Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Warning, Quilt Report.

I am finding that reporting to you my goal and when I have completed it, is helping me keep at that quilt.

With Al's help, I have border pinned up on my design wall, they seem to fit now. I got dizzy on my step stool earlier today. He also helped me decide how to place them. You would be surprised how many ways it is possible to place 4 borders on one quilt hehehe.

I know what I need to embroidery and applique on one that was short. Hubby has offered to drive me to Wal Mart (he wants to go again for TV antenna repair stuff) tomorrow so I can get my thread and floss. HOPE they still have quilt batting, they are shrinking or eliminating the fabric departments in some stores.
16/May/09 12:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, I do not have MSN. I spend too much time on the pooter already.

I need to feed the dogs, then wrestle with the calf again. Then off to bed, and wrestle with the calf first thing in the morning. Then I can get cleaned up, and head off to Churchill Downs. I earned and deserve the coddling on Millionaires Row. I'll be in the same room that Queen Elizabeth used last year.
16/May/09 1:01 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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OH HEIDI, have fun tomorrow. You are right, you deserve it.

Is Survivor calf taking the bottle? H0ow many new bruises and scrapes do you have tonight?
16/May/09 1:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... are you going to watch the Preakness Stakes tomorrow? The filly, Rachel Alexandra is the heavy favorite. Her jockey had the choice between her and the Kentucky Derby winner, and he chose to ride her. She has a new nickname (besides Alexandra The Great), earned at the Kentucky Oaks.... Ms. Secretariat.
16/May/09 1:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No he is not taking the bottle yet. He's added a few bruises, and my back is screaming at me. Oh, well, it's all part of the job.
16/May/09 1:08 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page have me intrigued..
"Churchill Downs. I earned and deserve the coddling on Millionaires Row"....I want to know more.
What is more I want to see photo's posted...or at least emailed to me...
Have a wonderful have earned it.
16/May/09 1:16 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Viv...your new job sounds like it is right down your ally.
Suzy...laughing at your old lady...hope she enjoys the concoction.
Nola...that many early shifts sounds like a nightmare to me...makes me feel old and decrepit
Tricia... hope the camera dries out...would love to see some photo's of your quilts. You are making me enthused to drag some of mine out... first I need to get my eyes seen to...I am too blind for handwork... reading almost the same. Long distance is fine tho so don't worry ...I will look after our Vici...LOL
16/May/09 1:21 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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CRAFT's...forgotten what else...
Welcome back Lee..good to see you
Suzy it is very windy down here as well...I should be washing all the summer quilts and getting the winter ones on the beds...
Catch you all later....

16/May/09 1:23 PM
   Lee  From Cleveland Qld Aust    Supporting Member
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Just passing through again on my way out - isn't Churchill Downs the home of the Kentucky Derby??
16/May/09 1:23 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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YES, photos, please Heidi!

I am not sure I can find race on the not up to par TV reception we are suffering still. But will probably look for it online, later. Miss Rachel sounds like an interesting horse.
16/May/09 1:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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BEAN, drag em out dear! Show and tell time.

How many UFO's do you have? I have 4, and one of them I cannot even FIND! Not sure where it got put.

Yes, photos as soon as I get camera back. I am not asking him about it at the moment, he is working again, and also trying to find problem with our TV reception, and helping me with a quilt, enough on his plate now.
16/May/09 1:32 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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1. first quilt completely hand done...I think all the blocks are done
2. floral applique and 9 patch ...appliques done, 9 patches ready to sew and borders are also need to be appliquéd
3. autumnal tonings...dislike the blocks I've done and I'm going to rejig it and choose another pattern...any suggestions?
4. I'm sure there was another one but I cannot think what it is...can't reach the quilting stuff at the moment.

No quilts are ready to piece and back although I think I have bought the backings for them all.

Started a machine embroidery rabbit a few years ago...a project to learn how to use my machine. Will take some photo's when I get a chance and post them for you...I think that is something I would like to finish first!

