Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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If I counted correctly this should take us over.
18/Feb/11 11:30 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, it sounds like a fun game!

Rolanda, 'a cup of tea, a bex, and a good lie down' sounds very much like a nana nap!
18/Feb/11 12:12 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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It was fun Suzy. I have 5 students on the basketball team. I wrote the 5 names on my board with a note that they had mandatory after-school detention today. They all laughed but 1 thought I was serious.
18/Feb/11 12:18 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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With that, I am going to say goodnight. I am tired and want a good night sleep. See you all in the morning.

P. S. No broken bones.
18/Feb/11 12:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Night Tami, you got one! Sleep well.
18/Feb/11 12:26 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!!
TTT: Congrats on not making a fool of yourself!!! I am the same way, even after all the years my dad coached my brother Chris's church team...I'd shoot hoops (or at least attempt to) during halftime. Was fun, I was never any good.
Thanks to Julie for the acknowledgement of Mrs. Frances Tiernan...She was a BIG influence on me and all of her students. I re-read her obit this morning, seems she sent graduation cards to ALL of her students. Think about that for a second. She taught 1st & 2nd grade for 30+ years. About 25-30 kids in each class. That is a LOT of graduation cards!!!
George told me this a.m. he had a meeting with the FBI...Tried to e-mail him, having problems e-mailing anyone with AT&T accounts, so it was rejected. Will try again tomorrow & update everyone. That's all for now, TTFN
18/Feb/11 2:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzanne.... That's great that the FBI is getting involved in George's case. It's also scary that they consider that religious cult dangerous enough to investigate.
18/Feb/11 4:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am about to add a picture to my page. It's one of my Gypsy Vanner, harnessed to my buggy, taken when my trainer was working with him.
After I upload the picture, I'm heading outside to tag another new calf.
18/Feb/11 4:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko, SA9A! It's nearly 11 p.m.

Hi, Heidi, Suzy, Gail, June, Tami, Broni, Brenda, Theresa, Rolanda and CynB!

Heidi, you're fantastic to be willing to be a "port in the storm" for the young girl! I hope it all works out!

Suzy, hooray for Ebob! Once she knew what the concerns were, she figured out how to handle it! Just wondering, what did Mr. Suzy expect that you might do to help him keep from getting wet? Or, maybe he was just calling so you'd be aware that he'd be delayed?

June, you are amazing to get the painting done as well as the chores you went there to do! I'm thinking the warm shower and warming liquid were just right. Plus, maybe a nana nap? (I'm glad Belinda liked it and was appreciative!) Definitely a bonus that your cleaning lady had cleaned your house! What a relief!

June, excellent advice for Tami at the basketball game!

Broni, so glad the patient is safely ensconced in Sydney! I hope whoever he'll be staying with can convince him to do his therapy! Peace and quiet for you and Bella!

Heidi, I hope all goes well with the 2 cows either tonight or tomorrow! Please take care of yourself! Upset tummies are no fun!

Brenda, what great news that your roof is done! Hopefully the decorating part will be fun!

Theresa, so glad you and your D were able to watch the movie! Perhaps the next one will be scarier?

Heidi, I'm so glad your tummy settled down so you could shop for groceries!

Suzy, it seems strange that the students aren't allowed to charge their computers at school! Maybe the school anticipates a large jump in electricity usage?

Rolanda, thank you for the link about the QM2 arriving in Fremantle!

Cyn, I hope you and the 3 girls have a wonderful evening while their dad goes to the awards ceremony!

Hooray for Tami, who survived the basketball game and whose team won!
18/Feb/11 4:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Reading at the top of page 560:

Hi, Tami, Suzy, Suzanne and Heidi!

Tami, excellent counting and a great TOPP! Sleep well; you deserve it!

Suzanne, it sounds like Mrs Tiernan was special in many ways! Imagine following your students from first or second grade until they graduate so that she could send a card to acknowledge the accomplishment!

