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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Magnolia, KY
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Tami... The problem with banning Pit Bulls is that there is no breed of that name, and most people are so ignorant about dogs that they don't know what a Pit Bull is. A bunch of years ago, some people I knew were driving thru' a town in, I think, Connecticut, that had banned Pit Bulls. The family was riding in their convertible car, with their Great Dane, on the way to a dog show that the dog was entered in. A police officer saw the dog riding in an open car, stopped at a traffic light, approached them and shot their dog!!! He insisted that this well trained show dog, obviously not a Pit Bull, WAS a Pit Bull!!! He had no idea what a Pit Bull was, but was told to shoot them on sight!
20/Feb/11 11:05 AM
Small Town Canada
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Pit bulls are supposedly a really nice breed of dog, loyal, etc. It's just that they are training by people to be vicious guard dogs.
Suzy, the bathroom is all the way upstairs, you know. Besides I am not allowed to come in with them - I sit on the top step. So far two bathroom trips and they've only been here a short while.
20/Feb/11 11:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Have you strangled him yet, Theresa?
20/Feb/11 11:33 AM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, I didn't want to do that in front of the kids. I'll wait until later when he's the most vulnerable. Like I said to him earlier, "You do have to sleep some time, you know."
20/Feb/11 11:37 AM
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All the more reason for your hubby to take them Theresa, he is capable of sitting on a step! I think you are just a softy!!
20/Feb/11 11:44 AM
Small Town Canada
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I know Suzy, but you're a fine one to talk. You are as soft as I am.
20/Feb/11 12:00 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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lol, yes, pot calling kettle black!
20/Feb/11 12:28 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, I remember doing the same things to my grandmother. The best was when I was about 13. I walked to her house afterschool to leave my books and then go to the doctor. She was used to this as I would do it when I had to go to the orthodontist. This was to the pediatrician. She was sitting outside with her friends and I asked her to come with me. She asked why as I always went alone. I told her. She threw up her hands and said to her friend, "what choice do I have?" This was my mother's mother and I have wonderful memories of her. Your grandies will have wonderful memories of you.
20/Feb/11 12:30 PM
qld, australia
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Potty mouths!
20/Feb/11 12:37 PM
Small Town Canada
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And they're gone. Would I be a bad grandma if I shouted joyously?
20/Feb/11 12:41 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh no way, Theresa - we shouted joyously yeaterday!!
20/Feb/11 1:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Nah.... You'd be a tired grandma.
20/Feb/11 1:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Same time, CynB!!!!
20/Feb/11 1:31 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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That's 'yesterday'!
Heidi - what an awful story abouy the policeman shooting the dog!
20/Feb/11 1:32 PM
Magnolia, KY
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In about an hour, I'm going out for another cow check. Then, unless there's a cow going into labor, I'll go to bed early. I'm feeling really queasy. I could only eat 3 bites of dinner.
20/Feb/11 1:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That's why breed specific laws are so awful. Most people don't know how to identify the breed or type. And banning innocent animals leads to abuses like that. The same laws should apply to all living creatures.
20/Feb/11 1:36 PM
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Gekko, Everybody! I'm joining you just shy of 10 p.m. and reading page 562.
Hi, CynB, V Viv, Tami, Theresa, Heidi, MizTricia, Suzy, Broni and Rolanda!
Cyn, I hope Mr. Cyn is now feeling better! Probably a quiet day without grandies helped! Take care, you two!
Viv, what a delight to see your posts! But, what a time you've been having. Hoping the solicitor is a good one and all goes well on March 11! Will be thinking very positive thoughts! On the other hand, some mighty good news for Ethan, as well! How do you say congratulations and at the same time wonder what/if they were thinking?
Theresa, thank you for your kind offer, but no need for fleas here at the moment. We'll be thinking of D and her doctors on the 24th. It's terrific that you slept for 9 hours. That should help!
Heidi, did IH really think you would lock Rede in an area without food? Hopefully he opened the gate while you were discussing with the man interested in a bull. Does if happen often that someone just comes looking for livestock? Was it someone you knew?
MizT, love the sound of frogs in the spring! How nice that they seem to be welcoming the warmer temperatures! I'm glad Al has found something to distract him/take up his time! It is so fortunate that you have your background to help deal with all of the feedings, etc.! I hope Joy can get everything packed and will soon be able to join you!
Tami, I'm so glad this morning went well! I hope you enjoyed dinner with your parents! How are Bernie and Bobbi? I hope they are both well! Have a great day tomorrow!
Suzy, it would be my guess that all of our towns have changed since we were younger! Unfortunately, the world is NOT a better place!
Theresa, I hope you and Mr. Theresa and the grandies enjoyed each others' company tonight! How fortunate that your hubby was wearing a winter coat when the dog decided to attack! I hope he is OK!
My invitation hasn't arrived yet either. I can only assume it's an oversight!
Heidi, congratulations on selling your excess birds!
Rolanda, thanks for letting us know that Amber's pic is on Easy! I don't get there on a regular basis any more.
20/Feb/11 4:00 PM
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Wow, I started typing that last post an hour ago. TOO many interruptions!
20/Feb/11 4:00 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I was wondering about that, Julie.
20/Feb/11 4:03 PM
qld, australia
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Hi Heidi and Julie!Just back from have a dip in the pool, it is so hot and humid here and in New South Wales.
20/Feb/11 4:08 PM
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And, here we are on page 563!
Hi, Heidi, Theresa, Suzy, Gail, Tami, Broni and CynB!
Heidi, what an awful story about the family with the Great Dane! And what a horrible law to be on the books!
Theresa, I can understand that your grandies might not want to go upstairs by themselves, especially in the evening. When our kids were younger, one of them avoided going to the basement alone for a couple of years. I'll admit, it was a dark, dismal, depressing basement and we had moved from a house where we had finished part of the basement as their playroom. It was just too different for them to be comfortable.
