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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Fernlands Qld
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Don't worry Julie, I wasn't concerned about your chuckle. With the timing on this site, I laugh about things from pages ago and want to comment but it's far too late as everyone has moved on.
His comment gave me a giggle as well.
17/Feb/11 3:54 PM
Fernlands Qld
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I didn't realise that I was turning the page.
Hallmonitor has been in action on Easy. Political jokes are out now. Mind you I'd seen that joke here with our Aust PM and labor/liberal party replacing Obama etc.
17/Feb/11 3:57 PM
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Hooray, reading on page 558!
Hi, Suzy, Broni, Gail, Brenda, Tami, Theresa, MizTricia, Suzanne, Heidi, CynB and June!
Suzy, good for you and Mr. Suzy for having a calm conversation with Ebob about recent events. I hope she listened and felt comfortable enough to talk as well!
Wow! Suzy, now Alie is going to meet a young man (friend of a friend) that she chats with online! I am SO glad my kids are older & no longer living in our house! I don't think I would have the nerves for it!
Broni, I'm so glad you mentioned the axe murderers! I was thinking the same thing! How is Possum? Has he been released from the hospital? I hope the healing process is going well!
Tami, it's a shame you missed your night out, but how wonderful that you enjoyed the time with your guys after the homework was finished!
Theresa, how awful that your D has cold, laryngitis and flu! I hope none of that lingers and that she'll be fully recovered by the time her surgery is scheduled!
Brenda, sounds like your contractors are making good progress! That's wonderful news!
MizT, comments are still posting well for me, but I'll follow you anywhere! At least to SA10, when the time comes! What wonderful news that you slept better - and feel better! Congrats to Al for swallowing some bits of food! Please tell him we're proud of him and he should keep up the good work so those swallowing muscles will be ready when he can once again eat your great cooking! MizT, you and Al keep up the great work you are doing! Things WILL get better!
MizT, have you changed litter for your cats? Do you have more than 1 litter box? Is Pretty Boy staying around your house most of the time so that they feel like they can't go out? Have you talked with them? After meeting an "animal communicator" we talk more with ours and try to send "images," which is what the animal communicator suggested. It can't hurt to try. Also, I bet they're getting less attention from you and Al with all you need to do. This might be a way to get some attention.
Suzanne, so glad the sinus congestion and cough are improving! Hopefully they will soon be gone entirely! What a shame that your favorite teacher has passed. My guess is that she had an idea of the immense impact she had on her students! RIP, Mrs. Frances Tiernan.
Heidi, how thoughtful of you to offer to take in a 17-year-old. You're right that changing schools at this point would be difficult for her so close to graduation. Is there anyone who lives within her school district who could "foster" her until she graduates?
Theresa, I hope the headache has improved! I won't be joining you and your D for a scary movie! No Friday the 13th/Freddie Kreuger or SAW movies for me! But I hope you both enjoy the movie, and then lunch together!
Cyn, your encouraging us to go for records here will be met by the effort of everyone! Unless things really slow down, we could probably go on indefinitely! I can't imagine the am
17/Feb/11 4:06 PM
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Oops, I've done it again! Here's the rest:
Cyn, your encouraging us to go for records here will be met by the effort of everyone! Unless things really slow down, we could probably go on indefinitely! I can't imagine the amount of memory used by our 9 installments of SA!
June, a deep cream color sounds lovely and warm for a kitchen! You have accomplished a lot in a few short days! I bet Belinda will love it! What a wonderful, caring Mum you are!
Heidi, good for you and Robert getting lots done while IH is at the plant! I hope all goes well with the fence repairs! Congrats on the arrival of calf #2! I hope the milder weather continues throughout the rest of calving!
Tami, will be thinking of you during the basketball game! You go, Girl! You can do it! (Plus, it's all in fun, right?)
Rolanda, I hope all is well with your Mum! Is she still resisting any kind of assisted living arrangement? I hope you are taking care of yourself!
MizT, I think it's a good thing that Al is liking the smells of food! That may help him to salivate, and then he will need to swallow. I'm glad you are able to puree food for him and get more calories into him! I just remembered that I had a doctor who had throat cancer. He always carried a bottle of water with him and sipped it frequently. I wonder if Al will find that helpful in the future. Thinking of both of you and so pleased that you both seem to be doing better. I think it's not just the better night's sleep, but also that the flu symptoms seem to be subsiding. Take care and wishing you continued improved health!
