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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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I'm back from the Dentist's with good news. No cavities or decay!!!
30/May/09 6:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It is VERY unusual for any of my cattle to get out. I think this was the 3rd time in 17 years. IH's goats, on the other hand, get out daily. He keeps most of them on other peoples farms, because I shoot them when they get out. It permanently cures them of escaping.
30/May/09 6:21 AM
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A few of us around here were about that happy Heidi.
30/May/09 6:31 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, what will I sew now for a month? there are a few things I can do on the quilt, the other 3 sides of the flower border and thier backing can go on. I can figure how I want to quilt the flower border, haven't a clue at the moment. I might just shadow the vine down the center, that might be interesting. I do have another UFO quilt in there, a huge star done in a stack and whack, interesting, I might have to find directions and finish that one. I started making a silk purse out of men's ties and I could work on that. Al could use another couple of shirts, I have mending to do, the list goes on and on and on.
Today I need to cut and blanch some squash. I got about 6 pounds today at a very good price, enough I think to put up several packages for later. PLUS I am steaming mixed yellow and green squash for dinner, yummy.
30/May/09 6:54 AM
Alabama, USA
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Today I saw hay had just been cut on farm at the end of our road. I know this is the second time he has cut it this spring. If the rain is making my lawn type grass grow by leaps and bounds, I am sure his pasture grass is also. LOTS of haying going on around here, and this is just May.
Heidi, calves can find a way out, if there is one. Inquisitive little things.
Al did the whipper snipper while I was gone to town. House and buildings look soo much better now.
I am off to cut up summer squash, don't you want to come help?
30/May/09 7:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I wish I was close enough to dart over there and help you. But I'm not. Sorry.
30/May/09 7:55 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Probably a bit late by now MizT, you've likely got it all done!
fellow SA8ers.
Hope things are just rosy in your neck of the woods.
30/May/09 9:12 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Vici, pencil me in for the galah, oops sorry gala occasion!
30/May/09 9:13 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good evening everyone. I hope I don't forget anything.
MizTricia, there was not a size limit on the pictures. I typed what Mitchell wrote and then sized the picture to take up the empty space. He got an 85% on it. Not bad.
Suzy, I understand about the band-aids. I got bit by a spider when I was about 24. It seemed to trigger a reaction to band-aids. The allergy got better when I was pregnant with Mitchell and then started acting up again recently.
30/May/09 9:56 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, didn't come back yesterday after you turned the page as I went to sleep. 8649 posts and still no TOPP's.
30/May/09 9:57 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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My last post disappeared in cyberspace. I will repeat myself...
I think I scared all my friends away.
30/May/09 11:05 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Since no one is around I am going to go to sleep early. Catch you all tomorrow.
30/May/09 11:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm here.
Sorry I missed you, Tami. I was out moving the turkey poults to a larger pen.
They seemed intimidated by all the space.
30/May/09 11:42 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely people.
Hubby has gone fishing today with his best mate. They're planning fish for dinner. Was just speaking to the other man's wife - we are planning takeaway! Hehehe.
Suzy - I have been a bit absorbed this week by the goings-on on Easy and, naughty me, I haven't visited my friends here as often. It has been interesting - I'll say no more.
30/May/09 11:46 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hello Heidi, Tami, Gail, MizT etc.
Heidi - any decision on Florida yet?
Gail - I need my daughter to help me tidy out my pantry - you know 'Mum, why have you got a can of chicken soup, you don't even like chicken?' - typical daughter stuff. Maybe I might have a visitor who gets sick and needs chicken soup - isn't that right? She just doesn't understand logic.
30/May/09 11:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Let me put it this way, CynB..... I just bought a tiara and boa. I will find SOME way of going.
30/May/09 11:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I understand the can of chicken soup. It's a staple. If you don't have one in the pantry, you will suddenly find that you desperately need one for a recipe you HAVE to try.
30/May/09 11:58 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Any Aussies who watch 'Four Corners'? - the program on Monday night deals with residential aged care facilities and one of them will be the one where my mother is 'Redlands Residential Care' and concerns raised by the family of a former resident. I will be interested to see this program as I am certain that my Mum is in safe hands. The staff there are absolutely wonderful with all residents and I don't envy them having to deal with people with dementia. This facility has four seperate wings/wards and I don't know which one is the subject of this investigation. We stand by the care given to Mum and won't be swayed by what is said on the program.
30/May/09 11:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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forgot the chicken soup smilie.
30/May/09 11:59 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Great news, Heidi - I wish I could be there but I haven't won the lottery yet. $20 million up for grabs on Tuesday -
30/May/09 12:00 PM
Magnolia, KY
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CynB... anybody can bring allegations. And many actions can be open to many interpretations. Who knows what the extenuating circumstances are? Especially when staff is under severe stress from an out of control person with dementia. If they are giving your Mum great care, that's all that matters, isn't it?
