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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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I spoke too soon - now they are fighting and I've told them unless they become friends again and clean up - no Santa!
Naughty Nanny! Naughty Nanny!!
07/Dec/10 1:47 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh bummer - did it again!
07/Dec/10 1:48 PM
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For Rolanda
07/Dec/10 1:52 PM
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Lump of coal in their stocking hey Cyn! Though as grandmother maybe you should threaten nothing from you rather than Santa, maybe you are naughty and you will get a lump of coal??
07/Dec/10 1:54 PM
Small Town Canada
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Cyn, I could not get the oldest to even lie down. She wouldn't let me lie down with her in her bed - she just wanted to play and wanted me out of her room! There's nothing I could do, so as far as I know she's still playing in her room (her mother said just to let her play and she would call her in half an hour and tell her to go to sleep). So I am home earlier than usual. The problem is I had a cup of coffee about an hour before I went over so that I could stay awake, and it's working - now I can't sleep.
07/Dec/10 2:03 PM
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Theresa, it sounds like she was rude to you too - I know how that feels (mine do it)and it's not nice!!
07/Dec/10 2:12 PM
Perth W Aust
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Interesting Suzy.
Of Course I do slip slop slap all the time, specially in Summer.
The Big M can show up in places that the Sun do not reach.
In my childhood/teen years.. no one used sunscreen, I suffered from being Sunburnt all the time, ouch ouch ouch.. the back of the knees, the shoulders, the face...
I never went out and 'sunbaked' on purpose.
A consequence of using Sunscreen, is the lack of Vitamin D absorption .. resulting in Oesteo problems.
07/Dec/10 2:21 PM
Perth W Aust
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Your Granddaughter has you wrapped around her little finger!!!! Also she is reacting to her mother not being well, and is taking advantage of the situation!
07/Dec/10 2:22 PM
Perth W Aust
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that was for Theresa...
07/Dec/10 2:22 PM
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Rolanda, I read that 10 Minutes a day unprotected is plenty to get the VitD you need, I'm guessing in summer though. I'm also guessing that at least some of the hidden Ms could be because most clothing has a very low SPF...
That's putting a load of washing on the line for me!
If you read the comments underneath the story there is a lot of ignorance out there!!
07/Dec/10 2:40 PM
Small Town Canada
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Rolanda, my oldest grandie has an attitude problem. I keep telling her mother that she's 7 going on 15. She is supposed to be seeing someone about her attitude in case it's related to the epilespy or the medication. When she gets like that, I basically go home when possible. I find it upsetting when she's rude and if I try to talk to her about it, she just pouts. Like tonight, she wanted to sleep with her mother. Well, her mother sleeps on the couch because she can't get upstairs, and the couch isn't really big enough for another body. Trying to explain that to her, but she just won't listen. I keep telling my daughter that when the oldest becomes a teenager, it's payback time for the stuff she put me through when she was a teenager.
07/Dec/10 2:42 PM
Perth W Aust
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Suzy, yes I know.. 10 mins of sunshine without sunscreen..
I never associated my oesto problems were related to possibly being covered with sunscreen all the time.. I was involved in a 'breastcancer' research (for a friend, the researchers were interested in someone of similar age and background ie Dutch) a couple of years ago, and talking to the lady and discussing my M and Osteo problems, she put 2 and 2 together!!!
I take Calcium and Vit D supplements..
07/Dec/10 2:48 PM
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Good Evening, Friends! I apologize for not visiting here yesterday. We had internet problems of an unknown cause. Luckily, we were able to get connected today.
Hi, Suzy, Broni, Gail, Tami, Heidi, MizTricia, Theresa, Nola, CynB, Vicki, and June!
Suzy, I hope Ally is feeling better! More importantly, I hope you are doing well and getting the rest and help you need!
Broni, so glad your cous popped in unannounced - sounds like the visit may have been therapeutic for both of you! Hoping the rain and humidity abate soon. I'm so glad JD's ex didn't get her claws into everything! That would have been dreadfully awful or awfully dreadful!
Suzy, thinking positive thoughts for your friend. Sounds like she has had some tough times. Hopefully things will be looking up for her and her sons soon!
