Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   eaa  From Tassie
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TOPP that!!! hehe.
24/Nov/10 3:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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WOO HOO! Hi, eaa! You posted here while I was reading the link from Tami (page 437) about Sunday's "Blue Moon."

How are you, eaa! It's so nice to see you here!
24/Nov/10 3:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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and in style!
24/Nov/10 3:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Heidi!

Now I'm headed back to page 438 for some more catching up.
24/Nov/10 3:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi Julie!

I'm off to bed in about 10 minutes. This is my last night alone for a while. IH will be home tomorrow night.
24/Nov/10 3:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night friends. I am sleepy again. I was afraid I had slept enough this afternoon/evening I would be up very late, but I am sleepy again, yeah. I fell asleep watching TV tonight after dinner, slept so soundly I did not hear hubby when he put away the beans for me. Good hubby! Beans were very good, cornbread was yummy, we enjoyed our dinner.

Sad news about the miners, I will keep their families in my thoughts and prayers.

Good Morning Rolanda, good to see you pop in. What is happening in your world? How are the boys, when is your next holiday in the caravan? How is your Mom?

Brenda, hope your hubby gets a new contract soon. The holidays are no time for an unplanned vacation.

Hugs to all with extras, I am off to bed.

We have put the first week of antibiotics behind us, only 7 more days to go.
24/Nov/10 3:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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RIP Miners
24/Nov/10 4:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Heidi, Tami, Nola, Suzy, Gail, MizTricia, Broni, CynB, Brenda, Rolanda, vdV, June, Theresa, Vicki, MizTricia

Viv, I hope your Avon customers are understanding about the inability of the company to provide them with the items they ordered. Has the company indicated if the rest of the order can be supplied by the holidays? I hope your customers are considerate!

Heidi, I'm glad you are able to get more sleep! How are the baby birds?

Theresa, I hope you have been able to get some rest! It can make such a difference when you are overwhelmed!

Tami, I hope you enjoyed your field trip and can relax during the days away from school!

Heidi, too bad IH got home later than you expected and had to leave so quickly! Enjoy the time while he's away!

Nola, I hope the prac placement(s) are going well!

Vicki, so sorry to hear about the horrible weekend! Yep, my guess is that you're right about manipulation. I hope the week is going well after what you went through!

Suzy, thinking of you, Sweetie, and hoping you're thinking of you, too! That's where your focus needs to be. There are thing that you can't change, and in the grand scheme of things, they are really not earth-shattering. I know - it's easy for me to say because it's not my D involved, but remember that she has had good upbringing! All is not lost! Take care of yourself! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Theresa, I hope the new medication provides some relief for your D! Perhaps she will adjust to the idea of you being an advocate for her. The suggestion that you might ask your doctor for meds to help with arthritis pain, etc. is a good one! You have to be able to function! (After just 9 days, my sister is considering asking her doctor for some meds.)

MizT, I'm glad the food pantry had some things you could use. Sure hope you get your Medicare payment back soon! I suspect it could be quite helpful now. What wonderful news that Al is doing better and regaining some of the lost weight!

June, I hope the cruise was as pleasant as it sounded!

Nola, I'm glad the prac is going well! Hope Greg and S enjoy their break in Tasmania!

Will soon head to page 440.
24/Nov/10 4:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT you have magical cooking, it makes you lose weight and your hubby gain! That's talent!

Julie, hope we will get to hear how you are doing
24/Nov/10 4:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I was just reading about the nurses striking for a mandated nurse to patient ratio. I generally don't agree with strikes, but I support their goal if not the way they are going about getting there. When I was in hospital I was in a special unit for stroke patients and we had one nurse just for the 3 of us. That nurse never stopped, all day and all night she was on the move. AND they worked double shifts because people called in sick. Double 12 hour shifts in some cases. I don't know how they did it... They have all my admiration!!
24/Nov/10 4:37 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK..... haven't made it to bed yet. I wanted to band the baby finches from the first time parents. There are 3 big, fat babies! Those two really impress me. I checked in other nest boxes. One pair has 4 babies, but they're of varying sizes so all may not make it. Another nest box has 3 newly hatched babies. I AM ECSTATIC!!!
24/Nov/10 4:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... does that "RIP miners" mean that they've been found?
24/Nov/10 4:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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NOW I'm off to bed.
24/Nov/10 5:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh.... there was a second explosion.
24/Nov/10 5:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I have finally made it to page 440 and 441!

