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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Small Town Canada
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Thanks for letting us know, MizT {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
08/Dec/10 6:06 AM
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Morning all,
MizT, what a horrible day! I hope today is restful and enjoyable...
08/Dec/10 7:35 AM
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Exciting news, at least I think so...
08/Dec/10 7:43 AM
Small Town Canada
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It is exciting Suzy. My niece is now disabled and unable to walk. So this treatment might be too late for her. Some day ... at least it provides hope.
08/Dec/10 8:16 AM
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They say it can reverse the damage so all she has to do is live long enough for them to work out the details... That's huge hope!!
08/Dec/10 8:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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My favorite aunt has MS. Unfortunately, at 75 years old, it won't be available in time to help her. But it should be a miracle for millions.
08/Dec/10 8:51 AM
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My niece must be getting close to 50 so she has lots of time - if the MS lets her...
08/Dec/10 8:55 AM
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Didn't Brenda say she only had a light covering, it doesnt' look like anywhere has escaped in this picture
08/Dec/10 9:02 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hubby has tomorrow off and we are going to shop till we drop. I hope to get all the Christmas shopping finished in one day! We might go to Ottawa or to Brockville - we are sort of halfway between the two. I should finish the Christmas cards tonight - I only have 3 left that need letters in them.
Hubby is off next week and then doesn't go back until after the new year. Three weeks with him at home!!!! I refuse to say whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, but too much of a good thing can be bad.
08/Dec/10 9:14 AM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy, we have no snow at all at the moment. We have a lot of frost but no snow. On the photo in the link you can see an area with no snow, well that is the area I live in.
08/Dec/10 9:20 AM
Stevenage UK
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My aunt and uncle live up north and they have a couple of foot of snow.
08/Dec/10 9:21 AM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, in London, Ontario, Canada they are being hammered by a snow storm. So far in the last 2-3 days they have received a metre or more of the white stuff. We have a couple of inches so far here and it looks like it has stopped for now. It has been predicted that this winter will be colder than usual and we will have more snow than usual. OH JOY!
08/Dec/10 9:22 AM
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Theresa, it's both here. I don't get anything done, but finish the day tired anyway when mine is home. I have worse though, my wonderful mother, who I love dearly comes and stays with us for 2 weeks every Xmas, and we always end up in at least one fight. This time we've already had one about her plans while she is here. She's planning on talking to Ebob and wants to make all sorts of promises about what things will be like when she comes home. I told her that she can't go making promises we are supposed to keep...
08/Dec/10 9:23 AM
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Brenda, the bit on the side that almost looks like a face? That reminds me of something Ally told me about one of her teachers - she does things that don't suit her. She has bleached white hair, drawn on eyebrows and wears bright red lipstick which looks really bad because the whole bottom half of her face sticks out a long way - I can't remember what animal she compared it to.
Theresa and Brenda, I can't imagine living somewhere where it snows at all, let alone that much. Visit, yes, but not live...
08/Dec/10 9:28 AM
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I've just made my appointment for my teaching interview and then clicked on the link with information on preparing for your interview... aaahhh! It read like an assignment plus it seems I have to memorise the syllabi, since there will be about 6 that I could be using that is a tough ask... Lots and lots of work to prepare!!
08/Dec/10 9:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... Lay a massive guilt trip on your mother! Stress the stroke you just had, and the bigger one you're gonna have if she does this to you. Exaggerate (if possible) if you have to. You cannot handle stress! If she wants to intervene, let her talk to Ebob about the compromises that SHE has to make, and what SHE has to do to keep from killing you! Even better, see if Hubby will give your mother that talking to that she needs.
08/Dec/10 9:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am getting worried. Ever since the epidural, I've been sleeping excessively. It's reminiscent of the Mono. I can only stay awake 2 or 3 hours at a time. I'm hoping that the epidural didn't reactivate the disease. It IS possible. But I hope not. I have too big of a responsibility coming up on Sunday. It's our quarterly Lions Club Board Meeting and Annual Christmas Banquet. I am preparing all the meat.... boneless lamb roast (25 lbs) and chicken breasts (a lot of them). I have a couple of my own recipes I'm using. But I won't be cooking it here, so I'll have to start prep work here on Saturday, then take everything to the banquet site Sunday morning to start cooking around 11 am. Hmmmm. Maybe I'll come prepared to take a nap while the food is cooking.
08/Dec/10 9:58 AM
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I have told her that the compromises she was suggesting would be more stressful than not having her home is!
08/Dec/10 10:01 AM
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Heidi, with the responsibilities you may be able to stay awake better than you can at home. I hope so anyway.
08/Dec/10 10:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Last night, I fell asleep while cooking supper. 'Tain't good.
08/Dec/10 10:10 AM
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Warning swearing and wailing!!
My washing machine is officially dead! Balancing dollar by dollar as it is - maybe a Harvey Norman interest free loan, if we can get one, and keep our fingers crossed all goes to plan in the new year??
