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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Alabama, USA
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Reading is dreaming with open eyes. Anonymous
18/Feb/16 10:43 AM
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Kinda tired. Tahli had an evaluation thing today so I watched the other 2 while she and Dana met with the key worker. Daniel is at the run around everywhere age. After dropping Dana off I was driving back to town and saw hubby's head in the window of the waiting room at the doctors office. There was a parking spot directly outside so I stopped and we went in to wait with him. That meant I followed the kids around the waiting room making sure they didn't try to go into rooms or out the automatic doors. Poor hubby has to go to a podiatrist, optometrist, dietitian and diabetes educator. I then took the kids to a coffee shop. Bizzy fell asleep so I only had to chase Daniel around. He loved his hot (warm) chocolate and doughnut. Then Dana joined us and she and Tahli had hot chocolates. I finally got to do my shopping and now have collapsed on the lounge, too tired to even 'dream with my eyes open'.
18/Feb/16 4:31 PM
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Great TOPP, MizT! Sorry, but no time to read again. One of these days I'll get caught up!
Suzy, I hope you get some well-deserved rest!
Heading off to bed for some rest myself. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, healing energy, and positive thoughts for all!
18/Feb/16 6:12 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The cold mud just killed one of the heifer calves.
19/Feb/16 5:06 AM
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The hound has informed me, in no uncertain terms, that it is time to refill the 'biscuit jar'. Says he could tell by the sound that he got the last one last night. How do he do that?
19/Feb/16 5:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzie, The dietitian appointment should help your hubby get a handle on his eating plan. Podiatrist and optometrist to see if there is any damage from high blood sugar. Good foot care, really good skin care everywhere is important. Unchecked diabetes can cause eye damage and blindness, a really good reason to keep his numbers in a good range. If you can, go with him to the education and dietitian appointments, so you can help him remember things. I know it is a lot to be thrown at him all a sudden, but the sooner he gets into a routine the better. Wishing him all the best as he and you adjust to his new normal.
Heidi, so sorry you lost a calf to the cold mud. Do you have more rain headed your way next week. I noticed here and the elephant sanctuary in Tennessee both have a rainy forecast ahead, but it is getting warmer here. Hope the rest can manage mud or no mud.
Julie, I had no idea that was a top, just wanted to drop in, with not a lot to say, so left that. I got a lovely little calendar, a page a day, with sayings on it. I save the ones I like to share here.
sunny and in the mid 60's here, I think I will go out and cut those last 2 bushes back. Hope I can do it without the back complaining. Meds are doing a better job ATM, but they make mornings unpleasant, giving tummy a bit of upset. As long as it does not get any worse than that, I will take tummy problems and better pain control
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
19/Feb/16 6:26 AM
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Grumble grumble. In a grumpy mood and no idea why. Hope all of you are not cranky like me and are having good days.
19/Feb/16 3:42 PM
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Greetings to All!!
Heidi, I'm so sorry about the heifer calf.
DOrA, many times dogs are smarter than we think possible.
MizT, what a great newsy post. Take your time while trimming the bushes.
Suzy, I hope your day was brightened!
I'm running on empty, so heading to bed. But first, here are the usual prayers, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
19/Feb/16 6:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Had a bull calf born this morning. Mama is 17 years old, and still giving us great calves!
20/Feb/16 3:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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This evening a bunch of us went to southern Indiana just outside Louisville, to the Derby Dinner Playhouse. Great meal and an hysterically funny play... Southern Fried Funeral. We plan on doing this again next year. And the year after.
20/Feb/16 4:17 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Congrats on the bull calf, Heidi! The dinner playhouse sounds like fun. Great idea to make it an annual event!
I hope all are well! Sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
20/Feb/16 6:04 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, big gentle hugs to you on your grumpy gus day. I hope you can find something funny, something to make you happy today. If not, you can come here and vent, we listen and understand.
HI JUlie, I appreciate your taking time to post, even when running on empty. Hope you had a good night's sleep and woke this morning refreshed.
Heidi, congrats on the new calf. You said Mom is 17, how long do cows still have calves? How many will one cow produce in her lifetime, on average? the play sounds fun, have not heard of that one, but I am glad you and friends enjoyed it.
Today is grey, dull, overcast, yucky, warm and humid. Overnight temps barely below 60, down only 9 degrees overnight. Possibility of rain the next 5 days, bummer. At least it will be warm rain.
I did not finish the bush trimming. Still that one half of a Lantana to cut back. Yesterday the back complained, even though I was so careful to stop when it first said 'I am getting tired'. Also thumb, from using clippers. Tanya was going to come finish for me, but she was just dragging yesterday, energy-less. so the bush is still standing.
hugs to each with extras.
21/Feb/16 2:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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Out of moderation a pure happiness springs.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
21/Feb/16 3:05 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Most cows, if the owner is lucky, have 8 productive years. Producers brag if a cow has 12 years in a breeding herd. I have 3 cows in the herd still that are older than the one that just had the bull calf. And several the same age as her. That's one reason why I need to keep some replacement heifers. My cows are gettong old. Most, maybe 80%, are over 10 years old.
