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from Alabama, USA
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Hugs to Broni, Sharon, June, Cyn and family and anyone else I have forgotten who is either super busy or having some problems with life...
I'll post here my new status on facebook...
I have the best friends on the planet. I'm am so lucky I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure I'm not dreaming.
25/Sep/09 7:25 PM
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How did that happen? Got to watch the numbers!
And yes, I had the same spelling error on my facebook post, except there I was able to correct it...
25/Sep/09 7:27 PM
Qld, Australia
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Spelling error?? must have missed it, you know Zusy we know what you say not what you type.
25/Sep/09 9:56 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Good Morning gang!
Good news re: where is our MzT???
Hope she isn't under water. Brought the coffee in her stead.
Cyn - I cracked up about your hubby dragging you out to the bush to view a platypus in the wild (will keep your secret safe!)
Had a chuckle at you in your jammies, Suzy, then realizing there WAS something on the schedule...I hate when that happens. Great news that your schedule is open for Sydney - now be sure to keep it that way!
26/Sep/09 12:26 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Sounds like there was some very successful shopping done by Judy and Gail - congrats!
I'm horrid at shopping. Need to bring stuff home and leave the tags on for a week before I know if I chose OK.
Beanie - glad you are taking it easy - I'll be happy to help plant when I arrive so we can have it taken care of before the holiday.
Hi to Tami, Broni, June (loved the platypus family in the creek story), Julie, Rolanda and Lizzie (yep - a singing clown! - I can picture it perfectly)
We're going to have 3 days of heat here (Rola had me thinking about this with her weather report) then things look like they are going to take a turn to fall weather - can't wait!
26/Sep/09 12:31 AM
Alabama, USA
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Dropping in without reading to let you know, I have an appointment at pain management for the epidural block. It will be on Wednesday, in the afternoon. I am both looking forward to this and dreading it. they will be using some sedation, I did not do well on another, hope this one is OK. I get to talk to the doc about it only just before it is done. I will have my questions. I did get assurance it was a different one than before.
26/Sep/09 12:33 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Great to see you pop in MzT! Thanks for the update. Glad you are getting the epidural and hoping that the sedation makes it better for you this time. Sending hugs your way!
26/Sep/09 12:58 AM
Stevenage UK
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Hi pleased to see MizT posting, I had a brief chat with her on MSN. Also have had a brief chat with Heidi on skype. She is ok, just needs to see her doc about getting some meds sorted as they are giving her problems. Her back is doing ok after her epidural. Hopefully both these friends will be back soon on a regular basis.
26/Sep/09 1:13 AM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy I feel sorry for you having your chill out in jammies spoiled when you remembered you had to be a taxi, just think soon you may not have to play taxi when the girls get their own driving licences.
26/Sep/09 1:26 AM
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Morning all!
I can't find my planner! What am I going to do????
Bean, as you said about the bridge - Vici is coming to see you not your garden, relax and let your foot get better!
MizT, glad you finally have your appointment. I hope the epidural gives you some relief. It's soon now, thank goodness!
26/Sep/09 5:20 AM
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Brenda, it's nearly 3 years until Ally can even get her learners permit, and then she has to have 120 hours of lessons before she can apply for her license! Ebob is going to try for her permit these holidays... I'm thinking she needs a motorbike to give her independence. That's what I got when I got my permit. We'll see...
26/Sep/09 5:22 AM
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I'm trying to decide whether the sky is cloudy, smoky or dusty. It smells dirty, so one of the latter I think.
Ebob has managed to swap shifts today so will work from 12-6, presentation night starts at 6. I mentioned the possibility of skipping baseball training tomorrow so she can study for her exams. Apparently that's swearing!
26/Sep/09 5:29 AM
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Hi suzy, dust is back but not as bad as Wednesday!
26/Sep/09 7:34 AM
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Hello, Lovely Ladies (and dvD, when he flies through)! Just here for a minute, but good to hear Heidi's back is doing better and MizT is scheduled for her epidural. I hope both of you get meds straightened out soon!
Yikes, CRAFTs has set in already! Have spent some time yesterday (shopping for vitamins, health care items) and today (food, of course), so hopefully we'll be set for a while - maybe til hubby leaves next week to go spend some more time working on the deck. (He is supposed to take some pictures before he comes home.)