I also have a few tapestry's to work on....
16/May/09 1:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Churchill Downs is the home of the Kentucky Derby, among many other races. It's a marvelous facility, but I admit to having a weakness for Millionaires Row. It's up on the top of the clubhouse with an unrestricted view of the track, a buffet to die for, and no lines (to speak of) at the betting windows. Once a year our Magnolia Lion's Club spends a day there, with family and friends welcome.
16/May/09 2:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After he put up such resistance to the bottle, I poured the milk that he would not drink into a bucket and left it with him. I felt I had nothing to lose. When I went back out there a few minutes ago, I discovered that he drank it all!!!!! He's gonna be a bucket calf, not a bottle calf. That's how he apparently prefers it. So no more bruises from him.
16/May/09 2:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed now. all.
16/May/09 2:19 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Hi everyone, just checking in, very tired, had fun with Doc tonite...He's still going to Iraq in July.
Heidi: sounds like you got the little one some nourishment, good for you!!
going to sign off for now, TTFN!!
16/May/09 3:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Lee! It's nice to see you again! Stop by any time!
16/May/09 3:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, what great news that Survivor is indeed a survivor - and on his own terms. I'm so glad you won't need to bottle-feed him, just give him a bucket full and let him take care of himself! Have fun at Churchill Downs in the Millionaires' Row!
16/May/09 3:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I think perhaps that it's time I take myself to bed for the night. Of course, one of the cats will join me. (A few years ago, she preferred sleeping on my thighs. Luckily, she now usually sleeps between hubby's head & mine. She won't allow the other cat on the bed.)

Good Night, Everyone! DUGs, I hope you enjoy your afternoon and evening! Sleep well, Everyone, when the time comes for you to do that! I hope to see you tomorrow.
16/May/09 3:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
I haven't updated my reading as my brain is too tired. I had a young girl come up for help with year 12 math - ahhhh - and Ebob is studying for a science exam and is also asking me for help - brain overload! How am I going to cope with being a teacher??

Hope everyone is having a great day/evening.
16/May/09 7:11 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Quick up date. Dino is here so we will have an interesting couple of weeks together.
Catch up in the morning.
16/May/09 9:16 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the update June.
Nice to know she made it safely.
Enjoy the company of one of our very special sudokuites.♥
16/May/09 10:13 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Good Morning SA8!
SO much to comment on - hope my brain handles it OK - having been without sugar for over 2 months has really made a difference in how clear my thinking is - surprise, surprise!
Brenda - can imagine that Celia loosing crosswords would be like any of us loosing sudoku - but I am so glad she is in good health.
MzT - love that we can keep you accountable on that quilt - must post a picture so we can see what you are doing!
16/May/09 10:41 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Beanie - I missed you by that much!
Julie - couldn't get that link to work for me (bummer!) ...sounds like you should be taking some naps today!
June - say "namaste" to Dino for me - you gals should have an interesting couple of weeks indeed!
Heidi - SUCCESS! Congrats on getting the calf to drink - love your "survivor updates"...especially because they are happy ones!
16/May/09 10:44 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Lee - so wonderful to have you drop in - stay awhile next time, will ya?
MzT - loved the scanned flower patterns - WOW!
STAR TREK was so fun! Could go see it again!
Rolanda - hope those nibs did something special for you today. How was the b'day? Did you get to the movie?
16/May/09 10:49 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Suzanne and Heidi - your roses are quite inspiring!
Nola - those early morning shifts would suit me just fine...I'm definitely an early bird.
(almost wrote "those early morning sh*ts would suit me just fine" hahaha - glad I caught it or I would have got the boot!)
16/May/09 10:52 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Well - apparently I'm just here babbling to myself - will check back later! Ciao babies!
16/May/09 10:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm up, and quickly doing chores before leaving. everyone.
It looks like rain again. I'm gonna finish my brekkie, feed Survivor, shower, dress and leave for the Downs. At least I'll be indoors or under cover to watch the races.
16/May/09 11:41 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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VICI, I will come babble with you!

AHHHHHHHHH, I am told I do not have any personal smilies loaded. I hate when that happens.

I just typed 'happens', and was told it was incorrect, that red underline on my auto spell check. I hit the mouse to get correction, they wanted to replace it with 'happens'. Since you cannot argue with these contrary programs, I let it hehehe.