Gail, the pictures from the Sudoku gathering look like everyone had a good time! It's so nice there's a group that tries to get together on a regular basis!
Tami, your new fridge sounds GREAT! Does it have a smooth or a textured surface? I think black will show less dirt than white! Our house has a stainless, and it shows every fingerprint and water droplet, it seems. I hope you enjoy it for many years! Happy Chanukah to you, hubby, Beasties, Bobbi and Bernie!
Heidi, do you use a special cleaner for your stainless steel fridge? Ours seems to streak a lot. BTW, I like your father's and your aunt's names. I'm glad you and your back are feeling better, Heidi!
MizT, I was thinking along the same lines as Heidi and Nola - that it doesn't hurt to be there with Al in case he needs a chauffeur for his return home. I have about 4 pages to read to find out what you decided.
Theresa, I hope the "temporary" fix of your computer lasts you quite a long time! If you find yourself completely "pooter-less," I hope you will be able to let us know via your D's pooter.
Nola, I hope your last week of prac is enjoyable and goes quickly! Congrats and all the best to Renae, her family and her new foster baby!
Suzy, I'm going to need to search for info about JFK's secret service agents! When we were in Texas a couple of weeks ago we went to the "Sixth Floor Museum" on the 6th floor of the former Texas School Book Depository. The motorcade was SO close to getting on the expressway and heading back to the airport to leave Dallas when he was shot!
Suzy, have you found the box of snack bars which sprouted legs lounging around your house?
Gail, I wouldn't even have notice the number of the post. Good for you!
CynB, my hubby is also like that, particularly noticing the mileage of the car. (Do you call it kilometerage?)
Cyn, so sorry for Col's brother! What a terrible injustice to ALL involved! Hopefully the D will be able to get away from her mother once she reaches 16! It all sounds so terribly unfair! The Child Support Agency must be remarkably strong and run by illogical people!
It sounds like many of our Aussie friends
07/Dec/10 2:55 PM
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Oops, looks like I ran over again! Here's the rest!
It sounds like many of our Aussie friends could use a little less rain and a little more drying out! Hopefully soon! Too many of us in the US and Canada are dealing with unseasonal or too much cold and snow. The weather is crazy!
Suzy, I hope Ally's tonsils get some rest! Hopefully her vocal chords aren't also inflamed. I hope you have a reliable throat lozenge she can keep handy!
June, I still think you're organized! I haven't even checked to see if I have enough C cards purchased after C last year, so haven't written or addressed any. Yikes!
Cyn and June, I hope you both enjoy your over-night guests!
07/Dec/10 2:57 PM
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Theresa, when nothing else works I'd try a little guilt - do you like making me feel bad? Is that why you act this way? Letting her know that her behaviour is inappropriate and why withuot stressing her too much about her mother.. Though the really naughty ones would use that as a weapon..
07/Dec/10 3:04 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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It's raining here atm
07/Dec/10 3:09 PM
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No here Gail! I might actually get some clothes dry!!
07/Dec/10 3:10 PM
Small Town Canada
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Still snowing here. Having said that, I think I'm going to try to sleep now.
Suzy, I always find it hard to discipline the grandies when their mother is actually in the house downstairs. I would never lay a hand on them, but I will give time-outs when necessary.
Good night all.
07/Dec/10 3:16 PM
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Now reading on page 457 and 458.
Hi, Rolanda!
Cyn, that's a mighty early start - for both Col and you! I hope the girls slept in a bit! Luckly, our grandies are still too young to be into the expensive toys and gadgetry - yet! Give them a few books, a doll, a tea set, some markers and stickers and they're good to go.
Heidi, you and Robert got quite a lot done, especially considering the weather and the tractor door! I hope both latches can be easily and economically replaced!
Theresa, I hope you are still feeling better today, and I hope the grandies went to bed without fuss! Do you and they know the story about "The Elf on the Shelf?"
Theresa and Heidi, I'm hoping it will warm up a bit soon. Our high temperature was about 23*F today, but with the wind chill, the weathercaster said it felt like zero. Yuck! There's no chance of the snow on the ground disappearing with temperatures like that! Please dress warmly when you need to be outside!
