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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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There's nothing more precious in this world than the feeling of being wanted. (Diana Dors)
17/Jul/15 11:59 PM
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Wonderful TOPP, June! Hope all is well there!
MizT, I hope you finally got some sleep.Good thing that your Sis and BIL arrived home safely. I don't blame them for wanting to get back home ass quickly as possible.
And now, I am headed to bed as quickly as possible, after sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
18/Jul/15 5:25 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's too hot here to do anything!
19/Jul/15 9:07 AM
Alabama, USA
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Same here Heidi. My AC is struggling to keep apartment cool. the heat has sapped all my energy. I have sat and read the day away today.
Yesterday we were able to grill our own lunch on the patio. I had bought a large steak, just ignored the price of it and my check did not bounce so I guess I could afford it hehehe. I have had two meals from it already, have two more servings in the fridge. It is delicious, cooked just right even if I did it myself. Grill will be ready for us again next Friday, wondering what I can find to grill then. LOVE burnt offerings.
Caudelle is home from the hospital. It was a blood clot in her leg, they are trying to dissolve it. She is leaving Tuesday to visit her daughter for at least 2 weeks. Daughter made arrangements for her doctor to do the follow up visit in 10 days. Daughter is wanting her Mom to move back to Michigan, Caudelle said if she could change the snowy winter weather she would
Friend Nonie is leaving hospital to go to rehab, hope she can make good progress there and return to live here soon.
that's all for now. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
19/Jul/15 1:30 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Will be heading to bed soon, but wanted to stop by and say Hello!
Heidi and MizT, I hope you both get some respite from the heat tomorrow. Also hoping your AC will be working and up to par!
Sending healing energy,
, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
19/Jul/15 5:00 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It didn't rain yesterday or this morning, so I tried to start mowing the lawn. Guess what? The rain started again. I don't think it'll cool anything off, tho'.
20/Jul/15 5:41 AM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends, internet is still scratchy but the weather is warmer. A couple of hours out of Broome.
Hope all is well.
20/Jul/15 10:55 AM
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Greetings to Everyone!
Hi, Broni! I'm glad your weather is a bit warmer. Hope all is well and you're enjoying your travels!
Heidi, seems like the lawn doesn't want to be mowed, or at least Mother Nature doesn't want you to be mowing it any time soon! I hope all is well and your tooth is better! Are you enjoying your clean and flowing water?
Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
for everyone!
20/Jul/15 4:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The tooth is still sore. Will probably give it a few more days before calling the dentist.
It's a joy having clean water, and loads of water pressure. I got a new shower head, and it's like I have a normal shower now! What a thrill!
I wish I was with you and Bella, Broni. Your travels sound idyllic.
21/Jul/15 3:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I have to unload gobs of stuff out of my truck today. It needs to go in for some much needed work. Wednesday morning I need to go to the airport in Louisville to pick up 4 Gouldian finches I just bought. Since the truck will be in the shop, I'll be taking the RV. I'll have to wait for them at Air Cargo, and it'll be much more comfy waiting in the RV than in their tiny, dirty, waiting room.
21/Jul/15 3:55 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all.
Mamacita, sorry about the fall. Hope you and Jazz are feeling better. Not fun to fall. I can't let my neighbors walk Harley for just that reason. The ones that want to walk him don't have the strength to control him. He is an overgrown, 5 year old puppy.
Heidi, sorry about the teeth but glad the water is working out well. I love a strong shower. Had to replace shower head recently for that reason.
June, funny about the suitcase. I once saw a Beatles suitcase but didn't have a chance to buy it. Like Tricia, I tie a ribbon or something to suitcases to make them stand out a little.
Don't remember much else. Brain is fried. Dylan had practice this morning and a game tonight. This is the last week for summer. No more taxi service until school starts.
21/Jul/15 6:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Mother Nature is at it again!
It's getting to be a bit too much.
21/Jul/15 1:39 PM
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Hi, Heidi and Tami!
Tami, so good to know you can put taxi service to rest for a few weeks!
Heidi, congrats on clean running water with enough pressure. Sorry to hear the tooth isn't improving and that the storms are back!
Sending positive thoughts,
, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for each of you! Take care!
21/Jul/15 3:33 PM
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I typed the other night, went to look something up and forgot to send.
Today was lovely and sunny and a T shirt at one stage. I played bowls today for the first time since April and actually completed the game and bowled quite well. I thought I would have trouble walking back and forwards all morning but walked the best I have since we came home. Although we did not win!