30/May/09 12:03 PM
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well. :)
The carpet people didn't come on Thursday, so I thought maybe they'd said Friday and I'd misunderstood (yeah, it happens!) But they didn't come on Friday either. Rob rang them and was somewhat peeved when the young chap said, oops, seems to have been a glitch in the system ... So, they're coming on Tuesday, and they know that Rob is less than happy. We've had the furniture from three rooms piled into our other rooms for two weeks now. Not happy Jan!
On the plus side, things that we don't need/want won't be going back into those rooms if I have any say in the matter... ;)
30/May/09 12:12 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi, I could understand if it was the facility where my Dad was. It was a church-run one and quite an old building. His ward just had two long corridors and very little communal areas and seemed under-staffed. I've been there for hours and not spotted a staff-member. We were not happy with leaving him there and moved him to the sister facility of where Mum is, but he died 3 weeks later. We did not make a formal complaint about this other facility because they were planning a new ultra-modern facility which indicated that they were aware this one was past it's use-by date.
30/May/09 12:20 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Judy - that is disappointing about the carpet. Glitch in the system, indeed - what a poor excuse! Hope it's done on Tuesday.
30/May/09 12:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Judy.... you now get to spend until Tuesday plotting all sorts of ways to get revenge on them if they mess up one more time. You know, if you plan for something, it doesn't happen.
30/May/09 12:28 PM
Mamacita 2
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Hi All
Hope this is/was a great day for everyone...I've been busy trying to check fares to Floria so that I'd
be able to join the meet....Heidi...I'd really love to get a chance to meet you there...hope things work out that way.
Congratulations to Mitchel...Mom, keep on bragging..its good for everything and everybody....
MzT..Hope you aren't the reason Al is feeling know we women are always accused of making our men regardless of the cause, I do hope he feels better soon.
Liz...My heart goes out to you as you mourn Sammy...we animal lovers all share your grief....but we know that you rejoice in his joining others in the Rainbow Bridge group.
30/May/09 12:35 PM
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Back from coffee and shopping. Where are you Gail? I'm not sure how to fit the stuff I bought around the stuff I'm not using....
Tami, the only adhesive that doesn't leave big red marks or blisters on me these days is that special surgical stuff they use instead of stitches, and they itch. It's very inconvenient!
30/May/09 12:43 PM
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MizT, you have so much to do it's a wonder you pulled the quilt out at all!
Heidi and Mamacita - how wonderful that you will get to go to the meet.
Cyn, I don't watch those programs anymore. I watched it once when it was about a situation I was familiar with - and it was all hyped up rubbish! It made me wonder how true the other stories are. They seem to have turned into tabloids so I don't waste my time on them anymore.
30/May/09 12:45 PM
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Cyn, I got to do the puzzles for the first time this week this morning, started to read - and left as soon as I got to a 'good old days' comment. Done to death, not interested.
30/May/09 12:47 PM
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It's not as impressive as Mitchell's 100%, but Ebob is in this week's paper again, and both of the girls have their photo on the local radio station web site from the girl's day out at the races. The joys of a small town!
30/May/09 12:52 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - nor do I - watch these programs (in fact the commercial TV current affairs are even worse) but I will watch this one. We got a letter from the facility warning us that it was on. Don't even know how much time will be given to Mum's place. As far as I know, none of we families that are happy with the facility have been approached. I know one woman who complained constantly about her mother's treatment. She seemed to think that the staff should have been dancing attendace on her to the detriment of the rest. She was just a troublemaker and moved her mother out (my Mum missed her) and is probably terrorising another place as we speak. It will be her or someone just like her.
30/May/09 12:57 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Suzy, not here! Throwing out all the appliances that we have replaced and yet I kept! They are all going out to the nature strip for the next hard waste collection.
30/May/09 12:58 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I seem to go from not being able to throw anything out to culling EVERYTHING! One extreme to the other!
30/May/09 12:59 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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WooHoo - Ebob and Ally!
I'll do another one for Mitchell, didn't have this smiley approved earlier.
30/May/09 12:59 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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OO, I missed that post, thanks foe the heads up Cyn.
to your girls Suzy.
30/May/09 1:02 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Gail - last time I cleaned out my linen/storage cupboard (again with my daughter) - we threw out 2 old electic kettles, 1 set of electic beaters and 1 old electric frypan. Why do we keep them? Do we think giving them a rest will make 'em work again? Doh!
30/May/09 1:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... Very impressive! You have 2 wonderful daughters there.
30/May/09 1:04 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Two toasters, 1 frypan and a small food processor!
30/May/09 1:06 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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They will soon be joined by an old TV and MANY huge pooter monitors. (Did I ever mention my hubby is a geek?
30/May/09 1:07 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I have an old TV that belonged to hubby before we moved in together (1985) in my walk-in robe. He will not part with it.
30/May/09 1:09 PM
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