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from Alabama, USA
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Melbourne Vic AU
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Great photo June.
23/Sep/09 2:44 PM
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Hi, All!
Great TOPP, Bean, and I agree with all your smilie sentiments!
Have just been home a couple of hours & trying to get caught up here. (May never get caught up in the house, I'm afraid.)
Sending love and hugs and caring thoughts to all in need. Wish I had a solution for all that red dust blowing across much of Oz. Thanks for the photo, June. It helps us in other parts get an idea of just how much of an impact is being made.
Thanks for checking in, CynB! No wonder we have been missing you! Hugs and much love being sent your way!
Heidi, we miss you! Hope all is well and you're just busy. It must be about time to feed the dogs about now.
I'm sorry, but CRAFTs has struck big-time. We were up early to get quite a bit done, then get packed and to the airport for our trip home. Hubby plans to go back in a couple of weeks & help again. (D and SIL's 2-level deck is quite large and has many angles, so nearly every board needs to be carefully measured, marked & cut. About 75 20-foot boards were ordered and delivered, and about another 10 will probably be needed. It will look great when finished, and should last 25 years, as they're using TREX - a composite made from sawdust & ground-up used milk jugs.)
23/Sep/09 3:38 PM
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And now, as the clock is creeping toward 1 a.m., I must say Good Night to all of you. Thinking pleasant thoughts for all!
23/Sep/09 3:39 PM
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Bean, this is new to us. I've never seen it before. The good part about the wind is that most of the white horse is white again - it has blown the dust out of her hair!
A long, tiring day, and I still have to go tutoring. I drove Jenny hither and thither all over the place so she could visit with friends and run some errands. It was nice to be with her but the van is heavy driving in tight places (no power steering) and Jenny can't walk far so there was lots of driving in tight places...
23/Sep/09 5:49 PM
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Julie, I bet you are glad to be home, but also wish you were still away so all the ffuts was no where near you! Sleep well...
23/Sep/09 5:56 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Bean - I would love to come south to meet you and Vici, but the trouble is at this stage I can't make a booking because so much is up in the air here at the moment. If I possibly can, I'll get there but it will more likely be Sydney (down & back in a day) than Melbourne. Fingers crossed.
23/Sep/09 6:09 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Our dust storm here was fairly nasty at lunch time, easing up during the afternoon but it was not as spectacular a colour as in Sydney, being more of a yellow/orange colour. But visibility was down to less than 100 metres. Got pics, may put one on my page later. The state Govt is (oh so kindly) giving us a 'wet weekend' with unlimited usage of our hoses to wash down cars, houses paths etc. Aren't they generous - good money spinner for them because we will be charged for every litre!!
23/Sep/09 6:15 PM
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Hi everyone! No-one around?
June, your dust photo is very eerie! Hope it doesn't leave too much mess for you all.
CynB, sorry that you, and your family, are going through such a rough time. Keeping your sister in my thoughts - hope everything goes well for her.
Today I've been out working in the garden ALL day. I've finally planted some veggies, tidied up a lot, moved compost, turned compost, spread compost, etc. Starting to look reasonable at last. It was a very cold morning, but warmed up a bit. I bought a few plants the other day, and have now planted them all (kinda purty!) And now I'm aching all over!
Ok, Rob is supposed to be in Brisbane tonight, but his flight got cancelled because of the dust, so he will be home for dinner, which I wasn't expecting ... and now I have to think of something decent to make! On the plus side he has admired all my work and made all the right comments. :)
23/Sep/09 6:27 PM
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Ah, well no-one around when I started that post, but here you all are!
I remember seeing a dust-cloud in Melbourne many years ago - I think half the Mallee got blown away that time. The sky turned such a weird colour, and I didn't know what it was - I was thinking nuclear fall-out or something - "oh my God, they've nuked Melbourne!"
23/Sep/09 6:34 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I have posted 2 pics of the dust storm here in Brissie - it was not as spectacular or colourful as in Sydney but it certainly was eerie and uncomfortable. Everything inside the house is now covered in dust. I also posted a pic of the Narnia ship built at Cleveland Point in the Redlands where they are currently shooting the next Narnia film.
23/Sep/09 8:09 PM
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Home for the evening!
Judy if you keep talking about your gardening, and you all keep getting together in Bean's garden, and Gail keeps talking about her garden, I might eventually remove the weeds from my garden. Now that would just be awful!
23/Sep/09 8:46 PM
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Too tired to look at your pics tonight Cyn - hopefully tomorrow...
Night all!
23/Sep/09 8:53 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - looking at my pics is entirely optional. Have a nice rest.
23/Sep/09 9:09 PM
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Good evening All,
Thanks for all the comments about the dust storm photo. I liked your photos as well Cyn. We got the deep red as a reflection of the rising sun. Quite eerie.
Cyn. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
Broni, hope Possum is OK.
Pleased all helping with moving people that it all went OK.