21/Feb/16 3:17 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello All...Have a great weekend...or what's left of it.
21/Feb/16 3:42 AM
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A little risky (Risqué), But......
The pastor's wife was expecting a baby, so he stood before the congregation and asked for a raise.
After much discussion, they passed a rule that whenever the pastor’s family expanded, so would his salary.
After six children, this started to get expensive and the congregation decided to hold another meeting to discuss the pastor's expanding salary.
A great deal of yelling and inner bickering ensued, as to how much the pastor's additional children were costing the church, and how much more it could potentially cost.
After listening to them for about an hour, the pastor rose from his chair and spoke, 'Children are a gift from God, and we will take as many gifts as He gives us.'
Silence fell over the congregation..
In the back pew, a little old lady struggled to stand, and finally said in her frail voice,
'Rain is also a gift from God, but when we get too much of it, we wear rubber boots.'
The entire congregation said, 'Amen..'
21/Feb/16 5:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I like it, DOrA.
Another heifer calf born today.
21/Feb/16 3:17 PM
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Hi, Friends!
MizT, how nice that milder temperatures will accompany the rain this week. Seems you accomplished a lot, even if you didn't finish trimming the bush. I suspect you will find a way to finish it in the coming week, as your back allows.
Thank you for the quote, MizT. Hopefully much happiness will be springing into all of our lives this week!
Heidi, it seems you have done an excellent job deciding which cows to keep in your herd, as they seem to be very productive, even as they get older. No wonder you are beginning to think of choosing some replacement heifers.
Mama, I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend and have a very enjoyable week ahead!
DOrA, I enjoyed the story you shared! Not so very risky/risque' as a very clever punchline.
I have managed to get here earlier than usual, but still need to get to bed soon, as we must get up early, have a quick breakfast, and take D and 3 grandies to the airport.
I need to catch everyone up on the past 6 weeks or so. I believe I shared about the upper respiratory/sinus infections hubby and I had that dragged on for about 4 weeks, in spite of a couple rounds of antibiotic. Unfortunately, the timing was incredibly bad, as D2's first child (a girl) was born on Jan. 20, and we couldn't be around. They went home after almost 2 days in the hospital, then a couple of days later, her bilirubin levels jumped and she had go be admitted to the children's hospital for IV and bill lights for about a day and a half. By then, we were well enough to go get D and SIL's dog & bring it to our house so they had 1 less thing to worry about while the baby was in the hospital. Luckily, D1 was able to come for a few days to help out. We were finally able to see the baby and have gone a few times to watch her while D2 is teaching 5 or 6 college-age cello students during the week. D1's children had this week off from school, so they came for a visit. That meant driving into Chicago most days for hubby to help with taking grandies (age 10, 7 1/2, and almost 6) to museums, etc. This afternoon we brought them back with us to our house so they could work on 'projects' on the lathe with Papa. In the past they have made pens and tops. Today they used the lathe to turn whistles, which they decorated with colored markers. Each trip into or out of the city is at least 1 hour, so some days we left at 8 or 8:30 in the morning and got home between 7 and 9 p.m. Its' great having them here, but also tiring.
Suzy, I can imagine your exhaustion, especially since Daniel seems to be in motion much of the time. I hope you're getting some rest! It's no wonder you had a grumpy day!
And now, I must get some sleep. Thinking warm thoughts of everyone, and sending prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy for everyone!
21/Feb/16 3:26 PM
Alabama, USA
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'Daffodils come before the swallows dare
and take the winds of March with beauty.'-Shakespeare
I have daffodils in bloom! One opened yesterday, two more opened overnight, as seen from my window this morning. MANY in bud. I just love daffodils. they mean spring is not far behind.
22/Feb/16 2:28 AM
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Wrong time for daffodils here but I do have some nerines in flower. The white ones almost finished and the pink will be flowering soon.
Made some plum jam yesterday. We like it on our pork chops. I made spicy plum sauce two weeks ago but we decided we like the jam better. Getting ready for Jane and Sacky's visit later this week. The laundry and sun room are both messy but it is too hot/humid for me to care. I just feel tired all the time.
22/Feb/16 7:32 AM
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Julie, congratulations on another grand daughter. I hope she is doing OK now. With all that you were doing you still managed to drop by and send us hugs each evening.
Heidi, sorry about losing a calf. I do hope the mud dries up and the rest will be OK.
MizT, thank you for all your sayings. They brighten the day. Enjoy DoA joining our group. A joke like that is just fun. We all need laughs as we go through life.
Suzy, sorry you were feeling grumpy. Looking forward to seeing you next week.
Daughter Belinda had a bad storm last week. Rain , hail, wind. She was in the feed shed making up the horse feed but had to run to the house as she thought the shed might get blown away. She was lucky that she had no damage. The storm made the news as the buildings and planes at the small local airstrip were all destroyed.