08/Dec/10 11:22 AM
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There is some good news, the extra work hubby did last weekend will bring in a few hundred dollars which should catch up the bills AND buy a few Xmas presents - I don't have much at all at the moment...
08/Dec/10 11:26 AM
Small Town Canada
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Got my fingers crossed for you, Suzy. I know right now we're living from pay cheque to pay cheque and I don't like that feeling. I won't be able to find any kind of job until my daughter is up and running again though. I've tried for part-time locally, but there's just nothing.
Off shortly to get the grandies to bed - hopefully tonight will be better than last night.
08/Dec/10 11:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, sorry to hear your washer died. I hope you get the loan you want.
Heidi, it is not a good thing to go to sleep while cooking. Be careful, friend.
Today was better day, I had a nice nap, we ran a few errands, hubby got hungry and asked for fish and chips, which he ate greedily. Daughter #2 is now in Alabama, staying this week with friends. I am not sure when we will see her,she will be here 2 weeks so plenty of time. I am still too tired to be enthusiastic about seeing anyone at the moment.
Off to watch a bit of TV with hubby, Catch you later.
08/Dec/10 12:08 PM
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I hope you are treated better tonight Theresa!
08/Dec/10 12:10 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone. Just a quick visit. Went to Mitchell's band concert at school. He plays cowbell, triangle, cymbal and sleigh bell. He enjoys it. Tomorrow we are going to a big showcase. The magnet middle and high schools get together at the convention center to show off their programs. We are going so Mitchell can look into the high school programs. Dylan is going to check out the middle schools even though he has another year to go.
08/Dec/10 12:43 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, hope all goes well with your mum's visit. Don't let her stress you out. You need to rest. Good luck on the interview.
Tricia, hope your days get better and the treatment works for Al.
Heidi, take care of yourself. Maybe you should call the doctor and ask their opinion.
Don't remember most of what I have read. Hugs to all who need or want them and I will see you all tomorrow.
08/Dec/10 12:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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IH is back from his dental appt. (he broke a molar) and agrees with me that I'm having a relapse of the Mono, triggered by the epidural. I'll just have to OD on coffee this weekend to get through it. Then I can crash.
08/Dec/10 1:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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In fact, I think I'll go to bed in a little while. I'm falling asleep at the keyboard.
08/Dec/10 1:22 PM
Small Town Canada
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I'm home and all went well, aside from their kitten being very playful and chasing toes, and their dog snoring very loudly. Time for me to hit the hay also. Good night all!
08/Dec/10 2:31 PM
Alabama, USA
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good night topsiders, I am ready for bed too. Just cannot shake the tired today, perhaps tomorrow will be a better day.
Hugs with extras. Till tomorrow
08/Dec/10 3:00 PM
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Hello, Friends and Global Neighbors!
Hi, Heidi, Suzy, CynB, Broni, Tami, June, Theresa, MizTricia and Brenda!
Heidi, I also think you have had enough snow for a while. Whatever you do, please don't send it up our way. Today for the first time I heard that there's a theory that the date of your first snow indicates how many snowfalls you'll have for the year. We got our first snowfall on Dec. 3. I really wouldn't mind if we only have 3 snowfalls this year.
Suzy, I've also heard that the sun isn't as strong here as in Australia. That being said, I still know better and should be more careful! We have sunscreen; I just don't always remember to take it with me. For next summer, I'll try to always keep some in the bag I take when I go to the pool.
Cyn, what fun to take grandies to see Santa. Our oldest saw him for the first time when they visited us before C, so we got to go along; the following year we were visiting her family when she went to see him. Now that there are more siblings, we haven't ever been able to time our visit correctly.
Broni, we're always glad for your visits and "felt" you thinking of us as you read. Hopefully we'll see you again tomorrow!
Suzy, I enjoyed the video of Ally and Pride! Thanks for sharing! I hope she's resting her voice a bit so that the inflammation goes down!
June, I'm glad your little helper was visiting to stamp the back of your C card envelopes! I hope your friend is doing well after her latest treatment.
Theresa and Heidi, seems like you've had enough snow and cold for a while, probably even enough to last until C. Maybe the rest of the month can be a bit milder.
MizT, I'm so glad you were finally able to get home after such a long day! Thank you for the update post! We've been thinking of you and Al! How frustrating to deal with the appointment mix-up. At least you were able to see the Dr. and get the treatment all in one visit and not need to return another day. Luckily Al felt good enough to drive home, but he was probably plenty glad to have your company during the long wait. I hope the doctor called you/Al back with a new script for anti-nausea! How nice that the patients have recliners, warm cozy blankets and a couple of mini-collies to help them pass the time during their treatments! {{{{HUGS}}}}
MizT, I promise to be more careful about the sun. After what I have learned from my friends here, I have an appointment scheduled (February, the first I could get) for a full-body check for anything that should be removed/treated. And I always wear a hat and sunglasses for outdoor water aerobics class - and a cap most of the time when outside. I find it's very necessary, as my hair is thinning and it's easy to get a sunburned scalp.
