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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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Much to do in the next 2 days, as we'll be away for a week or so after that.
24/Aug/09 2:18 PM
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It's so good to see comments from so many, even if it's just a comment or 2! We really appreciate knowing that all is well - or not - but at least knowing. I'm afraid I won't have computer access for most of the time I will be away.
24/Aug/09 2:20 PM
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Heidi, so glad you're beginning to feel better. Don't overdo. Sorry you had to miss the Oak Ridge Boys - would have been fun!
Suzy, no wonder Ebob is tired. Sending her a boost of energy. Love your reminiscing! I think it jogs pleasant memories for many of us! Thanks for the Shaun Tan link! It was very interesting!
Gail & Suzy, thanks for suggestions for the waistband.
Bobbi, we're glad you could pop in! Thank you for letting us know about Tami! Hope she got all her copies made for school!
Vici, thinking healthy thoughts for you! We must get you on the road to recovery soon! Take care, sleep lots, eat some chicken soup.
Nola, a second birthday party already? They're growing too fast! Enjoy them as much as you can! I hope you get plenty of sleep before your next "early!" Enjoy your Bathurst vacation when it comes. Your busy time after that will certainly be rewarded when you get your certificate!
Gail - there's still more to be done? Or is it just the mowing? Your place must be looking wongerful!
Rolanda, sounds like the birthday party was a smashing success! Yummy food, wonderful relatives, nice day to sight-seeing! You deserve a few days off in the hot K room where food gets transformed in one way or another.
How nice to see Dizzy Lizzy, Cyn B, Suzy, Broni, MizT, Bean, Nola, Heidi, Bobbi, Rolanda, Gail, Mamacita, and anyone I have missed!
24/Aug/09 2:37 PM
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Sorry if I've missed anyone. I need to head to bed, as I have an early day - must get my eyes checked. Only about 8 months late for my annual visit. Good afternoon to the DUGs and Good Night to all the rest.
Vici, hoping you will soon be on the road to recovery! Good health to all!
Suzanne, we haven't seen you for several days. Hope all is OK. Good Night to you.
24/Aug/09 2:40 PM
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How about a tie-dye frog for the next avatar?
24/Aug/09 2:42 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Couldn't agree more with everything Julie said....
Love the frog Julie!!
24/Aug/09 5:37 PM
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Love the frog too Julie!
Don't go! I'll miss you...
24/Aug/09 6:55 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
Warm weather here in Port today.
What about your weather Bean, is it cold and windy?
24/Aug/09 7:29 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi Viv - nice to see you here. A bit warm in Brissie too - 35C in the city - strange for winter.
24/Aug/09 8:04 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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VIV! Gday mate, was just asking after you a couple of days ago. Great to see you.
Julie, that was your best ever summary, thank you...what she said everyone!
Have a wongerful time away...BTW that was just the front yard...
24/Aug/09 8:08 PM
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Just a quick drop in. I have just been to a neighbours for a lovely dinner. I have not heard from Ken for a couple of days so not sure where he is. Probably working hard!.........finally after all the delays.
Julie Have a great time away.I also second all the other comments that have been made and please excuse me for not commenting. a bit tired tonight. No word on Heidi's jury duty?
24/Aug/09 9:25 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Cynb,Gail & June and anyone else who comes by.
I have been busy as usual with my Avon and working 3 days at Timbertown.
It is council owned and run and they say we may have to close it as we have no money to do anything to it.
They are talking $8 million just to bring it up to Occupational Health and Safety Standards.
It is just getting so silly with all of that.
It is a recreation of an 1880's timber village after all.
There is no working blacksmith, no working woodturner, the train is not running, no one doing the wanted posters, the list goes on.
The bullocks cannot be walked down the main street on the way to the oval for their show etc.
The guy that used to ride the Penny Farthing bike cannot anymore, unless he wears a helmet.!!!
I could go on but I will not.
I was thorougly enjoying my job in the jewellery shop though.
I loved to dress up in the old clothes etc.
Many people have had their pictures taken with me etc.
But last Friday I was told I was not selling enough. You do need customers to sell too though and it is very very quiet there now.
I was also told I was not aggressive enough, that I nearly have to put the damn necklace on their neck. I talk too much. After all says my manager you have no training in retail and with Avon, you just put a book in a letterbox !!!!!
