Maureen M from Melbourne

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Maureen M and . I hope you have plenty of spare time on your hands because this place gobbles it up! You've joined us just in time for the Melbourne Christmas get-together. Please join us, we don't bite, though we might nibble a little bit!
I've brought along a bottle of bubbly to toast your page. POP! Cheers.
Drop into my page any time, I'd love to see you there.
22/Nov/07 5:04 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Maureen - to our silly world of sudoku and your own personal page. Here's some to help with your decorations and a bottle of our local Wignalls Late Harvest for you to enjoy and share with your visitors.
22/Nov/07 6:51 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Maureen and a big to
So nice of you to join our sudoku family. I'm so looking forward to getting to know you better.
Where in Melb are you?
I know you will be having quiet a few guests so I'll leave behind some Oz favourites to help while you continue to settle in.

Please don't be a stranger and come visit my page, my door is always open.
22/Nov/07 9:27 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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You are to your own page.
You are to my own page.
You are to visiy my "Egyptian Guest House"any and every time you wish to enjoy my photos of Egtpt and to hear the Egyptian music and songs.
22/Nov/07 11:10 PM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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I Maureen and

Lots of fun people around but take your time and get to know us.

Hmmmm I have a Maureen with a surname M who lives in Melb.
22/Nov/07 11:30 PM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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That shoudl have read "I have a COUSIN who is.......etc:

22/Nov/07 11:31 PM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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and it should have also read "HI MAUREEN" not "I maureen"

22/Nov/07 11:31 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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again Maureen, thank you so much for dropping by.
I see our friend Col has dropped in and as per ususal is in a tiz. LOL.
Take all the time you need to get to know us and how this site operates. If you need any help at all with anything, just click on the link to our Forum pages, (located on the blue line above) it will take you to all our different forums. In there you should find a sub heading for Questions about this site, scroll down and you should find another heading, Members special features and information page. If you need any help on anything just post in there, and hopefully one of our members will be able to help you.
Take care and have a great weekend.
23/Nov/07 5:33 PM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Hi (again) Maureen. You have me mixed up with Rosemary, she's from Wangaratta - but that's OK - you're new.

Ummm....actually....I AM from Western you have any Cousins that could make their name in to "COL"? from a 'B' town in Western Vic?

LOL - this is so insane anyway - cos HOW MANY Maureens live in Melbourne I wonder!

Only about ohhhh probably somewhere between 5,000 and ohhh......ummm....25,000

Good to see you're still here anyway - take your time and don't take any notice of Angie (she's a bad bad bad woman!)
23/Nov/07 11:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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I'm hearing you about the stresses of this time of year and the whirlwind of parties. For the rest of the year, we hardly do any socialising but come Chrissy...!!! It never seems to end.
Last night, we attended D#2's Valedictory Dinner so it feels like the 'fun' has already begun. I'm afraid I am getting a bit bah humbug about the whole deal this year, in fact, I haven't even made any plans for 'the' day. I suppose it will be a quiet family do here with just us and the kids. We like it that way! Catch you around.
24/Nov/07 8:44 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Australia
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Hi Maureen,
Sorry that I missed welcoming you on your first day.