OH OH Al told me that the camera is working. YEAH! I forgot to get it when I went out to office this morning. I had to go view and brag on his ramp he had built for storage building. Hubbies like that. Now the wheeled things like battery charger and air compressor and the wheeled weed whacker can go in and out easily.

17/May/09 12:16 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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HEIDI, have fun, and so glad Survivor decided he liked the bucket. so much faster for you and no more wrestling. I am sure he will start putting on weight quickly now. I forgot how old your calves are before you wean them.

Forgot to say I hope to have photos of the work in progress soon.

Thanks for the nice comments on the embroidered flowers. I enjoyed working on them, and probably would not be able to do them again, what with my problems with hands. I remember taking them in car when going on any road trips with AL, even when running errands. Wish I could remember what I used to keep the floss, needle and such in when traveling, I am sure there would be some in there now.

OK, off for breakfast andx then to sewing room. I am addicted again, have to do a bit every day. I remember how much I loved doing this, and just so happy I can do it again!

17/May/09 12:23 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Morning SA8ers!! Had a bit too much wine last night, that's what happens when Doc comes over, (not to mention the Army Reserve stories between him & Darrell--stomach hurts from laughing so hard...
Tami: Think you're funny, huh?? Yes, I know what matches are!!! I do have a brain (and it even sometimes works!!)
Heidi: Congrats on getting the calf to drink!! What a relief for you & your sore back!! Have a great time at the races!!! Does anyone know if its televised??
17/May/09 1:32 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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QUILTING FRIENDS, I have put up the first photos of the quilt in progress. It is on my design wall, which is one long unbroken wall of a hallway. I cannot get far enough away from it to photograph the whole center even. You get the best idea of the setting, Attic Windows, by looking at the thumbnail views, the small ones. If you click it larger, you can see detail, but loose the 3-D look of the setting.

I will not meet my quilting goal for today, we have flash flood warnings, means it is highly possible our creeks will get over roads. I do NOT want another day any way similar to the " deliverance" day we had after last flash flooding hehehe. So we will not go shopping for my thread and batting.

I have some other photos I want to put up over the next few days, Photos of part of my corner of the world, taken at the park in Montevallo the day we went to the craft show. IF it stops raining/thundering long enough for me to play on the computer I will add some of them today.
17/May/09 3:18 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Good morning all.
I had a few giggles reading the posts.Suzanne knows what matches are for...hehe
Vici nearly got booted hehe
17/May/09 3:22 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi MizT..what a shame you wont be able to get to town.Now what will you do all day??Maybe you can stay on the computer!
I had a look at the quilt and can see the 3D effect.What do you do with the patterns now?
17/May/09 3:31 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I am glad the calf took to the bucket Heidi and also that the breeding finches have 3 eggs. these ones hatch.
Oh terrifying to be asked a yr 12 maths question.I presumed (silly me) that you would begin teaching at primary level.I'm sure you will be a great teacher,don't worry.
Enjoy your day at the races Heidi,it sounds like a lot of fun.
17/May/09 3:40 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Suzanne,how is the head feeling now?
17/May/09 4:21 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good day all! It's been pretty hectic around here. I don't think I have time to catch up. Did take the plunge this morning and signed up for facebook. My kids have been telling me not to because it was supposed to be for college students, but I got a bunch of emails, so I did it! Hope the kids won't be mortified! Don't have time to figure it out yet. We're still trying to find places for all of the kids stuff!! I guess I should have thought about it a month ago! Hope everyone is doing well and having a great day/weekend!
17/May/09 4:25 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Rolanda! Hope you had a wonderful day!
17/May/09 4:26 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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I just found out that my aunt had a stroke on Mother's Day. She is in the hospital, but I haven't heard how she is doing yet. Please keep her in your prayers.
17/May/09 4:28 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Meghan has a concussion. She was on her retreat with the BC newspaper and she slipped outside of the hot tub and landed on her head on the cement. She called me from work yesterday to tell me. I had to convince her to leave work and get it checked at the infirmary. They sent her to the hospital! She didn't crack her skull and her brain wasn't bleeding, so that was good. She does have to take it easy though. I hope she does that.
17/May/09 4:35 AM
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