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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Mamacita 2
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Okay...Thank you Heidi and a good evening to you all... Just checking in..nothing much going on here...must start really thinking about getting organized for Florida...the weather here has been so great, that I'm not sure I want to chance that Florida weather...yet the folks coming are so wonderful...those I already know , and the promise of those I'll get to meet that I'm hyped!!!!
Hey wonderful that I can perhaps have bags winging their way here...I...errrrr, had also thought about some of those great quilts being a possible...but then common sense took over...Although I'd still love to find some for sale at a craft show....I think they are special ...and so does everyone else!!!!
.Bean...Speedy recovery and Stella....Peace...
See you all later...make it a great one if you can...and you can...
11/Jul/09 9:39 AM
Mamacita 2
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Now off to do some stuff.....that hot slidey thing must be used..I've been avoiding it as long as I now forced to at least get started....oh woe is me.....
well it could be least all I need to do is to...just do it...the weather is great too!!!!!
11/Jul/09 9:46 AM
Mamacita 2
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But first..I must do the jigsaws.... yes, I'm still trying my best not to get started...
11/Jul/09 9:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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You've gotta keep your priorities straight, Mamacita. The jigsaws help keep your brain cells healthy.
11/Jul/09 10:19 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I think Bean is just about allergic to everything...but I hope she's not allergic to those yummy muffins! Yes, she did have her desensitizing shot yesterday, but it is only the second of 8 I believe.
I was up quite early for us on a Saturday. We ordered more mulch yesterday and it was going to be delivered today...apparently first thing!
Luckily, the guy who delivered it is another verbal sparring partner, so when i appeared at the door very bedraggled and in my dressing gown, he just opened up his arms for a hug...I told him what he could do with it too!
11/Jul/09 10:41 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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My apologies
fellow SA8ers
It is so easy to read and chat forgetting that you have not yet said hello.
11/Jul/09 10:42 AM
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Good Evening, Everyone. I just have a minute to pop in and say Hi and read a few comments.
Stella, I hope your Mom & SIL will both be better soon! I'm glad Meghan is home safely, though TIRED! Hope she can get lots of extra sleep over the next few days!
Bean, WOW, that's an allergic reaction. I agree (with MizT, I think) that the larger dose seems to be the dose you needed for that particular reaction.
Heidi, those 5 extra 5 acres will help grow more hay, I'm guessing, or allow grazing pasture. Do you think you'll opt for 5 more when the time comes? Are there any baby finches yet?
Suzy and MizT, that's the way I carry my long-handled handbag. I like the description of "bandoleer style."
Nola, Bean, Broni, and MizT, hope you'll all feel better soon! Brenda, prayers continue for your friend. I hope her doctor is doing some praying, too!
Vici, I'm glad you could pop in for a quick visit. You must be very busy!
Sorry, Folks, but CRAFTs has struck big-time. I know there was more to say. So I'll just say, Take care, all of you! I'll see you when I see you.
11/Jul/09 11:41 AM
Alabama, USA
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MAMACITA, so glad you admire my quilts enough to wish for one or two of them, but I do not have any spares around at the time and I am not getting much quilting done now. I have given away more than I have kept, but occasionally I give one to someone who loves it more than I ever could, and that makes up for it.
AGGGHHHHHHHH, I had answered LOTS of posts from last page. . . . . then I turned the page and lost them. I thought of you all, I wrote charming and witty replies, but no time to recreate them now, such a shame.
11/Jul/09 11:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie... those 5 acres are already hay ground, adjoining 48 acres of my hay ground.
No baby finches yet. I looked in the nest a few hours ago, and no sign of hatching,
Drat. I won't give up on them for a few more days.
11/Jul/09 12:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I will probably get those other 5 acres. They're on the other side of the creek from the rest of my hay ground and have been used for pasture for years, first cattle, now horses. I just didn't want to spend all that money at once.
11/Jul/09 12:14 PM
Alabama, USA
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OH Heidi, you tickle me, not wanting to spend all that money at once, it is better to do it as 2 purchases and from the sound of it, in the not too distant future. A bit like cutting off a dog's tail a little at a time, so it would not hurt so much. It is good though that it is already hay fields, or pasture. Too much work getting a good stand of grass started.
11/Jul/09 1:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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I really should go to bed early tonight. I did not sleep well last night, did not have a real nap, just a short bit of dozing on and off earlier.
I shop0ped too much today. Missed out on one thing though. REALLY good price on some peaches from an orchard I have bought from before, best tasting peaches. I am not sure what variety they are, but full of flavor and sweet. We saw a truck sitting on edge of the orchard, at an intersection, with a sign, $5 a basket. Noone that we could see in the truck, means honor system. I did not have change. So we did not stop, thought we could catch them on our way back, Of course, they were gone on our way back.
Now we stopped about a mile and a half further on, in the small town of Jemison, at the bank cause I needed cash for weekend and to pay a bill and my drivers license. How long would it have taken to go back for my peaches? Was not thinking, was I?
11/Jul/09 1:36 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT. It's time to feed the dogs now. I was watching a classic movie... Captain Blood.