17/Feb/11 4:19 PM
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I'm SO glad you understood, Vicki!
I am fading fast. It has been a long day. Nephew had his surgery. I am impressed with his neurosurgeon! He was taken into surgery within minutes of scheduled time - in the afternoon, so there can often be more delays than in the morning. The surgeon said 3 hours for the surgery - and came out to talk to my sister within minutes of that time. It went well, and he thinks he may let my nephew go home tomorrow! Thinking of all of you and wishing wonderful days and happy times! Positive thoughts,
prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone! Good Night!
17/Feb/11 4:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie... That teenager has been emotionally abused all of her life, and has a lot of problems and baggage. She isn't in the social services system... she ran away when she couldn't take it any more. She's been living with an aunt who can't keep her any more because of problems between the girl and the aunt's 2 mentally handicapped boys. The girl is now living, temporarily, with a friend. Her grades at school have crashed. She doesn't trust anyone right now, and is uneasy about the idea of coming here. I'm still trying to persuade her that she would be safe here. I understand what's going on in her head because I was there at her age and still vividly remember it.
17/Feb/11 4:39 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That's great news about your nephew. He's been through enough.
17/Feb/11 4:40 PM
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Thoughts and wishes for your nephew Julie. I hope the operation is as successful as it so far appears to be!
I forgot to tell you the latest on the 29 year old creepazoid. Ebob proved herself up to handling anything once she becomes aware of it! He dropped by the school again and she straight out asked him what he thought there was between them. Just friends? Well, I need a little space, you can't drop in on me unannounced.
17/Feb/11 7:06 PM
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Hubby just called, he can't cross the street! He went into a shop and when he came out it was raining so hard if he ventures out from under the awning he'd be soaked before he got across the street. Should I tell him I grinned??
17/Feb/11 7:34 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I just can't believe he rang to tell you! lol
Hey, didn't realise the creepazoid was cruising the school for her, isn't that like against the law or something?
17/Feb/11 8:59 PM
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Hi All, back home again.After finishing the painting and 1 1/2 hour drive home I could hardly get out of the car! A shower and something added to a drink to make me relax and I feel much better.
Belinda rang and asked " didn't I get a say in the colour?" I told her I have been taking samples and asking her for about six months and all she would say was I ant a cream colour and that is what she got. She did thank me and say she likes it.
There was also the moving the fridges, feeding the eight horses (which does hurt my back, gates, carrying feed etc). I also had to bring in the big old ladder to reach over the cupboards I did today and carry that back to the shed. Worked harder to finish it today than I would have worked at home. Anyway I did get home to find my cleaning lady had been today so at least my house is clean!
17/Feb/11 9:16 PM
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MizT, pleased you are feeling better. Al is so vulnerable to infections at the moment. He is certainly lucky to have you preparing all his special meals.
Theresa,, you are certainly under a lot of strain so I hope you can sort out your headaches. They do not help. Hope your daughter does not get sick before the operation.
Suzy, teenage daughters can be quite a problem. The stress had me suffering hives for about two years!
Julie, I hope you nephew makes a quick recovery and will be functioning normally again soon.
17/Feb/11 9:23 PM
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Tami, just run around and get in the way of the opposition players. That way you do not even have to try and catch the ball. I was always hopeless at sports. Now in my old age I go and take up lawn bowls..go figure (I do it for the social interaction)
Suzanne, I hope things are working out for your friend George.
17/Feb/11 9:28 PM
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A bit 'brain dead' tonight (and I only had one drink). Hubby is doing an umpires exam (bowls) tonight. I will have to sit for it again soon so I hope he can remember most of the questions (We have to sit the exam every three years) so I might go to bed and get some sleep,
thinking of all those I have not mentioned.
17/Feb/11 9:32 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Morning all. Glad to hear good things for once. It sounds like everyone is feeling pretty good and having good things happen. Sudoku {{{HUGS}}} really do work.
Coffee is brewing and should be ready in a few minutes.
17/Feb/11 10:18 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends. Glad to hear things seem to be on the improve for you all.
"The Patient" is now in Sydney, at least I convinced him to fly there and not drive, so Bella and I will have some quiet time.
Luv and Hugs to you all.
17/Feb/11 10:54 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Broni, hope you and Bella enjoy your quiet time. You deserve it. Have to get ready for school and basketball. Wish me luck.
Coffee's ready, help yourself.