Julie that deck sounds quite spectacular.
All going well here except I am getting very tired. Sharon making a good recovery and hopes to be home by the weekend. Amazing after such a long operation.
23/Sep/09 9:53 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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My garden has not been touched in the two weeks Bill has been here, except to take the plants off the decking so that we could have the barby on Sunday, it seems the 'nursery' has gotten a little out of hand! At least now they are all in the one spot and set out in appropriate groups...a little freaked out by how many things there are to still plant in the garden!
BTW All the work we did in the week before I went to Adelaide is looking rather splendiferous. Gardening is good for the soul.
23/Sep/09 10:03 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Today we drove down to Geelong so Bill and his brother could have a visit. We had a lovely time even though the drive is a long one. Bill was rather quiet on the way home as he knows that might have been the last time he sees his brother. As he says, when you get to this age, the most social occasions you have are funerals. He is quite shocked that of all his cronies, Bill is the last one standing.
23/Sep/09 10:05 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Tomorrow I will take him to the airport for his return trip home. It has been an honour to have him here with us. ♥
23/Sep/09 10:06 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I am sorry I have not been here to play much but I know you understand. That said, I have been reading all your comments and please know, you have all been in my thoughts. Bean, your smilies go double for me.
Just a few that have stuck in my mind-
Julie, welcome home!
Liz, you are the best.
Cyn, OMG! Mate, my heart bleeds for you, way too much for one bear to bear. My sisters are dear to me so I feel your pain. So sorry about your son.
Dust storm! Great photos of a spectacular but eerie phenomenon.
To all others, not leaving you out intentionally, but that's as far as these braincells stretch atm!
23/Sep/09 10:11 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Well done Judy... Gail and I have really rubbed off on you...haven't we!! Spend a few days with us and the gardening bug has overwhelmed you... Feels good to have it looking reasonable AND to have your hard work acknowledged...
Cyn I understand completely about playing things by ear and seeing how things play out closer to the date. I so HOPE you can make it to Sydney.
Oh Suzy... you have me giggling again... watch out weeds... Suzy may be going to catch the bug!!
How awful that would be!!
June such good news about Sharon.
Gail...what a surprise that you haven't been in your garden all week. Feel free to drop in for a coffee on your way home from the airport... I presume you are taking bill to the airport..
Gardening is so good for the soul. I find it a great restorative and after a day of labouring in the garden I feel at peace with one and the world.
My soul sings... funny about these shared passions hey what!
23/Sep/09 10:20 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks for the coffee offer Bean. I will let you know. His flight is in the middle of the day, but of course, we have to get there early and he likes to make sure he's not late or that we get caught in traffic, so we will probably leave home before sparrows f*rt! After we leave the airport, Hannah and I are going to DFO Essendon to see if we can find the elusive red shoes that she would like to wear on Derby Day to go with the amazing dress she made in textiles. I fear I am going to be very exhausted and may have to leave visiting till next week...on the other hand, we will virtually be driving past...
23/Sep/09 10:26 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Good Morning dear ones!
Just doing a Steve "fly-by"
Didn't even get on the pooter (computer -hehehe!) yesterday...having some "Cranky Pants" a lousy mood. Nothing to be in a bad mood about, just one of those things I go through now that I'm an older woman! Best it happens now and not when I get to Oz - don't want to be displaying that side of my personality to you guys!
23/Sep/09 10:29 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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What? Like we don't get moody in Oz!!!
23/Sep/09 10:36 PM
Alabama, USA
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Checking in without catching up. This last 3 or 4 days have been a headache day. I think it is the mew BP med, dern docs poking pills that make you worser rather than better. I put up with the mild headache, but will not the migraine that lasted 2 days, then 2 days of " bruised brain" feeling. I have stopped the med and will have the office add that to the long list of meds I cannot take.
We have had RIAN RIAN RIAN, wish I could send some down to you. flash flooding in Georgia, neighboring state, 6 killed. In neighboring county, many houses were sourounded by water, and water into some few, lots of rescues to get people to safety. We were " rained in" for a day and a half, water over roads that get us to the main roads. Water was up and over the bridge and for a quarter of a mile down the dirt road. We got out yesterday to run some errands, and could see just where water had been from the depris on the roads. It was convenient for me, rains and headache same time, I did not care to go out anywhere hehehe. No water here, well it flowed through my yard, but it just keeps flowing past, a sloping land has good drainage.
Today is better and I am starting laundry. I will have the chhinese laundry look, it muct hang inside, would never dry out with the humidity and rain. but it will dry, most will go into the second bath on the shower curtain rod on clothes hangers. Only undies and small things to the dryer and yes, it is an emergency, we need undies!!
Hugs to all having difficulties, I see you had a dust storm, and laughed at the fear of rain being mud rain. It has happened. thinking of Cyn and her family, and Broin and possum, hope you get a good answer to that.
