Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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A new avatar for a new page.

I just looked at a radar image of Yasi..... that thing is HUGE!!!!!
02/Feb/11 2:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko! Good early evening, Everyone!

Hi, Theresa, Gail, MizTricia, Suzy, June and Tami (the bottom portion of page 533)!

Theresa, you got up for an interlude about the time I got to bed! I hope the storm we have here is pretty well snowed out by the time it gets to you! We started with snow last night - had about 3 inches by 2 p.m. today and slowed down to flurries, so hubby shoveled. Around 3 p.m. the blizzard started with heavy snow and high winds forcing it almost sideways. Many people were sent home from work early - and told not to come back tomorrow. The prediction is for 1.5 to 2 feet of snow (about .6 meters).

Gail, I hope temperatures continue to cool, even if only a little bit! Hoping all is well with your sister and her family! Stay safe!

MizT, I'm SO sorry to hear that the lack of desire to eat or drink has returned so quickly! Be persistent! Al needs his strength! I'm delighted (even "Joyful") that Joy will be able to return. I hope she can accumulate the furniture she needs! How nice that you and yours sisters are getting family stories recorded for the next generation! Enjoy the process!

I'm going to post this now, as I don't want to risk losing it. The winds have been gusting quite strongly and our lights have flickered. I hope that will be all that happens. If power should be lost, this will be a very cold night!
02/Feb/11 2:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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You're SO right, Heidi! I've also been watching the development/movement of Yasi! VERY frightening! Be safe, everyone in its path!
02/Feb/11 2:09 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hi Julie.

Heidi, we have Groundhog Day here too.
02/Feb/11 2:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was just looking at Yasi's predicted storm track. It's going right over the habitat for the Gouldian Finches. There are only about 2,500 left in the wild, and this will destroy their nests.
02/Feb/11 2:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa... Canada is part of America. It's just not part of the US. I was under the impression that since groundhogs and marmots are found in Canada, the holiday was celebrated there. I was just wondering about places that don't have groundhogs (aka Woodchucks).
02/Feb/11 2:15 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone! Hope all in the North are safely sheltered from the hurricane that's coming - it sounds quite terrifying.

Heidi, I'd never heard of groundhogs till the movie came out (still one of my favourite movies, too!) I think they are only in America. :)
02/Feb/11 2:16 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!! I know I missed 11 pages with NO chance of catching up. I am sorry, everything here is fine.
NEED HELP WITH SOMETHING IMPORTANT!! I have a friend named George who lives in Miami. He is living in an apartment building and is being harassed...It got so bad, he had to file a police report. I would like to start a letter writing campaign to help him out. He has been my friend since 7th grade.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. If anyone wants to help me, send me a PM and I will give details. Thank you lots!!
I hope everyone is fine, getting better and those needing prayers, let me know & I will do what I can.
02/Feb/11 2:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzanne... If it's that bad, can't he get police protection?
02/Feb/11 2:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... I need to clarify my posts. I know where groundhogs live. I was just wondering if people who don't have groundhogs still celebrate Groundhog Day. If the groundhog sees his shadow, it means 6 more weeks of Winter. If he doesn't see it, it's supposed to be an early Spring.
02/Feb/11 2:27 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Heidi: I am not sure. The situation is that there are a bunch of folks who are part of a religious group that are harassing him. He & I both dealt with harassment in school. Me, due to my Cerebral Palsy and him, due to other reasons I would rather not disclose right now. He DID file a police report, but in Miami, the police are sometimes ineffective.
02/Feb/11 2:29 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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My sister is sitting in her bunker room of her home in Cairns. She says they are as ready as they can be. ♥
02/Feb/11 2:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope she's well stocked with food and other necessities. They say it could last for 24 hours! That's unthinkable!
02/Feb/11 2:35 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Saying prayers for those dealing with weather/storm issues...Julie, Gail's Family, ETC. The midwest & northeast are getting SLAMMED by really severe snowstorms. We had some snow the other day (about 2") but it is supposed to be COLD here (0 degrees by tomorrow night)
02/Feb/11 2:42 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Sending prayers for those dealing with Yasi... I saw the photos too, stay safe everyone!
02/Feb/11 2:44 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Heidi.. No to Groundhog Day/Holiday, not recognised here in Australia..
02/Feb/11 3:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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The wind sounds a little less severe, so I'm back.

MizT, I hope you are feeling better!

Theresa, Happy Anniversary to your house - and to you and Mr. Theresa who have lived there those 25 years!

Thinking of Wagdy, his family and friends! Sending prayers for peace and an end to the uprising - and a better country to come home to!

Now reading page 534, so greetings to Tami, Gail, Broni, Brenda, Theresa, Heidi, Suzy and Rolanda!

Broni, I hope you were able to come back to bed, find a cooler spot, and finally get some sleep! I hope it wasn't too hot and uncomfortable at work today!

Gail, I hope your nephew and niece-in-law find refuge from the storm and stay safe! Also hope it's not too worrisome for her! Too bad they weren't able to get away on an earlier flight!

