Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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There's still a lot of work to be done on the inside plumbing. We have 2 years of accumulated mud in the lines, blocking off most of the faucets. All will have to be taken apart and cleaned. We'll start work on that next Monday, after the holiday weekend.
02/Jul/15 4:10 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Just a note to let you know I am alive and kicking. Still not operating on all cylinders, but puttering about.

I was down to check for a package that should have arrived today, by estimate of the company. No package, a check of online banking showed they just charged my card for a part of the order yesterday, so it has not even been shipped yet. I wonder what part was charged, an if this means the remainder of my order is not available, or was what I ordered coming from different warehouses? Time will tell, I imagine.

I did the elevator in my building, then across the drive outside. The air was so cool, and fresh, there was a brisk breeze, sky was cloudy, dark. I would say someone near us got rain, and we got the cool breeze. I checked all the containers and the back-by-the-alley-garden for weeds. I pulled the few weeds I found. I had not planned on doing any gardening or even being outside. Really enjoyed being out, did not break a sweat, nice.

I just found a charge to my debit card that I did not make, must phone bank tomorrow and straighten that out. It was from a home health care service, one that is not even operating in our city as best as I can tell from internet. I know I did not receive services from them! HOW did they get my card number?? AAAGGHHHH, you have to watch everything so carefully now.

We have two parties to celebrate Independence Day. Staff will have a long weekend, tomorrow is their last day this week, so they are giving us an ice cream social. Saturday the Residents Association is sponsoring a catered BBQ lunch. I have a new red, white and blue top to wear, bought it when in Florida.

I did read, but brain still feels bruised, thoughts did not stick with me, so I cannot make intelligent comments. I did think of each of you as I read, OH, remember Heidi still has muddy water in her pipes. I hope that is resolved come Monday.
02/Jul/15 11:37 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Hi all. Glad to see those with problems are getting better even though it is slow. All good here - have been very busy for the last few weeks. Hubby arranged for a surprise for my birthday and we saw Brian Cadd and Glenn Shorrick (2 of the oldies from Aust) perform their hit songs - it was wonderful. If any of our northern Aussies get the chance it is a great night out. They are touring Qld now. Last weekend went to Warrnambool for a few days - a very pretty seaside city in Victoria. I would love to have a holiday house there but it is too far (nearly 4 hours from where I live in Fern Tree Gully). No 1 son back from Peru - all well except for knee which was dislocated during one of his many treks. 2nd son in Thailand and due back this weekend. 3rd son going green!!! Tonight we are going out to celebrate birthdays and 3rd son's partner becoming a Dr - to a Yunnan style restaurant. Hubby and son loved this type of food when they were last in China so insisted we all try it. Seeing surgeon again in 2 weeks to make arrangements for colostomy reversal - not looking forward to the op but will be glad when this is over. Best wishes for celebrating Independence Day to northsiders. Will call again soon, cheers to everyone.
02/Jul/15 2:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

I read June's comments on the previous page, but my brain didn't retain what I read I guess that's what I get for staying up to late.

Congrats on having clean water, Heidi! Hopefully, it won't be long before all of the indoor plumbing has been cleaned/replaced/ or whatever it needs.

Good news that you were up and about for a bit, MizT. Enjoy your holiday parties! Hopefully, you can get the charge on your debit card straightened out quickly

It's good to see your post, Midge. Sounds like all male family members are accounted for, and most will be at home. Enjoy your birthday celebrations!