Vicki, I think I agree with your sentiments about C. It's way too commercialized and hyped! I'd be happy for a quiet and relaxed day with family! I hope your dog will heal quickly after seeing the vet!
We don't have bacon in the house, for no particular reason, but hubby enjoys eating a burger with bacon if he can order one in a restaurant.
Heidi, sounds like it will be a special holiday for the head of the collie rescue group and the newly rescued dog!
Suzy, here's hoping Nomnom is the unusual cat who leaves the Christmas tree alone. Max generally was pretty good - only occasionally batted at an ornament until it fell on the floor, but she REALLY liked lying under the tree on the tree skirt. She didn't like presents taking up space on the tree skirt. I don't think our older cat has bothered with the tree in years. She prefers to spend a good share of the day and night on our bed.
Suzy, your day sounds like many of mine - floating from one thing to another and not finishing anything! Good luck!
Vicki, I hope you can convince your dog that you're just being very attentive with all of the medical care you (or someone) will need to provide to get everything cleared up quickly! Good luck!
Rolanda, so sorry that your computer monitor died! Good thing your S could set you up with his for now! Enjoy your good weather!
Theresa, I imagine it's so difficult when a grandie has been rude or uncooperative - knowing that you need to go back the next morning and the next night and face it all over again. Hopefully it can all get straightened out, whether it's due to her epilepsy, her medication, her reaction to her mother's medical issues, or whatever! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you for all you do! I bet it's also hard on your D when she knows how you're being treated!
I have also read about the 10 minutes a day for absorbing Vit D from the sun. I also had a lot of sunburns as a child due to very fair skin. In spite of that, I am not as careful about getting sunscreen on before summer
07/Dec/10 3:47 PM
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Ran over again, so here's the rest.
I have also read about the 10 minutes a day for absorbing Vit D from the sun. I also had a lot of sunburns as a child due to very fair skin. In spite of that, I am not as careful about getting sunscreen on before summer water aerobics classes outside. Luckily, I usually go to the late afternoon class which starts at 5:30 p.m. and the sun has dropped low enough in the sky that its rays are filtered, then drops below the building, completely blocking it. One D is very conscientious and uses a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen every day!
Theresa, sleep well! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, the snow will have stopped and it won't be quite so cold!
I'm going to go check out Suzy's link, then I think I'll head to bed, as it's nearly 11 p.m. Good Afternoon/Evening/Night to all of you! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and prayers to everyone! Thinking of your friend, June!
Just realized I haven't seen any comments from MizT. I hope all is well and Al's treatment went smoothly! Pleasant dreams, MizT and Heidi!
07/Dec/10 3:48 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Glad to see you back, Julie! When I last looked out the window, we had more flurries coming down. It's just too wintery for me.
07/Dec/10 4:03 PM
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Julie, I found the sun just wasn't as strong in the US either, no hole in the ozone above you...
07/Dec/10 4:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I've been looking for comments from MizT, too. I hope everything is OK there.
07/Dec/10 4:05 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Back from visiting Santa - just counting down the minutes until their parents come to pick them up - woohoo! Love em but glad to see them go, need the rest.
07/Dec/10 5:22 PM
qld, australia
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Wow, big read since I was last here.
EEEEEK cannot remember a thing! Did think of you all at the time/.
07/Dec/10 6:49 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Broni, make it easy on yourself, just read Julie's excellent summary of the last few days and you should be able to figure most of what is going on.
07/Dec/10 10:07 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, just check out the video. She is good. Keep posting her video's. Remember, I want tickets to her first American concert
I think it is colder outside than it is in my fridge. I have fingers, toes and everything else crossed that it just lasts a few more days.
07/Dec/10 10:14 PM
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I have another one who hates going to bed. A real night owl. She is no asleep though.
Laura has also stamped the addresses on the back of all my envelopes. I still have to write my newsletter and visit the post office for stamps. With overseas mail that generally cost about $80. I do enjoy getting all my cards and hearing from my friends at Christmas though.
I feel rather tired so I am off to bed. [[[HUGS]]] to you all.
07/Dec/10 10:16 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all. More snow here and it's quite windy. Need my coffee to warm my innards!