Theresa and Cyn, tired grandmas have every right to shout joyously!
Well, I'm thinking some of my North American counterparts have headed to bed. It's about time for me to do the same. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all - and
positive thoughts and prayers! Thinking of all of you! Good Night!
20/Feb/11 4:10 PM
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It's just been 2 minutes. Did I miss you, Broni?
20/Feb/11 4:11 PM
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I'm going to say Hi to MizT. Her light is on again! Hi, MizT! I hope all is well!
20/Feb/11 4:12 PM
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Having been on the wrong end of a dog attack and getting out of it uninjured only out of luck, I have no problem at all with breed laws. I do however, have a serious problem about the way the one Heidi described was enforced. Here a dog must be assessed by trained Animal Management Officers before it can be declared dangerous. And even then it wouldn't be shot unless it was in the middle of attacking someone and it was the only way to stop it. Even AMOs need to apply for a certificate to kill a particular animal.
20/Feb/11 4:18 PM
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Cat story:
We had something interesting happen last night. Normally all we have to say is 'Ally, feed the dogs' and Nommy is inside meowing his head off and getting underfoot wanting to be fed first - he understands people talk...
Last night he didn't come. So I went outside and tapped on a can calling his name - now that will bringing him running from miles away at any time of the day or night, but not last night.
I went out the back - nothing. I went out the front - nothing. I did them both again, only this time I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. He was on the roof!!! We had to get a ladder to get him down.
20/Feb/11 4:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... what you describe is not a breed law... it's a dangerous dog law. Those have a place, just like there are dangerous people laws. Even then, each case should be weighed on it's facts. For instance, I had one dog, Sprite, who bit many people, but she only bit people who asked for it. She hospitalized one teenager who had a long history of being discovered in peoples homes, going through their things, when they came home. He tried it once here. In the hospital, he told them he was attacked by one of my dogs, and then the story came out. He never broke into another house after that, and is now an honest, hardworking young man. Whenever a stranger had the stupidity to walk in our yard uninvited, she'd come out of nowhere, and rip their pants right over their "family jewels". She's then vanish, and would allow them to leave the yard unmolested. If they didn't take the hint, she drew blood. If I invited the person in (and I have always been careful of who gets okayed), that person was treated as a member of the family. Sprite got quite a reputation, and since she moved so fast that nobody but me knew which dog bit, all the lowlifes in the area are terrified to step in our yard uninvited now. I still have 2 of Sprite's offspring.... Coffee and Dennis.
20/Feb/11 4:46 PM
Magnolia, KY
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NomNom is a silly cat!
20/Feb/11 4:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Now I HAVE to do that cow check. I didn't do it earlier because I was feeling so nauseous.
If there are no calves, I'll just go straight to bed afterwards. If there is a new calf, I'll let you all know.
20/Feb/11 4:49 PM
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Back from the show. Laura got three third places with the horse. Very good as some of the things were for beginners and some adults who had not entered a show before were competing. They did divide the adults from the children but she was still competing against older children and also children with a horse in their backyard that they ride every day. Belinda only started training both Laura and the horse what to do about two weeks ago. As well as the photos Laura also got firsts for her collage and her drawing.
I am a proud grand mother.
20/Feb/11 4:50 PM
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June, that is so wonderful! She must be a natural to be that good after only a couple of weeks!! I see a future of trecking out to Belinda's coming up... Oh, and more mess in the lounge room.
Heidi, it's both, certain breeds cannot be sold or bred, and it is the AMOs who do the determinations. Dangerous dogs are extras on top of that.
20/Feb/11 4:58 PM
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Oh, and there are laws concerning the 'dangerous breeds' and the way you have to cage them - and it is a cage, in fact I think I would put a dog to sleep rather than cage him the way they require.
20/Feb/11 5:07 PM
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This is the reason Alie and a boy her age spent all of their time waiting for treatment in the waiting room instead of in a bed.
20/Feb/11 5:11 PM
qld, australia
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Back again,
Venting Here!!!!!! Beware!
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate call centres, well I have had to phone two this afternoon!
Tried to book a return flight for Poss and got thru the whole internet booking only to have a Verified by Visa page (VBV) pop up, could not continue with the booking until I signed up for this thang. Well an error occured, tried again then had to phone the airline (Tiger for the Aussies) so after going thru the press 1 for etc etc finally got to speak to someone and "Oh no you will have to phone the Visa provider" OK call centre #2 press 1 for blah blah blah. Turns out because I type my name in upper and lower case and on my card it is all in upper case they locked my card (SCREAMING HERE!) Now waitng for 15 mins after they unlocked my card to try again.
20/Feb/11 5:15 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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AAAAARGH! Poor dag :(((
20/Feb/11 5:26 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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My word Suzy! I am not a believer but after reading that story you have to think there was something on her side!
20/Feb/11 5:30 PM
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Mine got locked because I pressed Savings instead of Credit on the keypad of one of those eftpos machines. Drives you mad doesn't it!!
20/Feb/11 5:34 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Amazing story, Suzy!!! I would have said that the child's survival was impossible!
Congrats, June!!! Laura did an incredible job! I'm proud to have a connection to her thru' you.
20/Feb/11 5:38 PM
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It makes you think doesn't it Gail? Amazing and wonderful at the very least!
20/Feb/11 5:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Broni.... I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Progress frequently is NOT a good thing. Automatic systems and call centers are an abomination!!! I will do business with any company that has a human answer the phone and talk to me intelligently.
20/Feb/11 5:41 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Now to bed. I don't have to get up too early because the pet shop doesn't even open 'til noon.
20/Feb/11 5:42 PM
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