Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm going to risk forgetting someone or something...

MizT, your headaches sound bad. I hope the doc can fix your meds so that you can get the results without the side effects.

Nola, the dust is gone from the sky, but not from everything it covered while it was here. I'm trying to decide whether I want to swish something over the furniture and push the sucky thing around. If I skip the gail I'll have time.
24/Sep/09 8:52 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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OK I'll try for it, just because I can.
24/Sep/09 8:52 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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That's what I get for being greedy! Hi Suzy! Enjoy your day and forget about the people politics.
24/Sep/09 8:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I hope to make it to Sydney too. I've just been given a list of 'gigs' the singing group have planned and it's starting to look very crowded around that time....
24/Sep/09 9:00 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning turn to sit in the whinging chair...Feeling really annoyed with myself.
The Facebookers have already caught up with my latest mishap... didn't pack up my tools last night when I should have ... when it got dark and continued weeding in the dark ... which was fine until it came time to extricate myself from the garden. Missed my step and down I went... the whole 20 ton of me...

Just dosed myself up with painkillers and I'm going back [hobbling] to bed. I need a walking frame!!
24/Sep/09 9:16 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page may to need to shuffle your Schedule [or hubby's]... you don't think we were coming to Sydney to see the blooming bridge do you!!!!

Now that we are flying we cannot drive home via your place...
24/Sep/09 9:27 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning SA8.
{{{{{Hugs}}}}}} to you all, just checking in, will comment later.
24/Sep/09 10:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good evening everyone. I have read but don't know if I will remember everything.
Cyn, I was missing you also. I am sorry to hear of all the troubles but hope all our hugs will make you feel a little bit better. Talking about things does help.
Suzy, hope you get a chance to visit with Vici.
Tricia, hope that headache goes away. I have been watching the flooding in Georgia carefully. One of my best friends is in the middle of it. I spent the weekend with her in February when I took Mitchell to Atlanta. Luckily, she just has some minor damage.
I have been watching the dust storms online. I turned my pooter on at school this morning and the first picture on Yahoo was of an orange sky over Sidney.
24/Sep/09 10:30 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Judy - my Narnia pic that you commented on - sorry, I don't know if it's meant to be the 'Dawn Treader' or not because I'm not into the Narnia series myself. But they are letting people in to watch the filming, my friend took her kids down there and sent me some pics. Gary Sweet is in the film and his hair is white.
24/Sep/09 11:00 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am going to say goodnight now. To all my friends who have started water gun fights with me on facebook, watch out. Dylan is seeking revenge for me.
24/Sep/09 11:04 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Almost 7 hours and no posts - is this forum broken? Or is everybody busier than I am?
24/Sep/09 5:51 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Some of us have been asleep Cyn. Good to see you here.
Tami I keep missing you on skype and have lost your email addy, don't know how but I must have stupidly deleted your message with it in.
35 days to go, I need to try and arrange a meeting with Tami.
Has anyone heard from Heidi? I pm'd her yesterday but haven't had a reply, I have seen her log into skype, but haven't had a chance to contact her
24/Sep/09 6:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
I've been asleep most of the day myself with a nasty headache. I've just picked Dana up from work and now am heading off to sleep some more...

Night all!
24/Sep/09 9:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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{{{{{hugs Suzy}}}}}
24/Sep/09 10:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sorry about your headache Suzy.
Sharon came out of hospital today. She has gone home and I will still have Laura for a couple of weeks at least. The plastic surgeon has done a fantastic job and even got rid of most of the ugly appendix scar. Sharon will not be able to drive or anything for about another four weeks.
I have also seen Heidi log into her computer but the last epidural must still be giving her problems.
Tricia, hope you soon get all your meds sorted. We do miss having you around. Sorry to hear about all the RAIN you are getting.
Might head for bed as I seem to be very tired lately. I wonder why??
'Nite all.
24/Sep/09 10:39 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Good Morning friends!
Thanks for the reported sightings of Platypi...I am now forewarned. I'm afraid their diminutive size would have caught me by surprise, also!
Suzy - you had better get your act together - there will be absolutlely NO understanding on my part if you can't make it to Sydney! Bridge? What bridge?
24/Sep/09 11:58 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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June - so happy to hear Sharon came through with flying colors. To think that this is all going to be behind her soon.
Where the heck is Heidi??? I was afraid I missed something in one of my absences...but I see others are not in "the know", too.
Hoping all is well and sending out positive vibes her way.
25/Sep/09 12:00 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Bean - you poor baby! You had better cut out all these antics and get yourself upright again. Of course, I will gladly push you around in a wheel chair if need be!
Any plans for Lachie's big day?
OK dear ones - sending BIG HUGS to you all!
25/Sep/09 12:02 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Vici and others who drop in. Vici we had a platypus family who lived in our creek when I was growing up.
25/Sep/09 4:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Much better today.

