity will be down to 20% and winds up to over 10 mph. that is a big drop from the current 98% drippy wet humidity. IF it drops like that with that breeze, towels will dry in under an hour. If not, then the dryer will be going tonight!!
Rolanda, good solution to the party, hiring a lady to help. I hope that frees you to enjoy the guests.
I think I could eat a Cherry Ripe bar if forced. Someone want to twist my arm? Cadbury makes good stuff.
TAMI, hope today is an easier day for you. I am sure the service yesterday was difficult. Hugs and prayers for all your family.
Well, the sloshy thing is finished, and I know the towels will not dry left in it hehehe, Perhaps I can come back later, Hugs and extras to all.
29/Oct/10 12:23 AM
Alabama, USA
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OH, someone asked yesterday when AL would have chemo again. Actually he is still receiving chemo, one of the drugs is infusing with a pump he wears like a shoulder bag. That comes off tomorrow, then we have a bit over 2 weeks rest, till Monday Nov 15. Again, he will have the pump for 4 days in addition to all the other drugs he gets. so the second round should finish the 19, and give him the week of Thanksgiving off. I am not sure what happens after that, they said they would "take a look" after the 2 rounds and see if the tumor is shrinking. Further plans depend on that.
29/Oct/10 12:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Hmmmm... I want some Cherry Ripe bars,
but all I can find for sale are in cases of 48, with expiration dates of less than 2 months, for $80. It looks like I'm gonna have to go without.
Besides... my tummy is a bit rumbly.
29/Oct/10 12:37 AM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, glad you're feeling better today. Is it possible you passed it on to Heidi? She's looking a little green.
29/Oct/10 2:40 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, the expiration date is unimportant if you put the candy in the freezer. Hope your tummy is better and I am sure I did not pass it on to you. I practice safe typing, hands washed, that sort of thing.
29/Oct/10 3:22 AM
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I'm having a sleep intemission. So here I am. Not that I have anything interesting to say.
29/Oct/10 3:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, those intermissions are contagious or what? So many of us seem to have them lately. Hope you are soon back to sleep, the predawn hours are best viewed through closed eyes.
29/Oct/10 4:05 AM
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Do you think the ringing in my ears will go away if I put in ear plugs?
29/Oct/10 4:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to work cattle. We're vaccinating calves, weaning calves (except the 2 youngest) pregnancy checking cows and sorting out 3 animals to sell off.
29/Oct/10 4:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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No, Suzy.... you'll just get an echo effect then.
29/Oct/10 4:32 AM
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Do you remember the days when you were first married? A young friend from baseball is posting updates about his wife's surgery. She has just had her thyroid removed. They have both posted on fb in he middle of the night. It's so sweet...
29/Oct/10 4:32 AM
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Good Afternoon, Fellow Sudokuaholics! I hope you are all well or feeling better and more rested! Woo Hoo, I'm here before 1 p.m.!
Hi, Heidi, Theresa, Rolanda, Tami, MizTricia, and Suzy! I apologize if I have missed anyone!
I hope the description I found and posted of the Cherry Ripe bars have not caused too much drooling! Luckily, it doesn't sound like they would appeal to me.
Theresa and Tami and sometimes MizT (our northern hemisphere early risers), I hope you all slept well overnight! I think the winds finally calmed somewhat. I also hope you all have a better day today with no quesy tummies or sniffles or sore throats! (I think that covers the symptoms.)
MizT, positive vibes coming your way for you and Al. I hope he feels a bit more like eating today. Thank you for explaining about Al's chemo and pump. Crossing fingers and toes and sending prayers for the chemo to do its work! (If I forget and ask again, I apologize in advance.)
Heidi, with your busy day planned, I hope your tummy is feeling better! I hope all goes smoothly with the vaccinating, weaning and pregnancy checking!
MIzT, I like your comment about practicing "safe typing!"
Suzy, I hope your "sleep intermission" didn't last too long! Too bad the ringing in your ears couldn't be programmed to play a lullaby! I hope it finally went away!
Suzy, did you young friend's wife have her entire thyroid removed? If it was a partial removal, the same thing happened to us - 4 months after we were married, I had to have a partial thyroidectomy.
I have tons of ffuts, including sloshy, going through mail and bills, etc., so will leave for now, but plan to be back later.
29/Oct/10 5:12 AM
Alabama, USA
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The humidity is gone, the towels have blown dry, now for a fast 3 minute tumble to soften them. Hubby complains if they are rough, poor baby hehehe. I am off to make something tempting for lunch, hope it works. He did eat 3 pancakes for breakfast, and I hope he drank his juice.
29/Oct/10 5:30 AM
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Morning all,
My intermission was over fairly quickly. Only 30 minutes or so.
I'm not sure about the thyroid. Though he did say 'if your thyroid is killing you, you have it taken out', so I assumed the whole thing.
I have lot of ffuts too taday, but I'm going to have a cup of coffee first.
29/Oct/10 7:15 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning - off to have a girly shopping/lunching day with a friend today. Hard work but someone's got to do it!
MizT and Al, and Tami and family - big hugs and good vibes in both cases.
