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from Alabama, USA
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Will I take us over?
23/Aug/09 6:51 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Chased you all away again. Oh well, TTFN!
23/Aug/09 7:16 PM
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Wow, it took so long for the page to turn I've forgotten what I read already!
um.... Heidi is sick, Liz has been corrupted to eat pancakes instead of healthy, and is thinking about doing some gardening but is seriously unmotivated (me too, the weeds are taking over!), June is a jack of all trades, the musical is great and others would like to see it when it gets to Brissie... that's all I can remember and it took so long for the page to turn I'm not game to go back to check!
Ebob is tired. That's the first time she has admitted it. She played baseball yesterday and again today followed by a 5 hour shift at work. I might have to wake her up to get her into a shower...
23/Aug/09 7:36 PM
Qld, Australia
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So life goes on, luv ya'll.
23/Aug/09 10:33 PM
Alabama, USA
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SUZY, had the MRI last Tuesday, have not heard results. I see the doc again coming Tuesday, hope to be able to talk to him about results then. Thanks for asking, you remember things good.
HEIDI, good for you planning to go to hospital for treatment today, I think that is a good plan. I know how civic minded you are, and how stoic, you could go and sit that jury and still live to tell about it, so this is not for you. For all your fellow jurors and others in that courtroom on Monday, do not go! Call them and tell them how sick you are, and running fever and even though you could make it there, you might be spreading this illness to others.
Just last night, the CDC is urging all employers to have employees who are showing any of the flu symptoms STAY HOME or to send them home, whether diagnosed with flu or not, and to not require a doctor's note stating they were ill. If we are going to keep flu under control this season, people with flu like symptoms must stay home!
I think your judge should be the first one you sneeze on, Heidi! Geeze, that is NOT a good thing!
23/Aug/09 11:39 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Check out my page lot have been quiet all day.
We have had no internet connection for most of the day...was on long enjough to down load some mail this morning and that was it!! I have nabbed Pete's mobile broadband modem and have just been catching up on a few things before bed!!
Far too late..I know!
24/Aug/09 1:09 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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"The Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) in Brisbane has secured the national premiere of hit musical Chicago Arts Minister Rod Welford said today. Mr Welford said the multi award-winning musical would open in QPAC's newly refurbished Lyric Theatre on 18 March 2009 before touring to Sydney, Perth and Melbourne. "This is the second cultural coup for Brisbane in as many weeks," Mr Welford said."
Chicago started in Brissie...
24/Aug/09 1:12 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Had an email from VICI... she is VERY unwell... too sick to sit up on the computer. EVERYTHING is aching and in particular her back... consequently it puts us out of the equation. She sends everybody her regards... hopes to be back with us soon. Souns the same as the flu that we had Cyn... she is at the chest pain and wracking, sering productive cough stage... sound familiar Heidi??
At least it is better , if she had to get sick, to do it now rather than in 6 weeks time and have her feeling too sick to enjoy the prospect of travel... I suspect she will be laid up for a while if it is anything like the dose of flu that I had... [best part of 2 weeks doing nothing but sleep]
24/Aug/09 1:20 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Nite all
24/Aug/09 1:21 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning all.
Monday has rolled around quickly this week from my perspective.
The girls had their 2nd Birthday party yesterday,just with family and we all enjoyed the day.Due to work and school,it was an early party and they will have another special day 27th.Can't believe how the years are flying by.
Suzy..yes I am on earlies,I had 7 hrs sleep last night which was good.The night before had about 3.
I am looking forward to Bathurst holidays as they will be the last hols in ages when I start the course.There will be 10 weeks of placements in varying health locations.2 weeks can be done where I work,the rest I will have to take my holidays for or I won't get paid.
To all those still unwell,I hope you are soon much better.
Catch you later.Bye
24/Aug/09 3:19 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Poor Vici. It sounds like she has my bug. I did say that it started with a sore throat like Vici's.
I turned the corner last night. I got some sleep and am feeling better today. No fever, and when I cough, stuff is finally breaking free. I SHALL LIVE!!!! There's no point in going to the hospital now. And I'll be up to handling the jury duty tomorrow. I had been planning on going to a concert at the KY State Fair today. My closest friend and I go each year. The Oak Ridge Boys always have a free concert on the first Sunday of the fair. I had to cancel that plan.
