Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, can't wait to see a photo of Ally in her TaeKwonDo outfit. Is it called a gi?
25/Aug/09 2:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Cyn, we leave in about 30 hours. I should probably be in bed now so I can get up early and krow all day tomorrow!
25/Aug/09 2:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Nola, are you still doing your string of earlies? I don't know how you do it - although you no doubt don't stay up past midnight like some of us.
25/Aug/09 3:04 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - I am multi-lingual - I can curse in several different languages!
25/Aug/09 3:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, thanks for the diagram of your new finch's colors! Thanks, too, for the article about the health benefits of popcorn! Who new that something that tastes good can also be good for you?

Birthday greeting to Rolanda's Mum, Rolanda's Aunt and Mariana! I hope the celebrations are memorable!

Rolanda, thanks for sharing the link to Rottnest Island! What a gorgeous place! I hope you enjoyed the visit and trip over & back!

CynB, thanks for mentioning your pictures of the cove for snorkeling & peacock on Rottnest. I just went to look at them. They're beautiful!

Wow, Heidi, the finch babies are as big as their parents already! We're anxiously waiting for photos.

Bean, thanks for the updates on Vici's health. Wishing improved health and less coughing for Heidi and Vici.

MizT, I hope your back is feeling better!
25/Aug/09 3:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's a talent we don't all share, Cyn!
25/Aug/09 3:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Before I head off to bed, I want to say Hello to all those I've missed, like Gail & Broni & Tami & Bobbi, and everyone else! Take care! I will try to get back for a few minutes tomorrow, but can't promise anything! After that, it will be about 10 days without computer access for me. You know I will be suffering withdrawal pains.

Good Night, Everyone! Sleep well and get or stay healthy!
25/Aug/09 3:23 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - it's a talent my Mum would be horrified by but SHE taught me to curse in Greek! I don't really think she knew what it meant because she never learnt much Greek herself just repeated what she had heard her Greek father say when he was angry.
But don't worry, I really don't curse that much anyway and usually under my breath. I just loved that latin one which I heard some 35 years ago.
Glad you liked the Rottnest pics. And goodnight - I've probably missed you.
25/Aug/09 3:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie, sometimes brown spots on clothes from that machine can be grease spots from the machine itself...might need a service or something.
25/Aug/09 3:45 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Just flying through to say "Hi".
Sorry I haven't been here much lately, been facebooking too much
25/Aug/09 5:16 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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you mean Bejewelling too much !!!
25/Aug/09 5:39 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello wongerful SA8 friends.
Happy birthday to Rolanda's Mum and Aunt.
Happy Birthday to Marianna, good to see you pop in.
Heidi, glad you are starting to improve.
Wow Steve, haven't seen you in ages.
Dag, how does your garden grow? Pretty wild weather down there and we are experiencing a heat wave and it is not even Spring!
Vici hope you are improving too.
25/Aug/09 5:50 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Don't know how you lot do facebook as well, where does all the time go?
Haven't been around much, just seem to run out of time and miss you all.
25/Aug/09 5:52 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It is FREEEEZING down here Broni. My garden is drenched. As a matter of fact, I just popped in here to check the recipe I need for tonight's dins - Chorizo Linguine, and I think I'd better turn off the puter. We're having some real rumblers at the mo.
Great to see you, take care.
Love to all.
25/Aug/09 5:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
Just waiting for the hot thing in the k room to finish the buffalo wings. Thought we'd better use up the leftover ranch dressing before it went off. That's the only problem with homemade ranch, it doesn't last as long - so drat it, have to have buffalo wings again.

MAAADD... going to go back and read again...
25/Aug/09 6:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, gi sounds right. I am excited for you that you are going away, but sad for me.

Heidi, I've tried to take pics of birds in cages before and it mostly doesn't work. I hope you are more successful!

Cyn, think I'll go back a page to learn how to curse in another language. Do you think you could run a tutorial for us?

Rolanda and Mariana, I'm pretty sure I said happy birthday to you and yours, but in case I only thought I did (MAAADD - thank you June) Happy Birthday!!!!!!

Gail, I went online to check how strong our winds were when it was too dark to see the effects and they were very noisy. I checked yours while I was there and couldn't believe your temps!!! FREEZING literally! Wet too by the sound of it, which makes it all worth while at the moment. We are drying out big time. The leaves on the trees look more grey than green.
25/Aug/09 6:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, facebook is a cruel and evil place. It eats time!

Gail, forgot, should ask your for the receep for Chorizo Linguine, hubby loves chorizo. But then I might have to fling... nah, I'll give him the recipe...
25/Aug/09 6:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, I've added another chant to my list - home for the evening! It seems to be happening later and later these days...

Mariana, I was very touched by your comment that SA8 got you through a tough time. I know what you mean, there's some pretty special people in here...
25/Aug/09 6:50 PM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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HI all well all this talk about the sites that take up our time
Ok heres the ones that keep me busy
Oasis - for a fella
Lavalife - also for a fella but more for a laugh
facebook - for the games
and you guys for a chat
Whos got time for anything else hey
25/Aug/09 7:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Easy and chat have been the main things I've lost since I took up that other site!
25/Aug/09 7:51 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Going to practice every morning has severely cut into my time here! I need to get moving since I haven't taken a shower yet nor had breakfast and we leave in 45 minutes!
25/Aug/09 9:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Evening All,
happy Birthday to your Mum and Aunt, Rolanda. I am sure they have had a wonderful day.
Sorry about Timbertown Viv. I have been there many years ago.
Very windy here too.
Ken will be going to Singapore tomorrow and then flies home on Thursday. It will be nice to have him back home as there has been quite a bit going on that has kept me very busy.
I am a bit tired so please understand I am thinking of you all, especially as I have read through your comments.
25/Aug/09 9:32 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Happy birthday to Rolanda's mum and aunt! Hope they had fantastic days!

