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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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I just lost a post into the 'white page of doom'!!
Nothing inspiring to say except that I see Viv is on line - that's inspiring!!
19/Feb/11 8:00 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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My grandies DID enjoy their mini-pizzas last night but Hubby and I reckon we're getting too old. They seemed at their worst, well the younger 2 - bickering, screaming, sulking, giggling etc. Hayley is great - no problems with her, but she's nearly 11. Like most kids, when they're good, they're very, very good, when they're bad they are woeful!! But their Dad came and got them at 9AM so we were free most of today!
19/Feb/11 8:04 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hubby is still sick! (and miserable)
19/Feb/11 8:06 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone. Hi CynB.
Phew hot weather at the moment.
19/Feb/11 8:06 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Sorry to hear about your hubby CynB. What is the matter with him?
19/Feb/11 8:07 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Fear not everyone I am still about.
I have had some emails from some of you wondering where I was.
Still doing the Avon, very busy with that.
Also son has been giving me some grief.
On the 14th Jan. he went down to Bonny Hills, Lake Cathie in his car with 4 mates.
Another mate took his car with some more mates in it.
On the way back they decided to have a swim in the Lake at Lake Cathie and pulled into a side street.
They were off to the side on a grass verge and changing into their boardies etc.
As boys this age do, the car doors were open, the music was going etc.
But two of Ethans mates decided when he went to move his car that it would be fun to ride half on the boot and hanging onto the roof.
Needless to say 2 separate people called this in to the Laurieton police, and of course it is his car and that is the rego. they gave.
First I knew of this was when we got a phone call from the police to say they wanted to talk to Ethan.
Ethan had to go down to see the copper and of course we assumed he would get a right talking too which is only right etc.
Then I had a phone call from a gf who said she read in the police column in their local paper, about a boy being charged with driving in a manner dangerous to the public.
It had the date and time so she knew it was Ethan as I had told her about it.
I rang the policeman and he said yes I am charging him.
I said fair enough but why is it in the paper and Ethan has not received a summons yet?
No proper answer to that so I requested he send the summons straight away.
I am going on holidays he said, well I said send it before you go please.
19/Feb/11 8:12 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Meanwhile Ethan had applied for a job with our Hastings Council.
A two year traineeship, full time job, and one day a week at Wauchope TAFE.
The first year to do Cert. 1 in Horticulture and Cert.2 in the second year.
With the parks and gardens section.
Mid Coast Group Training handle all the interviews etc. the council is the host employer.
MCGT do his pay etc.
As you can imagine quite a few people applied for this job.
There were actually 4 positions.
It got whittled down to 12.
Ethan had a couple more interviews and then Friday week ago he got a phone call to tell him he got one of the positions.
Now when he did the first couple of interviews he had not received the summons.
I had to go in with him last Wed. to co-sign papers etc. for the job as he is under 18.
I said to him before this you have to tell them about the summons.
You may get your licence taken off you, we do not know what will happen.
We spoke to many people but I said you have to tell them Ethan.
So we go in on the Wed. and hubby came too.
We sat down and I said Ethan has something to tell you.
He proceeded to tell them and as it turns out the guy said you are not obligated to tell us that as that is your private business but we see where you are coming from.
We are impressed that you have been upfront with us.
He starts this Monday, 9 day fortnight, every Tuesday to TAFE.
All uniform supplied, $800 tools allowance, 4 weeks annual hols.
19/Feb/11 8:19 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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The date at court is March 11th.
I decided to go to see a solicitor as we have no idea about this sort of thing.
Had an appt.last Wed. arvo.
The solicitor took one look at the charge and said what rubbish.
He said he should just have given him a roasting etc. not this.
He said at the worst Neg. driving maybe.
He opened his book to look up the penalty for driving in a manner dangerous to the public.
He reads it out to Ethan, 3 years loss of licence, and can be 9 months jail.
Well you should have seen Ethan.
He said don't worry mate, you are not going to jail.
He said I will take the case for you Ethan, and I said hang on a tic, how much will this cost.
No you will be right he said, we will do it on legal aid.
So now we wait to see what the outcome will be.
19/Feb/11 8:23 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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He signed out of school last week.
I went to Centrelink to let them know, as I knew I would not be getting any more payment from them.
No you need family assistance office they said but they put me through to someone on the phone from there and I have all that fixed up.
Ethan finishes at the fish and chip shop tonight.
Okay I have written a book so will depart now.
19/Feb/11 8:27 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Viv, nice to hear from you, but what a saga!
The penalty does seem excessive. It doesn't hurt a kid to be fined and scared about what might happen for a little while, it makes them rethink their driving. But that copper was out of line, I think. Hope the solicitor is as good as his word.
Anyway congrats to Ethan on getting the job and being forthright with his (now) new employers.
