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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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It looks like they're here for another half hour or so, then we'll have a break in the storms for just over an hour. Then more flashes and crashes.
09/Jul/09 1:28 PM
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I hope all the thunderboomers are finished - at least for a while - so you can get the dogs fed, Heidi!
09/Jul/09 2:17 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's just quieted down. I have nearly an hour until they start up again.
Off to
feed the kids.
09/Jul/09 2:32 PM
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Afternoon all!
I found out while we were out that 2 of Ebob's friends are out of school with the flu. They were sent home by the school. There might be a change of plans these holidays if she gets it too. I soooo hope it's one of the regular flus covered by the shot we got.
09/Jul/09 2:40 PM
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Heidi, I hope the storms hold off while the dogs eat!
Suzy, keeping fingers crossed that Ebob doesn't get any kind of flu. Remind her to be diligent about washing hands & keeping them away from her mouth, nose & eyes!
09/Jul/09 2:43 PM
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I just realized I have several "stained glass" avatars, as I submitted some more. I hope Gath really develops some kind of storage & sorting system for avatars & smilies. I'm sure it would help many of us, especially Heidi.
09/Jul/09 2:51 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It would help a LOT to at least have a separate place to put holiday smilies and avatars that get used once a year.
The Collies are eating now.
We have a brief window between storms.
09/Jul/09 3:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I like the Poppies better, Julie. Maybe it's just the colors.
09/Jul/09 3:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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09/Jul/09 3:39 PM
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Thanks, Heidi. I agree. When Gath approved the avatars I submitted tonight, let me know how you like them.
I hope the dogs are eating well, especially the 2 slowpokes. (Maybe they're done by now?)
09/Jul/09 3:41 PM
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Good Night, Heidi! Good Night to all of Sudokuland. (It's nearly 1 a.m. here.) I hope to see you tomorrow.
09/Jul/09 3:42 PM
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Home again. I picked up the girls from school (Ally had been on an excursion to Mogo Zoo) and took them to the mall. Millers has everything in store for $16.95 so I got them a warm jacket each. They are very happy. I'm happy to be home and back in my comfy slippers.
09/Jul/09 4:40 PM
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Goodnight Julie and Heidi.
09/Jul/09 4:42 PM
Stevenage UK
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Did you get your new bag Suzy?
A couple of pupils at my daughter's school have swine flu and there is one of the teachers off with flu like symptoms. Keep fingers crossed that Elaine (D#1 the teacher) doesn't catch it as she is flying out to Canada in less 2 weeks.
09/Jul/09 7:44 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Morning Sudokuland. Today has dawned clear and comfortable. Only a tiny chance of t-storms for us, I suppose I sent them off to Heidi? We did have another couple of thunder showers yesterday. One was definitely more than a shower for a few minutes, HUGE raindrops and I watched the rain get heavier and heavier.
My vehicle is home, and cost less than half the first estimate we received. Work was by someone how has done work for us before, satisfactorily too I might add. Al and his helper went to get it, so I have not driven it yet.
This afternoon we are going to do some shopping, so at least I get to ride in it. Nothing exciting on my list, perhaps a new garden hose so I can have one that shall reach my front porch flowers. Mostly for colas for AL, and what few grocery items I need. Huumm, wonder if I can manage a gail today? Or a picnic, even a car picnic would be fun.
A car picnic is when it is too hot and bug infested for a picnic in open air. Requirements are a good view, I like the river at the park in Montevallo (did I ever put up photos of that park?) and something to eat and something to drink, home made or a purchased take away sandwich.
I am feeling better after a rough patch with the achies, can you tell? hehehe. slept wonderfully last night, always helps a lot.
Heidi, hope your t storms are gone for a few days there.
yeah, Suzy, tell us about your new handbag.
Hope all avoid the swine flu, keeping fingers crossed for you. In addition to the good advice posted so far, buy hand sanitizer and USE IT, anytime you have to touch items many others have used in public places, like door handles, shopping carts, magazines in doctor office (I take my own reading matter and never put it down on any of their furniture, only back into my bag). You get the idea.
Well I must be off and pay a bill online and order vitamins and supplements, while there is a buy one, get 2 special, 3 for the price of one.
10/Jul/09 12:05 AM
Magnolia, KY
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everybody. The storms are SUPPOSED to be gone for a couple of days. I'll believe it when I see it.
10/Jul/09 12:40 AM
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Hello, Everyone! It's still morning here!