Heidi - get Beanie to bring you some Cherry Ripes from Oz.
29/Oct/10 8:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I NEVER want to go through that again. The cows were on their worst behavior. Normally, it takes 2 hours to work the herd, today it took nearly 4 hours. The cows wouldn't go anywhere we wanted them to go, and tore down 2 fences. Not everyone got preg. checked because some jumped out of the small holding pen. One cow jumped through a tiny hole in the working chute, and tore it up, while nearly killing herself. She's now in the big holding pen. She's going to the sale barn tomorrow.
29/Oct/10 9:18 AM
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Spening too much time on the computer is not always a bad thing... e/
29/Oct/10 9:53 AM
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Cherry Ripe Bar yum
29/Oct/10 11:00 AM
Alabama, USA
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It Seems that man had a very fortunate intermission.
29/Oct/10 11:27 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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That guy in Melbourne is very lucky. If it had not been for the computer, he would be playing with the angels. I don't know if I will be here in the morning. Tomorrow is pupil free day and I get to sleep an extra hour. I don't have to get Mitchell to the bus.
29/Oct/10 11:35 AM
Alabama, USA
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Enjoy your extra hour of sleep Tami, you deserve it.
29/Oct/10 11:45 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Thank you Miz T. My thoughts are with you and Al.
29/Oct/10 11:53 AM
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Good maEn everyone! Nice to see vdV here, if only briefly...I remember you said something regarding working on a paper...did you finish it?
Love & hugs to all! Especially MizT & Al, Heidi (try NOT to use the electric cattle prod--hee hee)
Hello to Suzy, CynB, Julie, Theresa, Rolanda, TTT,and anyone I may have missed.
Tigger is doing much better. Wound healing well, but he HATES the medicine.
Listening to the World Series as I type.
We went to SLC today and the car DIED as we were getting ready to leave one shopping area & move to the next. Turned out to be a dead battery...WHY does this stuff (Tigger & the car) happen BEFORE payday??? HMMM???
That's all for now. TTFN all.
29/Oct/10 12:36 PM
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Just happened to read the birthdays.
Happy B-day to GannieMo! Enjoy your day!
29/Oct/10 12:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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IH has gone to the plant... he won't be back until tomorrow night. Tomorrow Robert will help me load up the 4 bovines that we're culling, and I'll take them down to the sale barn. There are 3 cows and a calf that hasn't grown well. I will have to keep more replacement heifers this year.
29/Oct/10 1:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I think every muscle in my body is sore. Pushing and shoving stubborn cattle around is not easy. I'm gonna feed the dogs early and go to bed.
Tomorrow morning I need to put air in some tires (both truck and trailer) before we load up the cows. I'm gonna have a heavy load. Each of the cows weigh about 1200 to 1300 lbs.
29/Oct/10 1:14 PM
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Good luck Heidi, get some good rest!!!
29/Oct/10 2:35 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks, Suzanne. I'm off to bed now, and it's before midnight. Barely.
29/Oct/10 2:44 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Night Heidi, sleep well. Good night to the rest of the topsiders too.
I am about to shower and get to bed myself. We have an early start tomorrow. I HOPE tomorrow will not be a long appointment, just remove the pump and out of there. I am sure Al will be glad to be rid of that poor bed buddy. It is a bit cold and sharp and hard.
Hugs with extras for all, see you tomorrow.
29/Oct/10 3:00 PM
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Checking back in today to see who I might have missed.
Hi, MizTricia, Suzy, CynB, Heidi, vdV, Tami, and Suzanne!
MizT, I'm glad your towels dried. What a great idea - to fluff them for a few minutes in the drier to make them softer! I hope Al enjoyed his lunch. All the best to both of you! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Suzy, I'm glad your sleep intermission was short!
CynB, as you said, someone has to do it! Enjoy your day with your friend shopping and lunching!
Heidi, it's too bad the cows were so misbehaving today and doubled your work. Do you suppose all the wind in the past couple of days had them spooked?
Tami, enjoy your extra hour of sleep! I hope the day goes well!
Suzanne, I'm glad Tigger is doing better! Too bad the car battery died at such an inconvenient time. At least replacing it will probably cost less than Tigger's vet visit. Hang in there!
Heidi, I hope you get a good night's sleep and feel better in the morning! Please drive carefully to the sale barn with the cows and calf!
MizT, I hope tomorrow's appointment goes well (and quickly) for you and Al! (I wondered what it would be like to sleep with the pump.)
Sending positive vibes, prayers,
and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone and anyone you know who could use them. They're great to share! Enjoy the rest of your day/afternoon/evening/night! See you all tomorrow!
29/Oct/10 4:15 PM
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Afternoon all,
Nomnom is going nuts. One of Don's workmates gave him a really big fish today and Don is trying to fillet it. Nomnom thinks it smells like Nomnom food....
29/Oct/10 6:14 PM
Stevenage UK
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So pleased I am not in your house Suzy, Nomnom might be happy with the smell of fish, I would be heaving. I cannot stand the smell of fish, I was ok with until I was pregnant with Elaine.
29/Oct/10 6:22 PM
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