Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}

To anyone who needs or wants one.
23/Nov/10 10:45 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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My daughter refuses to let me act as an advocate, so status quo and life goes on. She is now on methadone. Anyway people, it's not even 7:30 but I'm hitting the hay. Splitting headache.

Hugs to everyone who needs them, or take one even if you don't need one. I'll be back if I can't sleep. That's a threat, not a promise.
23/Nov/10 11:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It is time to fling food already, where did my day go?

Morning meds for AL and them back to bed till 8 am.
Put a load in the slishy thing, forget to put them put to dry.

Paperwork to get the gov to give me back my insurance premium for Medicare, I should not be 0aying it at our income level. Been working on that since AUGUST. Our government can be slow giving money.

Went to food pantry. A good day to go they had turkeys and sweetpotatoes for thanksgiving. AND 6 cans of applesauce. think I will buy a couple larger containers more and make applebutter. Al loves home made, and it is not to hard with a crock pot.

Home to find out the home health nurse is on her way to show me how to do a steril dressing change on his PICC line. Would be easy IF I could get that stupid hurt hand into a glove, It is just not going to happen.

Put away the groceries.

How about a late lunch now? It is only 3 pm!

At last, NAP TIME and I slept an hour and a hal
High protien shake for AL he needs the liquids and the calories.

Steal a few minutes for my friends on the computer. I did read page 438.

Hugs to Suzy, I m glad your hubby got a message from E bob. It is good to hear from her, it is hard having her not at home.

Theresa, I do hope your daughter got stronger pain meds. No one should be in pain waiting for their turn at surgery. Hugs to you both.

Vicki, I agree, MIL is manipulative and selfish and very good at the guilt game. It is not your fault she behaved in this manner or made you the good child. It seems she is very insecure and is using this to get the attention she wants. I am glad you enjoyed your sister in law and niece.

OK, ready or not, gotta fling now, dinner in 30 min. Hugs to all with extras.

23/Nov/10 11:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... Methadone is GOOOOOD stuff! I can't live without it... pain control, not addiction. (It's not addictive.) I'm so glad your daughter is on it. She needs to couple it with antiinflammatories.
23/Nov/10 11:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just got back from the monthly Lion's Club meeting.
It was short, but a lot of fun.
23/Nov/10 11:55 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, maybe you can talk her into letting you be an advocate. I hope she gets her surgery soon.
23/Nov/10 12:24 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Either I'm going crazy or I said something offensive - I was sure I posted earlier this morning and it's not there now. Can't remember what I said! I DO have Chloe here, maybe she distracted me - no surprises there!
23/Nov/10 12:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I remember you posting earlier, CynB. I forgot what you said, tho.
23/Nov/10 12:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Either that or I'm going crazy, too. I don't see it.
23/Nov/10 12:36 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, you are leaving that comment knowing that I am probably coming back for a visit???? My mommy always told me if I can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
23/Nov/10 12:38 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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But then again, I never did do a good job of listening to my mom
23/Nov/10 12:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm proud to be crazy, Tami. Normal is boring.
23/Nov/10 1:19 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Good Morning everyone
23/Nov/10 1:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good morning, Rolanda. I hope you have a wonderful day.
23/Nov/10 2:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
I can't remember what you said either Cyn.

Theresa, I'm glad your daughter is on stronger pain killers. Hopefully they will improve her quality of life.

Morning Rolanda

Tami, are you enjoying your long weekend? Or do you have another day of work first?
23/Nov/10 2:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed, since it's so quiet here.
23/Nov/10 4:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Did anyone else just watch the latest mine update with the video? Despite the obvious severity of the explosion, the CEO guy actually left me with more hope than I'd had before... and I once again wonder at the stupidity of some journalists..
23/Nov/10 4:26 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon my friends.
Zusy, what news service was it on?
23/Nov/10 5:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I think it was channel 7 Broni. Prime here.
23/Nov/10 6:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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SBS World news are going to show some of it.. It's unlikely to be the whole interview though as then there wouldn't be room for any of the other news
23/Nov/10 6:32 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all.
Suzy, I have school today but I am going on a field trip. We are going to some sort of math play. I will tell you about it tonight.
Heidi, nobody considers me normal either.
Hi to everyone else.
23/Nov/10 10:16 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Yep, that is the thing abuot all of us, a little left of square. Reckon that is why we get along so well.
23/Nov/10 10:54 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning all ... sorry, no time to read.

Heidi, I was wrong on my daughter's meds - she is on a derivative of morphine. She is currently passed out on the couch. Both girls are home with a flu and I haven't even had time for a proper coffee. Just came home to get a coffee and some Tylenol for my head and then I'll go right back.

With the freezing rain yesterday and pouring rain today, my arthritic aches are in full force. There will definitely be no rest for me today. I imagine by the time my son-in-law gets home at 7:00 tonight I will be close to tears. Some days it's harder to be strong than others and I don't feel very strong today. Sorry for the whining, but sometimes it just seems like too much.

