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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Hi, Everyone! Getting caught up a bit on reading (still on p. 201).
June, I loved you TOPP from Robert Louis Stevenson. Your adventure/train trip sounds like fun, even if it didn't get off to the best start.
DOrA thank you so much for sharing the story, which I also hope might be true.
MizT, you and Tanya have both been very busy. How wonderful that the daffodils are peeking up over the dirt and you were able to find some bright colors to plant when you did your digging in the dirt!
Mama, your post about change in doctor and approach to medical care is wonderful! Definitely the way to go! May all your days, weeks and years, be full of much living! Your new doctor sounds wonderful!
Heidi, good news about Sandy protecting you from the cow! Sorry about Timmy's epilepsy, but it seems you and the vet are on the road to getting under control!
11/Feb/16 5:22 PM
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OOPS, didn't realize I was turning the page, as I was typing on page 201. Here's a slightly delayed TOPP:
There will never be a war to end all wars. There can only be a peace that ends all wars.
11/Feb/16 5:23 PM
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Reading a bit on pate 202 now.
Midge, I'm glad the surgery went OK and hope the recovery is quick and thorough! I also hope you're able to get away for a few days with your daughter!
Our warmer temperatures have left us, as is the case with Heidi, MizT, and Mama. Actual temperatures in the low single digits tonight and not warming up much during the day.
Heidi, I hope all the calves born in the next week or so are healthy and cause no additional problems or work! Hoping your back will be able to get some rest! I also hope Timmy is doing well on his meds!
Suzy, I hope you are feeling better! I love that you said Tahli is on the awesome spectrum!
I had hoped to get to bed by midnight, but now I'm aiming for 1:00. The alarm is set for 7, so I'll be heading to bed. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers, and a few spring flowers
to brighten your days.
11/Feb/16 5:56 PM
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Of course 'pate' should be 'page.'
11/Feb/16 5:56 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Warning, I am grumpy at the moment. I was sleeping soundly, 7 hours into a good sleep, when my back and hip said they could not tolerate that bed one minuet longer. What??? I was not finished sleeping!!
It is sooo cold outside. I am so lucky my home is toasty warm but electric heat just dries the air so much. Skin is dry, nasal passages dry, Static electricity abounds. I slathered on lotion before bedtime last night, perhaps that will help?
I must go to grocery today, and I don't wanna go. It has been almost 2 weeks, and I am out of many things. NO cereal for breakfast so I shall have eggs. I hope there is ham in freezer, makes eggs so much better.
Suzy, I love that you said Thali is on the awesome spectrum too.
Heidi, may your mud stay frozen till it can quickly become WARM mud hehehe.
Julie, I do like your almost TOPP. A very true statement.
I was lucky enough to watch elephants yesterday. Did I tell you I found that most of the time, if I just try opening the site and leave it with the little thingy going in a circle, it will eventually load? when it stopped loading quickly, my impatience robbed me of weeks of watching them. Accidentally found how to make it work again, when I answered a phone call, sat at computer to talk, and saw it open after several minuets. Sometimes being patient has it's rewards. No need to even try opening it this morning, the elephants do not venture out of their warm barns till the sun warms the day.
I have saved pages from my inspirational calendar, ones I really like, for TOPPs here. Since I seldom turn the page, guess I shall start using them before I sign off. I especially like this one, it fits my friends who visit here so well.
'Some cause happiness wherever they go.' Oscar Wilde.
12/Feb/16 12:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gil INSISTED that we needed to have lime spread on the hay fields NOW.... I know lime was needed, but I didn't like the timing... but I decided to let him have his way to prevent a major tantrum. Well, what I thought would happen, did. The fertilizer truck has gotten hung up. Gil and various neighbors have been spending hours trying to get it freed from the mud. There was about 4 inches of frozen ground above the mud, and that fooled him. It did NOT fool a 20 ton full fertilizer truck.
So far, all the calves are nice and healthy. None born yesterday, and nobody in labor right now.
