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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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My sympathy, Tami. I was without internet for 11 1/2 days during the ice storm, so I know what you're going through. Except you have power, and the temperatures aren't well below freezing.
12/Jul/09 7:18 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Good afternoon - just heading off to start dinner.
Nola - thanks for the "welcome back" - I sure do appreciate it. The watering system is in and working - phew - and it is wonderful to have that all happening without my attention to it.
I've been working with rocks lately - about 9 tons so far in the past week or so.
12/Jul/09 9:14 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Just put up a new "youtube" on my page. Something someone sent me in an e-mail. Even if you don't stay for the whole song...the best is in the beginning when the choir creates an African thunder shower with only their bodies - very cool!
12/Jul/09 9:16 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Suzy - worked as hard as I could and only moved about 1 ton of rock today. I'm running out and have to send Mikey out for another 3 tons for me.
The neighbors are beginning to call our place the Downing Quarry. I'll post up some pictures in a bit to show you what I've been doing.
Hope everyone has a lovely evening/morning.
12/Jul/09 9:21 AM
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Great sound effects on the YouTube Vici.
My jubilation from yesterday is not so good today. I did not cap the champagne bottle properly and it leaked down all the shelves in the fridge. Guess the fridge was due for a clean out anyway..
12/Jul/09 9:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Hm..... cleaning with champagne..... that's a new one for me.
I just did something REALLY stupid. I was hauling hay off of the hay field, using my hay hauler (I can get 10 rolls on it - 6 on the bottom and 4 on top), I had a sharp turn to make getting to the barn I'm now filling, took the turn too sharp and one of the 2,000 pound rolls fell off the top and smashed a fence. This fence was a board fence with 2 hot wires on the inside. It knocked out power to the entire perimeter fence around the property. I had to get that roll off the fence and fix it immediately before unloading the rest of the hay. That took enough time that I wasn't able to go back for the last load. That'll have to be done in the morning. I was hoping to get it all up before the rain started. Hmmm... maybe I'll do it after supper tonight. The tractor does have headlights.
12/Jul/09 10:40 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Fabulous YouTube, Vici. Keep it up for a while so I can listen to it repeatedly, OK?
12/Jul/09 11:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... weather forecast says it's not going to rain tonight. So I won't haul hay in the dark.
12/Jul/09 12:14 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Heidi - bummer about the fence - glad you don't have to do the work in the dark.
We have been having a few sprinkles this evening - I'm loving it!
June - cleaning the frig - what a crumby follow-up for your fab day yesterday.
Glad you guys liked the Youtube - I will keep it up on my page.
12/Jul/09 12:59 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Well - time for me to hit the hay (not Heidi's) hehehe.
Catch you all tomorrow hopefully.
12/Jul/09 1:02 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi folks...WELL....I dang well gone bin and dun a typically beanish thing just now... posted my daily Rolalogue on EASY!!! Arrghhhhhhh!!
12/Jul/09 1:12 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Bean just accidentally posted the Rolalogue on Easy.
Blame it on your swollen foot, Bean.
12/Jul/09 1:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Bean.... it might make those folks curious enough to come over and read it every day, now.
12/Jul/09 1:14 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Now for a cut and paste from EASY...DUH!!
"Greetings folks...I will be back to read later. Hope everyone is well and those that aren't ... fix it! Enjoy your day. Now for another enthralling installment of the... you guessed it...
The Rolalogue 12th July
Only 4 more nights in China...
Today is an exciting day for Rola... she is off to visit the sights to the north of Beijing... the most notable of course being ‘The Great Wall’...
They will be going to the Mutianyu section.
After visiting the wall they will visit the Olympic Park and the Birds Nest stadium. In the evening we will go to see the biggest LED Street in Asia and have dinner there.
I am now wondering which section of the wall we visited... it is another mind boggling sight... stretching as far as the eye can see... scaling some of the most incredible terrain. One part of the wall we were on you couldn’t walk... you almost needed to climb up it was so steep... well... a little bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean. You know before you get there that it MUST be big if it can be seen from outer space but the enormity of the engineering feat blew me away when I was standing upon it absorbing its magnificence..."
Ho hum...I will now go find a coffee....
12/Jul/09 1:14 PM
Alabama, USA
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Vici, hubby showed me that same group a couple of days ago, they were good. You can hear the rain getting harder, then softer, and it works better if you close your eyes. Thanks for sharing with us, was good to listen again.