I'm glad your friend George has been in touch with law enforcement, Suzanne! The FBI must be taking the threats seriously!

Heidi, I love your new picture!

Thank you all for thinking of my nephew! He actually left the hospital today! It's amazing! Of course, he has a lot of healing to do!

For some reason, I'm exhausted today, so I'm about to head off to bed! Thinking positive thought, sending prayers, and {{{{HUGS}}}} for everyone, whether I've mentioned your name today or not! Take care!
18/Feb/11 4:47 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I am a bit stiff still but the worst is where I have 'arthur' in my right thumb. I also hurt that when I slipped over last week. Using the mouse does not help so trying to keep away from the computer.
Played the game went well Tami.
Nice to have some healthy heifers Heidi,but guess you are waiting for some nice big bull calves.
Saw QM2 leave Sydney Harbour at midnight on her maiden voyage. A very big ship.
Going to a friends for dinner tonight.
Hugs to you all.
18/Feb/11 4:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH left me a note saying that we had a brand new calf, so on that info I went outside and walked the entire 12 acre pasture with a light and the ear tagger. No new calf, just the 2 we already had. It's easy to tell them apart. New calves don't have big yellow ear tags!
18/Feb/11 5:07 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi, sorry for laughing, I know you take your commitments seriously and had to check just in case...not like IH!
Gekko to my friends.
18/Feb/11 5:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Cows are smarter than you'd think. During the day, most of the cows won't let me approach too close, and a bunch of them shy away at my approach. At night, when I'm doing cow checks, I can pet nearly every cow, and squeeze between them for close looks. They know that at night, there's no danger of me doing anything to them, like giving them shots or moving them into a pen away from the herd.
18/Feb/11 5:20 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Have a happy weekend everyone. I'm just about to shut down the computer, turn off the lights, lock the doors and head for home. Obviously, I'm here by myself. The weekend beckons and I'm outa here. See Ya.
18/Feb/11 5:31 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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"Smarter than the average Bear" Heidi, although sure you will now tell me how smart bears are.
Time for you to get some rest after your 12 acre walk my girl.
18/Feb/11 5:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nearly 2 am, so I'm off to bed once again.
18/Feb/11 5:54 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sleep well Heidi, hope you are refreshed in the morning or do you still have to do another cow check later?
18/Feb/11 5:59 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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9am Scaffolders are here dismantling the scaffold,the skip was taken away at 7:30am soon there will be no sign of the builders ever having been here except for a lovely straight roof.
Julie the decorating will be a pleasure once we have stripped the old paper off the walls. I have a decorator who comes in and does my decorating for me. He is worth his fee and will get the job done in half the time it would take me and it will be a perfect finish too. I thought I was going to have to find a new decorator as a friend told me that Tim had retired. He has retired but still does some work for his favourite people
18/Feb/11 8:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Phew, that's lucky Brenda. There is nothing worse than getting fully comfy with a decorator/dentist/doctor/hairdresser, then have them up and disappear on you! It takes a lot of time and patience to break in a new one.
18/Feb/11 8:44 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Very true Gail.
18/Feb/11 8:46 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Aaargh! We are changing internet providers, and the change over will occur next Tuesday. Our current one rolls over on the 16th of the month, so hubby decided he should get the most out of them till we change and is downloading the entire knowledge of the world, or so it would seem with the speed the network is now running at!!!
18/Feb/11 8:50 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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LOVE the photo Heidi. Looks like a nice way to enjoy the scenery.
Read the posts but my brain is still asleep and did not comprehend much. Coffee is brewing, that should help. Be back later.
18/Feb/11 10:14 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Working on a cup of coffee. Another mild day for us here, with a touch of rain right now. "Arthur" has settled in. Next week is my D's surgery, so sure hope he leaves before then.

Suzanne, glad George is getting some help.

Heidi, love the pictures.