12/Feb/16 4:51 AM
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MizT - Hope the new Doctor is a 'perfect fit'...
12/Feb/16 7:54 AM
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Just a quick hello. Alarm will go off in about 5 hours.
Sending healing energy,
, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
12/Feb/16 4:35 PM
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So hubby is weighing his food because of his new diet. If something is slightly overweight he gives the extra part to me. I see him getting healthy and me gaining weight.
12/Feb/16 9:17 PM
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Midge, I hope you are recovering from your surgery really well.
I've been looking for Vicki's comment, but I can't find it.
12/Feb/16 9:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's progress, Suzy. Maybe soon he'll start looking at quality as well as quantity..... in other words, what kind of food he eats, not just how much food he eats. Diabetes is nothing to fool with.
13/Feb/16 4:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Vicky's comment is short and sweet, Suzy. Page 202. 8th from the bottom.
13/Feb/16 4:27 AM
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Heidi, I'm waiting to hear more of the Gil, Crew & fertilizer truck saga...
13/Feb/16 6:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, it took 3 hours, Gil, several neighbors, my 70 HP tractor and a neighbor's 120 HP tractor to get the lime truck freed. And that hay field is now full of deep ruts which will cause problems at haying time. Oh well, it could be worse. The fertilizer truck could still be stuck out there.
13/Feb/16 10:02 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I am glad to see that your hubby is weighing his food, that is a start. AND just because he gives the extra to you does not mean you must eat it hehehe. Could you freeze all the bits and pieces and make soup sometime later, or thaw the bits when the grands come over to make them a meal?
Heidi, so glad the truck is no longer stuck in your field. Is there some way you could fill in the ruts? I know, work that would NOT have to be done if Gil had not insisted. Looks to me like the crew on the fertilizer truck would have known they would get stuck, but for them, they cannot make money when the truck sits idle, so they took a chance. As you said, it could have been worse. thanks for finishing the saga for us.
Yesterday was day 2 of the new medication, and it was a much better day. Today not as good, but tolerable. I missed the Valentines Day Party cause I am on extreme low carb for a month, and knew I would be tempted. Tanya stayed after picking up the lunches and helped with the party. When she told our Jan, activities director, why I did not come down, she sent up a nice surprise, SHRIMP! That was the only thing they served that I could eat. they were delish.
I made soup today. this is Italian soup, has Italian sweet Turkey sausage, bunches of low carb veggies, chicken broth and Italian seasoning. It is really good. that is what I shall have for dinner tonight. It is so easy to get in my veggies when there are about 7 of them in the soup. Onions, celery, mushrooms, zucchini, green beans, tomatoes and cabbage with Low fat, low sodium chicken stock. No measuring this one, or weighing either, I can have seconds if I want, it is that low carb. And all the fiber even slows down the absorption of the small amount of carb present, never even nudges that blood sugar. Basil, oregano and garlic, plus black pepper for the spices and we have soup!
'Don't count the days, make the days count.' Unknown
What did you do to make your day count??
13/Feb/16 11:05 AM
Alabama, USA
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Forgot to change Avatars. It looks like I shall not get to use all of them again this year, bummer. I have a LOT of Valentines avatars.
13/Feb/16 11:09 AM
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Thanks for the reminder, MizT. I changed my avatar, too.
Greetings to all! It will soon be that special day.
Dragging tonight, so heading to bed. Feel free to share the prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
and some flowers
13/Feb/16 6:10 PM
Alabama, USA
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'There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.' Anonymous
OH, it is winter again today, brrrr. Yesterday I was outside in shirt sleeves, but not today! another of those 'vortex' things bring cold winter temps down this far. I wanted to do some garden work today, but with current temp of 32*F ( 0 C) and a forecast high of 42, not gonna happen today. Forecast says spring temps will return by Tuesday.
Julie, I like your new Valentines Avatar, pretty.
I have forgotten, do you in Oz celebrate Valentine's Day? If so, wishing you a Happy Happy
14/Feb/16 2:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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A cold day here, too. It's only 21˚ out, and it won't get much warmer today.
