Sudokuaholics Anonymous 4

Moving again. How time flies! The new home is Here
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Will I fly????
18/Apr/08 7:26 AM
   Mary  From Manly Brisbane Qld    Supporting Member
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Ive just popped back in
18/Apr/08 7:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I can go to work happy now, though blushing...
18/Apr/08 7:27 AM
   Mary  From Manly Brisbane Qld    Supporting Member
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You just beat me Suzy
18/Apr/08 7:27 AM
   Mary  From Manly Brisbane Qld    Supporting Member
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I will call back later might get into chat room after the footy tonight
18/Apr/08 7:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tee hee Mary
18/Apr/08 7:30 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - congrats on your TOPP, Suzy. Never mind Mary - try again.
18/Apr/08 8:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have finally got here at a decent time to tell the birthday story.
Late last week, Bean asked me if Hannah would like some surprise visitors for afternoon tea on her birthday. As Hannah has met Bean and Lachie on a couple of occasions and we all get on like a house on fire, I assured her it would be a wongerful idea.
Plans changed and arvo tea became lunch and they arrived here at 1ish. We went down to Hannah's bedroom, I called her out and they yelled "SURPRISE". Well, it definitely was because she was speechless! I think it is the longest time I have ever known her NOT to speak.
18/Apr/08 10:11 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Luckily, in the morning D#1 took Hannah out to buy her birthday cake, a tangy lemon cheesecake (yum), so I was able to prepare lunch and whip up a pavlova for dessert. Lunch was a table full of bits and bobs, cold meats, dips, cheeses, breads and savoury bikkies then we finished with the choc mint decorated pav. Unfortunately after 4 hours of chat and giggle, I had to turf them out, politely of course, because we had a family dinner at the local pub to get ready for.
BTW Two lunches, two dinners and three cakes in two days is way OTT!!!
18/Apr/08 10:17 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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18/Apr/08 10:54 AM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Gail, OTT sounds like the norm for you. Keep up the good work.
18/Apr/08 10:58 AM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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18/Apr/08 10:59 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Congrats on your TOPP, Suzy! Mary almost got there, as your posts are both at the same time. Mary, I see you go to water aerobics. Don't you love it? I do it about 5 times a week on average - one of the few things these knees can do. Hi to MizTricia, June, Suzy, Mary, CynB, Gail, Rolanda, and Ruby, and others I have forgotten. MizTricia, as always, your liquid refreshments hit the spot - though it is now after 9 pm here.
18/Apr/08 12:09 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Hi everyone. Congrats to all who have made TOPPs.
18/Apr/08 1:13 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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I'm beginning to think hubby and I are the only people in the world without a cell phone. He told me I would have to drag him kicking and screaming into a store.
18/Apr/08 1:14 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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CynB, glad to hear your hubby's eye is alright.

Mary, hope your test results come back ok.
18/Apr/08 1:16 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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When I read about the eye patch, I remembered the following.

I get eye infections that occasionlly need to be lanced. Years ago my doctor used to put a bandage over the eye. One time I had to drive myself, mostly a 3 lane freeway. So, made sure I was in the slow lane. A guy came flyng up behind me and started blowing his horn. He finally passed and when I knew he was even with me, I turned my head towards him. The look on his face was priceless. I snickered the rest of the way home. I guess I have a warped sense of humor.
18/Apr/08 1:18 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Should I do it and go for a CP? Why not? I might not get a TOPP, but at least it'll move someone closer.
18/Apr/08 1:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Becky! Wouldn't you know I missed you?
18/Apr/08 3:50 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm back! Last day of work complete. Now I'm going to sit for a while to see if I can get rid of a headache, then I'll go be a mum for a while...
18/Apr/08 4:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, the birthday thing sounds great fun - though I agree, there's only so much cake you can eat in 2 days!!