{{{{HUGS}}} to all.
17/Feb/11 10:56 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami. I was gonna say "break a leg", but I was afraid that you'd do it. Literally. June had good advice. Play defense. Go for rebounds and try to interfere with the other player's ball control and shooting. It's safer than trying to score, yourself.
18/Feb/11 1:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to do a cow check now. I don't expect any calves until later today, but I can be surprised by them. Some of my girls don't bag up until they go into labor.
18/Feb/11 1:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I have a very upset tummy. I feel like I'm gonna have to go worship the porcelain god. Now.
18/Feb/11 1:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I sure called that right. Both things. The tummy
and the calving. No new calves, but 2 cows looking ready to calve later today or tonight.
18/Feb/11 1:47 AM
Stevenage UK
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Hope you feel better soon Heidi.
Roof all fixed now, all that there is left is for the skip to be taken away and the scaffolding to be dismantled.
Next is the decorator, he is coming in next week. We have to strip the old paper off and then go and choose some new to go on.
18/Feb/11 1:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That must be such a relief, Brenda, knowing that you have a sound roof over your head.
18/Feb/11 1:58 AM
Small Town Canada
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Just watched Paranormal Activity with my daughter. Next time it's the second one. I didn't find it that scary.
18/Feb/11 4:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tummy has settled down a little. I feel a little shaky, though. Robert and I picked up the fence posts and concrete already, and he's busy digging holes. It's lovely weather for it.... 61℉ / 16℃.
18/Feb/11 4:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to do some grocery shopping. The kitchen is kinda empty.
18/Feb/11 6:29 AM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, can you pick up a few things for me?
It's a mild day today, but it's raining (+10C). So my back and hips are aching. It's soon time to go and pick up the munchkins at the bus stop. Will it be a good day or bad day ... stay tuned for the answer.
18/Feb/11 7:09 AM
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Morning all,
June, you'd put an athlete to shame! I hope you don't have too many left over aches today. I'm glad Belinda liked the colour.
Broni, I think I'm glad the patient is in Sydney if he was still acting like the creature from the black lagoon. I hope you enjoy your break and get lots of rest!
Brenda, are you looking forward to decorating? I find choosing colours etc very stressful.
18/Feb/11 7:24 AM
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Almost 3.30 Florida time - thinking of you Tami!
Gail, creepazoid doesn't actually go onto school grounds.
I think I might have worked out where all our missing stuff is going...
18/Feb/11 7:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... it sounds like Ebob's brains are growing back. Good for her with that creepazoid.
18/Feb/11 8:48 AM
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Want to hear something weird? Alie has just received her little computer under that government thing - but had to sign a contract that she would not charge it at school. People get yelled at for plugging their computers in at school!! At the other school I went to ALL of the kids plugged their computers in in the science labs..
18/Feb/11 9:00 AM
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I haven't heard this in a very long time..
"I think everyone should have a Bex and a good lie down."
Who do you think said it?
18/Feb/11 9:02 AM
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A town of 45 people has a Lions Club? I wonder how many members they have?
18/Feb/11 9:08 AM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, what's a Bex?
18/Feb/11 9:15 AM
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Like an aspirin - I think they still sell them.
18/Feb/11 9:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just back in from the dusk cow check. Nobody in labor. I still have to do a middle of the night check, because I think at least one could calve tonight.
18/Feb/11 10:12 AM
Perth W Aust
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She forgot to say 'and a Cup of Tea' Suzy !
Morning everyone.
18/Feb/11 10:31 AM
Perth W Aust
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QM2 cruises into Fremantle
18/Feb/11 10:35 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good Morning all
Rolanda - I see Perth is as spectacular as ever - great picture of them turning the ship.
June - I missed you on Skype last night and I'm sorry, only noticed it this morning. Can't work out why I didn't hear it. The only thing I can think of is you must have called while I was outside talking on the phone to my son (whose fridge had just decided to die!)
Got 3 girls staying the night with me tonight because their father HAS to go to his work's award night - it is a requirement of their employment! Lucky Col only works for a man who sub-contracts to the same place so he doesn't have to go!
Have a nice day everyone - busy day for me but nothing exciting, just boring busy.
18/Feb/11 11:02 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. I survived and did not make too big a fool of myself. Teachers beat the female students and men were leading the boys at halftime. I left to get home for food. It will be funny to have my kids laugh tomorrow.
18/Feb/11 11:13 AM
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