26/Sep/09 8:04 AM
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Forgot to say - I hope to get back here later! Take care, Everyone!
26/Sep/09 8:05 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good Morning lovely SA people.
MizT - glad you got that appointment. Hope all goes well on Wednesday.
Dust due to hit Brissie later today but not as bad as earlier in the week. I just went to peg out some washing and as I did it brushed against somethin and got dust all over it - ho hum, back into the machine and I'll be careful next time.
Hello to Julie, June, Suzy, Brenda, Vici, Broni and anyone else who is around.
Busy day today - estranged DIL rented a house with only 3 fences on a busy road so hubby and son are putting in a temp fence to keep 3yo Chloe in. Then helping son set up on his own. Oh dear!
26/Sep/09 11:13 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, I hope things get better for your family.
Suzy, I don't even want to think about Mitchell getting his license. I will continue to be his taxi service.
Forgot what else I was going to say. I am falling asleep in my chair. I am going to say good night and I will be back tomorrow.
26/Sep/09 11:22 AM
Qld, Australia
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Good Morning SA8...just!
Well back from moving cous, now just have to unload the lot and tarp it up. I HATE MOVING!!!
Good to see MizT pop in, hope you get some relief real soon.
26/Sep/09 11:42 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - my grandson, who is 11 in November, keeps reminding me that in 5 years he will be able to get his learners permit. I tell my grandies that I'm going to lock them in a padded room when they reach that age. I think some of the younger ones believe me - haha!
26/Sep/09 11:54 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, Let the younger ones keep believing. I told the beastie boys they are not allowed to get their licenses until they are 27. I don't think they believe me. I had my learner's permit the day I turned 15 and passed my drivers test the day I turned 16, the first day I was allowed to try. I had my own car six months later paid for with my own money.
26/Sep/09 12:08 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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And now I am really going to say goodnight. I will be back tomorrow.
26/Sep/09 12:09 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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it's the weekend! A wet and blustery one at that. That is good on a couple of counts... we need the rain and more importantly I don't feel so bad about being laid up... wouldn't be in the garden anyway... and as for the indoor painting jobs I was happily deferring that and can continue doing so...
The bad side is the fact that I have 2 tanks sitting here not connected to the downpipes because I have been unable to tackle the hardware store to get the plumbing fittings to connect them up. Hope we continue to get some rain after they are connected!!
Back to the good news... I can sort of walk today... swelling is much better...haven't tried to fit any shoes on yet and providing I take it easy I hope to be active in 26 days... WOW ...cannot believe it!!
26/Sep/09 4:13 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Suzy I will relax... I told Vici on the phone last night that she was going to experience the Bean Pad in all it's glory... looking like a bomb site...
About the garden I have plants in pots that have been waiting to go into the ground for 18 months and this is the first time that the soil has been wet enough to work it. With water restriction it is hard enough keeping the garden alive without trying to re-wet water repellent soils to prepare for planting. I use a lot of Saturaid and Gypsum and that is really enabling all this soaking rain to get right into the soil.
Prior to this recent rain the ground has been like cement... the downside of gardening on heavy clay. What doesn't go in now will end up waiting until nearly Christmas and by then it will have dried out again... Won't bore you with a plant list of all the plants waiting to go in the ground...
26/Sep/09 4:29 PM
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Evening all!
It was dusty here too June. We got a couple of mm of rain later in the day, but just enough to turn the dust to mud, not wash it away. We are now officially back on water restrictions.
Julie, hubby is going back quickly. He must be enjoying working on the deck as well as wanting to get it finished.
26/Sep/09 10:02 PM
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Cyn, won't say it! About the fences I mean.
Tami, we have to give a minimum of 120 hours lessons before Ebob can even apply for her license. We've told her that if she isn't a good driver after that she still can't go for the test.
Bean, we have heavy clay too. Makes it hard for plants that require good drainage! I'm glad your foot is feeling better...
26/Sep/09 10:07 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Hello friends!
Sorry to hear the dust is back - I found a video on youtube that was amazing (of a couple driving their car up and into the huge dust storm) - when they entered, everything was black. I heard the guy on the video saying they needed to turn around and the gal saying "why?" - DUH! Darwin awards!