Hi, June, CynB, Suzy, eaa, Gail, Brenda, Tami, Theresa, Heidi and Rolanda,

MizT, I hope Al's CAT scan showed good results of his treatments!

Heidi, I'm glad that you and Robert have an understanding, as it seems it's a mutually beneficial arrangement!

Cyn, that was some excellent advice for Theresa! I think we are all concerned that she's burning the candle at both ends and in the middle as well!

Theresa, we all care about you and don't want anything to happen to you. I think all of us sometimes forget that we need to let our children know when we are overwhelmed or find something we used to do willingly has become too much of a burden. We don't want to let our children down or maybe admit to them or even ourselves that we are no longer young, strong, and unstoppable. I know hubby and I love our grandies and love to be with them and help out. We also know each other well enough to keep an eye out for when one of us might need a nap or some extra help with certain activities. I'm still not confident enough to always trust my knees when carrying the baby, so ask for his help carrying her up the stairs and am EXTREMELY careful and slow when carrying her down the stairs. I've now had a couple of times at home when I feel as if one of my hips isn't going to support me, so I've told him that the next time we visit, if I need to carry the baby downstairs, I want him to walk down directly in front of me, just in case.

What a great visit from eaa! So sorry I missed you!

Gail, your days sound very full! I'm impressed that you take your hubby's blood samples! Mine still goes to the hospital where the transplant was done for blood chemistries every 8 weeks. (He just had his 12th anniversary of the transplant.) For a couple of years I had to give him a weekly shot in the arm, which I finally felt more confident about doing. I hope the time at work getting everything running smoothly isn't too tiring for him!

Gail, how wonderful to have a new dinner table (and chairs, I assume?) and new rocker-recliner chairs for both of you! It can make a world of difference!

Brenda, thinking of you and your hubby and wishing him much luck as he searches for new employment! Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for a quick contract replacement!

Cyn, hubby and I saw the new HP movie Friday night. We don't usually go so soon after it's been realized, but D's boyfriend asked if we'd like to go, so we joined him. (She was at work - and also never really got into the books or movies.) Did you like it? I was told that some people thought it was too long, but I was kind of surprised when it ended, thinking it wasn't long at all! I'm looking forward to the summer release of the final installment!

Theresa, I'm so glad you were able to get a nap! You obviously needed the sleep! Remember, you are the only one who can or will take care of you.

Rolanda, have you been extremely busy? Your visits have been brief. I h
24/Nov/10 5:11 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Back from HP - I enjoyed it but I think this and the previous few are probably more enjoyable to the people who have read the books.
Can't wait for the Part II - Woo Hoo!!
24/Nov/10 5:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, my comment was too long. Here's the rest:

Rolanda, have you been extremely busy? Your visits have been brief. I hope all is well with your family, your Mum and yourself!

Suzy, has it been determined that all of the miners are lost? I know the news that poisonous gas escaped from the hole that was made was ominous. Prayers for the miners and their families! I see Heidi's comment that there was another explosion, which isn't good.

Heidi, wonderful news about all of the baby birds! I hope most, if not all, of them make it!

Huge thanks to all of you for remembering my nephew and his family in your thoughts and prayers. I'm convinced that it makes a tremendous difference!

Sending much and many positive vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to each of you and your family and friends! I'm exhausted; it's past midnight; and I need to get some sleep. Good Night, Everyone!
24/Nov/10 5:13 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Very sad news.. RIP Miners

my visits have been brief Julie and Tricia..