Time to head to bed. Good night, All. Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
02/Jul/15 5:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off in a few minutes for my second appointment with the ear surgeon. If the healing in the ear isn't 100%, he'll take out the tube and suction out my head. I'm taking the RV with me, so I can lay down and rest afterwards instead of driving home immediately. I'll probably be light headed and dizzy if the head is suctioned out.
02/Jul/15 10:28 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back!!!! Great news. The tube is draining and functioning normally again, and there's no sign of the infection in the eardrum. They didn't have to do anything. I'm supposed to continue with the antibiotic eardrops for a few more days, and they think that'll be the end of it. I go back in 6 months so they can check the tube and eardrum again. MAJOR relief!!!!!
03/Jul/15 2:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Actually have a quiet day today. Dropped Mitchell off at mall to meet his friend. Did not want to give him the car. Will pick him up later. Dylan has a game tonight. Hubby gets home at 4 and we are supposed to be at field by 5 for warm up. He will not get there by 5, maybe by 5:30. It is about 25 miles south east of us. But it is the heart of rush hour. Should be fun, not!
03/Jul/15 2:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, glad you got the water running again. Hope the clean up is not too difficult. Hope all goes well with your ear later.

Don't remember much else of what I have read.

See you all later.
03/Jul/15 2:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh yeah......
03/Jul/15 2:04 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Great news Heidi - about time your luck changed.
03/Jul/15 10:26 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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What a great day to drop by for a visit!

Fantastic news, Heidi! It's about time things go well for you!

Tami, will Mitchell be home before you need to take Dylan to his game?? Hoping for 'smooth sailing' as you drive, and hope no one gets stressed while trying to get there on time!

Hi, Midge! It's good to see you again so soon. I hope all is well!

Thinking positive thoughts for everyone to have a wonderful weekend!

Healing energy, , prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} coming your way!
03/Jul/15 5:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another day of heavy rain and thunderstorms. We can't fill in the trenches across the lawn because they're filled to the brim with water. The storms may put the kibosh on fireworks displays tonight and tomorrow night.
04/Jul/15 1:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I did something REALLY stupid last night. I was having a very vivid dream…. I was some sort of government agent and I found myself at a resort during a gangster convention. At one point, I was hiding behind a sofa, with a window behind it, and the room was filled with gangsters armed with assault weapons… looking for me. I had to get out to summon help from other agents, and carefully cut through the screen on the window behind me (with my pocket knife) when the gangsters weren’t looking. THEN I made a sudden dive through the window!!!!
Unfortunately, I made that dive off my bed… bouncing off a stack of books and crashing to the floor…. scaring the daylights out of the dogs, and bruising nearly every inch of my body. I have spent the day in bed on painkillers, since I hurt so much.

04/Jul/15 8:17 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, if anyone else told that story I would not believe it. You I can believe it happened to. I promise, I did not laugh, much.

I once had a vivid dream. I had a dream that my was annoying me in my sleep. I got fed up and kicked him. The next day he asked me why I kicked him in the middle of the night. I told him he was tickling me. He said he wasn't and had been sound asleep until I kicked him. I told him I must have been dreaming but he got the kick for real.
04/Jul/15 8:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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But how many people can hurt themselves while dreaming? It's a skill few have! Or want, for that matter.
04/Jul/15 1:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I believe it happened and that you were injured. AND, I didn't laugh. Just a couple of nights ago, I watched hubby, who also has vivid dreams. running in his sleep - and not just twitching legs, but moving at least a foot of the bed. It actually pulled the sheet & blanket out from under the mattress. Luckily, he stayed on the bed.

Sending happy thoughts for all this weekend, especially for those celebrating Independence Day. (We all celebrate the 4th of July as the day that comes between the 3rd of July and the 5th of July.)

Just a heads up to everyone that my visits will be rare or nonexistent in the coming week.I'll be participating in a very busy week of lessons, orchestra, and cello choir, and may be too exhausted each day to even turn on the computer.

Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for each of you and your families and loved ones!
04/Jul/15 5:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, so pleased the eardrum is OK. Sorry about your vivid dream. Sorry but I did laugh.
Julie, enjoy your busy time. we will miss you but we understand.
We will pick Laura up soon and she will be here till Wednesday. I hope her two concerts went well today. I am sure she will be tired.
04/Jul/15 9:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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This singing and dancing is hungry work. Laura has just eaten two cheese and cucumber sandwiches (4 slices of bread). Although it is almost midnight she is still a bit hyped up and is playing on the iPad.
05/Jul/15 12:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, It is almost time to go downstairs for our BBQ lunch to celebrate Independence Day. the residents association is sponsoring this. I am not sure if there will be enough tables for all who signed up for the lunch, over 100! I do not think we have ever served that many before.

