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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Home but exhausted. Got caught in a hail storm on the drive home, small ones thank goodness.
Hubby has gone to see his Mother in hospital but I did not have the energy. About to have a nice shower before hubby back and we have dinner. I have already had a stiff drink. Have to go back again tomorrow.(But without Laura)
27/Oct/10 7:32 PM
Perth W Aust
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Cute Suzy !!!
Sigh, I have to cook for extra person this eve..
twas thinking of making Tuna Morney, only the extra does not eat Tuna
Sigh, so what to make is the Question?
I said Dinner would be ready by 6.30, I have 2 hours to get my act together.
The boy and his friend have Social Hockey Match this eve.
27/Oct/10 7:33 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all.
Suzy .... awwww .... love those pictures!
Heidi, I suggest you buy an electric cattle prod, but not for the cattle.
Trip of a lifetime, Bean. You go girl!!!
Coffee's ready, Tami.
27/Oct/10 8:12 PM
Perth W Aust
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I'll have a cup of Tea thanks Theresa.
27/Oct/10 8:14 PM
Small Town Canada
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Coming right up, Rolanda!
27/Oct/10 8:35 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, thanks. You make good coffee.
Bean, the trip sounds fabulous and I hope there is a way we can meet up.
Suzy, love the pictures but would enjoy seeing one of you today. No one looks like they did when they were 21. I just wish I had my 21 year old body back.
27/Oct/10 9:51 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have an early morning guest. One of my neighbors has to be at work early today so her son, same age as Dylan, came here and we will walk him to his bus stop. His sister is the one that always comes over here for candy.
27/Oct/10 9:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Slept late after yelling at IH as he left at 5 am. It doesn't do any good... he won't learn.... but it relieves a little stress.
There was a tornado yesterday, less than 2 miles from here. I SAID it was windy.
28/Oct/10 4:29 AM
Small Town Canada
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Beautiful sunny autumn day here, 17C. I had a bit of a nap too - the insomnia at night is starting to catch up with me.
28/Oct/10 5:46 AM
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Morning all
Tami, a few weeks back people were posting 80's pictures, though it might have been on the other site. These are mine - with the exception of the one from the 60's and the other from the 70's...
Heidi, according to the news I read there were tornadoes or tornado warnings all over the mid west yesterday. I'm not surprised one came so close. Glad it didn't come any closer!
Theresa, I had a bit of trouble sleeping last night too. I'm up with the birdies this morning so may need one of those naps myself.
28/Oct/10 5:53 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Just calling in briefly before work.It was a warm 28deg here yesterday.Summer is on the way.
Sorry for making name errors and reading messages wrong lately.
Loved the photos Suzy!
I hope you all have a good day/sleep etc.
28/Oct/10 5:55 AM
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Nola, I hope you have a quiet day at work today!
28/Oct/10 6:18 AM
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80's anecdote: I have just read a story about the death of the man who wrote the family law act - the no fault one. It said he survived a kamikaze attack on HMS Australia in 1944 and his house was bombed 40 years later killing his wife. I remember when the family court bombings were happening. When we drove from my friends' in Killara and East Lindfield from another's house in Epping we used to drive past a house belonging to one of the judge's. There was a police officer there at all times. I remember imagining how awful it would be to have to live like that.
28/Oct/10 6:26 AM
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Definitely should have proofread that before posting! Extra 's among other things...
28/Oct/10 6:29 AM
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Here's a fun one for you. A woman/man talking on a mobile phone (?) in 1928... re/
Which leaves the question, even if she was a time traveller, who had the other phone???
28/Oct/10 6:49 AM
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Oh, and what towers were sending the signal
28/Oct/10 6:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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Rain continues here in Alabama, we still have tornado watch but no warnings near. Showers and thunder boomers pass through, making it a good day to laze about.
Still not 100%, mostly weak and achey. I do think this was a big, cause of the fevor. I stayed far from hubby yesterday, he does not need this!