Bean - so happy to hear there is improvement with your ankle.
Thanks for the reports on Heidi - glad to know she'll be back soon.
26/Sep/09 10:38 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Fall colors starting to spring up around my yard - my favorite time of year!
I have almost a full suitcase full of Halloween paraphenalia to bring - guess you guys are going to see me in the same 3 outfits while I'm there!
26/Sep/09 10:43 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful weekend! Big Playtpi Hugs!
26/Sep/09 10:45 PM
Trouble's Mom
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Miz T Hope all goes well with the Doc. on Wed. Hope you start feeling better.
Heidi Sorry you weren't feeling well. Hope you are on the road to recovery.
To all others who aren't feeling well. Get well soon.
27/Sep/09 1:15 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi Folks...Just popping in to say that all is well here, and I'm looking forward to a diminishing of the sick list , but it doesn't seem to be happening...instead we have bean adding to it by falling around hurting herself....glad there is some improvement there know....If you keep hurting yourself...just think what someone who didn't like you would do to you have just got to be more careful!!! lol...
Feel better all, and for the rest of you...stay well or we'll never have everyone feeling good again for an extended period. Peace.
27/Sep/09 3:09 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there everyone.
I have been missing a few days but had a good rest as well as getting lots done around the house.The dust storm has left it's mark on everything and I am yet to clean it all up.Could not imagine how bad it has been down south,we can still smell it in the air here.
June..I'm happy to hear that Sharon is doing very well.
Bean..sorry about your fall and hurt ankle.Hope it improves rapidly.Isn't Lachie a wonderful support cooking stir fry etc!!With any luck the rain will continue and you can get some water into the tank and have nice soft ground to get the plants into. you are all set for the wedding with dress and a choice of shoes.
MizT...I hope the epidural on you much needed relief.Can understand the mixed feelings about needing it done but not looking forward to it.
Suzy..Ebob is cutting it fine if she finishes work at 6 and the presentation is at 6.Hope she can fit in some study time.oops,swearing again!
Lizzy...sounds like you made a great clown,the rezzies just love a laugh and something to brighten their day.
27/Sep/09 3:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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A quick good afternoon to all. I had a bunch of errands to do today and still have one or two left. At least I can say that my freezer is full and should stay that way for a little while. I am lucky that I have an extra freezer in my garage. I go shopping less often and can buy the cheaper family sizes and then split it up and freeze.
27/Sep/09 5:43 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am getting my school schedule messed up again. Last week I was given a "troublemaker" as it was felt that I can handle him. I had him put into my class of 9 kids, now 10. Well now they are taking away a class. They are taking away the class of 10, making that my planning period, and giving me a bigger class of 6th graders. Now I will teach 2 7th grade math and 1 6th grade math. I also teach a reading class. I don't mind the 6th grade but now I have to do 2 sets of lesson plans as they are on different math levels. More work for me. They are also going to try to change the schedule of the troublemaker as he has been behaving for me. They are going to let me keep him.
27/Sep/09 5:46 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good on you must be doing a great job for him to be behaving for you.
27/Sep/09 6:49 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I have been up for a few hours now,so will go and have another lay down before afternoon shift.Have a great day/night everyone.
27/Sep/09 7:14 AM
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Morning all!
Nola, I decided not to even try to clean up the dust until the forecast says it is gone. We have more forecast for the next couple of days. I feel for the people who live in the west who are losing their top soil. I wish I could package it all up and send it back. If wishes were fishes....
27/Sep/09 7:31 AM
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Forgot to say I'm glad you got a good rest Nola!
Tami, bummer about the extra class and extra planning. Patting you on the back for helping the trouble maker to behave. He might even have a chance of learning something!
27/Sep/09 7:33 AM
Qld, Australia
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Morning SA8 and good morning Zusy.
Yey, if there is more dust coming I don't have to start cleaning yet.
27/Sep/09 7:34 AM
Qld, Australia
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sorry, didn't mean to swear.
27/Sep/09 7:45 AM
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hehe Broni, blame the weather. It brings out the worst in us.
27/Sep/09 9:02 AM
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