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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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June, you are my hero! I wouldn't even try to move a fridge by myself.. What colour are you painting?
I'm so proud of myself, hubby and I sat down with Ebob and didn't lose our tempers and talked calmly and logically. Didn't think I had it in me!! Not after last night and today.
16/Feb/11 9:38 PM
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Ally is arranging to meet a guy - but it's not a date! They've never actually met before, though they chat online (like us) but he is also a friend of a friend, a friend she has known since preschool. Cute and scary at the same time.
16/Feb/11 9:42 PM
qld, australia
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Ok still reading, hipefully will comment soon or fall asleep
16/Feb/11 10:10 PM
qld, australia
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Ew Zusy. sounds like a good change.
Yep, so we are not axe murderers, there has to be others like us.
16/Feb/11 10:12 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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June, you are a freaking legend! xoxo
16/Feb/11 10:16 PM
Stevenage UK
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June do you want to come over here. I have a kitchen needing painting and soon a bedroom needing fully redecorating, carpeting and new wardrobes fitted (need planning and buying first). You are a wonderful mother doing all that work for Belinda, I hope she really does appreciate you.
16/Feb/11 10:26 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I am proud that you sat calmly with Ebob. She has already shown you she is willing to leave and I know you don't want that again. The fact that she sat down and listened is a good sign that she does not want to leave again, either. At some point you need to let her make some of her own decisions but lay down the ground rules. I am thinking of you and hope things work out.
16/Feb/11 10:43 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Have to go check email. Be back soon.
Coffee's ready, help yourself.
16/Feb/11 10:44 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all ... time to read with my coffee. I did see Suzy's offer of a 17 year old. Been there, done that, but never got the T-shirt!! My 7 year old grandie acts like she's 17 sometimes - there are days she could really use an attitude adjustment! So far so good this week, no problems.
My D has a cold and laryngitis - I told her it's a good thing because then it will be gone by the time of her operation.
17/Feb/11 1:45 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, how thoughtful, painting your daughter';s kitchen. Me, I would not complain about color if someone painted mine, unless they chose navy or black hehehe.
I see one complaint about the site being slow. should I open SA10 for us? Would not take long to do, if I remember how, been so long hehehe.
I had a good night's sleep last night, so the world is looking better today. No road trips rest of week, perhaps we both can catch up on rest, Just have to poke fluids down one hubby is all. Monday and again yesterday, he did try eating, managed to swallow about 6-8 bites. that is good, cause without working those swallow muscles, they can stiffen from the radiation. the speach therapist came while in hospital and gave him exercises to do daily to keep those muscles working. He was so proud of himself swallowing anything, and I was too. Hurts too much to continue, but a few bites a day is an improvement.
I have a kitty problem. One of the cats is leaving surprises just outside the litter box. she is not happy about something I do think. I have cleaned the box, that did not solve it. Not what I need now, one more job a day cleaning after an unhappy cat!! Any suggestions? I know neither of them are too hapy with Pretty Boy being here. I have stopped feeding him, hope he will move on to someone else. Girls do not want to go outside cause he is here, bummer. I like my loud, insistent little boy cat.
Julie, I am so happy along with you, that we have unlimited internet and not so expensive either. Like Suzy, we are at the end of the service area, although ours is via phone lines, and we do not get the speed we are paying for, but it is so much faster than dial up! The technition who came out told us not to contract for the highest speed, no way we would get more than the midle one, no matter what we paid. Nice of him to worn us.
Time for 9 am meds, let me see what I need to mix this morning. Hugs to all and extras where needed.
17/Feb/11 1:50 AM
Stevenage UK
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Tricia hugs going to you and Al. There is nothing better than a good nights sleep to make things look better. Hope Al does the excersises to keep those swallowing muscles working. He will need them when he gets to eat all the lovely solid food you are going to beable to make when he is better.
17/Feb/11 2:15 AM
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Good Maen everyone! Sinus congestion & cough are bearable this morning. Got on FB this morning and one of my friends, Lynda, from elementary school told me our 1st & 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Frances Tiernan, passed away at the ripe old age of 93. There are teachers that shape your life at a young age, that was her!! I will miss her dearly.
Hello to everyone here, TTT, thanks for the coffee!
Hugs & healing vibes for those in need. TTFN
17/Feb/11 2:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June... You are a Wonder Woman!!!
You make a great role model for Laura.
Suzy..... GOOD for you.
I may need a lot of advice, soon. I've just offered to take in a troubled 17 year old girl, myself. It's not definite that she's coming here. What I worry about is her final semester in HS has started, and she'll have to change schools.