Al's increase of appetite was a one day thing, he did not eat yesterday. Said his stomach just hurt. Of course, he did not take his meds as he should either, cause I did not remind him of them. today is better, he is eating light meals today.
Suzy, I must go and read that article, your comments have me wondering now.
NOLA, glad to see you drop in for a visit, hope your day at work goes well.
Heidi, was there much damage from yesterday's tornado?
Rolanda, what did you make for dinner last night? Unexpected guests who are picky eaters does cause some concern, but I imagine you figured it out.
Thunder getting closer, time to get off the puter for a bit. Hugs to all with extras.
28/Oct/10 7:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just had a pleasant surprise.
The other Red Angus cow that was supposed to calve this Fall just gave birth to a marvelous bull calf! I'll tag him tomorrow when we work the cows and calves.
28/Oct/10 7:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Nobody I've talked to has seen or heard of much damage from the tornado. George suspects that it didn't touch down.
28/Oct/10 7:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've seen that clip before, Suzy. This clip was not from a Chaplin film, it was shot candidly outside the theater before the movie premiere. I've watched closely, and she's talking into something in her hand, but not looking at it. She could be schizophrenic, and talking to herself while holding something next to her face. I like the time traveler idea better.
28/Oct/10 7:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... If they've figured out time travel, they'd have figured out how to talk on cell phones without towers or signals.
28/Oct/10 7:50 AM
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Heidi, she might have been a mad genius - imagining the day when people would talk into their hands...
MizT, sorry to hear Al's apetite has decreased again. Is it a man thing to need reminding to take meds do you think?
28/Oct/10 9:31 AM
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Mean All.
Just a fly by shooting
28/Oct/10 9:55 AM
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28/Oct/10 10:18 AM
Perth W Aust
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morning everyone.
Tricia, the boy is not a fuzzy eater as such, he just doesn't eat Tuna.
I ended up making Chicken and Tomato Risotto with Steamed Veg.
Today, I start on the big 'Five Oh Party', buying Party Food Groceries, tomorrow busy bee my place, cooking, decorating, Saturday whatever is left to do and Party Party Party !!
28/Oct/10 11:27 AM
Perth W Aust
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a flyby shooting hey, sounds like a 'underbelly' episode, gangland related, Cous!!!
28/Oct/10 11:38 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Good morning all!
MizT, sending all my positive thoughts to you and Al. I hope he is feeling ok (and you too!)
Suzy, did you move the ironing to Ebob's room? I moved my ironing into the lounge room last April when we were having visitors and it's still there. Actually some of the clothes that needed to be ironed are still there - summer hasn't really hit yet.
28/Oct/10 12:17 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Rolanda, I hope you get to enjoy the party - not just organise everything.
Hubby's 60th next Tuesday. He was born on Melbourne cup day and his mother won the sweep in the hospital.
We went out for dinner last night after the shopping expedition as an early birthday celebration. Hubby had to attend a work meeting yesterday and they had a birthday cake for him. It's all started and I haven't even thought about what to buy for him. I wonder if the weekend away will be present enough?
28/Oct/10 12:42 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Just a quick stop in before I go to bed. It has been a long day. I went to the memorial service for my niece today and it was not fun. Right now all I want to do is go to sleep. I will be back tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for keeping my family in your thoughts.
28/Oct/10 12:54 PM
Perth W Aust
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Victoria, I have hired a lady who will be doing all the running around.. ie.. heat up the food, serve, clear up, wash up etc etc etc..
She will keep me out of the kitchen.. She charges $35 a hour, min of 4 hours..
So I stay outside and be the Hostess and mingle and enjoy
28/Oct/10 12:55 PM
Perth W Aust
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My Hubby's pressie from me is the Party..
I will however buy him a pkt of Cherry Ripes, and some worksocks.
28/Oct/10 1:01 PM
Perth W Aust
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#2 boy is coming with me later in the Afternoon, and will be Trolley Boy when I go and do the Food Shop, and I will get the 5% discount too.
Boy has a Quiz (Uni Course related) this morning, and will be at the Uni Work for a while before heading home.