21/Jul/15 9:04 PM
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Yesterday Ken and I had a coffee with Saylz (from Tassie), his wife and her twin. Another sudokuist who I had not met before. I have now met 40/41 other members.
Heidi, how lovely to have a nice hard shower.
I hope you are able to pick up the finches OK. Do you think you will be able to breed any. I know they are hard to breed in captivity.
Mamacita, I do hope that you and Jazz are feeling better.
Tricia, living where you are must make it hard to see all your new friends having health problems. Hope they have soon improved.
Broni, keep enjoying your camping holiday and nice to know how you are progressing around Australia.
Tami, we understand the baseball taxi. Our son is almost 51 and is still playing. When he was sixteen he was selected to go and train at Statesboro University in Georgia Southern USA for six weeks. He went the first time but when asked to go again we declined because of the cost.
21/Jul/15 9:18 PM
Mamacita 2
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Hi all, June's post made me remember that I had typed one the other day, then changed my page and lost it..planned to redo it and forgot...
Just wanted to say hello..I've been reading a lot of books recently and aches continue. For the most part, my chest muscles are giving me what for in the pain department. They are on the right side and near my breast so are very painful, yet getting better daily. They do respond to Tylenol so I haven't seen the doctor. The knee is now badly scared, but pain-free...Jazz is fairing well and seems to be in good seizures thankfully. He is now complaining b/c it's time for his dinner and I sit here typing...better go feed him before he adds to my woes..Lol... Will comment later. Take care all. Peace.
22/Jul/15 7:10 AM
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Greetings to All!
June, it's great to read that you were able to play an entire bowls game. I hope you won't feel some complaining
Mama, it's good to know that some of the pain has begun to subside and that Jazz has not had any seizures since you run-in with the other dog.
I'm running on empty, so time to say good night. But first, here is a supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
22/Jul/15 4:42 PM
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I watched TV till late then hubby watched the tour de France till 1 AM. When I started to fall asleep I started to twitch. I have not done that for ages. That woke me up completely. Just had a hot milk drink so will see if I can now get to sleep! (3 AM)
23/Jul/15 3:07 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Not much going on here except high temps and trying to stay cool. No energy to do anything much, I have read 3 books that I enjoyed, now reading one I do not care for but I do hate to give up on a book. this one I might. Just a mystery I picked up at a thrift store.
Tanya took me to grocery today, fastest in and out I can remember. It is nice to have her help getting groceries into apartment and put away. we were finished in no time.
I did read, hope Heidi has a safe trip to pick up the birds, that her truck is in for repairs and back soon. Hope Broni is still enjoying her travels. It was good to hear that June played bowls, sorry you did not win. Tami, enjoy your few weeks with no taxi service, before school starts again. when do you go back?
That's all for now, hugs to each of you with extras.
23/Jul/15 11:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The trip to the airport went smoother than expected. I got permission to park right in front of the terminal, and was inside less than 2 minutes. When I got home, I discovered that IH's truck had broken down again and had to be towed in for repairs again. So the RV and the 4 wheeler are our only running vehicles. And IH is not allowed to drive the RV. I also think it's so big that he's afraid to drive it... which is good.
23/Jul/15 2:03 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Just dropping by! I need to get here earlier, if possible, so I'm not too tired to read & post.
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy for everyone!
23/Jul/15 5:33 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Quick hello. Practices/training is over but Dylan has a game tonight and tomorrow. If they win either, they should go to the playoffs, which would be Saturday or Sunday. Next week I am off and then I have workshops the following week. Can't believe summer is almost over. Mitchell leaves in just over 3 weeks.
24/Jul/15 12:35 AM
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HI, Tami! Hi, Everyone!
I agree; the summer is flying by. And I'm off to bed. Had a late night (concert ran long), and have an early morning.
Sending lots of
, prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
24/Jul/15 5:07 PM
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Another busy day for many, it appears! Take a few minutes for yourself!
Sending healing energy, positive thoughts,
, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} !
25/Jul/15 3:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I got my truck back today, and the brakes are working like new. But there's still something wrong with the engine, so it's going back in after I've recovered from my epidural on Monday morning. Meanwhile, IH's truck is still in for repairs, so I'm letting him use mine while I continue driving the RV. I WANT to take the RV up to the hospital, but since IH isn't allowed to drive it, he wants to use my truck.
25/Jul/15 3:58 PM
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I hope all the trucks are soon working properly Heidi. Good luck with your next epidural.