17/Feb/11 4:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gekko everybody.
Great hearing from you, MizT. You sound like you're feeling better. You look better, too. (When you're feeling bad, your typing is horrendous... or creative, depending on how you look at it.)
Sorry to hear about your teacher, Suzanne. I had a favorite, too. My third grade teacher, Mrs. Schultz. She encouraged my interests, and did everything she could to protect me from my step-father's abuse, including yelling at my parents and threatening them. That was way before the days when teachers could or would do anything about child abuse. She was old and white haired then, and nearing retirement, so she would be gone now. She retired a couple of years after I was her student.
17/Feb/11 4:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... I don't think the site is slow. I don't have a problem with it, but I don't use a Window's program, either.
17/Feb/11 5:36 AM
Small Town Canada
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Nice to see you here, MizT.
Nasty headache again today, so I haven't been spending a lot of time on the computer.
Tomorrow D and I are going to watch a scary movie in the morning, before I make her lunch. I love scary movies.
17/Feb/11 5:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It is 66℉ / 19℃ right now!!! Delightful weather. The snow is all melted. This is normal schizophrenic Kentucky weather in action. Just 3 days ago we had 3 inches of snow on the ground, and it was 8℉ / -13℃!!!!!
17/Feb/11 7:37 AM
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Morning all,
Great to hear you sounding so rested and optimistic MizT! ♥ Hugs that the good progress and good rest continues..
Theresa, I won't be visiting you tomorrow - don't like scary movies!!!
Heidi, in my case the speed has nothing whatsoever to do with windows - it's all about my internet speed. Good luck with your troubled teen. With horses and other animals all around you might have a calming environment for her.
I loved my English teacher. I remember one time she gave me almost full marks for an essay - not because it was almost perfect, but because it was such an improvement on previous work. (English was my worst subject - anybody suprised??) She drowned in a few inches of water after having a seizure. She would have been in her 30's...
17/Feb/11 7:47 AM
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Brenda, it sounds like the repairs are moving along very nicely and on schedule. You must have found good contractors. ♥
17/Feb/11 7:53 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all
MizT - That was me who said about it being slower to post, but even so it's not taking minutes like I've seen other SA's do in the past. Take no notice of me and leave it until people really start complaining. We like to set records here - it would be nice to continue while we can.
(Big hugs to you and Al!)
17/Feb/11 8:47 AM
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Morning all. You sound so much better MizT. My heart goes out to Al and all he has to endure with the cancer treatment.
Just about ready to finish the painting. All the paintings framed photos and nick nacks are back on the walls that are already painted. I know she wanted cream colour and this is just a deep cream.
I still have quite a bit of painting to do at home! It will just have to wait a bit longer!
Thinking of you all but no time to comment as I must get these jobs finished before I go home later today (after I fed the horses)
17/Feb/11 9:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I was about to say I am not having any problems either and would also like to set a record. They say great minds think alike, right Cyn?
17/Feb/11 9:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We have already set a record! SA8 was 2,000+ posts less than SA9A is, and we're still going.
17/Feb/11 9:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH is heading off to the plant in an hour.
I put Robert to work today patching a hole in the driveway with concrete. I like to fix 'em so they stay fixed! Tomorrow we're gonna start to replace a 200 ft. section of fence that's been bugging me for a while.
17/Feb/11 9:33 AM
Small Town Canada
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Grandies are here ... D has a flu. I will probably have them until 7:00 or so and then I think I will make it an early night. Can't get rid of the headache.
17/Feb/11 10:39 AM
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Going to do a gail with hubby!
17/Feb/11 10:40 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone. I know someone said I should not have canceled mom's night out to help kids with homework. I did not mind. It was a project for Dylan and I really didn't want to be out late. Mitchell decided to stay home also. They got their work down and we had a quiet evening at home. Sometimes that is the best on a school night.
17/Feb/11 10:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Calf # 2 is on the ground. Another heifer.
17/Feb/11 10:57 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I need everyone to think of me tomorrow, about 4:30 my time (Eastern Standard Time). We are having our annual faculty/student basketball game and I have been "volunteered" to play on the team. Two of my students are on the girls team. Am I allowed to give them an "F" if they block me and an "A" if they let me score??
I am going to make a fool of myself but it should be fun.
17/Feb/11 10:59 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Congratulations Mama Heidi, or is it Grandma Heidi????
17/Feb/11 11:01 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Stand tall Tami, and man up!
17/Feb/11 11:15 AM
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Sounds like fun Tami!
All showered and ready to go but it's too early yet. This is my great niece's status on facebook.