24/Aug/09 3:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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HEY!!!! I'm not contagious anymore. You don't all have to avoid me!
24/Aug/09 5:56 AM
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Morning all!
Feel better Vici! Glad you've turned the corner Heidi. Does anyone know for sure if it is swine flu or another one?
Nola, I remember when Mum graduated as an EN. I took photos and was terribly embarrassing! I was so proud. Mum didn't have many opportunities as a youngun, and then she married a macho man who thought a woman's place was in the home and if she went to work or studied it would make him look like less of a man. He died at 37, Mum was 36 with 3 young kids. She had no skills and there was nothing in the bank and no insurance. While we were at school she cleaned houses and malls to pay the bills. When we were all basically independent she started a TAFE course in fine arts. She quit 6 months before she finished to do the EN course. She had decided there was no money in painting (and look what she's getting for her paintings now!). Rambling on with my memories here. She was 46 when she finished her course and I remember her placements. We were so proud of her!
24/Aug/09 6:14 AM
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This page sure ignites my memories!
Nola, Bathurst should be warming up a bit by now. I hope you have a great time there.
MizTricia, all that time waiting to get the scan and then another week waiting for results??? I hope they find something that will help them do something about your pain after all that!
24/Aug/09 6:17 AM
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Broni, that was a flying visit. I hope you are feeling a bit better. You haven't said anything about your new business for a while. I hope it is starting to take off.
Bean, I spent some time at your blogs yesterday. Loved the photos up on stools and ladders. Amazing stuff you girls have been doing.
24/Aug/09 6:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... mine was definitely NOT swine flu. I don't know what Vici has, but it sounds very familiar.
24/Aug/09 6:53 AM
Trouble's Mom
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Heidi-glad you are starting to feel better. Hope everyone is doing OK. Just to let you know Tami's internet is not working. As soon as it starts to work again she'll be back.
24/Aug/09 7:09 AM
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Hi Bobbi! I hope Tami isn't having withdrawal symptoms...
Ebob is off on a school excursion today. She gets to meet Shaun Tan.
24/Aug/09 8:03 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely SA people.
Oh poor Vici - I do hope it doesn't go on for too long. Get well soon, we miss you.
Heidi - glad to hear you've turned the corner.
Bean - I must have blinked and missed it (Chicago). It must have only had a short and not very well publicised season here. I can't believe I missed it!!!
Hi also to the lovely MizT, Broni, Suzy, Nola and Bobbi (hope Tami gets her connection back soon).
BTW Suzy - nice memories of your Mum's achievements.
24/Aug/09 8:43 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Work to do - gotta go - toodles.
24/Aug/09 8:44 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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[I am not really here.. have snuck on line using Petes nifty little portable modum... hopefully we will have the main computer up and running this afternoon... feel like I have had my legs chopped off without my trusty friend...the 'puter...]
BTW Heidi- what testing did you have for Swine flu? My doctor said he has had only 1 confirmed case and that was in someone whose swabs and initial tests were negative... not sure after waht time he was diagnosed seriologicaly]
24/Aug/09 10:18 AM
Perth W Aust
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Good Morning Everyone.
The Birthday Party was great.. We ALL had a wonderful time. Birthday Girl enjoyed herself.
Some of my Eastern States cousins I havent seen in upteen or so years, so it twas really noice to catch up with them.
Yesterday, some of them (Aunt, Uncle, 4 cousins)came over, had lunch (leftovers ~ Party Food), we then went for a drive (in 2 cars) and viewed the view from Kings Park. Peter, Mum and I then drove 2 of my girl cousins to the Airport they headed back to Sydney. While the others walked around Kings Park some more. We dropped mum home on our way home from the Airport.
Sigh!!! my house needs cleaning, especially the floor in the Kitchen, a wee bit dirty and stickly!!!
Hi Hi Ho its off to od ffuts I go.. bad case of MondayMorningItis here.
24/Aug/09 10:41 AM
Perth W Aust
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Oh my sister and her hubby came to lunch as well, BIL had to go and help one of their sons, Sister came with us to Kings Park.