Heidi, good luck on keeping the storms away for a few days.
MizT, WOOHOO for finding a place to order vitamins & supplements at 3 for the price of 1. Is it stateside or out of country? Inquiring minds would like to know.
10/Jul/09 2:19 AM
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Guess I may be here alone, as it's 1 1/2 hours since MizT posted.
10/Jul/09 2:19 AM
Alabama, USA
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JULIE, it is stateside and a brand that is found in pharmacies, too, not someone unknown. Puritian's Pride Vitamins. They have this offer repeatedly and I try to order enough to last till they run it again. Web address is I buy CoQ10 that doc wanted me to have and Omega fish oil for hubby and multi vitamins, about every 3 months. They ask you to sign up, but you do not have too, just look further and you find you can order same as members. I hate having to " join" and have a password and they will save my information. No think you, the fewer big computers that have my information, the fewer chances I will be on one that is hacked. I know, I am paranoid, but having my bank account cleaned out one time was enough, thank you!
10/Jul/09 4:04 AM
Alabama, USA
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I had not put up photos of my favorite park, so I just did. In one of the photos, you can see autos parked right on the edge of the river. that is where we park for picnics.
10/Jul/09 4:28 AM
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Just a quick fly-by here. MizT, thanks for the website info and for the pictures of the park. It looks to be a GREAT place for a car picnic - or one on a blanket on the ground, if the weather and mosquitoes permit.
10/Jul/09 4:58 AM
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And now, back to ffuts.
10/Jul/09 4:58 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
MizT..what a beautiful and tranquil place for a picnic.I have never seen carvings in trees like that before.So clever and artistic.
The first part of the kitchen is finished,the second and last will be done today.It looks so fresh and clean.Having dinner at sisters place tonight as we cannot use our kitchen for 24 hrs.
Broni..hope you are OK.Looking forward to you coming back when you are ready.
Suzy..I wanted to get to Millers for warm clothes for Bathurst but didn't feel well enough.See how I go today.Glad the girls are happy with theirs.
10/Jul/09 5:00 AM
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Morning all!
Brenda, I have everything crossed for Elaine..
MizT, great news about the car repairs, very bad news that you have been so achey! I hope you are feeling a little better today. Your photos are amazing! It is easy to see why that is your favourite park. Incredible!
10/Jul/09 6:41 AM
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Nola, sorry you still don't feel well. Great news about your kitchen though. How exciting! My budget wouldn't let me go too wild at the Millers sale, but I am glad the kids have warm jackets. You will need warm clothes for Bathurst at this time of year - which reminds me, I missed my friend's birthday! When we were there for her 40th at this time of year there was no need for eskies to keep the drinks cold, it was colder outside than it would have been inside any esky!
10/Jul/09 6:51 AM
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The bag I wanted was gone, but I was able to get one similar. It has a long strap so that I can carry it over (how do you say this?) not just one shoulder, over my head? When I carry my bag over one shoulder I get lots of acheys. It is a dark leather, very soft, with compartments so I can find things. Not as smart or trendy as some of the others I saw, but very practical for me.
10/Jul/09 6:57 AM
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Forgot - Nola, what did the doctor say?
MizT, is your quilt on hold for now?
Brenda, is there any news of your friend?
I thought all those things earlier and nearly forgot to ask them. This losing my memory thing sucks!
10/Jul/09 6:58 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy....your new bag sounds great.I have that many compartments in mine that I still can't put my hand into the right one.The thing I look for is always in another.
The Dr said I had a chest and sinus infection.I wasn't impressed with him because he said my skin looked like I had lupis when I have already been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.A skin specialist diagnosed that so I wont listen to this guy.He gave me a fright and I got upset but when I really thought about the tests and 2 different Drs opinions that I have had,I then got a little annoyed.I wont go back to him again. of luck that your daughter stays healthy for the trip to Canada.
10/Jul/09 7:16 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I will try to come back later.We have to finish breakfast and move the tea and coffee stuff into the laundry so at least we can have a drink until the kitchen is finished.I wouldn't handle not having a coffee all day. See ya!
10/Jul/09 7:20 AM
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Those infections are not nice, no wonder you don't feel up to doing much.
I wouldn't handle no coffee either! Good idea about the laundry.
10/Jul/09 7:31 AM
Stevenage UK
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Hi Suzy, I've just had a call from her ex-husband, the kids are a little upset at the moment. My friend has taken a turn for the worse, so things are not looking too good.