Bean and Vici, I checked the schedule, it's on myspace now, and so far all is good. That's assuming we have a car by then...

Bean, I hope your ankle is a bit better today. That will teach you for trying to corrupt me into doing gardening!

25/Sep/09 6:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, that is fantastic news about Sharon. I hope the pain levels are inversely proportional to the success levels (can you tell I've been tutoring?)

25/Sep/09 6:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We paid $70 so Ebob could go to her baseball presentation night. Turns out she is scheduled to work from 2-7pm. The presentation night starts at 6. Then last night they asked her if she could work next Monday. Noone else wants to work next Monday because it's in the middle of their trial school certificate exams. She said she would work!!!!!!!!!!
25/Sep/09 6:08 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Good Morning

June, that is good news about Sharon.

Hope Heidi is ok.

Suzy.. been there done that with the kids, thankfully, now they pay themselves and take themselves, whether or not they turn up is their problem!!!

Beanie.. how is the ankle.
25/Sep/09 9:12 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Long Weekend here, and looks like Spring is going to hang around for a day or two. Warming up to 25 on Sunday, then on Monday back to low temps and rain, like it has been all September.
25/Sep/09 9:15 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello lovely SA people!
Off to visit Mum again today with daughter, SIL and 2 grandies - she'll be totally confused but will still enjoy it.
Rolanda - Perth weather! Sounds like what we encountered this time last year! I think we were in Albany by this date.
Beanie - I'm with Rolanda, how is the ankle?
Suzy - glad your headache is better, must have been stress from 'people politics' - can happen!
Heidi! Heidi! Where are you??
Vici - I'm an Aussie who has never seen a platypus - don't tell my hubby or he'll drag me out into the bush to find one, the old boy scout - and I would have been surprised also about their size!
June - happy that Sharon continues to improve - but you will be tired having Laura full-time - I know the feeling - you just can't relax and let your guard down, can you?
Hello also to Gail, Brenda, Tami, Broni and anyone else who is around.
25/Sep/09 9:28 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Good morning friends!
Cold and rainy and windy in Melbourne today - nice! Hope you're all well, or getting there.
Glad Sharon is improving.
Bean, hope you're taking good care of that ankle - I guess you can still garden a bit sitting down? Get some knee pads, you can crawl from plant to plant ... no? oh well, off to bed with you! (Take care, Bean - get better soon!)
I'm stuck at home today - I have to wait for a delivery, and no indication of what time it's coming - hope it doesn't turn up at 5-o'clock!
Ooh, yesterday I took Laura to check out a dress I found the other day - something glam to wear to the wedding - I came away with the dress, a shawl, and 2 pairs of shoes! I'm on a roll, guys, it's all happening here! I won't be going to the wedding barefoot and wearing an old sack! ;)
25/Sep/09 9:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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For a giggle,0,4235086.html story
25/Sep/09 10:07 AM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hey everyone
sorry not been around for a few days -- too much going on at work, was clown yesterday -- when I told the residents that I was going to be a clown they all came back with "Whats new" haha
had a great day celebrating show day with them.
hey Suzy tried to go to html story saying page not found ?????
Hope you all have a great ???????
25/Sep/09 10:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good evening everybody. I have read but don't know if I remember everything.
June, glad to hear that Sharon is doing well. Tell her that her friends in America wish her well.
Brenda, sent you a pm with my email. I am sure we will be able to come up with a plan.
I am also wondering where Heidi is. I think I have her phone number some where. If I locate it, I will call her.
Suzy, kids always do what we don't want them to. I did the same things to my parents. I am sure she will do well on her exams.
25/Sep/09 10:48 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning all.....SA is so good for ones morale...
Ah der I vos... tinkin ya didna ave a mean bone in ya body... 'teach you for trying to corrupt me into doing gardening!'...
Despite being sick of sitting around with my foot elevated all day I BEHAVED. Hard to believe but I did...the fact that my ankle hurt every time it was dependent and the blood rushed to it helped!!
Lachie has been looking after me very well. Last night he cooked his first ever stir fry... Beef 'n chow mien noodles. I had prepared the meat ready to cook the stir fry before my accident and so that was easy. He was really surprised when it turned out very nice! I wasn't...