24/Aug/09 10:42 AM
Perth W Aust
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Later Aligaters
24/Aug/09 10:43 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Glad it all went well, Rolanda, I was wondering. King's Park is the place to go to see the beauty of Perth.
Not here - still gnikrow. Ciao!
24/Aug/09 10:50 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I am so pleased the party was fab Rolanda, as if we had any doubts.
Heidi, stay on the upward track.
Vici, thinking of you, with a mask and gloves on.
I am sort of not here, just avoiding ffuts. Hubby is watching more Star Trek, and D#1 is home today and she and I are going to do a spot of shopping when she finishes zushing her room and herself.
It has been sending all sorts of weather down today, wind, rain and hail...not much chance of himself getting the lawns cut...again!
24/Aug/09 10:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Bean... no testing was done. I didn't have the symptoms of Swine Flu.
24/Aug/09 11:09 AM
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Hello, Everyone! Just trying to get caught up after being away for just over 24 hours for my nephew's wedding! I hope all are well!
June, I took a look at your handiwork! The chests/portions which you have done look terrific! What a lot of work - but well worth it!
24/Aug/09 11:46 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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How was the wedding Julie?
24/Aug/09 11:48 AM
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Sneaking back ... I'm flinging stuff around that room, another one of those ekab things, and the taters are so small that I'm having to leep a zillion of them! Giving my hands a break.
Rolanda, Kings Park is the only thing I remember about my visit to Perth when I was 11. Even then I could tell how beautiful it was. So glad everyone enjoyed the party!
Gail, I heard you have wind warnings through Wednesday - so why are they here today??? Did you decide you didn't want them and send them our way?
Julie, how exciting to go to your nephew's wedding! How was it? Did they squish cake in each other's faces? Hubby was very disappointed in Aussie wedding cake - he sooooo wanted to squish cake in my face!
24/Aug/09 1:20 PM
Perth W Aust
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It is even more beautiful now.. specially now that the wildflowers are in season and blooming.
Time for another visit me thinks
24/Aug/09 1:37 PM
Perth W Aust
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Hey Zusy no flinging here today.. leftovers for dins
24/Aug/09 1:37 PM
Perth W Aust
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I like weddings.. I trust your Nephews was great Julie.
We have a family wedding to go to in end November down in Albany.
24/Aug/09 1:39 PM
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Thank you again to all those who are sending positive thoughts and/or prayers for Larry and my friend Jane! Did I mention he is scheduled for surgery on Sept. 11?
Judy, of course we expected that the eclairs would be a hit. We were all drooling here, just thinking about them. Luckily we didn't cause a power shortage. And how lovely that the lad arrived home shortly after you did!
Thanks for the suggestions for the waistband. Will need to see what I can get done in the next day or two.
Gail, yummy quiches, pavlova & wings! I already had dinner, but they're still sounding yummy!
24/Aug/09 1:48 PM
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Have been doing ffuts and now back again. It has been quiet.
24/Aug/09 2:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'll send good thoughts to Larry and Jane again, Julie. They can't have too many of them.
24/Aug/09 2:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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And now I'm off to bed. I have to be at the courthouse by 10 am for jury duty. I'll let you all know if I'm accepted or excepted.
24/Aug/09 2:15 PM
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Nephew's wedding was in a beautiful park. Late summer/early autumn weather. We had been having mid to high 80* temperatures & high humidity, woke to gray skies. By the time we drove 3 hours west had a beautiful sunny afternoon with temps in mid 70*. Wedding was in an old-timey type town where people from Chicago & suburbs like to go for the "charm" and antiques. Reception was fun. Bride's family seems to be big & crazy in a good and fun, down-to-earth kind of way. Brother, SIL, single brother, sister, BIL & their daugher were there, as well as hubby and I. Middle sister & BIL were parents of the groom, so also there. One brother and SIL had just returned the day before from Spain & couldn't make it. Those of us who could leave made our departures by 9:30. (The band was REALLY loud.) It was a good chance to get together (first time all of us were together since January).
24/Aug/09 2:16 PM
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Good Night, Heidi! I hope you continue to "mend" and have a good night's sleep!
24/Aug/09 2:17 PM
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Thanks, again, everyone, for the positive thoughts for Larry & Jane!
24/Aug/09 2:18 PM
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