Sudokuaholics Anonymous 6

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Is it possible?
15/Oct/08 3:55 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good one Julie. Knew you could do it!
Queen of this page!
15/Oct/08 3:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks so much for your help, June! And now I really MUST head to bed. I hope some of the other DUGs will be joining you soon. I wouldn't want you to think that I'm abandoning you.
15/Oct/08 3:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I need to go as well. Work to do
15/Oct/08 3:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Take a deep breath and enjoy the rest of your day! And to everyone here at SA6, a good day or night to each of you!
15/Oct/08 3:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It keeps us young Julie!

Not really here, cleaning .....
15/Oct/08 3:59 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I haven't got time to go back and read from page 131! Son and pseudo DIL are coming over for dinner tonight. I planned to have a barby but those clouds aren't looking too inviting! D#1 might be bringing her fella who we have yet to meet. I keep asking her when we will get the chance and she keeps saying she doesn't want to taint him...I wonder what she means! She rang me yesterday all giggly and excited. She'd just had a beautiful bouquet of delivered to her at work. Apparently, yesterday was their 1 monthiversary. Awww, aint that cute!
15/Oct/08 4:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda, continuing best wishes for Celia's recovery.

Vici, reading your all page ott cping was a hoot!
15/Oct/08 4:40 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Will pop in and out all evening, for now, I better get this meat defrosted and marinating for tonight. Salads to make as well.
Catch you later.
15/Oct/08 4:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sounds like it will be a fun evening Gail.
15/Oct/08 4:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Congrats Julie on your TOPP.

Awww, Gail, ain't young love grand?
15/Oct/08 5:18 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm back....only 8 pages to was 4 when I left...I think.

It was so lovely to finally meet Dino...a beautiful soul...very much as I expected. We had a coffee at one of the local stores..not one of the trendy coffee shops [I'm not a Starbucks sorta girl] and nattered for an hour. She sends everybody her love but with everything on the agenda we didn't get around to my filling her in on all of your news. Her vision fluctuates and is still a big problem...particularly with mid range activities such as the computer...especially scrolling down the pages. Hence her continuing absence.

I had been preparing my lunch before she called and invited her to join me... I asked her if she liked beans....believe it or not I was making a bean and tuna salad....we had a good laugh when I realised what I had said. How fitting beans from Bean!!! Certainly hadn't crossed my mind when I started preparing the beans.

BTW Gail she wasn't fussed by all my boxes either...she did think that I would get along rather well with her daughter who shares similar priorities with me re all that sorta stuff....I gather she has a lot of boxes as well.

Back to reading...
15/Oct/08 5:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Do you realise we have filled 13.5 pages in about 31 hours?

I have finished tutoring. I was going to go back out now to finish delivering the belly busters, but have decided I will finish tomorrow. I will regret that in the morning, but for now it feels like a huge relief!!

Bean your coffee and lunch with Dino sounds wonderful!!!! Is it possible/likely that Dino's vision will improve? I hope so for our sake as well as hers....
15/Oct/08 6:07 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ooh have so much to answer for...just look what you have started!! Sorry to hear you have to cut the trip short but that's how the cookie crumbles at times...time at home when no one knows you are about is precious and to be treasured.
Tami...what a hoot....thanks for sharing are getting a reputation!!
June...I'm not surprised that you are starting to get a little embarrassed about the number of TOPPS you have!
Julie..our enjoyment does show that we are still competitive but best of all is that we all have a great sense of fun....what a delightfully absurd way to spend out time!!!
Final page coming up....what a marathon....
15/Oct/08 6:19 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Gail...have a great night.... was a wonderful lunch and a wonderful afternoon with a wonderful person..hehe...

Gotta go...this is a shared computer and it is almost time for the Cook & the Chef on tv.
Hope to catch you all later.... come Lachie doesn't have to share his comouter????? His first exam tomorrow...Drama prac.
15/Oct/08 6:24 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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bean - thanks for the first hand update on Dino.
15/Oct/08 6:27 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Bean, thanks for the update on Dino. Sounds like you enjoyed your day together.
Good luck for Lachie with his exams.
15/Oct/08 6:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, I read your post to hubby because it was so sweet!
15/Oct/08 7:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vici, sorry your vacation has been cut short. What a good idea to keep your return a secret! You'll have to hide your car though or word will get around....
15/Oct/08 7:04 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Storm heading in our direction - closing down now. Have a good evening everyone.
15/Oct/08 7:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Night CynB.

I love your youtube Heidi! I don't think I've ever heard it before!
15/Oct/08 7:44 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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BEAN, I just have to ask, what is in your boxes? You have mentioned them more than once now, so fair game for me to ask, but you do not have to answer unless you want.