I wish it was that easy.
I did not just log one of my biggest orders ever at $1,160 from being aggressive etc.
As you can see I am a tad upset at this.
But this would be nothing compared to what some people are going through in their lives I am sure so I will now be quiet.
I hope everyone is well.
24/Aug/09 10:12 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Sorry, only have a minute. I must rush to get Ian to his preseason practice, I'm running late. Hope all is well with everyone.
Have a great day!
24/Aug/09 10:16 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hi Stella/bye Stella.
Viv, it is political correctness and nanna state gone mad! So sad to see an attraction like this have to close over something so stupid as bureaucratic red tape and paperwork. They kind of miss the whole point of 'the olden days' if they think you have to become aggressive!
24/Aug/09 10:28 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hello and goodbye Stella.
Must hit the sack here.
24/Aug/09 10:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Hi Viv.
Sorry about the job. People are morons, aren't they? I thought the whole idea was to give the visitors a pleasant and educational experience? Being an aggressive salesperson like that turns people off and scares them away. Bad for business in the long run. And the helmet on the penny farthing rider is too ridiculous for words.
24/Aug/09 10:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Looks like I just missed you. That's what I get for being rude and forgetting to say
24/Aug/09 10:36 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Viv. You could use them.
24/Aug/09 10:37 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I'm glad I came back and checked before I logged off. Oh, Viv - that is so awful. I've seen how you are in Port - everyone knows and loves you and you could probably sell ice to eskimos. I'm sure you would be the same friendly self in the jewellery shop - don't they know we have an economic downturn and people are just not spending as much. And don't get me started on OHS and their garbage!!! Keep cheerful and remember the old latin saying - Nil b@stardo carborundum - translated means - Don't let the b@stards wear you down!!!
24/Aug/09 10:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I have to leave in an hour for the courthouse. I got only 2 hours sleep last night. Just insomnia, and a little coughing. At least I don't have to do anything strenuous today. Just sit around during jury selection. I still don't know if I want to be selected or not. I have a strong sense of justice and really want to see the truth exposed. But I don't want to sit through a trial either. But if I'm not selected now, I'll be called again the next time a case goes to trial, and this one might involve something disturbing. At least with this case, nether party were nice people and no children were involved. And I don't think that this will be a long trial. The guy is white trash with no money, so that means that he'll be using a public defender. While helping out a friend a couple years ago, who had wrongfully been accused of a felony, I became familiar with the public defenders here. They are all incompetent at best. So watching them could make this trial amusing (for me, not the accused.).
24/Aug/09 10:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good advice, CynB. I love your command of latin.
Now to hop in the shower and have brekkie. Well, maybe not in that order.
24/Aug/09 10:53 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Good luck at the selection Heidi.
24/Aug/09 11:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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all..... I'm back. That was an interesting experience. Right after I got to court, they took roll call. Six people were absent. The judge handed their names to the Sheriff and told him to get them on contempt of court charges. He then said to us that he had either good news or bad news. He knew that we'd all come prepared for a week long murder trial, but 15 minutes earlier, the Defense changed their plea to guilty. There is no trial!!!!
25/Aug/09 12:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Vici. I'm worried about you.
25/Aug/09 1:03 AM
Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends, I came, I read, I forgot!
Rolanda, glad the parties are over, take time to put your feet up with a cup of tea fore tackling that kitchen floor, you deserve it!
Heidi, glad you feel better. Might be a good thing to get the jury duty over and done with on this case. Beats being called back again and again.
Gail, hope the rain stops long enough to get the lawn mowed.
Viv, good to see you here, and hope your old time town can survive the meddling of government.
TAMI, hope you get internet back soon, I know what not having it is like.
VICI, get well soon, ya hear?
Julie, enjoy your trip , hope it is all for fun.
Hi Stella, bye Stella, boy back to practice and sports again already, summer sure was short.
June, glad you had a nice dinner with friends. Just where is Ken? I think that is something I missed when not online.
OK, stuff to do today, catch you all later I hope.
25/Aug/09 2:01 AM
Alabama, USA
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Well, I guess Heidi did not get the jury trial over with this time. Has there even been a trial this year up there? You have been called and then the case has settled more than once .