I haven't yet had a chance to follow your link, Suzy. From what I've read here, it seems to offer promising news about treatment for MS. I hope that is true and that it comes quickly!
Theresa, I hope you and hubby have a very successful
08/Dec/10 6:34 PM
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Here's the second installment:
Theresa, I hope you and hubby have a very successful shopping trip tomorrow! Wow, 3 weeks of having him at home. That can be both good and bad, but hopefully he can help with cleaning/preparations for the holiday - or even with the grandies. I know our grandies love doing things with "Papa," and I bet your grandies would enjoy doing things with him - maybe even getting ready for bed! {{{{HUGS}}}}
So far we have only shopped for the grandies. NO ideas for our children and their significant others. On the other hand, we haven't been able to give them ideas for us, either. Hubby has made a lidded box (made from box elder wood) for each of my siblings (based on a demonstration at our wood turning club a couple of months ago) and a vase/vessel (made from redwood) for each of our children.
Brenda, I hope all is going well in hubby's new job! I'm so glad you don't have snow to deal with, but is he finding his commute to work impeded by the snow?
Suzy, I hope your mother's visit goes well! I agree with others; it must be absolutely clear to her that she can't make promises to Ebob over which she has no control. That's just not fair to the rest of the family and sets unreachable goals and expectations! She should only promise things over which she has control. Good luck with your teaching interview and all of the preparation required to feel prepared! {{{{HUGS}}}}
Heidi, please be careful! I hope your suspicion that the epidural reactivated the mono is wrong, but signs are pointing toward a relapse. Please take care of yourself and get as much sleep as you need! Accept (request or demand) help from IH, especially for the cooking for the Sunday banquet. (Is he also a member of the Lions Club?)
Suzy, I'm so sorry to hear of the death of your washing machine! Will a new part revive it, or is it a complete "goner" in need of replacement? Good luck getting a loan for a replacement!
MizT, I hope today was a better day for you and Al! Even though you feel exhausted now, a normal day or two might be enough to turn things around. It will be great to see your daughter for a visit!
Tami, Mitchell's band concert sounds like fun! I hope the whole family enjoys the magnet school showcase tomorrow night. Can Mitchell choose from all of the schools or only a few. Is entrance guaranteed to whatever school he prefers?
Theresa, I'm glad the bed-time preparations went better tonight!
Good Night to Tami, Heidi, Theresa and MizTricia! I'm also falling asleep at the keyboard! Hubby had a dentist appointment today, then drove over 2 hours to my sister's house. We both got a haircut, then had dinner with her, her husband and middle son R (who had the horrible accident 3 weeks ago). He is doing extremely well, has been "graduated" from all therapy, but must wear the heavy, inflexible cervical collar for about 3 months or so. Then we drove home, with a quick stop at a store. At least we won't
08/Dec/10 6:36 PM
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And now, here's Part 3:
Good Night to Tami, Heidi, Theresa and MizTricia! I'm also falling asleep at the keyboard! Hubby had a dentist appointment today, then drove over 2 hours to my sister's house. We both got a haircut, then had dinner with her, her husband and middle son R (who had the horrible accident 3 weeks ago). He is doing extremely well, has been "graduated" from all therapy, but must wear the heavy, inflexible cervical collar for about 3 months or so. Then we drove home, with a quick stop at a store. At least we won't be "shaggy" for the holidays!
positive thoughts, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone! Good Night!
08/Dec/10 6:37 PM
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Evening all
Just back from Carols rehearsal and spoke to an amazing young man and his mother. He gave us a recipe for a drink he uses for his throat and Ally is trying it - it's very spicy!! Honey, lemon, boiling water and cayenne pepper...
08/Dec/10 7:30 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Give peace a chance ♥
08/Dec/10 9:47 PM
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Amazing song - I'd love to live that way - after I get a new washing machine...
Ally didn't sing at Carol's rehearsal tonight, the memories of her very sore throat too fresh I guess, but she will be singing all day tomorrow to prepare for the School Showcase tomorrow night, then she has rehearsal on Friday night, and performances on Saturday and Sunday... it's going to get worse before it gets better....
08/Dec/10 9:55 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Today is the 30th Anniversary of the death of John Lennon
08/Dec/10 10:01 PM
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Someone very important died and I forgot to post the link - Mr Squiggle, if he died on the anniversary of John Lennon's death that is extra spesh... but I think he died yesterday
08/Dec/10 10:03 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I hope Ally at least tries to rest her throat a little. Have her drink that "potion" and anything else that may help her.
Julie, Mitchell is not guaranteed acceptance in a magnet program, but he has the grades and test scores to qualify him for any one he chooses. He if not sure if he wants to go to the International Baccalaureate program or not. Dylan has a year to go but this way I don't have to go back next year.
08/Dec/10 10:08 PM
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