Cyn, hope you survived so far with the kids. I have the two grandies for 4-6 hours after school today. I hate having to make supper for them because the oldest one is so picky. Think I'll run to the store today and get the fixings for mini-pizzas (on English muffins). That way they can make their own and put whatever they want on them.

I am up to date on reading all the comments, but remembering everything is the problem. Hope to be back later.
18/Feb/11 10:34 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, sounds like a good dinner. I like mini pizzas also. Keeping you and your daughter in my thoughts for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Coffee is ready. Help yourself.
18/Feb/11 10:49 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks Tami. The thought of the next few weeks is kind of scary. I am going to be so frazzled, not only with having the girls almost full time, but the worry over the surgery. Hopefully I will have a chance now and then to pop in here for the sake of my sanity (such as it is). My daughter has been so sore the last few weeks that she seldom gets off the couch. The couch is where she sleeps because she can't get upstairs. I have to stay home most of the time to be near the phone because most days she is even too sore to get up and let the dog (black lab) out.

Time for another coffee. I too have made a pot of coffee, so I have extra for anyone who wants some.
18/Feb/11 11:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... Won't your SIL take some time off to help care for his wife and kids? Why is it entirely your responsibility? Or are you just a saint?
19/Feb/11 2:45 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, my SIL is taking a week off, but he will be spending most of his time at the hospital with my daughter. He has to learn all the exercises, etc., she is supposed to do so he can help her at home. He can then also show me what needs to be done. Between his mom and I we will be there for the girls before and after school. It's about an hour's drive one way to the hospital. Although I am glad the operation time is almost here, I think I'm going to be one exhausted turkey by the time it's all over (my nickname is turkey). And yes, I am a saint, have you never heard of Mother Theresa?

I just got back from the store to get the mini-pizza fixings. Can't wait for supper because I like them too, Tami.
19/Feb/11 2:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Has anyone heard from Vivacious Viv lately? I'm getting very concerned that she hasn't been on here for a while. Do we need to notify the police in her area?
19/Feb/11 3:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm on my way out to do a thorough cow check. IH does some, but I can't trust him to see any new calf, or problem, unless it's super obvious.
19/Feb/11 3:14 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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You're right Heidi, Viv hasn't been here in a while. If you know her full name, could you send me a PM and I can see if I can locate her on Facebook?
19/Feb/11 3:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nope.... no new calves.
19/Feb/11 3:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert hasn't shown up yet, and it's after 12:00. I think he's sore from the hard work I've had him do the last 2 days. Yesterday he was digging post holes amid tree roots. The day before I had him mixing concrete. Today will be a blend of both.... IF he shows up.
19/Feb/11 4:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH had an interesting explanation as to why he told me that we has a calf born last night. He was rattled because he hit a deer on the way back from the plant. So what's his excuse for the other 364 days of the year?
19/Feb/11 6:29 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It's almost time to pick up the grandies. The oldest was really cranky this morning and the youngest was whiney, hope they've gotten over it. If not, I'll be cranky and whiney too.
19/Feb/11 7:17 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Theresa, perhaps they're worried about the op and don't know how to say so?

I'm not Viv's friend on fb and think I would be if she was there. I do have her email addy though - message on its way.
19/Feb/11 7:34 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June and Theresa, grrrring at Arthur!

June, glad the other aches and pains aren't too bad.... The QM2 would have been amazing to see!

Trivia: Hubby and I met on the Queen Mary - we had champagne brunch there. He was only there so I wouldn't feel like a gooseberry.
19/Feb/11 7:52 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Zusy, if your email does not work think Cyn has her number.
I have a tough tart here this morning showing off and barking at anything that goes by the gate.
19/Feb/11 7:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gekko Broni. Does that mean you are enjoying a morning cup of coffee on the deck? Bliss!
19/Feb/11 8:22 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have Viv's home and mobile number. Let us know if you hear from her.
19/Feb/11 8:52 AM
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