T geed to get bundled up and go do a cow check. I'd MUCH rather stay inside, where it's warm, and rest my aching back and ankle.
14/Feb/16 3:44 AM
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Heidi, did you resist
OR did you succumb to the 'dark side', and mutter ''I told you''
14/Feb/16 6:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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He got ONE ''I told you so'' at the first sign of trouble, then I basically kept my mouth shut..... except to tell him that he was getting no sympathy from me over the hours of extra work he made for himself. He kept complaining to me how tired he was from trying to free up the fertilizer truck.
14/Feb/16 8:01 AM
Alabama, USA
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Just read of the earthquake in Christchurch NZ. They say it is not as bad as the one 5 years back. I hope that is true and continues that way.
14/Feb/16 2:37 PM
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Hi all, I will get to read and comment soon.
Hubby has lost 4 kg in 4 days and says he feels a lot better too. Did I not say he was working on quality too, maybe I thought that was assumed.
Today was supposed to be our quiet day, no kids etc. we ended up watching the kids for several hours because Dana managed to flood her flat. Grumpy now.
14/Feb/16 4:18 PM
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Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone!
Greetings and Good Night. I'm just about to fall asleep, so sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and
14/Feb/16 7:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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We're having a snowstorm right now. The forecast for here is 3 to 5 inches, but they say we could get MUCH more. Gil heard 15 inches. The snow wasn't supposed to start until 2 pm, but it was already snowing when Gil got up at 7 am.
I've got a bug. Sinus pain, sore throat and a LOT of nausea. I'm afraid to eat or drink anything for fear that it'll come back up again.
15/Feb/16 6:02 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, sorry to hear you have a bug. I do hope you do not get the 15 inches of snow Gil heard.
No snow for us, but a very cold grey day today. Wind was high earlier, now calmed some. Tanya and I went for a short drive, just to get out for a bit. Would have been nicer if the sun was shining, but it was good to just get out for a bit.
Happy Valentine's Day to you also, Julie, and to all my friends. Hope it was nice for the DUGs, too.
Suzy, oh no, how did Dana manage to flood her flat? Sorry that interrupted your quite day today. congrats to your hubby on the weight loss, and glad he is feeling better too.
As I got off elevator, I noticed ferns were shedding leaves. I need to go give the plants a good shaking to get rid of anything not firmly attached, then vacuum up the mess. Maybe they need feeding just a tiny bit also. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
15/Feb/16 6:46 AM
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Heading to bed and hoping all are well or will get well soon! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy for all!
15/Feb/16 6:24 PM
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Sorry it must be almost a week since I posted. I have been reading.
Last Tues/Wednesday Wolf and his wife were in Sydney and we had a small gathering on the Wednesday night. CP and her husband drupe up from Canberra and stayed the night we me. Lizzy was also at dinner (there is a photo on my page). Laura has decided that she will start riding the horses again. She fell off about three years ago and we could not get her back on. That means she has been going to Belinda's place on the weekends and we have to go and get her on the Sunday (Belinda is over an hours drive from here). I have played bowls, shopped etc so the time has just gone by. It has also been quite warm which seems to sap my energy.
15/Feb/16 9:25 PM
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Midge, was the operation a kidney transplant? I do hope that your health keeps improving and enjoy your time away.
Heidi, sorry about the bogged truck and the ruts that it will leave. I also hope that you soon get rid of that bug.
Lovely to see Victoria posting after her long absence.
MizT, hope the new medication is successful. Hope you soon have some nice sunshine.
Suzy, I am sure you and D will soon get into a routine with his meals. I also worry about you and you look after yourself as well.
Mamacita, you sound much more contented with your new regime than you have for some time. Our loving thoughts are always with you.
And Julie, I do wish I had half your get up and go!
And I also enjoy DoA visiting and making interesting comments.