I did not fall out of bed last night, as Heidi did, but I was up and down all night. Some of Heidi's T storms were coming through down here, also, and thunder and pain woke me several times. thankfully pain is much relieved now, but was not a fun night.

Heidi, the blue necklace you gave me is going to lunch with me today. the perfect compliment for my red white and blue blouse today. Thank you again for it, I do think of you each time I wear it, and get lots of compliments too.

Hope everyone is doing well today, that all the topsiders have a great BBQ to celebrate today, and hope at least part of the USA can have it's fireworks celebration tonight. we are forecast rain here, so perhaps no 'thunder on the Mountain' tonight. I will g up to the 7th or 8th floor, for a good view of the sky and the fireworks, above the surrounding buildings, so nice not to have to get out to view this. Local radio and TV will simulcast the accompanying patriotic music, it is usually a nice show.
05/Jul/15 2:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Come ON, folks. I laughrd my head off over the ''dive through the window''.
05/Jul/15 2:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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05/Jul/15 2:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Had a fun time with friends yesterday. IH was particularly pleased when I returned home with a promise for 3 free meat goats, 1 free meat sheep, 1 grown turkey named Bill, and ~ 40 free bales of good hay. I pick them up on Wednesday.

My leg and arm are still a bit puffy and sore, but the bruising is nowhere as bad as I thought it would be. I'm still laughing over diving out of bed to avoid gangsters opening fire at me.
06/Jul/15 6:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bill is also free. And he thinks he's a house pet.
06/Jul/15 6:26 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Checking in to say hello ,and to thank you Heidi for a blast of a good laugh at your dream tumble out of the window...still chuckle when I think about it.....and no, I'm not sorry...I needed that laughter.
I'm so sore from working so hard in the last few I'm forced to call a rest break so I can get over the aches...nothing hurt...just using muscles that have been dormant for too long.The front of the house is the bedrooms and bath still need to be done, then I can say the job is done...woodwork, windows and all...I'm proud of myself and happy to be getting it done. Reina always wants to help or do it for me, but somehow it doesn't get done for some reason or other. This way I can work at my own pace and finish the job.
Shout out to all of you and a special hello thought going out to Theresa...hope things are getting a bit better since your surgery and things going well for your hubby. Thinking of all of you with healing thoughts. Julie, enjoy the music and all ...looking forward to your return whenever. Peace.
06/Jul/15 2:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Better late than never. I just discovered I had an avatar for 4th of July, so here it is for this year once again.

Still fighting this long lasting flare of fibro, everything hurts. these last 3 days I have made myself get up, get dressed and find some human contact somewhere downstairs for a little while each day, but it has been a chore. I would much rather stay in my robe or lounge wear and climb back in bed. we have some kind of program in an hour, I will go down to check that out. I hope I can just wear this flare down, it has to have an end somewhere.

Heidi, is there somewhere local you can have the goat and sheep processed and dressed for freezer? It is not something you will have to do is it? Will Bill remain a pet, at least until thanksgiving? You are very deserving of all the nice free things you have received, as you always do so much for your neighbors and friends.