This is the early risers club edition of MizTricia today. I hope I get sleepy and can go back to sleep. Up to visit the little room, and find my tummy is still a bit unwell. I think one of my meds is to blame. Accidentally took it before lunch instead of after and that is about when it started. Maybe I should pay more attention to directions, ya think?
15/Oct/08 8:40 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Gail, flowers for a one month anniversary and delivered to work? Points in favor of the new boyfriend, lots of points hehe.

CynB, hope your storm brings needed rain just where it will do the most good, and no damage.

Suzi, will your boss be upset all the flyers did not arrive on time? there are some date sensetive materials in there? Oh well, what is he going to do, terminate your employment? I think you already did that

Good to hear from Dino, Thanks for the report Bean. glad you 2 had a nice visit. Bean and tuna salad? Don't we have a food rule? You mention it, must post the recipe on request?? I have never made a bean and tuna salad, and it sounds like something I would make for lunch.
15/Oct/08 8:48 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Seventeen more till topps and because I could not do that many posts as charmingly as Vici did, I shall leave it for now. Might have another coffee then see about going back to bed for a while.

Later, 'gator.
15/Oct/08 8:53 PM
   Liz  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hia everyone
Heidi - that mad song is truly crazy
though I think one would need to be just a tad mad to listen to it hehe
Tami - good one poor dog must have been feeling pretty crook
Broni - I hope all went well at the doctors
Gail - trying to remember what a 1 monthaversary would feel like, hope your having a great night with them all...
15/Oct/08 9:00 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Hi everyone! I don't have much time so I haven't been able to catch up. Hope everyone is well!

Busy holiday weekend. Went down to Brendan's game on Saturday and brought him a new pair of cleats. (the others had broken on Friday) He played the whole game! Yeah! Ian and Jerry stayed here because Ian's marching band was in the Columbus Day parade in Albany. We didn't go to Lake George on Sunday because my brother called and said he and my nephew were running the marathon in Albany. We went to cheer them on and then spent the day together. Then I've been working on getting primer on the parts of the wood siding on the house that my fil replaced. I have to do some more of that this morning before the weather turns and then I have to pick up Ian from school at 11:30 because he has a half day. So far he hasn't had a full week of school in October. This afternoon, Ian has a soccer game.

So, hopefully, I'll get back soon. Hope you all have a great day/night!
15/Oct/08 11:24 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Hi Stella, sorry I missed you. Seems like you've got a lot on your plate today. How's your tush doing?

MizT, hope you were able to get back to sleep. But, coffee?

Mamacita, glad I didn't upset you. Sometimes what I mean isn't what comes out of my fingers.
15/Oct/08 11:30 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Gail, thanks for the update on Dino.
Please tell your daughter to take a picture of the flowers. I have one of the first bouquet hubby gave me and it still makes me smile.

Bean, leave the mess, it makes your house feel lived in.
Glad that you met Dino and had a good chat. Do miss that lady.
15/Oct/08 11:31 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Broni, poor Bella and poor you for having to pick them out. Hope you're feeling better today.
A neighbor stopped by today and asked if I could find the weed that is leaving burrs in her dog's coat. Told her that I'd stop by later. City people.
Hope you get some info from the specialist, so you know what's going on.

Brenda, glad to hear that Celia is getting out of the hospital soon. Luckily she has you and the neighbor to look after her.
15/Oct/08 11:32 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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June, if you're using IE, you should be able to fit the 16x16 puzzle on the screen by closing the address bar and the standard buttons.

Heidi, us non-supporting members have standard smilies. The pop-up box link is at the top left-hand corner of the comments box. We can't submit and use other ones.
15/Oct/08 11:33 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Julie, congrats on your first topps. Hope the shots help your hubby.

Cyn B, glad that hubby likes his job.
15/Oct/08 11:34 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Vici, hehehe. Can just picture you with the breeze hitting your backside. Sorry to hear that your trip is being cut short, but kudos to your dad for giving it a go.

Tami, your story had me laughing and brought back a memory of our first dog. When we came back, found out he had eaten almost a whole can of honey roasted peanuts. He was laying on the floor, groaning with a hard belly. The next day we took him to the in-laws with us. Halfway there, hubby said that he hoped that all the peanuts digested as he didn't want his back window blown out.
15/Oct/08 11:35 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ah Tricia...what is in the boxes may have to remain confidential...
Mostly it is probably junk but the problem is it all needs sorting!

I'm going to try and end up without too much egg on my face but here is how it goes....It all started when we moved in to this had NO cupboards and we had moved from a house with more storage space than you could shake a stick at...

1. there are a few boxes that were never unpacked when we moved because there were no cupboards or shelves...arrgh......