19/Feb/11 9:14 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Viv, welcome back. Glad almost all is well. It stinks when the kids get in trouble but we can't always "bail them out." Knowing the worst of the consequences might keep Ethan a little safer, as he might think twice about what he is doing when he is driving. I also agree the charge is rubbish and I hope the solicitor can do as he says. Glad the Avon is going well.
19/Feb/11 11:02 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all. The weather has turned cold (-10C) and it's snowing. I was hoping against hope we were done with that. Feb and March can have some nasty weather.
Hi Viv, good to see ya.
Off to get a coffee and start my day ... will read the rest of the comments later. Haven't decided if we'll get the groceries today or tomorrow as my back and hips are still a little sore. That should clear up today now that the weather has turned colder again.
Tomorrow we are supposed to go to a flea market about an hour's drive away with my SIL and her fiance. I will only go if "arthur" is pretty well gone because it only gets worse if I walk around on concrete for an extended period of time. Does anyone want me to pick them up some fleas????
20/Feb/11 12:11 AM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, the surgery date is the 24th, this coming Thursday.
I slept 9 hours straight last night. I guess the cure for insomnia is two little energy filled girls.
Suzy, you are an inspiration to me all on your own without having to say anything witty.
Off to read the next page, coffee in hand, cat on lap.
20/Feb/11 1:40 AM
Small Town Canada
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Viv, boys will be boys, but unfortunately that has created a lot of running around for you. Hopefully this will teach him a lesson ...
My cat Sweetie (yes, his name is still Sweetie) is on my lap and nuzzling my chin. I had wanted to call him Krusty (suggestion by CG), but it somehow never worked out that way. He does not purr, I don't think he can, but instead of purring he takes short quick breaths. He's just so darn cute!
Cyn, hope your hubby soon feels better.
Well, we're not getting the big haul of groceries - hubby just informed me that there's not a lot of wiggle room in the bank account because we've had a few extra expenses. So we'll get what we absolutely need only. Oh well, the cats have lots of food, so at least they won't be affected. Not that most of them couldn't stand to lose a few pounds, mind you.
Heidi, any more babies this morning? Hope your weather cooperates.
Off to get another coffee and think about doing stuff around here. Hopefully I can get past the "thinking" stage.
20/Feb/11 1:47 AM
Small Town Canada
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Still thinking ...........
20/Feb/11 2:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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VIV!!!! Sweetheart!!!! What a delight to get up to posts from you!!!
Considering that Ethan treats you like his father does, he needs the
scared out of him!!! A car is NOT a plaything, and anybody who treats it as such does not belong behind the wheel. Too many innocent people are killed or injured by irresponsible drivers. With any luck, he'll grow up some over this. And he doesn't need to get off scott free. I hope the lawyer plea bargains down to a minor punishment that's a little more than a slap on the wrist. Maybe you can talk them into making him do some community service work. That won't cost any money, but HE'll have to pay the price of his stupidity.
I don't consider the charge to be rubbish, because of the risk of someone being killed or injured.
20/Feb/11 3:38 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to do my first cow check of the day. No notes from IH about newborn calves, but there is a note from him that Rede (my big bull)
is locked in an area without food. He was wondering if I did that intentionally. Does he think I'm stupid? He was obviously scratching and rubbing on an open gate, and shut it himself. I need to let him out. ........... OK.... IH just walked up and asked me about it, and I told HIM to open the gate and let Rede out.
20/Feb/11 3:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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As I was walking out the door, a gentleman showed up looking to buy a couple of Red Angus bulls. Unfortunately, all I have is the one baby, born in November. And he's WAY too young to use for breeding in 3 months.
While showing him the cows and the one little bull (and both his parents), I was able to do a cow check. No new calves, and nobody in labor. Yet.
20/Feb/11 4:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I see that you're on line, June. What're you doing up now?
20/Feb/11 4:38 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, a lovely spring day here today. I know it is spring, last night I heard the frogs in the pond over behind us. LOTS of frogs singing, yep, it is spring. Forecast through next Friday is mid 60's low 70's, my kind of temps.
Nuttin going on here, just making feedings for AL and getting his medicines in him. He just had cereal and soy milk, through the tube. Was having trouble with it, he had let it sit to long after I mixed it, and it just keeps getting thicker. Had to add liquid and it was fine once again.
Al has found old Pink Panther cartoons to watch, at least it is keeping him entertained. I do not enjoy them so much though.
Joy should be moving back in a couple weeks, IF she can get packed. at last count, she had 9 boxrs packed. Gee, I would have everything already packed and be camping out this close to moving. that is one thing I never was able to teach her, get things done early, but then she is Al's daughter!
Hugs to all with extras. Catch you again soon. I need to cook some REAL food, for me.