I'm feeling a bit inadequate though - 'whipped up a pavlova'???
18/Apr/08 4:29 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzy, Becky, Julie, Ruby, Rolanda and Gail -
Hope you've all had a good day.
I agree with you Suzy 'whipped up a pavlova' - palpatations at the thought.
I just have to say it out loud - I don't enjoy cooking - it's just a means to an end for me.
18/Apr/08 4:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I fought the cell phone thing for years. I relented when I started to work as I was casual, moved desks constantly, and there was no other way I could be reached if something happened to the kids. The school has called me on my cell phone, and even the people I work with use the phone to reach me. I was also glad I had it when I had to drive about 5 hours on my own. I HATE that I have to carry it everywhere now.
18/Apr/08 4:43 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - cell-phones are a necessary evil. They're great so that your kids/family/friends can contact you if they need help and vice versa. I just don't give my mobile number out unnecessarily. My car has blue-tooth inbuilt so I can answer safely when driving. I NEVER hear it if I'm in a busy place and it's in my handbag. I always forget to turn it off at the movies until the reminder comes on the screen - once I even forgot to turn it off at a funeral - fortunately it didn't ring or I would have been mortified. I have been at several funerals where someone's mobile has rung. One guy got up, left it ringing and answered it as he walked out of the chapel!!!!!
18/Apr/08 5:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn - I've seen rude people answering phones in movies and restaurants, but a funeral!!! Obviously he was indispensably important, so much more important than the rest of us...
18/Apr/08 7:04 PM
   Mary  From Manly Brisbane Qld    Supporting Member
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Its halftime at the footy so popped in to see whose here why arent I surprised its Suzy
18/Apr/08 8:38 PM
   Mary  From Manly Brisbane Qld    Supporting Member
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Will I be topp probaly not if Suzy has anything to do with it
18/Apr/08 8:40 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Mary - next TOPP will be post #2440 - 12 to go - good luck!
18/Apr/08 8:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Good Maen Sudokuland. I am here at an early hour today, for a change. NO visiting chat room till I say hello. Even before I make my coffee in the real world!
18/Apr/08 8:58 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Virtual and real coffee brewing, lovely smell, YUM.

Kitty story for you. I was sitting here typing, and I heard a Snap, and a click. Then my hair fell about my shoulders and into my eyes. OK, the hair clasp opened itself and fell out. Stranger things have happened.

then I hear metal clicking and clicking. I look down, and kitty is batting the hair clasp about, attacking it. Sniffing it, Doing all manner of things that kitties do. so I carefully push back my rolling computer chair, and cat jumps straight up! Seems moving the chair also moved the clasp, and it scarred her! It was really funny, if you were here.

I am so easily entertained.
18/Apr/08 9:05 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I'll help out in the race to the next TOPP.
Hi all, doubt anyone will be around. I have a cell phone and very rarely use it. I should use it more as I pay for it monthly, but I don't use the house telephone much either. Maybe I should get a life and some friends to talk to on the phone
18/Apr/08 9:06 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Coffee has come just at the right moment MizT Thanks
18/Apr/08 9:07 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I love watching the antics of animals, which is probably why I don't get much work done. I've just been watching two squirrels chasing each other round my garden. Not sure what they were up to but am not going to even try and take a guess
18/Apr/08 9:14 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Well, I did move the numbers a bit closer. Not yet a CP and TOPPS range, but helped out a but, is it 9 more on this page?

The cell phone at the funeral, yep, I agree. If he was that indispensible, he should have been where needed, not at the funeral.

What I find worse than the cell phone, where you hear half a convo while standing in check out line, it the NEXTEL Two way radio thingies. You get to hear both sides of a convo. AND I have not heard one yet that was important! Total waste of time, not even good gossip! A total waste of time and money.

I think with being constantly connected, many people have forgotten how to entertain themselves. MUST have more input, more stimulas. Cannot have a thought, relive a memory, make a plan while standing in line for checkout. NOPE, must have a connection.
18/Apr/08 9:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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It is spring, and a young man's fancy turns to love, even boy squirels! Mating season, and his lady of choice was being hard to get.

We have squarels along the back woods. I love to sit on the back deck and watch them travel on the ariel highways.
18/Apr/08 9:17 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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BRENDA? Maybe you can phone the squirels?
18/Apr/08 9:18 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi MizT, I wasn't going to mention what I thought they were up too We have some very amorous collared doves. thank goodness all my kids are grown up and don't need to be told the birds and bees
18/Apr/08 9:21 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I was going to say the exact thing as you did MizT about just hearing oneside of the conversations.
18/Apr/08 9:22 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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It would be foolish phoning the squirrels as some of them have actually taken up residence in our attic
18/Apr/08 9:23 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I'll have to send one of my brave men up there to evict them again
18/Apr/08 9:24 PM
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