to Sudokuland. I'm a new member too but have had such fun. They are great people.
I've brought along a glass of good Aussie red and some cheese and bickies.
24/Nov/07 6:39 PM
   Roger  From Wantage, UK
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Can't think how I missed welcoming you on your first day, but, Welcome any way.
25/Nov/07 3:04 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and a Holiday greeting to you Maureen and your family. I'm near Chicago and we are going into our winter season. Early morning now and just getting my day together before heading out. Enjoy your day, Mary
26/Nov/07 11:45 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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I'm enjoying some green tea with lemon right now - the vanilla slices sounds interesting - I don't know what lamingtons are - I'm wondering if they are like a little cake - I'm game to try - once again enjoy your day, mary
26/Nov/07 11:48 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen, welcome to another Maureen!! I have been in Sydney so I missed you on your starting day. Here are some roses from my garden and welcome again.
28/Nov/07 1:10 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Thanks for dropping in to visit me.
Unfortuntaly all the personal smilies, like my pav etc., are not available to Free Members.
These are only available to Supporting Members. However you can make your own Avatars, these are the pics next to all our names. I have put up instructions on how to make them in the Members Special Features, Help and Information Page, these are located in the forum pages. If you have a particular picture you would like to use, let me know and I'll try and make it for you.
30/Nov/07 3:47 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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We did have a great time Maureen, we always do. Next time, you will be there with us...won't you?
03/Dec/07 10:39 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your loved ones a
wonderful, safe and relaxing time
over the Christmas Season.
May 2008 bring you all
Love, happiness and fulfilment.
From all at Foxhaven Resort
16/Dec/07 11:18 PM
   Zoki  From Sydney
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Hi Maureen, first to your page,( I'm always late with everything). Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. About being tagged, well I suppose I just love this site and puzzles, also everyone is nice and some are even funny. And I could usually do with a good laugh, after the kids have gone to bed, especially when they have been giving me a hard time. I' raising my babies on my own, we left their father. Now we are much happier.
19/Dec/07 1:47 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen. A belated welcome from me as well, and I'll leave you one of my tradirional double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry as a late page warming gift. May you and all you care for enjoy happiness and peace during this festive season and in all days to come! Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!
20/Dec/07 2:57 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

20/Dec/07 10:45 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Wish You,
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year.
20/Dec/07 7:02 PM
   Karen  From Texas
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Maureen thank you so much for your birthday wishes last week.
It is hard to believe it was just last week.
27/Dec/07 3:01 AM
   Geo  From So. Cal.
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Hi name is Georgia. Thanks for the welcome. I'm a sudoku dropout of this site. I checked the archives and I first started here 12/31/05. I got so hung up on the puzzle and the posts that I found myself leaving late for work each morning. I recognize some names. There was in fact a Maureen back when I first started. Hopefully I'll figure about the little cartoons and such. Gath has added a lot. I hope to see you around. Thx again for the welcome
28/Dec/07 12:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Maureen, just dropping in to wish you and your family a safe and wongerful 2008.

03/Jan/08 11:29 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Maureen, have you checked out the Sudokuspeak page in the Forum section? It is a dictionary of all the silly words we use on this site that have mainly eventuated from typos! You'll find it in the 'Off Topic' thread in Forum. Basically, it means 'wonderful', yet so much more!
03/Jan/08 1:16 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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to YOU .

With all my best wishes to You.
13/Jan/08 12:20 AM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Many Happy Returns Maureen, spoil yourself - don't worry about the calories, eat cake!
13/Jan/08 1:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Maureen, I'm assuming tomorrow is your birthday but just in case I forget (which is entirely likely!) to you. Here's a bottle of bubbly (I'll just put it in the fridge) and a Choc Mud (that's in there too) to help you celebrate. There's not really anything blooming in my page at the moment so I pinched this bouquet of miniature roses from my neighbour's place for you (they're away!).
Have a great day.
13/Jan/08 2:00 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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♪♫♪ and a very ♪♫♪ to you. I hope you enjoy your speical day. Mary
13/Jan/08 6:09 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Maureen! I hope you have a wonderful day!
13/Jan/08 6:18 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Maureen - to you! I hope your day is filled with many surprises, joy, laughter and sunshine!
13/Jan/08 8:16 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Best wishes for a very Maureen!
13/Jan/08 9:28 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Maureen! I hope you have a wonderful birthday shared with friends and family! Cheers!
13/Jan/08 10:12 AM
   Fiona  From France
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Maureen, have a good day!
13/Jan/08 11:18 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you
to you
dear Maureen
to you

Have a wonderful day with lots of fun & cheers.

13/Jan/08 11:31 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Maureen! Have a great day! Eat lots of
13/Jan/08 12:32 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hope you had a good day & got lots of goodies.

13/Jan/08 5:52 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday, Maureen. I hope it is not to hot for your birthday.
13/Jan/08 7:22 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Just thought I'd sneak back here to your page to wish you a very Maureen!
13/Jan/08 7:45 PM
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