Been baking today ~ made 48 mini Quiches and 4 small family size Quiches.
The mini Q for Sunday (Family C gathering) and for next Wed eve.. out for dinner and need to bring a plate!
the Family Size Q .. 3 for the freezer and 1 for dinner tonight to have with Salad.
I am about to go and pick up Mum and take her to the Eye Dr for 4pm.. followup appt to her Cataract Surgery 2 weeks ago.
24/Nov/10 5:24 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wow, chatty lot today.
Worked late so the brain may not retain it all, love and hugs to you all
Cyn, would have loved to see HP with you.
MizT, wishing continued improvement for Al, hope the cat scan goes well.
eaa, great to see you.
Zusy, so proud of your coffee making skills, where do you do this? Will have to check out your page next.
Dag, hope you and Mr Dag (hehe!) are doing OK, congrats on the new there a place at the table for me??
Julie good to see you, hope R's progress continues.
Heidi, congrats on the babies.
Rola, hope you are not doing too much.
Theresa, what everyone else said, look after yourself girl.
Brain dead now!
More love and hugs to all of you.
24/Nov/10 6:06 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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RIP - NZ Miners
Feel so sad for the families and I keep thinking of the 17yo on his first shift. How excited he must have been that morning - and what terror was to come.
So glad that Colin didn't get a mining job when he was looking for work. Pays well, but at what cost. I'd rather be homeless with him than have him lost in a tragedy like this.
24/Nov/10 7:11 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Bummer, Broni! I would have happily gone with you too - I'll go again if you need someone to go with, as long as it's Victoria Point - much cheaper - $6.50 adult $5.50 senior(me).
I think everyone goes in the first few days. It's only been released a week and when the lights went down I counted about 21 in the cinema - probably another 8 came in late!
24/Nov/10 7:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just back from another long walk. I'm really glad that smells don't transmit over cyber waves or you'd all kick me out!
24/Nov/10 7:20 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning all. It's just after 4:00 AM here and I've been up about half an hour. I am thinking that I will need a nap later, but I feel pretty good right now. Aches and pains are almost non-existent. Thank you for all the good thoughts.

We will only have a "high" of -2C today. It was supposed to snow overnight but there's nothing on the ground.

Julie, continued good thoughts headed to R and his entire family. I find one of the ways I cope with all the things I do is make lists every day, even the trivial little things. When I cross one off, I add it to the next day's list so I don't forget.

Heidi, are nesting boxes like little birdhouses that are kept in the cages? I'm assuming it's so the birds and eggs have privacy. How exciting.

Rolanda, what kind of quiches do you make? I wouldn't mind sampling some????

Hope you enjoyed your walk, Suzy. 5 km is a fair distance - do you go alone?

I think I'll go have my second cup of coffee now ... by the time hubby gets up I'll have to make another pot.
24/Nov/10 8:12 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Theresa.. yummy Quiches

Mum eye appt went well, because of her age, the eye is taking it's time to heal.
The second eye cataract surgery is booked for 9th Dec.
24/Nov/10 9:21 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Broni.. I try very hard not to do 'too' much!

Victoria.. I have one of those demanding, never happy, manipulative Mothers!

Theresa.. I know exactly where you are coming from.. being the 'main' carer for Mum, I had my 'little meltdown' mid June, it has taken me months to get back to some sort of normality, although it does not take much for me to almost tip over the 'edge'. I have become very good at saying 'NO' !!
24/Nov/10 9:47 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Cyn, saw the first of the Nadia movies on TV the other night, loved it.
24/Nov/10 10:46 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Rola and Vicki, had one of those mothers too! Cannot even think about where the ' should go.
24/Nov/10 10:48 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I am enjoying a late morning in my pajamas and with my coffee. I am not used to having a day off during the week. Hubby is at work so it is just me and the boys.
Rolanda, I would love to have your recipe for quiche. I am always looking for something new to make for dinner.
Julie, glad to hear your nephew is doing better. Marines are tough. I knew he would be a fighter.
Tricia, take care of yourself. It is good to hear that Al is responding well and feeling a little better. Continued good vibes going out to you.
Victoria, I hope that your customers were understanding of the missing goods.
25/Nov/10 1:24 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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eaa, glad you were able to stop by for a visit. Come back more often.
Theresa, still wishing the best for you. I do wish I lived closer so that I could kidnap you and take you for a cup of coffee or something. You need to find time for yourself.
25/Nov/10 1:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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JULIE, some advise for your sister. tell her to write it down! First, plan what she has to do and when she needs to fo it on a daily basis, then "chart" when she has done it. Helps you to see what is being done and a record of things you can so easily forget.