He is unable to help tomorrow..
He and his team, have a huge writing assignment to do (for the final year project), due in next Thursday.
28/Oct/10 1:05 PM
Perth W Aust
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Tami, Tricia and Al ♥
28/Oct/10 1:05 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Rolanda, does that mean that #2 son will be let loose on the working world soon? I only have 6 more months to go!!
28/Oct/10 1:49 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Funny you should say that you buy hubby Cherry Ripes because I nearly always give Kevin a mulit pack for his birthday. Great minds....
28/Oct/10 1:51 PM
Perth W Aust
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Not quite yet Victoria..
He has done this semester part time.. he still has Semester 1 2011, than he will graduate mid year.
Peter has already received 3 pkts, plus 3 Cherry Ripe 'Cherry Roll' Bars..
He has no danger from me pinching any, as I really do not care for them
Now if you were to buy me Twirls or Flakes or...
28/Oct/10 2:01 PM
Perth W Aust
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Cheesecake made!
28/Oct/10 3:31 PM
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I feel for #2 Rolanda
28/Oct/10 3:36 PM
Perth W Aust
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Yes, he is like you, dreading it.. unlike #1 who just gets on and does it !!!
28/Oct/10 3:40 PM
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Hello, Good Friends! I just looked at the clock as I sat down at the pooter - nearly 1 a.m. I'll see how far I can get.
Hi, Heidi, Suzy, Victoria, Broni, June, Rolanda, Theresa, Tami, Nola, MizTricia and vdV!
Heidi, I'm so sorry that you had to catch escaped cows at 1:30 a.m. Was IH not at home. I would think if he was at home, he should at least have been out of bed and traipsing around in the dark with you! What aggravation!
Vicki, I hope the grocery shopping with your Mum went well! I hope your weekend is pleasurable, though busy!
June, no wonder you were exhausted, especially after having to drive through a hailstorm! I hope the shower and the drink helped to relax you!
Suzy, I've enjoyed seeing your pictures!
Theresa, your idea of a cattle prod is quite creative!
Heidi, are you sure the tornado had to do with meteorological events - and not your reaction to the loose cattle?
Hubby and I watched Storm Chasers on TV tonight. If anyone hasn't heard of it, they actually drive TOWARD tornadoes to track them and get video footage.
Nola, I hope you had a great day at work today and a restful evening! No apologies needed about misreading a comment. We all do it. That's why I'm glad when someone makes a comment and I go back to find what they're responding to. It helps clarify information.
Suzy, will go check out the link about a mobile phone in 1928. My interest is piqued!
MizT, I hope you are feeling better. Well, by now, I hope you're sleeping! If Al is not used to taking medications, you will probably need to remind him often, but it's important to get them when prescribed! I hope he has a better day tomorrow and enjoys some meals! Prayers and {{{{HUGS}}}} for both of you!
Heidi, that's great news about the Red Angus bull calf! Have you had a chance to make sure you retrieved all of the cows/cattle that got out the other night? Aren't you glad you hadn't switched over to having all of the calving in fall this year?
It's nice to have you flying by more frequently, Steve!
Rolanda, dinner sounded great; I hope the friend enjoyed it! Seems like you're going to be busy this weekend with shopping and food preparation for a big birthday party!
Vicki, wishing your hubby a Happy Birthday
now, as my access to a computer next week will be spotty and/or infrequent. The weekend away sounds like a solution for a birthday gift.
Tami, thanks for stopping in before heading to bed! I'm sure it was a difficult day with the memorial service. Did the boys ask to go, or just go to school as usual?
Rolanda, having the person to help with the party is a marvelous idea! That way you can enjoy the party and your guests! Money well spent! All the best to S#2 and his team with their writing project!
I need to ask Mr. Google what Cherry Ripes are. BRB! Ah, here it is: Inside the lovely almost blackish dark chocolate coating is a deliciously moist, Bounty-like coconut mixt
28/Oct/10 5:30 PM
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