It is definitely improving...wasn't woken up last night by the pain. I am still finding it very hard to sit at the computer...have to be side on with my foot is stuck out at an angle on an ottoman. It isn't up to me letting it hang yet. It is less swollen today and the bruise is coming out. Prompt first aid has a lot going for it. [and lots of pain killers - I am such a wuss..]

25/Sep/09 11:08 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Judy I am so pleased to hear that you have an outfit...can't wait to see it. 2 pairs of is good to have a choice???

Gail was taking D3 shoe shopping yesterday...hope she was as successful.

I'm also missing Heidi and Tricia... hope they are ok.

Messenger isn't working on this computer and so I am rather cut off at the moment. Hope no one has been sending me messages thinking how rude I am.

Now I am off... Lachie has just arrived home with sushi for lunch. What a son...he is TOPPS!!
25/Sep/09 11:18 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I was just reading about a woman in Indonesia who gave birth to a 19 lb 2 oz baby. That is equal to 8613 grams (8.613 kilograms) That is one BIG baby. It was delivered by c-section. I can't even imagine a newborn that big. Mitchell was a big baby and he weighed about 18 lb at 6 months old.
25/Sep/09 11:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good night everyone. I hope tomorrow finds a everyone doing well.
25/Sep/09 11:56 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It was successful, thanks Bean. Sorry we didn't get to your place, I was totally spent!
Bill got away fine and sounded quite bright when I spoke to him last night.
He got home to a letter from the hospital scheduling him for surgery, so I am already planning my trip over there. Can't have him going through this alone.
25/Sep/09 1:01 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Glad Bill got away ok.
Not surprised you were a bit spent!!
When is the surgery scheduled for Gail?
Might have to ring you... I DESPERATELY NEED HELP....this ankle balls up couldn't have happened at a worse time!!
Lachie and I are planning yum cha or something next week... would your +/ your youngest be interested in joining us?

25/Sep/09 1:22 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ring me now...
25/Sep/09 2:09 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi all, just a quick note Heidi is OK she will be back in a couple of days. Whew what a relief!
25/Sep/09 2:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in for a quick hello! It's past midnight and my brain is mush. (My kids would probably say that's nothing new.) Anyway, I agree with everyone because I can't remember what everyone has said, and I'm too tired to scroll up and down the page and I don't want to leave anyone out. My apologies to you all!

Those who need to get better, please do so as soon as possible. Those who are getting better, that's great news! Those who have successfully been shopping, good for you! Those who have been helping children move, I hope it's all finished! Those of you caught in the wind and dust, I hope you're now breathing more freely! Those of you who haven't been able to visit much lately, we miss you and hope you can pop in soon - even if it's just for a Howdy, I'm still here! Those of you who are in the middle of the afternoon, hope the day goes well! Those of you who are sleeping, sleep well and awake to a wonderful new day!

And now, I'm headed to a comfortable horizontal position. Good Night, Everyone! {{{{{Hugs}}}}} to all of you!!!
25/Sep/09 3:17 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - Thanks for letting us know that Heidi is OK - it is a relief. Look forward to seeing her back here. Now for MizT to get some pain relief.
25/Sep/09 3:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
I thought I was home for the evening, changed into my comfies and slippers, poured a glass of wine, only to remember that Ally has singing practice tonight... waaaa!

Glad to hear Heidi is well and will be back.

Sleep well Julie!

Bean {{{{{hugs}}}}}. I really care! Really I do! It sounds like you did a bang up job of it. No half measures for our jelly Bean. I hope it is better again tomorrow...

Gail, {{{{hugs}}}}, house guests can be hard work, but it is still sad when they leave...

Tami, hope things have settled into a routine at school now and there are no extra big things scheduled soon.

Liz, I giggled at the idea of you dressed as a clown. The things we do to entertain! I think the caring etc things you got on the facebook quizzes definitely apply.
25/Sep/09 7:22 PM
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