I took my neighbour to the picture theatre today to see Andre Rieu at his 2015 Maastricht concert. It is a show presented especially for the big screen. It is my friends birthday in a couple of weeks and it was an early birthday present. It was a 3 hour production and you felt like you were part of his audience. My disappointment was the theatre audience did not participate. I did expect some foot taping and clapping. Maybe they were just too old. I felt that I was one of the youngsters in the audience!!!!
25/Jul/15 10:56 PM
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Heidi, great news that your truck's brake's are working, but sorry the engine isn't up to par yet. Too bad IH's trick isn't finished. I suspect you would be more comfortable on the return trip on Monday after your epidural in your RV, but certainly understand that IH is not to drive it. Good luck!
June, how thoughtful to give your friend the gift of an Andre Rieu concert. I didn't realize his audience would be made up mostly of people who have seen the passage of more years.
Hello to all I haven't mentioned. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
26/Jul/15 3:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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12 1/2 hours until my epidural!!!
27/Jul/15 9:13 AM
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Keeping fingers, toes, etc. crossed for a humdinger of an epidural, Heidi!
Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for everyone!
27/Jul/15 4:29 PM
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Quick visit to say hello. Ditto - Heidi I hope your epidural is a humdinger too and lasts longer. Also to MizT and Mamacita - hope your aches and pains are better and the weather settles a bit more for you. Tami I remember those days well - enjoy them - the worry really starts when they are driving themselves. No 2 son has just bought another motorbike - it doesn't get better. June what a lovely gift for your friend - Andre Reiu is so pleasing to listen to. Had my 4 hourly infusion today (to lift my immunity to bugs) and felling very drained. Will get back another day, best wishes to all.
27/Jul/15 5:31 PM
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Went to a Christmas in July lunch today. ( hot Christmas fare that is more suitable to eat in winter than our hot Christmas day) 60 friends and a lovely restaurant overlooking outer part of the Harbour. There was a cold wind but we were inside looking out at the water sparkling in the sunshine.
27/Jul/15 7:55 PM
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Yesterday Laura and her father came to lunch. I was not quite sure if it was for lunch or dinner and her father does not believe in making a phone call. I had just about defrosted a large leg of lamb when they arrived and no time to cook it so I had to cook it tonight. We are having lamb sandwiches as we do not need another large meal. I am minding Belinda's dog for a few days and she could smell the lamb cooking so she has been barking till she was fed some lamb. A spoilt dog that believes she will only eat what you are eating when you are having your meal.
27/Jul/15 7:59 PM
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Another hour or so and Heidi will be having her epidural. I do hope that she is able to rest long enough to get the full benefit.
Midge take care. I hope that you soon have more energy and there are no bugs around you to catch.
27/Jul/15 8:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I leave for the hospital in 20 minutes. I hope this one is a humdinger, too.
27/Jul/15 8:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It was a humdinger of an epidural.... but I can't rest as much as I'd like to. The refrigerator isn't running and I'm trying to find a repairman. So far nobody's home.
28/Jul/15 3:49 AM
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Oh Heidi, you need to rest to get the best benefit. I do understand the need of refrigeration though.
I am dog sitting and stupid mut has decided it has needed a grass visit twice tonight and woke me up. Now it is trying to wake Ken to lift it back on the bed. (barking beside the bed). Spoilt animal, and I was having such a lovely sleep!
28/Jul/15 4:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I have a repairman coming tomorrow morning.
The stuff from the freezer side has been moved out to the chest freezer in the garage, and I've plugged in the RV, and am cooling off the fridge in there to transfer food to prevent spoiling. Debbie and Gil did the freezer transferring while I supervised. I should be able to handle the fridge contents since we recently cleaned it out and it's less than half full.
28/Jul/15 7:37 AM
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Take care Heidi.
I am going to bowls today. Well strapped and dosed up. Need to be out as it is 4 years today since we lost Sharon. That time has gone so quickly.
We had a slight frost this morning but the sun is now out and not a cloud. Just hope it warms up soon.
28/Jul/15 8:08 AM
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Just a quick hello, and hopefully time to read tomorrow.
Thinking of everyone and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, positive thoughts, prayers, and healing energy!
28/Jul/15 5:14 PM
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We have not heard from MizT for a few days. Checked TOS and she was last there three days ago and not here since 23 July. Hope that she is OK.
I will be pleased when Minnie goes home. Just got woken up because she lost her dinner! Just what I needed at midnight!
29/Jul/15 1:04 AM
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