Happy Birthday to Stella's youngest: Ian/Max! I think he's hoping for a snow day tomorrow. If the storm would move away from the Midwest and head in their direction, there might still be some snow in it. Hope you have a Happy Birthday and yummy cake and presents, Ian!

Heidi, wish I could help with your weather! Wow, high of 54℉/ 12℃ today, then snow tomorrow (so below 32*F/0*C). Hope you are feeling better! How exciting that your new lovebirds will be arriving Saturday! I hope the weather stays warm enough for them and they arrive safely! And baby budgies in 3 nests! I hope you will be blessed with one with colors you hope for!

Theresa, I had to chuckle that there was a cat toy in each of your boots! Your cats are trying to look after your sanity and keep fun in your life!

Wish I could send some cooler temps to Oz! I can't imagine those high temperatures for days on end! Drink lots of liquids and try to find some relief in stores, etc.!

Theresa! What a pleasure it must have been to put your grandies to bed tonight!

Heidi, I think groundhog day is purely US. In Woodstock, Illinois, where the movie was made, they have canceled tomorrow's festivities due to the blizzard. I guess we'll need to rely on Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania! I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that we'll have 6 more weeks of winter.
02/Feb/11 3:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie... you have destroyed one of my delusions! I thought the movie Groundhog Day was filmed in Punxsutawney.
02/Feb/11 3:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Now on page 535!

Hi, Heidi, Theresa, Judy, Suzanne, Gail and Rolanda!

Suzanne, I'm sorry to hear about the harassment of your friend George. It would be a relief if the police could solve the problem. Would it help to have a restraining order? Does he have a restraining order? I'm wondering how a letter-writing campaign could help and have absolutely no background or experience which could be helpful. I will include him in my prayers and hope for a resolution to the problem!

Gail, thinking positive thoughts for your sister and her family, your nephew and niece-in-law and any others dealing with Yasi! I hope they're well-stocked and ready!

The same goes for all those who are or will be facing Yasi's wrath! Be safe and stay safe! You're all in our thoughts and prayers!
02/Feb/11 4:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry to destroy your illusion, Heidi. Maybe SOME of the movie was filmed in Punxsutawney. But much of it was filmed in Woodstock. It's a good movie, no matter where it was filmed!
02/Feb/11 4:05 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's one of my Groundhog Day avatars. (It WAS taken in Punxsutawney!)
02/Feb/11 4:07 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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And here is another - also taken in Punxsutawney.
02/Feb/11 4:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's another one!
02/Feb/11 4:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Phil looks SO cute in those, Julie!
02/Feb/11 4:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I spoke to Susan, they are moving their important stuff into one room of their house, but she and her family will be staying with neighbours whose home is better built. I have everything crossed because it doesn't get any worse than category 5!!

Gail, thinking of your family too! Hope their home is very sturdy!!
02/Feb/11 4:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks for letting us know, Suzy.
02/Feb/11 4:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, if we don't have groundhogs, why would we celebrate groundhog day?

Same with thanksgiving, that's about native americans, so the only australians who celebrate it are expat americans.

There are a lot of low lying areas similar to new orleans so this may be just as bad or worse than katrina with the only difference being that evacuation may have been done better.
02/Feb/11 4:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, thank you for the update from Susan! Prayers and positive thoughts heading in their direction!
02/Feb/11 4:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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And now, with only 10 minutes until the new day starts (here in the Midwest) Happy Groundhog Day!
02/Feb/11 4:50 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sending lots of cyber {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and prayers to everyone! Good Night!
02/Feb/11 4:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Why not, Suzy? What's wrong with just having fun? It's a silly holiday, anyways.
02/Feb/11 5:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That should say HAPPY
02/Feb/11 5:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That's the link Vicki put on easy, it shows the cyclone superimposed over America and Europe - even scarier than I thought!
02/Feb/11 5:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got PAGE NOT FOUND, Suzy. I'll try Vicki's link on Easy, but I don't hold out much hope.
02/Feb/11 5:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rumbling and a little rain here...
02/Feb/11 5:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I found it on another site, Suzy. It's scarier than I thought, too. That's the biggest hurricane/cyclone I've ever seen!!!
02/Feb/11 5:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed now. I wish everybody and stay safe.

02/Feb/11 5:47 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just got a message from sister, saying it is much darker and wetter in Cairns now. Dinner is cooked and she and her friend will be playing Scrabble till the power goes out! Now the waiting game...
02/Feb/11 5:49 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Thinking of all those affected/effected(will someone tell me which is correct please?)by severe weather.
Hope your Sister has the candles ready Gail.
02/Feb/11 8:22 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all, sending {{{hugs}}} to all who need them.

A blustery and wintery day here. It's really windy and the snow is blowing, but it's not heavy snow yet. I think maybe we're on the outer edge of the storm.

Coffee is ready!!!

Heidi, Canadians don't tend to think of themselves as Americans. When we say Americans we mean the people from the U.S.

Suzanne, thinking of your friend. If there's anything I can do, let me know. Being harrassed by a religious group, that's pathetic.

Gail, fingers crossed for your family. It will be a long and sleepless night for them.
02/Feb/11 9:24 PM
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