Me: Dad the red sign say stop so you gotta stop (me saying scarcastically)
Dad: I dont got to stop for nothing, all i got to do is stay white and die. (so seriously)
Me and Kelli Ann Hinton hahahahahahahaha
my dad just looks at us wierdly
I don't know if that's her actual Dad or a step dad, I don't think her father was in her life when her mother died, but he sounds like a nasty piece of work.
17/Feb/11 11:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, I am going to man up. I just have not played basketball in over 20 years and I am out of shape. Like I said, I am going to make a fool of myself.
17/Feb/11 11:49 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just remember, Tami. You won't be the only person out there, and others will probably make fools of themselves, too.
17/Feb/11 12:03 PM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
Suzy, enjoy your 'Gail'!
Heidi, congrats on the new calfs
Tami, Ms #1 Basketballer
June, my place can do with a Paint!
Sending (Hugs) and ♥ to all, specially MizT and Al, Theresa and D .....
17/Feb/11 12:10 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, some of the teachers played ball in high school or college. One even went to college on a basketball scholarship. I never played more than recreational. I am completely uncoordinated. Luckily my boys take after their father when it comes to sports. I have NO eye/hand coordination and it has been medically proved.
17/Feb/11 12:37 PM
Alabama, USA
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my back will not behave today, been fighting a back ache most of the day. It is winning. None of my normal remedies working, DRATS. Perhaps I need to increase my pain med, I am taking the lowest dose still.
What a beautiful day today was, temps close to 70, beautiful blue skies, a nice south breeze. I sat on back porch more than once today to enjoy it, and had front door opened to let in light and some air, using just the storm door and the lower pane of that raised for the breeze.
If this weather continues I shall have to hunt for short sleeved shirts, I only have a few in the closet. Others are stored, thought I would not need them this early in the year.
I made 15 bean soup today. A package of the mixed beans and seasoning, with a recipe printed on the package, was in the food I received Monday. It was really good. Al was talking about how good it smelled, wishing he could have some. I put some in the blender and set the machine for liquefy, it really can puree foods, and he was able to put it in his feeding tube. when we use food instead of a formula, we really rinse with warm water to leave no residue to stop the tube. The Physician's Assistant we saw Monday said if he were eating, she would suggest bananas and green leafy vegetables to get his blood work up where they want it. I said I could "feed" him that. Since he does not taste these feedings, today he had one "meal" made from turnip greens and banana. I can get more calories in with pureed food than with formula, he needs to gain weight once again.
Cross fingers and toes that this time my doc has cured that 8 week old "flu like symptoms" I had. I seem much better, no more hurting when I breathe, no short of breath. I got him to give me the "big guns" antibiotic, Levoquin, and I am so much better. My sister who had same as I, is getting worse now that she finished her antibiotic, she did not get Levoquin. I do think she should ask for it.
Pain med beginning to work, think I shall go and hold down my recliner for a bit fore bedtime. Hugs to all, with extras.
17/Feb/11 1:44 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... You are an amazing woman. Al had better appreciate you. Tell him I said so.
17/Feb/11 1:56 PM
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Good maEn everyone!! Not here for long, glad to see Heidi, Theresa, TTT, MizT, Gail, Rolanda, Suzy & Broni here. Coughing still, getting tired of it!! Nice weather today, windy as H%^& today. Supposed to get some snow, not looking forward to that!!!
Told my mum about the passing of my teacher, she was surprised at how long she lived (93 years old) And she felt sad for me, because Mrs. Tiernan (my teacher) was such an influence in my life. I haven't cried yet, came close, probably when it sinks in. That's all for now, TTFN all.
17/Feb/11 3:08 PM
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Gekko to all! Reading near the bottom of page 557.
First of all - a clarification. I had read Vicki's comment, "Optus have now altered our plan and we now have 1 terrabyte of data. #1 was stunned and said he would never be able to use that much. Mind you he is giving it a good try." While I was typing that I chuckled at that comment, she squeezed in another comment that she had to work on Friday and said it was a bummer because she had some things planned. Vicki, I HOPE you didn't think that I was chuckling that you have to work on Friday and miss doing the things you had planned! My timing was horrible.
Heidi, thank you for the link to the Sound of Music flash mob. I then stayed up too late watching others on youtube. (My fault, not yours!)
June, I wonder if you are able to sit still and prop up your feet. You are such a sweetie and always doing something for others! Won't Belinda be surprised and pleased when she comes home to a freshly painted kitchen! Did you plan to move the 2 fridges by yourself? I hope they're on rollers! Take care and sure hope you get plenty of rest!
17/Feb/11 3:10 PM
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