I am soo behind on all the news, rolanda, which boys moving where?
Have to run, laundry needs my attention.
Still no answer from insurance co to get my back treatment. I can stand longer now, but walkking is still difficult, I am up to 7 minutes fore it is just too difficult to pick up my feet to go on. Hopefully soon.
Hugs and love to all
23/Sep/09 10:37 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Lizzie - hugs to Jan - glad she has you by her side at this time.
June and Cyn - wonderful photos - so spooky - reminds me of fire days in Calfornia.
Cyn - sure hope you can arrange to get to Sydney when Bean and I are in town.
I know there is very important stuff I've missed...awful CRAFTs this morning.
Hugs and love to you guys - I'm taking my cranky pants attitude on a walk in the woods.
23/Sep/09 10:37 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Oh MzT! So sorry to hear about your headache and the difficulty with meds. Didn't realize you guys got swamped with rain. We are on our last hot spell (hopefully) and I can't wait for rain.
Sending hugs your way - hope you feel better today.
23/Sep/09 10:39 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Great to hear from you MizT, you have been in my thoughts, as have eaa, Becky and many others. I wonder how Jenni/Canberra is, it has been so long...
23/Sep/09 11:07 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Time for me to hit the hay. Seems I have been in my car more in the last two weeks than in the last two years!
Catch you all soon. Take care, and know someone is thinking of you. ♥
23/Sep/09 11:11 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Gail you will be driving past...but I do understand that by then you will be feeling pretty exhausted. Would be lovely to see you if you do drop in.
23/Sep/09 11:29 PM
Stevenage UK
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Hi all.
Cyn {{{hugs}} you have a lot going on in your life/family, keep strong.
June/Cyn your photos of the dust storm are amazing. I had shown June's photo to Richard last night before we went to bed. This morning on the radio news we heard about Sydney's dust storm, so June you broke the news before the BBC did.
Gail it seems only yesterday since you got back with Bill and now he is going home. I hope he had a good journey.
MizT hope you get the meds sorted out again. Hope the weather drys up for you. We were talking to Richard's cousin (who will be staying with)last night and she was saying that they were getting a lot of rain too. Hope it settles down in the next 5 weeks.
24/Sep/09 12:09 AM
Stevenage UK
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Crafts has caught up and I know I had comments to make to other people but they have disappeared from my brain cells.
Keep well everyone
24/Sep/09 12:10 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there lovely people. never rains then pours.So sorry about your sister,a very trying time,think positive that it will all be ok after the op.Sad too about your son's marriage.Hope you can get to Melb.or Sydney for Vici's visit,to cheer you up a bit.
MizT...I saw news of the flooding involving drownings,just awful.Hope you get some relief from the headaches with something you aren't allergic too.Good that you are making a slight improvement in walking.
Gail...nice to hear that you enjoyed Bills visit.It must be so sad for him to maybe see his brother for the last time.
By now,Cranky pants Vici should be feeling a bit happier after your walk.
June...great pic.The dust has now reached Bundy but nothing like Sydney.I can smell it in the air and it looks like rain clouds but it is the dust.
Julie..the deck sounds lovely and big.What a great use for old milk jugs.
A big hi to those I haven't mentioned!!
24/Sep/09 1:58 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Just popping in to let you all know how excited I am to have my Platypi avatars and smilies approved by Gath! We will be visiting a Platypus habitat during our travels and I can't wait. The Platypus has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid.
24/Sep/09 3:40 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi Vici..the platypus is such a unique animal.They lay eggs yet suckle their young,and have a bill like a bird.Think there were more different things about them but if you were interested in them as a kid you could probably remember even more things about them. I saw one in the wild at the Wallerman Falls in Far North Queensland and was surprised that they are quite small.
24/Sep/09 4:26 AM
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Morning all!
I've read everything and forgotten what I read. Guess I will scroll back again...
24/Sep/09 6:51 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I do the same thing Suzy...and I feel awful forgetting something important.What is the dust like today? It has almost gone from here now.
24/Sep/09 7:29 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I have to go now.Enjoy whatever it brings.
24/Sep/09 8:17 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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When we went to Healesville last Wednesday we saw a couple of platypi. They are amazing creatures, and I was staggered that they were about half the size I expected them to be!
24/Sep/09 8:17 AM
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I never ever get grumpy. I'm not sitting here thinking that I really don't want to go for 3 gail's in one week and that I hate people politics....
24/Sep/09 8:48 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely SA people and thank you for your lovely messages. You're such a supportive group and I probably would have felt better had I shared my troubles with you earlier. Hugs to you all.
Oh golly, now I've got CRAFTS. Still no sign of Heidi? Vici - love the platypi.
June - I did want to say that I'm glad Sharon is doing well and I'm sorry that I didn't know anything was wrong.
24/Sep/09 8:49 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Beautiful clear day here in Brissie today - such a contrast to yesterday.
24/Sep/09 8:51 AM
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