Heidi, sorry you lost a roll of hay and the resulting damage. But I actually did a WHEW when I heard only one roll escaped. I was anticipating you saying the hay hauler tipped over and you lost all the load! Then it is OH NO when I read about the fence. Yep, gotta have that fence back in operation to convince your sweet little cows to stay home.
June, did the bubbles of the champagne make cleaning the fridge easier? Scrubbing bubbles, like the bathroom cleaner advertisement here hehehe.
Vici, a ton or rock in a day is enough. I remember moving a ton of bagged garden soil, 50 pounds at a time, once upon a time, long long ago. I think I did that only half a ton at a time ( I also ran out and had to buy the other half ton) and both days it was about all I could do. How you do that with your back problems is beyond me. Looking forward to seeing your photos of the rock quarry
I had a very late nap today, got incredibly sleepy at almost dinner time, and decided to put my head down for a brief rest. Woke up over 2 hours later. Our dinns was very late tonight.
Still not finished with my book, perhaps I had more left to read than I thought, but so close now. I think I will go and read till I get sleepy again. could take a bit.
Hugs to everyone, and extras to anyone who needs them.
12/Jul/09 1:21 PM
Alabama, USA
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Morning my little coffee bean! Hope you found your coffee and it gets your juices flowing today. How is the foot? I hope all better today.
12/Jul/09 1:23 PM
Alabama, USA
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VICI, you are headed to nite nite very early tonight, only 8 PM on the west coast. Guess you can blame it on moving a ton of rock today, huh?
12/Jul/09 1:26 PM
Sth Gippsland
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Hi Y'all. I'm checking you out while looking for the missing emails. Bean has spilt the beans again! Sorry to hear about your foot, Bean. Hope you find a solution soon.
Hi MizT Your long post has made it easy for me to catch up on the latest in SA8.
12/Jul/09 1:46 PM
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Vici, tell me you didn't do all of that work alone! I wouldn't be able to move and I don't have a bad back! It looks wonderful though. It will be worth it in the end.
12/Jul/09 2:02 PM
Sth Gippsland
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Heidi, I guess whether its the farm or the computer, problems seem to come out of nowhere.
12/Jul/09 2:15 PM
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Dino, sorry about your emails! I did the same thing last year.... It was partly a relief to have the inbox cleared out though.
12/Jul/09 2:19 PM
Sth Gippsland
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I'm beginning to see what you mean, Suzy. Apart from a couple of pdf files which I can have resent, there's not much I really have to worry about. I didn't feel like that last night, though. It seemed like the end of the world at 3.00AM
12/Jul/09 2:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The collies are finishing up their suppers, so I'm off to bed.
12/Jul/09 3:19 PM
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Hi everyone!
Bean, sorry to hear about your hives - I know how horrible that is. Hope you're over them soon.
June, congratulations on your bowls win. :)
Trauma today - my computer wouldn't turn on! Quickly started suffering withdrawal symptoms, but Rob rushed down the street to get replacement parts - then a second time to get parts that fitted. Finally fixed - I can breathe again. Meanwhile Rob gave me travel books to look through and mark my preference - finally coming to some kind of decision which trip we want to do ... starting to feel a bit more real! :)
12/Jul/09 6:06 PM
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Yay! The car is going!
Judy, thank goodness your computer is working again!
Dino, I keep saying I'm going to go through my emails and work out what I want to keep - but only get through about 20 and then quit. Well over 1000 to do at the moment....
12/Jul/09 6:23 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Busy day yesterday with the soccer tournament and getting back to pick up Bryana from work. She work at the Ballet(It comes here for about a month in the summer.) She said it was much easier than a concert. Of course, she is only busy during intermission. There are rules of etiquette for the ballet and the Philadelphia Orchestra that comes next. She works again today and the tournament continues today.
12/Jul/09 9:32 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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It's been a cool summer so far with a lot of rain. We had more thunderstorms last night so we had to postpone the Harry Potter marathon we were going to have in the backyard.
Heidi, glad you were able to fix the fence and the whole thing didn't fall over!
Vici, careful of your back! Are you going to start charging admission to your beautiful yard? Can't wait to see pics!
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying(ed) the weekend!
Have a great day/night everyone!