Mama, I agree, do it at your own pace and rest when need be. I have a little ongoing project, tiny compared to your spring cleaning. The non slip decals in my tub were coming loose, especially the ones right where I stood to shower. I did not want a slip and fall in tub, kind of embarrassing to have to call in paramedics when you are naked and wet! I asked if the decals was something maintenance had, and if they could put them on tub. Nope, not what they do, but they would give me this rubber mat for bottom of tub, just put it down each time you want to use it, remove when shower finished. Not gonna work for me, bending to work on that mat every time I need a shower? My back would not allow that. So I found new non slip strips at Lowe's, could order them online and they would be waiting for me at front desk. I got those home end of last week, next chore was removing all the decals. Some popped right off, others took some work, but each of them left a sticky residue in the tub. It was difficult finding a way to remove that. Alcohol would not dissolve the yuck away, nor would finger nail polish removed. I was going to ask Tanya to pick up some goo be gone, an automotive product used to clean even tar from auto, but first I tried cleanser and an SOS pad (did you know the new ones are not steel wool, but some plastic something?) that is getting the yuck up, but it is a slow process. If I bend a few seconds too long, my legs go numb and I cannot get up. We will not even mention the pain that causes, well not mention it often hehehe. Meanwhile, I am showering in my crocs, so I will not slip in the now slick tub.

OK, I am off to the program downstairs. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

07/Jul/15 3:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The goats and sheep are live. They've been pets. Gil tells me that he has buyers lined up for mutton, and he wants to take all of them to his processor as soon as they arrive.
Bill will remain a pet as long as the predators leave him alone. He's a beautiful bird... mostly black with a bit of brown on his tail.
07/Jul/15 5:43 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Just a quick one = MizT can you get hold of some Eucalyptus Oil - fantastic for removing gum and adhesive. Glad you are keeping Bill as a pet Heidi - he sounds lovely. Mamacita - wish you were near me - I could use some enthusiasm to clean my house - housework is something I can always find an excuse to not do. Cold here today (about 13 deg.) and sick of this winter already. Good on you Julie - I admire your ability to play the cello. I have a piano that awaits me but I never seem to have the time to do anything about it. Hope Laura enjoyed her concerts. How old is she now? Take care everyone
07/Jul/15 10:20 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Midge, thanks for the suggestion of eucalyptus oil. I will remember that for next time. We got the old adhesive off the tub with SOS pad and cleanser, and the new non slip strips installed. Not before my morning shower, though. I wore my crocs in shower to keep from slipping, it worked nicely {smile]

Heidi, any more spy thriller dreams? that was so funny. Do you have a pen ready for Bill?

Today was book club day, and almost no one showed up. there were 4 of us, the guy who so wanted to start book club again, and who wanted to extend discussion of last months book to this month did not show up. We were not successful in getting book club listed on the EP monthly calendar. Staff had the mistaken idea it was by invitation only, not open to anyone interested, so did not put it on. Maybe for next month, and I will make flyers for the elevator lobbies, announcing it. Mary had phoned everyone she had a number for just before meeting time today, but many were either not home or not answering their phones. We finished discussing the book, passed on the new one, only one copy of it, but at least 4 of us will have read it for next month.

Not much else going on here, oh, 3 of us are planning on lunch out tomorrow, that should be fun. Tanya picked up take out salads for us for today. Meds are working so much better today, I have been able to stay awake and upright all day today so far. No idea what started that flare, but so happy it is improved today.

That's all for now. Hugs to each of you with extra, till later.
08/Jul/15 6:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, I have a 35'x20' covered pen ready for him.
I pick up the critters tomorrow morning. I need to leave here no later than 9:30 am.
08/Jul/15 11:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back home with the critters. They're all settling in nicely. Gil was thrilled whenn he saw the 3 goats and the sheep. They're all big and fat, and will produce a LOT of meat. He also liked the quality of the hay I brought back.
Bill is settling in well in his pen. It took him aboutt 2 seconds to find the feed. He's a lovely, well mannered turkey. In a few days, I'll let him out to wander the farm.
09/Jul/15 4:24 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Lunch out today was fun, we were back home before my normal lunch time though hehehe. Worked well for me, I just had coffee for breakfast so could eat the large meal at 11:30 am. Cafeteria style restaurant, choice of one of 4 meat entrees and lots of good home cooked veggies. We each had the fried catfish, turnip greens and a second veggie, mine was lima beans. I do not usually cook either of those veg, so was extra good. That fish was perfect, not a bit greasy tasting, light and tender, just right. We decided we definitely had to do this again soon.