2. this is compounded by the fact that I try very hard and somewhat unsuccessfully NOT to be a collector and a want it...i've probably got it..

Most of this junk was in the spare / sewing room and when my mum moved in I moved it all into the dining room. Over the last 4 years the problem has been compounded by my aversion to housework in favour of other things such as paid work [rarely], sudoku, watercolour painting, sewing [lots of UFO's, gym, lunches and coffees, movies, theatre, reading and last but not least my passion for gardening [and visiting open gardens]. In my spare [???] time when I'm not sitting in Doctors waiting rooms I also run a taxi service for all and sundry [mostly MIL]....most of that is unpaid but last week I actually took on a paying customer...

3. The biggest source of boxes is the frenzy I get into when I'm expecting visitors or I need some bench space....EVERYTHING gets swept into a box and popped into the dining room [out of sight/out of mind] to be sorted on a rainy day....and as you all know we have been in the midst of a drought and boxes have been breeding and procreating in the dining room...I'm sure they have....

4. My middle name is procrastination and so you can see how it would all build up and given the choice of time with Dino what would you choose??

This is very beneficial to all my doesn't matter how untidy their house is ...they instantly feel much better after a visit to me...
15/Oct/08 11:39 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Nick Wallenda was just on the Today Show. Makes me wonder why anyone would do that for a living.

Off to do stuff.
15/Oct/08 11:49 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Boxes schmoxes! When push comes to shove and they take us out in that final pine box, all that other stuff is just going to get thrown away, and we won't be there to be bothered.

Aim to halve it...the big picture is just too much so take two boxes, and condense it into one...then take another two boxes etc etc. Eventually, all that will be left is one box full of very important stuff.
15/Oct/08 11:54 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Tricia..I can see you shaking your head from here...I know I haven't said what is actually IN the boxes....

BTW Becky...that is exactly it...lived in....

You are probably wondering why I don't just throw it all in the tip...I AM getting more ruthless but until the $1000 worth of travellers cheques are located NOTHING is being dumped until it has been sorted! Found my missing passport the other day....and my birth certificate....they were obviously on the bench one day when I cleared it in a hurry

ok..what is in the boxes.... cut from magazines....must turf them!!
...books..I'm sure I don't need to keep every book I have ever read, or magazine for that matter!! stuff...that is easy...throw it out after the specified time period
...memorabilia...that is hard...come back to that
...old birthday & christmas cards...I only keep the REALLY good ones now...I will be keeping yours Vici hehe!! and negatives pre digital ...waiting to go into albums...
...lots of collectables...fine china, silver ware, Wedgewood....gotta get some shelves up
...should I confess to a few baby clothes and toys have a fetish....problem is with my aging arthritic feet I can't ever wear them but I will NEVER throw out my tap shoes...who knows..I might get back into tap..
...4 boxes each with an unfinished quilt in them..I will not point any fingers but I know of a couple of people who share this...
...and then there is the I'm abstaining at least I won't be ordering anymore there!!
...fabric..lots of beautiful fabrics and sewing notions.
...everything you could possibly need to construct beautiful bags and purses... materials and unfinished paintings, drawings and exercises.... notes from all the courses I have done..
...I haven't mentioned the clothes...and nor will I...hmm...or memorabilia of Lachies life journey..

But never fear...I am seriously working on it...will all be done by Christmas and I can get back to renovating....and that reminds me...there are boxes of tools, paintbrushs, paint, sandpaper, tiles, paper, grout....

16/Oct/08 12:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I still haven't got around to reading allo the pages, will have to leave that till tomorrow, but I gather Vici and Mike have cut short their holiday. Hope it is not for too drastic a reason.
16/Oct/08 12:15 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Exactly true Gail...that is method that works for me... the old motto...if there was a fire it would all go anyway so sort the really precious stuff and keep it close. Get rid of the rest. I am getting more ruthless.

A good friend of mine just bought another holiday house to put the excess way I can do that....can't even afford one holiday house!!!
16/Oct/08 12:17 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Find the extra 'o' in my last post and you can have a timtam!

See you tomorr...later today!
16/Oct/08 12:17 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Bean, think we must be from the same mold. I pack things up in boxes, then take them to the basement. Out of sight, out of mind.
Wish I could be that ruthless. My boxes consist of things that came from my parents' house (will start to dole them out to my nephews later), tax records (can't throw any of them out, if you get audited here, they can go back to your first filing) and a friend's stuff when she left her hubby (will be calling to ask when she's going to pick it up).
Did thin the herd a few years back. Went thru recipes, pitched the ones I didn't want and the others typed into a document (makes searching a lot easier). Looked at other stuff as if we were getting ready to move and gave away a lot more.
16/Oct/08 12:35 AM
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