I know for us, one of the simplst things was the hardest to remember first day till I started writing that down too. Al's PICC line has 2 ports, and we should alternate which one we use, that keeps both flushed and opened. Give meds 3 times a day so it was Red, Blue Red one day, and Blue red blue the next. But remember that? heheh, did not happen. So in my notebook, page a day narrative, top of page goes RBR or BRB and I know what color what time.

Sending prayers and good wishes for your nephew. A full and rapid recovery for R please and thank you.

25/Nov/10 1:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH SUZY, how I wish it were so, magical cooking indeed hehehe. Unfortunately, I am gaining again, all that hard work loosing so easily lost.

One of the meds I must have now to cope with all the extra work of achey bones makes me gain. The choices at hospital some days for food were not good for me, to many carbs, and that has helped. Plus, eating for comfort, those long nights and days we were there. Hopefully after this week and the end of antibiotics, I can have time to figure out magical cooking and stop the gain.

Well, it works out OK, really, the clothes I wore last winter are fitting now, would have been too large if I had not gained a size. Since my budget would not stand for a new wardrobe of winter clothes, I guess things worked out for the best.

I best post this and then get AL's meds redy, he still cannot swallow pills so I crush and put in his feeding tube. It has to be flushed daily, why not use it to get those pills that cause him to sometimes choke??

Hugs with extras, enough for all to share. Take what you need or want and pass on a few, every time you give a hug, you get one in return.
25/Nov/10 1:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Before I forget.... some birds, like canaries, make nests to raise their babies in. Gouldian Finches nest in holes in trees, so we use boxes (like birdhouses) to raise them in. Some are made of wood, and some of plastic (which are much easier to clean). I use both to give the finches a choice of nesting sites.
25/Nov/10 2:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had a good night's sleep..... kind of. No thunderstorms, and the back is OK today, but I laid awake for a long time thinking about my next big building project. I was working out some details in my mind. Next year, I'm planning on adding on to the living room (quadrupling it's size) as well as adding a main floor laundry room (so I don't have to climb stairs so much) and a main floor office for IH (that's still a maybe.. he'll have to share the cost for that). Some of the details I was working out were the design of the support pillars, since I'll be knocking out a main support wall (I'd like built in book shelves around the pillars) and making the new floor one step down (but with a ramp for easier access) to allow for a slightly higher ceiling, but so we won't have to exactly match the level of the present floor (VERY hard to do!).
25/Nov/10 2:21 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Wow Heidi that sounds like a fantastic extension, hope you manage to plan it as you would like it and not have to make too many compromises.
25/Nov/10 2:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I WILL NOT COMPROMISE!!! I have disliked this house from the moment I saw it..... I fell in love with the property.... and have decided to fix it up so I can actually like the house. The sunroom was a major help, but it needs more. The living room is small and very dark, and we rarely go in it. I'll be turning it into a Great Room, and moving all the furniture up from the family room in the basement. So all living and working space will be on one floor.
25/Nov/10 2:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It is cold and wet today. 38℉ / 3.3℃ and raining. Robert insists that he wants to work today, so I'm going to let him. That fence is slow going, since the holes are being dug around tree roots.
I'm off to the Grocery for a few items.... particularly a pumpkin pie . Then I'll help Robert.
25/Nov/10 2:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Work today has been cancelled. The cold rain is coming down in buckets, and is supposed to change to sleet soon. NOT good weather to be digging post holes, and mixing/pouring concrete. I talked Robert out of it. We'll both put in a long day on Friday.
25/Nov/10 5:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I did get what I needed at the grocery, at least. I still need to finish unloading it, but at 38℉ / 3.3℃, it's staying refrigerated out in the truck.
25/Nov/10 5:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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THEN, I think I'll take a nap. I stopped next door at the feedlot, and fed grain to the few calves we have there, so I don't have to go out again today.
25/Nov/10 5:04 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hiedi, hope you are able to relax. It sounds like the kind of weather where you curl up inside and read a good book, or play on the pooter.
25/Nov/10 5:43 AM
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