I was home in time for the veggie man, bought enough fruit to last till I go to grocery again. then I had a nice long nap. Just what you do after large meal.

That's all for today. After it cools down a bit tonight, I need to go water flowers. We are back to the 90's today, with a dew point of 78, so humidity is terrible. a good day to stay inside and read.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
09/Jul/15 7:45 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gee we sure miss Julie to keep us informed.
The gang Show was great. Laura was in the general 'chorus' and was in a lot of items, singing and dancing. Lots of changes of costumes. The best item was when 12 men dressed up as ballet dances and performed Swan Lake. They had put in a lot of practice but it was still an hilarious item.
Before the show we went to a Lebanese restaurant for dinner. I had grilled baby octopus. The food was great. If the restaurant was closer we would go there again.
09/Jul/15 8:54 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Laura has gone home and I have washed ALL the clothes she wore while she was here. She cannot wear the same thing two days and often had several layers of summer clothes and still the jacket on top. I am pleased she is now clothes conscious as for a while she looked like Orphan Annie as her father always allowed her to choose what she wore..
09/Jul/15 8:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, when you said the turkey was a pet I could imagine him walking around inside the house with the dogs. I like imagining things like that!
Nice to see you Midge. I admire your fortitude.
Tricia, pleased that you are feeling better. It is always nice to go out with company and share a nice lunch.
09/Jul/15 9:05 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Not a good time of the year. Another funeral tomorrow. In the last few weeks we have lost 5 friends, ex neighbours etc. The other funerals we were not able to attend. I will take flowers for Sharon and my parents tomorrow to leave at their resting place.
09/Jul/15 9:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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At Bill's previous home, he DID walk around inside the house with the dogs!!! Emily has a pot bellied pig who learned to open the back door and come inside. Bill would follow him in, and make himself at home on the chairs or couch. I've seen the pictures.
09/Jul/15 11:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry aboutt the fineral, June. So many of them can feel overwhelming and depressng.
09/Jul/15 11:56 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Morning...or really good early afternoon... Just posting to say hello ...I'm just about finished all that I had wanted to do and have been resting up by reading some great books. The most recent Esther's Song, by B.G. Brainard...very enjoyable read.
Nothing of real interest going on, but funny story of how I locked myself out of my house for the first time that I can recall. Having taken Jazz to be groomed, and stopping by the grocery store for a few things, I waltzed into my garage only to discover that the connecting door into the house was locked. It was then I saw that I had taken the set of spare keys that no longer contained a house key when I didn't feel like looking for my regular set of keys that had been stashed into a pocket of something somewhere...Now, smart lady that I am, I remembered that my neighbor had a key to my place (we exchanged them for safety 's sake) no problem...right! It took me 1/2 hour to rouse her because her bell wasn't working and I had no cell (mobile) phone to call her, and she couldn't hear me knocking until she just happened to walk into her hallway. Well, finally got into the house and vow not to do that again if I can help it..Lol. Shortly after getting in the house, Jazz was ready and I wondered just how messed up things would have been if my neighbor hadn't been home..sigh...I was lucky.
Okay...gonna run, I have a few errands to run and then get back to my reading. Take care and know that I care. Peace.
10/Jul/15 2:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thank goodness for the idea of exchanging house keys with the neighbor, Mama!
The plumber is back here unplugging pipes and faucets that had been filled with mud.
10/Jul/15 2:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Happy Thursday.

Heidi, I also had a vision of Bill walking through your house with the dogs. How long do you think it will take before he wants to come in? Or until you let him in?

June, sorry for your losses. It is not easy to lose so many friends in such a short period of time.
10/Jul/15 4:28 AM
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