11/Jul/09 2:56 PM
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Hi everyone! Well, had a lovely time with Gail and Bean yesterday, and was out today at our annual miniature show - spent to much money, but did get some really nice things: an armchair and footstool in a lovely soft leather, lots of potted flowers, moose and deer heads, a cat and a nice snake, Egyptian statue, mobile phone, and a very nice tv and vcr - not working, unfortunately! There was a tv - about 3 inches by 2 1/2? - it plugged into a computer and was playing a tiny version of Gone With the Wind! I didn't ask the price, but boy it was cute! And the picture was so clear! there were a lot of people standing around watching, but I did (eventually) walk past! Fiddle-de-dee!
11/Jul/09 4:41 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi folks.
Judy such willpower is truly admirable...
What an interesting collection of loot you have acquired today. What fun you are going to you have a project ready formed in your mind or are these just to add to your collection for 'ron'?
Tricia you shouldn't trust my spelling when I am feeling like that... my computer didn't like the way I was spelling phenergan either but I was too out of it to check. I have just got up and checked and added it to the dictionary... or did I spell it 'en' earlier on...
I am having so much trouble waking up today...I will probably be wide awake and here to annoy all the topsiders all night!! We will see. My L foot looks normal, my R foot is still a bit swollen, remnants of red rash persisting and a few raw bits that are no longer oozing. We are off to the concert hall today to hear the MSO... BIG worry is what on earth will I be able to fit on my feet.. I cannot exactly turn up in thongs to the concert hall in the middle of winter. [or slippers - not a good look] LOL...
In case you are wondering what caused the reaction... it was the shoes I had on yesterday. Non leather upper ... I am sensitive to a lot of man made fibers and synthetics and, as Gail said, all sorts of things.
Perfume is the worst. My BEST friends remember not to dab it on before going out with me. Tonight I will be trying to sit as far away from perfume wearing women as possible...must confess some men with their aftershave are just as bad!
and now I am off to fling food and think about what to wear....
Have a good evening everyone.
11/Jul/09 5:08 PM
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Good evening everyone.
I am floating on air tonight. Played bowls in the mixed pairs club championship. Played a top team and we WON. It was also a very convincing win (19-8). There are still a lot of games before the final but the woman in the other team is our Ladies singles club champion. Her husband is also a very good bowler! They were expected to win.
I have poured myself a glass of strawberry bubbly so I hope I come down to earth enough to cook some dinner.
11/Jul/09 6:31 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Forgot to mention yesterday just how beautiful all the things are that Judy has made. She has doll house miniatures, beautiful needlework and quilting.
Truly admirable.
I had such a lovely time, it was a shame to have to leave and face the traffic.
11/Jul/09 6:32 PM
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Bean. I suffer from hives at times but my heart to goes out to you being that allergic to everything. Hope you found some shoes to wear tonight. EDnjoy the concert.
11/Jul/09 6:33 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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June, what a champion!
An event like this calls for takeaway Chinese!
11/Jul/09 6:34 PM
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Yay June! Congratulations! I loved the email and have answered it.
Bean, I'm glad you mentioned it and if I'm ever lucky enough to meet you I will come sans perfume!
11/Jul/09 7:18 PM
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MizT, what a bummer about the peaches! Even worse, the quilts.... sigh. If they didn't take months to make you could whip us all up one!
Judy, I will have to go to your page to see if you have put pictures up of some of the things you already have - I'm guessing it's too early for today's treats.
11/Jul/09 7:21 PM
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Judy, I remember seeing them now - the christmas feast, the cakes, and a few other tidbits at the back of the new clothes pic! What a lousy memory I have!
11/Jul/09 7:31 PM
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Sigh, nobody to talk to.
11/Jul/09 8:08 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Looks like it's going to be another nice day!
Congrats June! Good luck with the next match!
Bean, I hope you are feeling better and the itching has completely subsided!
Judy, sounds like quite a loot. Would love to see pics of the minis!
MizT, love your hat! Perfect for this time of year. You're a true Southern Belle!
Suzy, I hope your lawnmowers are more patient in the morning. A girl needs her sleep! How much longer?
Heidi, hope the finches hatch soon! Good luck with the decision re the extra acres!
Mama, once you get going, the packing will be easy and you'll have a fantastic time there! Maybe you should bring one of those hand-held fans. We've had such a cool summer so far, the heat and humidity may be a shock!
Julie, love the avatar! It looks like a stained glass window!
Gail, have fun with the mulch! Better you than me!
11/Jul/09 8:33 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Trying to get a little painting in before I go watch Brendan play his first game in a soccer tournament this morning.
Have a great day/night/weekend everyone!
11/Jul/09 8:36 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Hello everyone! Oooooow Stella - love your avatar!
June - I am so thrilled at your win - was thinking about you after receiving your e-mail about the bowls and am so happy you guys were successful!
Wishing all of you who are going to Fionafest 2009 a grand time.
Beanie - sorry to hear about your footsies - you are like our Tricia...a sensitive southern belle! haha!
11/Jul/09 11:05 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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So nice to see you here Vici...even if it is to poke fun at me...