15/Feb/16 9:32 PM
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Interesting seeing the comments Australian actress/comedian Rebel Wilson made at the BAFTA (UK) awards. I watch her career with interest as her mother teaches at Laura's school and was Laura's teacher in Kindergarten and was so good to Laura when Sharon passed away. She shows Beagle dogs and even took Laura to some of the dog shows.
15/Feb/16 10:29 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Feeling better today. The bug was a short lived one, thankfully.
We got about 4-5 inches of snow, it looks like, and very little drifting. But it won't be here for long. It's already warming up, and it should be up into the 60˚'s by Thursday. Which means more mud.
16/Feb/16 2:39 AM
Alabama, USA
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Any more new calves, Heidi? Which is worse, a new calf in the snow, or in the mud?
June, glad you were able to post. I am glad Laura has decided to ride again, although that makes more driving for you. At least you get to see her during the drive home
Hi Julie, glad you popped in for a short visit.
Heidie's snow is just rain for us, still raining. It will warm starting tomorrow, to spring like temps again.
I did clean the area around the ferns, and fed them lightly. Not sure why they are dropping leaves, unless still from the week they were in a far too dark location, before they were moved back to their preferred location. Some of the dead was on bent broken fronds, it is so large I am sure it got shoved through doorways smaller than it is, which bruised or broke fronds. It is growing new, so I just trimmed off the yellowing ones. Hope all will be well till it can go back outside again.
We had local celebraties visit this morning, from morning radio. The last time they visited, the female half of the duo was pregnant, so she brought her son today. 10 months old and just walking, he was entertainment enough for us. The mother of the older male half of the duo lived her many years till her death, he stays involved with EP activities. It was fun having them out to visit today.
Tanya will be cooking lunch for us here, baked salmon, yummy.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
16/Feb/16 5:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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One new calf born in the snow yesterday. Gil wasn't able to catch it to tag it, so it must be doing well.
16/Feb/16 5:31 AM
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Facebook says not 6 degrees of separation, 3.5. June, you just showed me my 3.5 to Rebel! You are even closer, which I guess is how they come up with the 0.5, averages!
16/Feb/16 11:38 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Two more calves born today, one of each
. So far, we haven't lost any calves this year.
16/Feb/16 12:19 PM
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My vote would be 'mud'... Just guessing.
16/Feb/16 3:43 PM
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Just dropping by for a quick hello! I should be in bed, and will be soon.
Sending lots of haling energy,
, prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
16/Feb/16 5:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Mud is FAR worse than snow. Cold mud sucks the life out of calves, even as old as 2 weeks. I would rather have the cows give birth on frozen ground. I would MUCH rather have the cows give birth on nice clean grass. The vast majority if the calves are born on grass pastures, thankfully.
17/Feb/16 2:44 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi Folks...Touching base and saying hello. Busy days around my house for awhile now and will stay that way for a bit, family emergencies, folks making me move so that I can keep grooving....and sadly death also rearing its head so that all remember how things should be prioritized to make the best of this world count as we want it. So I'm moving forward and feeling pretty good about things. Yes June, I am more content now than I had been and am so happy to have medical care to help get on track towards being able to enjoy life again.
The weather here is also crazy and we are going to have several seasons temperatures within a few days time...this is really keeping the weather guessers jumping. I'm looking forward to more temps thae stay consistent for a moth or so so that my body can adjust to whatever that temp may be..hopefully around 75 degrees I think would keep me Glad to see and read the post even though I have fallen short on replying..I read and think of all of you but not able to find free time right now...but I will be back when I can. May you all continue to feel good and treat yourselves are so worth it. Keep joy all about you and others will trip to be near that beautiful sight. Peace, love and joy.
BTW...just a little information for all of ya...My meds have become more responsive under this new regime
...I wasn't helping myself taking them as I did and now that I've started doing it right...using the clock, enough water and food, etc. sorta like Tricia takes makes a big is never too old to learn doing things correctly.
17/Feb/16 4:08 PM
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No time to read or comment. Just a quick Hello and Take Care, Everyone!
17/Feb/16 7:04 PM
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