20/Feb/11 5:04 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Had a good saturday morning. I had to work for a few hours but I get paid overtime so it is worth it. Going out for dinner with my parents tonight. There is a pizza place they want me to try. If I don't have to cook, I am happy.
20/Feb/11 5:42 AM
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Morning all,
Hey Viv! Great to hear from you. Sorry Ethan messed up, but hopefully the info from the solicitor will scare Ethan into not taking any more chances, regardless of what happens in court - I hope he also tears strips off the guys who climbed onto the car! Pathetic that it was in the paper before Ethan was notified. And no more washing clothes that smell like fish and chips!! Just grass stains to worry about...
20/Feb/11 7:31 AM
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MizT, from one of your sister's updates, keeping the feeding tube full is a full time job! I hope you are sleeping again now. Hugs ♥♥♥
Tami, glad you got some overtime and a dinner out.
20/Feb/11 7:39 AM
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My town made the national news again! And once again I'm not proud... It has changed so much since I was a youngun..
Actually if you put the name of the town in the urban dictionary you get a fairly accurate description.
20/Feb/11 8:17 AM
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Actually I'm wrong about the urban dictionary - this is actually on the other side of the river and doesn't have a definition.
20/Feb/11 8:19 AM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I always feel that if someone has an attack dog, they've got something to hide. Hubby was bitten by a dog this morning, or I should say his coat was bitten by a dog. A young boy was walking a cocker spaniel and it growled at hubby, bared its teeth and sunk his teeth into hubby's arm. Good thing he was wearing a winter coat. I got bitten by a cocker spaniel on the bare foot about 20 years ago (my sisterIL's dog). I think the breed has become so refined that some of them are a bit on the weird side now.
Hubby invited the girls here this evening. I told him I wished he hadn't because I see them every day and I could use a break. He said he doesn't get to see them very often, and of course he's right. I told him next time just go over to their place, please.
Time to fling food ... sigh.
20/Feb/11 8:36 AM
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Theresa, as long as he's the one who spends time with them and doesn't leave all the entertaining to you!
I've heard that small dogs are the most vicious. A pit bull tried to eat me one time, I yelled at it and faced it down and screamed out 'get your blasted dog' etc and eventually they called him in and I was able to get away.
20/Feb/11 8:49 AM
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I guess the post from the UK to Oz is slow - I don't have my wedding invitation yet...
20/Feb/11 8:56 AM
Small Town Canada
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That's just it Suzy, as long as he's the one who entertains them the entire time. BUT I KNOW THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. He'll get sidetracked by something or other .....
I told hubby this morning that I wanted time to relax today. I got most of the stuff done this morning and early afternoon so that I could hopefully spend some time this evening watching TV and maybe knitting or reading or playing on the computer. Obviously he listened really well to me, didn't he? I love him dearly, but he can be so annoying sometimes. Do they ever fully listen to us?
20/Feb/11 9:08 AM
Small Town Canada
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I didn't get my invite either yet.
20/Feb/11 9:10 AM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Nup, nuffin in the post here either.
20/Feb/11 9:15 AM
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Theresa, under those circumstances I think it's perfectly acceptable to interrupt him doing whatever has distracted him and remind him of his commitment! Rudely if necessary..
20/Feb/11 9:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I haven't gotten an invitation yet, either.
20/Feb/11 9:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I did some grocery shopping, and stopped at a couple of pet shops today. I've sold my excess birds! I'm dropping them off tomorrow.
20/Feb/11 10:07 AM
Perth W Aust
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still waiting for my invite....
Morning all
Viv noice to see you, sorry about the woes you are having with Ethan, at the same time, happy he has a Traineeship.. well done!
20/Feb/11 10:24 AM
Perth W Aust
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Rena's daughter Amber is in the photo on Easy today.
Taken here in Fremantle, when they were holidaying here in Perth and staying at Hotel Rolanda..
it is not my photo, it is one of Rena's, I have several photos of Rena and Amber in my Gallery.
20/Feb/11 10:31 AM
Small Town Canada
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Good thought Suzy, but sometimes they want grandma (i.e. go with them to the bathroom) and grandpa just won't do. They are starting to become a bit shy about their bodies. Good thing I like them.
And we begin, here they come .........
20/Feb/11 10:37 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all.
Pizza was good. Suzy, looked at the link. Don't like pit bulls. They are banned in the county south of me.
Theresa, men do NOT listen. There is something in there brains that makes them shut down when a woman speaks. Maybe it is because we are superior and they realize it
20/Feb/11 10:45 AM
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Tami, I think they are classified as dangerous dogs here, which means concrete floored pens with sides imbedded in the concrete etc etc. Obviously not very many people comply -costs about $10,000 to meet the requirements I'm told - until they are forced to.
20/Feb/11 10:59 AM
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Theresa, I think your grandies are old enough to take themselves off to the bathroom..
20/Feb/11 11:03 AM
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