10/Jul/09 7:32 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just stopped in to say a quick hello. I am at the library using their computers. I hope to have my internet back in a day or so. I made the payment but the goofed up anyways. Hope everyone is well. I will catch up on the reading as soon as I can. I can't be on here too long.
10/Jul/09 7:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Brenda, just read about your friend. I will say an extra prayer for her tonight.
10/Jul/09 7:34 AM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy your new bag sounds really nice.
Mizt your picnic park looks lovely I wouldn't mind having a picnic there. Those sculptured trees are wonderful.
Nola spleased that you like the new surface on your kitchen worktops, bet you can't wait for it to be finished.
10/Jul/09 7:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, Brenda. I'm so sorry. Peritonitis is about as nasty as it gets. Give her kids hugs from me, please. They can use them.
I need to go to the grocery store. Basic staples.
10/Jul/09 7:41 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I did a bit on the quilt, I finished the applique stitching that I needed to lengthen one of the borders. I am waiting for some embroidery thread to finish the embroidery, a friend is sending me several dark blues in hopes one is the right color. I have some of the sweetest friends, both quilting friends and friends here
I do not know who did the carvings on the trees in the park, I just know they have been done over time. MOST of them are in standing dead trunks of cedar trees. A couple of the newer ones, the elaborate ones are in cedar logs from dead trees, but that are mounted like a fence post, in cement. The first ones were the faces in the trees, tree spirits. I do not know how long ago they were done, but I was told they were done with a chain saw! The cedar weathers to such a lovely silver grey color, gotta love it.
Now what is even better about our little park, it is only 2 blocks from Main Street, Montevallo. So it is not much out of the way to drive by when I go to the bank, or doctor or post office and none out of the way when I go to the library. I will often go, especially in winter and I need cheering up, and park and just watch the water flow. No need for a blanket for the picnic, and never a good idea in Alabama (fire ants) cause there are picnic tables along the road side of the river, up where the road is not right against the river.
There is also a walking trail along the river then up and over the hill, and a huge green medow within the walking track. Recently they added some playing fields for soccer, and restrooms, and a picnic pavilion up on the meadow. AND a second track along the front, for bicycles and skate boards, they are not allowed on the walking/running track. OH the funniest thing, they painted a stripe down the center of the track, people walk both directions around it ( one has a really steep hill, the other way it is much more gradual). I guess some people were not courteous enough to make way for some approaching runner or walker. But does the painted line really help?
When I walk there, I stay along the river, it is flat and shady and much more pleasant.
10/Jul/09 8:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the store. The heat and humidity are oppressive outside. It has exhausted me, so I'm gonna take a nap.
I got a call today that the closing is on Monday. I'm buying some more land adjoining my hay field. This piece has some much needed road frontage.
10/Jul/09 9:33 AM
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Hope you are able to get the extra land Heidi.
Love your park MizT. The town of Hope (I think it was) in Canada has lots of carvings that have been done with a chain saw. They were fantastic.
Brenda, more prayers for your friend.
Suzy, I have bags with lots of sections and then I can never find anything.
Julie, love you stained glass avatars.
Glad you could drop in Tami. Hope you soon have your pooter back.
Nola, how nice it will be to have the 'new' kitchen. Hope the infections are clearing up.
And a big HI to all that come by later in the day.
10/Jul/09 10:26 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Folks...I've had my first coffee and I am still not awake... I wonder how Gail is feeling today...I am stuffed after yesterday but we [or should I say Gail] have given the grape vine a fright! I probably needs a few more days work to finish is a very BIG vine! I have dug out another square metre of couch... I dig down at least a foot to make sure I get it all.... I want it all gone before I plant out the bed I am working on. Gotta get my act together...I am off for another shot today...can't believe 2 weeks have passed already since my last desensitizing injection.
10/Jul/09 10:30 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Rolalogue 10th July… Huangshan-Beijing
Boy….today will separate the men from the boys!!!!
Arise well before breakfast to see the sunrise…what a sight that will be way up there above the clouds! After coming down from the mountain they will take a bus to see the village used in the movie “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon”. From there they head back to Huangshan, have dinner, catch a plane to Beijing arriving 11:55pm Surprisingly enough from the airport they will head straight to the hotel…..and BED!!!
...and now I am for a Suzanne...TTFN
10/Jul/09 10:32 AM
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