Happy birthday to Mariana! Hope your day will be wonderful and everything you want it to be!
25/Aug/09 9:33 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Julie, love your synopsis! I don't know how you do it!!! Sorry about your washing machine. Hope you have a fantastic trip!

Heidi, great no jury duty, you're on the mend and your birds are coming along great!

Viv, sorry about that place. You're right, they're wrong, simple as that! It's a shame that the place will be closing for lack of regular easy maintenance.

MizT, glad to see you back on line! Hope your back is feeling better!

Suzy, great that Ally wants to pursue the defensive arts. I always wanted my girls to do it. I think it's a necessity nowadays!

In my rush, my mind escapes me!lol Hope you all have a great day!
25/Aug/09 9:39 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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I am so not here this morning. I have a doc appointment and I am running late getting ready. I hope to be back and catch up this afternoon. See you all then!
26/Aug/09 12:32 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Good Morning friends! Back from the dead! (or at least that is how I feel this morning)
Once I was well enough to turn on the computer, I received all your well wishes - and Bean conveyed many of them to me. Thanks so much. I truly believe it has helped me recover as quickly as I have.
Haven't caught up on reading here, but see our MzT is up and running again - Oh Happy Day!
Must see to ffuts that was put on the back burner while I was ill - hope to have more time to catch up soon.
Hugs and Gratitude to you all!
26/Aug/09 1:15 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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Hello everyone. I hope you all are well or recovering.
They left me here alone yesterday, so I built a short rail for the highest part of my deck. I have been meaning to do that since we built the deck a few years ago. Hubby said I did okay.
Today I must go to town. Max has to go to the vet for a shot.
On Sunday, the kids and I went tubing on the river. It took us four hours and we had to walk sometimes. It's a little low right now. We did have fun, though, and will probably do it again next year, just earlier in the year.
Take care of yourselves.
26/Aug/09 2:41 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
to Rolanda's mum & aunt. I hope they enjoy their day!
Good to see Mariana again as well as Vici, Stella, MizT, June, Julie, Dizzy Lizzy, Suzy, Gail, Broni. Hope all is well and sorry for anyone I missed! Get well soon to all those who are ailing!!! Been working on my new needlepoint, so I'm not here as much as I'd like! Have to figure out what I'm having for lunch & dinner as Darrell is on overtime again.
TTFN all!
26/Aug/09 2:56 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Time to change my avatar!
26/Aug/09 2:59 AM
   mariana  From utah
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stopping in two days in a row??? i MUST not get addicted again! thanx for all the b-day and on fb. you gals rock! hubby said he would clean the kitchen today for my b-day then continue to work on his "taj mahal" to me. sister is taking me out to lunch. so far a great b-day!
26/Aug/09 3:24 AM
   mariana  From utah
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off to get ready for lunch. i worked out early today, so as to not have that hanging over my head as something to get done all day. however, i do smell now, time to get smelling pretty (then i might not scare you all away!) ta ta!
26/Aug/09 3:27 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Morning all. glad you are having a great birthday and sis is taking you out to lunch.Enjoy yourself.
Happy birthday Rolanda's Mum & Aunty.
Hi there Broni,nice to see you here again,as well as Vici,Lizzy,Rena,Stella,vdV and Suzanne. you missed Ken!Good that you kept very busy as the time would go faster. did you cope with the wind and rain.You are freezing and we are sweltering for winter.It is unusually warm for August in many places.
If I haven't mentioned your name,I am still thinking of you all..Tami,Heidi,MizT,Cyn,Julie,Viv,Suzy,Bean,Julie,Marma.

26/Aug/09 4:09 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Greg has been unwell with nothing specific since Fri.Then at 1.30am,he woke me in extreme pain saying to call him an ambulance.I rang the hospital a short while ago and he is pain free after morphine injection and they will do a cat scan when that dept opens.It could be a few different things like kidney stones or twisted bowel.Have to just wait and see now,but he is ok.
26/Aug/09 4:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, Nola!!!! Poor Greg!!! Covering up the pain with morphine is not a solution, it just eases the pain. I hope they get his problem diagnosed and fixed FAST! Greg.
26/Aug/09 4:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got up. I had a bad night with the coughing, then slept through the morning like the dead. Apparently, this bug does NOT want to leave. I think I'll give my GP a call.
26/Aug/09 4:46 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Thanks Heidi.The same goes for you too.
26/Aug/09 4:59 AM
   Trouble's Mom  From Florida
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Julie, Tami & I say hello, but Tami's internet is still not workings so she can't talk for herself. Hoping it will be back in a few days.
We both wish everyone who is having a birthday a great day. Many, many, more.
26/Aug/09 5:45 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning SA8.
Hehe Bobbi, Tami cannot talk for herself, it must be killing her!
Safe travels Julie.
Hey Dag, see you are in the news again 'Gail force winds' hope all in the southern states are safe and well.
Nola, hope it is nothing serious with Greg, how long before you finish you eek! shifts and when where you planning on going to Bathurst?
Hi to Stella, MizT, Rena, Vici, Heidi, Suzanne, Zusy, June, Liz, Rolanda, Vdv, Cyn, Viv, Bean, Judy, Mamma and Mariana, and apologies for those I missed, I am thinking about you.
26/Aug/09 6:58 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi there Broni.
I was to finish earlies after today but am having a sickie due to Greg.So now I have 4 off.
We go to Bathurst on the 8th Oct,so still a few weeks to go yet.
How are you anyway??
26/Aug/09 7:04 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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I am good Nola, been off antibiotics for a couple of weeks now (touch wood!) Hope it is nothing too serious with Greg but for a male to ask for a ambulance??
26/Aug/09 7:16 AM
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