07/Dec/10 10:17 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's early December, and I'm already tired of the snow. We're having more flurries right now. Normally, we don't have snow until after christmas.
07/Dec/10 10:42 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, pots ready. Shall I pour you a cup??
07/Dec/10 10:51 PM
Small Town Canada
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Yes please, Tami, but I guess you are already on your way to work. One can never have enough coffee (unless it's late at night).
07/Dec/10 11:14 PM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, usually around this time of year we're wondering if we're going to have a white Christmas or not. No need to wonder this year!
07/Dec/10 11:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I remember one Christmas, in the early 90's, when Magnolia, KY was the only place in the US that had snowfall on Christmas Day. It was on the national news! I think it was the only time that Magnolia has ever been mentioned.
07/Dec/10 11:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Back to bed. See y'all in a few hours.
07/Dec/10 11:35 PM
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A blaring TV woke me up. Hubby (at almost 2am) has just decided it is time for bed!!!
at least I have been able to look at all the puzzles as I doubt if I will have time 'tomorrow'.
08/Dec/10 1:54 AM
Alabama, USA
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Checking in without reading. Yesterday was a very long and tiring day, we left for the clinic at 7 am, got home at 6 pm. Just a mix up in appointments caused the delay. We should have been given an appointment with doc and then with chemo, they only scheduled chemo. Doc wanted to see him first, so they worked him in, a 3 hour delay! AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHH! But at least they had managed at last to get the waiting room warm! They put in an axulirary heater and after a call to the dealer, got instructions to get it to heat. Ny time I left that wasting room was toasty warm, first time EVER!
The chemo went well, they will now be responsible for the flush of the PICC line and sterile dressing change, YEAH! Doc was just thrilled at what that first round of chemo had done in shrinking the tumor, Said if we had not been in hospital he could have gone right on to radiation after first, but cause it had nrrn so long since first radiation, they wanted to hit it a big lick again.
I did leave him there for a couple of hours and go do a bit of shopping. A nice break from waiting room chairs. I found him one Christmas gift, found myself a new red shirt. Visited a dollar store, had lunch. Still a long after noon waiting on him. AND he was just fine, drive us home.
Coffee is ready, off to have my first cup. Hugs to all with extras.
08/Dec/10 2:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks for the update, MizT. (((HUGS))) It sounds like a hideous day. I'm glad to hear that the Doc is delighted with his progress. I'm also glad that Al felt well enough after the chemo to drive home. I know that you had the option to stay home, but he probably was grateful that you went through the ordeal with him.
08/Dec/10 3:19 AM
Alabama, USA
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SUZY, my cats are both the unusual cat, never bothered the Christmas tree, as a kitten or a cat. My tree sits on a small platform, and the most they ever do is, before gifts are under tree, they lie on that platform. Once gifts go down, they do not bother it. Hope Nom Nom will be the same.
Julie, please use your sunscreen and a HAT!. Those years of sun exposure will catch up with you. I have at least one skin cancer removed every 6 months. He has never failed to find at least a tiny new one in 3 years.
forgot what else I read, but I thought kindly of each of you. JUNE, hope chemo for your friend went well, extra hugs to her. Rolanda, glad son got you hooked to a monitor, nice of him to be around when you needed him. Suzy, enjoyed Ally's video, thanks for sharing it with us. HEIDI, please keep the snow up there, just this cold weather we are having is enough.
Waiting for a call back from doc, probably be afternoon fore they get around to it, bummer. Hubby forgot to ask one of the questions, one about a medication she discontinued while he was in hospital, cause of side effects. It is the main nausea med, we need a replacement drug and a script for it.
I need to get to cooking, no planned overs today, sure was glad we came home last night to food in the fridge to warm. I was NOT into cooking last night!
08/Dec/10 3:23 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, he slept most of the afternoon! In the infusion room, the patients have nice recliners, warm cozy blankets, and a couple of minature collies to keep them company. Since Al can sleep anywhere, he got two long naps! When it was late afternoon and there was no one in the waiting room but me, I was sorely tempted to ask if I could go back and occupy one of the recliners till he was finished heheheh. Family or friends are not allowed in the infusion room. They can fit in more patients at a time that way.
08/Dec/10 3:27 AM
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