12/Jul/09 9:38 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Good morning all!
Posted some pictures of the rock work on my page. You can see why my time here has been's slow going, moving one rock at a time!
So many computer issues going on around here...hope yours straightens out soon, Dino...and glad yours is working properly now, Judy.
Stella - Harry Potter marathon - WOW! too bad you have to postpone. Our weather has been cooler than normal (which I love) - almost didn't want to say anything - don't want to jinx it!
12/Jul/09 11:51 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Going to leave you all with some morning coffee. Headed off to get some for myself!
12/Jul/09 11:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Vici... very impressive rock work. Very. Especially done with a bad back. I can see why it took so long.
13/Jul/09 12:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I need to go out and clean up all those shattered boards from the fence I crushed (I only repaired the broken wires last night), then haul the rest of the hay before the rain comes. The radar shows that I have a few hours at least.
13/Jul/09 12:20 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Good luck with the fence, Heidi - take care of your back, too!
13/Jul/09 1:09 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good luck with your race with the rain. Hope all the hay is safely stored in the barn pronto. Now, YOU did not crush the fence, the hay did. Do not go taking credit you do not deserve, young lady!
VICI, I left some comments on your rock work photos, it is looking very nice. Now tell us, what is Mike doing inside the addition? And is his hand back 100% now?
JUDY, so happy your computer is working again, Isn't it nice to have a hubby who can repair computers? I am most appreciative of mine.
Dino, whatever were you doing up and working on computer at 3 am? When do you sleep, deer friend?
Stella, what is a Happy Potter Marathon?
SUZY, I just delete saved e-mails about once every 3 months or so. I do have a 'save as" kind of file on AOL and can immediately save any that I really want to keep, so I figure if I have not needed an e-mail in 3 months or more, I can zapp it. Al must auto-save ALL his business mail, and how he sets defaults on the master screen name, is how all the accounts go. Now junk mail and spam, I delete immediately, blow it away.
I think I shall find my embroidery hoop and get to that last bit of hand embroidery on THE quilt border done. My friend who found and sent me the needed blue floss will think I am unappreciative if I do not get back to working on it. She has encouraged me a lot to get this UFO finished. ONLY started it over 7 years ago!
13/Jul/09 1:13 AM
Alabama, USA
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VICI, seems I missed you while I was typing. Hope you are enjoying your morning coffee. I have finished mine, discovered I had more than my share of the pot hehehe.
BTW, finished my book, nothing to read, I will have to do other things today, huumm wonder what today will find for me.
13/Jul/09 1:16 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Heidi and MzT for visiting my photos and your wonderful, perceptive comments and questions.
Mike's hand is improving, but not back to the 100% strength yet. He's working on the marble in the master bath - it's pretty much the last big part of the addition work before we buy and have the carpet installed...then we can move in. YAY!
13/Jul/09 1:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... I think Stella said Harry Potter, not Happy Potter. But I don't know what kind of marathon she's talking about either.
13/Jul/09 1:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm dawdling. I don't want to go to work in this humidity. The temp is only 77℉, tho'.
13/Jul/09 1:37 AM
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Good Maen everyone! I've been reading posts, sorry I haven't been here! Helped my friend/petsitter Karen with a friend's garage sale Friday...Lots of fun, but only stayed for a few hours.
Our friend Mike (Doc) is in Ft. Hood, Texas, getting ready for the sandbox (Iraq) next week...He said he's going to e-mail us when he can, please keep him in your thoughts/prayers. I will pass on any updates I get from ffuts to finish here, try to be back later. Been working on my needlepoint again, I have about 1/4 of the tapestry left to go!! WHOOPEE!! I will attempt to post photos when I get it completed. For all those under the weather, get better (Bean, that means YOU!! I've had allergic reactions, hives, eczema for years, the itching is TERRIBLE!!!) Feel better soon, TTFN
13/Jul/09 2:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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All the hay is out of the field now, and in the barn. No more accidents, either. That hay hauler is a royal pain in the rear. It doesn't tow straight... it weaves all over the road behind the tractor... and fully loaded, it's 12+ feet (3.66+ meters) wide. Getting it through gates is a challenge.
13/Jul/09 3:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I need to water some livestock, then I'm going to do a little grocery shopping. I've got to get some essentials like dog food.
Now.... do I take that TOPP?
13/Jul/09 3:04 AM
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