25/Aug/09 2:04 AM
Alabama, USA
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Jury duty over with, not jury trial, OOOPS!
25/Aug/09 2:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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No, there has not been a single trial in this county this year. This is the third that has been settled right beforehand.
25/Aug/09 2:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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BTW.... did I say how great it is to have you back with us?
25/Aug/09 2:12 AM
Mamacita 2
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Good Morning all.
Viv, I was saddened to read about the loss of your job, and the statements that you need just one approach to selling indicates the lack of knowledge that prevails....but things will get better...there is a reason for everything, and often bad/sad things are followed by happy/good things...Peace will find you where you are.
Heidi, I'm sorta glad you went to the trail seeing that you had a judge who did what he promised with contempt charges being!
Seems as if justice also won out, with the guilty pleas, and the fact that you are now back home and can possibly catch up on some additional rest is wonderful...take it easy....we if you didn't know that.
Vici is also being thought about in hopes that she is able to find some restorative rest so that she is soon back on the road to good health. Bean, give her my love next time you speak with her...I'll try and send her a note, but knowing myself well, the spirit is more than willing, but the flesh is often forgetful....and I don't get around to doing what I really want to While I'm
25/Aug/09 2:18 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hey MizT...Good to see you back on the site...and thanks for the reminder...I have been trying to remember to send birthday wishes to Rolanda's mum and kept forgetting, and then the party...ohhh Bean, see what I mean....anyway, Rolanda...I'm so happy that a good time was had by all, but of course with your organized self, it had to be right, and you were motivated by love so all was good. Rest will come when you finish getting the house restored...then pat yourself on the back for another project well done.
25/Aug/09 2:24 AM
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Good Maen everyone! I have been lazy about getting on SA8 lately.
Get well wishes for all those ailing...
Glad to see Mariana & MizT back!! Missed you both!!
TTT: Good luck with the new school year!! Love to the beastie boys (all 3 of them!!) You DO know who the third one is, right??????
Got ffuts to do around the house, D is at work. TTFN everyone!
25/Aug/09 2:53 AM
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BTW: all is well, just been checking e-mails & then popping off. We got a lot of rain last night (2 different storms) which is needed here. I will try to be back later. ByeBye for now!
25/Aug/09 2:55 AM
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Ok, did I scare everyone off?????
25/Aug/09 3:30 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning all.
Viv...sad to here about your job being on the line.I also don't agree that being aggressive is the way to go.You catch more flies with honey.
Hope everyone else are enjoying life.
Gotta run,see you next time.
25/Aug/09 4:13 AM
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Morning all!
Viv, great to see you! I'm so glad you knew you could come here to vent. I completely disagree with your boss. I really hate shopping with agressive sales people. The friendly relaxed approach is much more successful with me. And what weird OH&S stuff!
Julie, you said it all and so I will say 'ditto' and what she said...
Heidi, what a hard nosed judge! He knew there wasn't going to be a trial and got them pulled in on contempt anyway? Glad you didn't have to serve while you're still unwell.
MizT, are you doing any quilting? I'm guessing no with a bad back. Tomorrow for the news!
Mamacita, good idea to send Vici wishes through Bean. Ditto Bean!
25/Aug/09 5:34 AM
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Hi to everyone I missed.
I haven't spent much time over on easy lately, a bit distracted by that other site - you know the one I mean - but I dropped in there yesterday and posted congratulations to Wagdy Kamel. He came to my page to thank me! I should make more of an effort to get over there, I keep forgetting how nice some of the people are!
25/Aug/09 5:37 AM
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Nasty winds here this morning. Steady at 54kph with gusts over 80kph. Not strong enough to do more than take down twigs, but I will check on the animals when it's light enough.
25/Aug/09 5:39 AM
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I just checked on the weather map and it looks like the winds in Victoria have died down, but boy is it COLD down there!!! Brrr... hope the Victorians are keeping warm.
25/Aug/09 5:43 AM
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I wish I could show you what I'm seeing through my window. The sun is starting to come up and the horizon is yellow. The sky is a deep dark blue. Trees and buildings are black and the trees are swaying in the wind (which is making impressive noises). A single big grey cloud moved across the sky and was gradually blown into pieces by the wind. Truly incredible what nature can show us if we're looking...
25/Aug/09 6:11 AM
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