A sensitive little bean maybe but i don't think you could call me a Southern Bell in a pink fit.
Managed to get some shoes on [with Lachies help..]
The show was really good. Managed to get a park not far from the concert hall...just a short walk to the concert hall.
Couple of links if anyone is interested in what we saw:
The guys finish their tour downunder at the end of the month is Sydney and then they are back home to the States.
11/Jul/09 11:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's gloomy and overcast today. Thunderstorms predicted for the next 3 days.
This is NOT fun.
12/Jul/09 12:00 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Beanie - couldn't get your links to come the show was fabulous, though.
Have a peaceful sleep my dear.
Morning Heidi - hope the thunderstorms don't reek too much havoc with your animals.
12/Jul/09 12:35 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Oops - now I got them to come up!
This looks like a great show - and I bet Tami would REALLY love it!
12/Jul/09 12:37 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good afternoon all. Just stopped by the library to check mail. Still don't have my internet working. They told me 3-5 days. I wonder if weekends count. I will catch up on the reading when I am able to. I hope all is going well. I hope I didn't miss any birthdays or anything else important. Hope to catch up soon.
12/Jul/09 1:48 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all,nothing exciting or out of the ordinary happening in my neck of the woods.
Glad your feet are getting back to normal Bean.Itching can drive you crazy.Hopefully after the desensitizing most of your probs will disappear.
Vici..have you finished all the irrigation work?
It is nice to see you back again.
Tami...don't you miss the computer when it isn't working!
June....what a WIN.Good on you! were making my mouth water talking about fresh peaches.Yum.
12/Jul/09 3:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, if a quilt did not take months to whip up, would they be as sought after? My only regret os that I did not start to quilt when I was much younger. Back in the days when I could whip up a new dress fore 10 am, and wear it immediately. what wonderful number of quilts I could have turned out over the years!
TAMI, thanks for checking in, hope that internet gets up and running soon. If your Mum is reading the site, could you get her to give you a run down on what is happening on here?
NOLA, mine is watering also and no p0eaches to satisfy that yearning,
My kitchen is smelling good today. I have made vegetable beef, well OK, vegetable Venison soup for our lunch. Lots of good vegetables, carrots, potatoes, peas, green beans, corn, onion, garlic, and a soy based steak sauce to season it, yummy. Made enough for the next 2 or 3 days, so lunch is taken care of for a bit.
I am about to finish my current book, this is a re-read of a favorite, I think the third time through. I still do not remember how it ends and I am within 75 pages or so of the ending. Set is pre WW11 and up till war's end now, England and her empire. A very good read, I like it.
OH have I asked you? anyone here, Brenda perhaps but anybody, know what splits are? Served at tea, and I imagine some kind of bread or cake but haven't the foggiest what type. I tried Google and got acrobatics and gymnastic maneuvers
Off to read a bit before lunch, catch you all later.
12/Jul/09 3:35 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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MizT,it could be a dessert with ice cream.We have banana splits,served with nuts and cream.Your guess is as good as mine though.
12/Jul/09 3:49 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Bye all and have a good day.
12/Jul/09 4:50 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi All,
I just called in to say I love you all...nothing much going on in my neck of the woods either Nola...and that's a good thing.
Heidi, hope the dogs don't get too bothered with the storms predicted...its so hard to watch out for sensitive animals with all you have on your plate.
Mz.T, I know that many of us regret not starting some good things earlier in life, but the most important thing is that you did start and have some amazing things to show and remember...the quilts just showed that your talents and interest were growing as you matured in your creativity.
Bean, gad you were able to get your feet into shoes that allowed you to get to the concert and enjoy looking forward to hearing that you have recovered from this incident completely.
I too am reading an enjoyable book, Last Lion, about the fall and rise of Ted Kennedy, very good I'm off to enjoy a bit more of that after doing the puzzles....Oh BTW, I have added the mini-puzzle that I was having so much fun with a while back, I still enjoy it but am wrapped up in my book right now...check it out under the forum games if interested and let me know if you enjoy it! Peace.
12/Jul/09 5:51 AM
Mamacita 2
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Oh June, I meant to start off with my congratulations on your great and convincing winning in bowls...Nice work....I no longer have my smilies and all so I can't put on a display for you, but use your imagination and know how proud everyone here is for you!
12/Jul/09 5:53 AM
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Morning all!
Even for an early riser, that's early Nola!
Crafts, better go back and read again...
12/Jul/09 6:19 AM
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Tami, how annoying to not have the internet - still! I'd be going crazy.
Bean, I will go and check out the links. If we can, we are going to try to see the Beatniks toward the end of this month.
MizT, good point about the quilts. Possibly not, though they are still beautiful. Did you notice Judy's on her page?
Vici, 3 tonnes of rock? I hope you are not planning to do it all in one day - or that you have some super duper moving equipment to do it for you.
12/Jul/09 6:32 AM
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Mamacita and MizT, I have just finished the Twilight series. Hopefully tomorrow I will head off to the library with the list from pages 283 and 284 to find something new to read.
12/Jul/09 6:34 AM
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