Gotta run, hope everyone has a great day/night .....
24/Nov/10 12:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa... I understand that you love your daughter dearly, but you need to take care of yourself more. You can't be a full time caretaker to your daughter and her family, no matter how much they seem to need you. The world will not end if they're on their own more. It's time to cut the umbilical cord, for your own health and sanity.
(((Please don't bite my head off for that. I worry about you.)))
24/Nov/10 3:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, you come and tell us about your day any time you need to, we are here to listen. I do wish there was more I could do for you, sweetie. Hang in there. I was hoping for some med that would relieve your daughter's pain without rendering her semi conscious. Seems that is not to be, but at least her pain is relieved. Perhaps you should borrow one for tonight and get yourself a really good night's sleep. Could you explain your situation to your doctor and perhaps get some meds for you to help with the arthritis pain and help you sleep?

Suzy, did not see the news from the nine, thanks for sharing it with us. Being so much closer, I think you get more news from the miners than we do.

I have started early on flinging food. Beans, dried beans, they need a lot of time to soak and then cook. The pork patties will be easy, already cooked, just heat and serve. Only other thing is to make pudding again, he does like his pudding.

OH, Al has gained back 4 pounds since being home! I am impressed. Once they cleared that pocket of infection in his stomach, he is getting better all around. His doctor has ordered a cat scan for Monday. This is after only one round of chemo instead of after 2 rounds of chemo as originally planned. I hope the cat scan shows what we are seeing and feeling with that tumor. Vibes, thoughts and prayers that it has indeed shrunk considerably please.

Time to hang some clothes. they did not get dry in the dryer last night, so are running again. I hate when that happens.

Hugs with extras, take as many as you want or need.

24/Nov/10 3:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I WAS confused when you said that your daughter was on methadone. It's a highly controlled substance which cannot be prescribed by GPs or even specialists. It can ONLY be prescribed by pain management doctors or drug rehab clinics to control severe withdrawal pains.
24/Nov/10 3:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GREAT news about Al, MizT!!!!! You sound a whole lot happier, too.
24/Nov/10 3:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had a nasty thunderstorm which lasted most of the night. I had 5 terrified dogs on the bed with me, all having to get as close to me as they could. I woke up a little while ago with my back in agony. I immediately took a methadone, but it hasn't kicked in yet. I hurt so much that I can barely stand. Unfortunately, my wheelchair is still out on loan. I feel like I need it now.
24/Nov/10 3:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert will be here in a little bit. Today he has to mix and pour concrete to set posts for a fence we're working on. He knows that I'll be useless today unless the methadone works a miracle.
24/Nov/10 3:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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AHHHHH... The methadone is kicking in finally! I can walk upright again.
24/Nov/10 4:01 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Some GOOD news with Heidi & Al feeling better!
Theresa & Suzy are a concern though.
Theresa...if you were working,what would your daughter have to do?Personally,I would look into home help for her so that you get a break.Your headaches & arthritis are a sign that the body is overloaded. As Tricia said,a visit to your Dr may help. I think we all wish we could come to help you.
Suzy..KIDS! They can send us grey haired before our time.So pleased that you finally got in contact with her and she is OK.
Thinking of you all.
24/Nov/10 5:25 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, my heart goes out to you. I know your daughter is in a lot of pain but so are you. You must explain to them that you must have one day a week just to yourself so you can manage to cope with the rest of the week. If you do not slow down a bit to maintain your own health and well being and you get sick you will not be able to help your daughter.
24/Nov/10 5:34 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I see Nola and I have similar thoughts about your situation Theresa.
Hi Nola, you sound a bit more relaxed now the prac is sorted and all that other study is out of the way.
Pleased your Meds are kicking in Heidi. I am not sure how you get all the farm work done with all your medical problems.
24/Nov/10 5:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June... I think Theresa needs more than one day a week to herself. She needs to have a life of her own with some rest and relaxation. Or she'll crack.
24/Nov/10 5:43 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Now for something cheerful. It looks a lovely sunny day here and I am going on a cruise on Sydney Harbour with people I worked with about 50 years ago. Hubby worked for the same company for 40 years (it is where we met). It is always a lot of fun catching up and the Harbour should sparkle today.
24/Nov/10 5:44 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I agree Heidi, but at least one day a week should be manageable when the SIL is at home and it would be a start and make them realise the stain Theresa is under.
24/Nov/10 5:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My secret weapon to get my work done is Robert. I really need his help, and he really needs the income. And we get along pretty well, though his language can be pretty shocking. He had a bad car accident years ago, and had nasty head injuries. Most of his skull has been replaced with metal, and there is a little brain damage. He is not able to censor himself. He swears a lot and says very inappropriate things. I understand why he talks like that and pretty much ignore it.
24/Nov/10 5:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish I could join you on that cruise, June. I'd like to drag Theresa along as well. It sounds wonderfully relaxing.
24/Nov/10 5:53 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi June & Heidi.
I have been off playing games when I should be doing something constructive.
Yes,I have relaxed a bit now prac is underway but still heaps to do.
The harbour cruise sounds beautiful so have a wonderful day. It is raining here again...think we have had plenty for awhile.
Robert sounds like a nice guy Heidi,we all have faults and you ignore one of his.
Thanks for explaining why the baby bird might have died,it makes sense now.
Greg & son are flying to Tasmania for a break today. Boy...does he owe me big time when I have finished the course.I'm going to have a holiday IF I have any hours left.It is nice to know they will have some father son time together though.
Son is paying thank goodness.
Wee, I had better get in the shower.Bye.
24/Nov/10 6:19 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Looks like I wee'd myself and have to get in the shower. hehehehe. It should read WELL.
24/Nov/10 6:21 AM
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