22/Feb/16 7:43 AM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Life is good, albeit a rollercoaster. We are on the road again.
Posted this on TOS the other day:Waiting for the sun to drop down past the mountain,
for the cool of the day to settle in.
The sun is still shining on the mountains behind me and the river is still bubbling away.
Cows have been herded for milking and the quiet is settling in.
Then the genny kicks in to draw water, to keep the pastures green.
Have to love the Aussie farmers,to keep this country true.
22/Feb/16 8:54 AM
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Hello all. Good to hear you are back travelling Broni - where are you now? Congrats to Julie - another grandie to cherish. Hope the sun is shining again for you Suzy. How many calves now Heidi? Am off work for a couple of days - going to the van at Rye with daughter and as I am now 'waterproof' after 5 years, I am going to the hot springs only the weather is supposed to be 37 degrees so maybe not the best time to go. Hubby in Sydney for this week so our lovely senior Truman will experience camping again. He is getting very dopey - laid down behind car yesterday as it was reversing and I only managed to get him out of the way with a second to spare. Today he decided the middle of the road was a good place to stop for a rest so we have to watch him carefully now. I agree MizT - daffodils are lovely but my favourites are the Jonquils, the double varieties with their sweet perfume which also makes everyone sneeze. June - I had my transplant a year ago with many complications and my last op was to remove ileostomy bag. So far, so good. Have been pickling cucumbers, and as fast as I do them, they are eaten. My family are putting in orders for them but they will have to wait for a while as it is time to bottle tomatoes for the next year's use. I have my grandmother's Vacola outfit (labelled 1916) andabsolutely love it. Not a bad effort - 100 years old this year and still in good use. Not many peaches this year as a storm almost decimated my tree but will still get a few bottles worth. My daughter wants to learn how to bottle fruit so I am glad our little tradition will go on, Best wishes to everyone, bye for now.
22/Feb/16 12:54 PM
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
This will be a quick visit, so Hello to MizT, June, Broni, and Midge, who have posted in the past 24 hours.
MizT, thank you for the daffodil share. I haven't seen anything coming up in our area, though a friend in Ohio has snowdrops budding.
June, what a relief that Belinda is fine and had no damage to any of her buildings! I hope for a bit cooler weather for you in the coming days, and a wonderful visit with Jane and Marg/Sacky!
Broni, I hope your time 'on the road' again is mostly enjoyable, though you mention a rollercoaster ride. Drop by as you can, and stay healthy.
Midge, how nice that you will be able to get away for a few days, and possibly even enjoy the hot springs. Enjoy the time with your daughter. I'm so glad your daughter wants to learn how to bottle fruit - a wonderful tradition and becoming a lost art.
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers for each of you!
22/Feb/16 6:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's nice to read so many newsy posts from people!
Yesterday was a day of rest for me. I had a splitting headache so did next to nothing.
We're having calves born at the rate of 1 0r 2 a day. My back is awful right now... the last epidural was a failure... so Gil is doing most of the tagging. I have no idea how many mistakes he's made so far. Every year he mis-tags calves as the wrong sex. I THINK we're at 15 or 16 calves right now, but need to do a count myself. There's a suspicion on my part that he turned at least one pregnant cow into the pasture with the cows that already calved, so we have untagged calves where we can't get to them. I'll find out the damage when we work them in early May.
23/Feb/16 2:23 AM
Mamacita 2
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Good Morning from Pa.....well almost noon I should say. I agree with Heidi about reading so many good newsy post from all over.
Happy that travel is again on the agenda and hope the roller coaster effect has those periods that simply allow relief to flood our souls with joy happen often enough to keep life interesting rather that a challenge to get beyond Broni.
June, wishing you weather relief and joy that Belinda was spared her weather woes and all is now calm and soon more comfortable. Have a great visit but do take it easy and rest when able. You too should have fun from all of your efforts. simply are just another example of not being able to keep a good woman glad life is being kind to you now and you are enjoying it as you go...such inspiration to all that you get what you time. generally Heidi, my back is kicking me around a lot too this week, so I can have a slight feel for your phyical condition, but the mental stress of farm work with incompetent help that can be counted on is far beyond my imagination. You too are an example of not keeping a good woman down...yet life is made more difficult...I do hope for better things to happen to help you get past this is playing out in life now...and it will pass. your post and hope you continue to be able to keep us smiling in such a risky way...I'm still chuckling over that one. Midge, what a wonderful tradition of putting up fruit and veggies for the following years,grown by you in some cases, made more special by using your Grandmother's 100 year old vacuole outfit. I'm happy that your daughter wants to to learn how and be able to continuer to pass this on. Tricia, you take up the inspirational part with all of your effort to bring beauty and color to those who are no longer able to do it for themselves. Your stories also brighten many of my days with the realization of just how much time, effort and decision making goes into being able to accomplish this while enjoying doing so...well done. Suzy...being able to recognize grumpy days is a good admit having them ...even better...while I'm writing about inspiration gained from you all, that is a big one...knowing thyself...and knowing that moods are temporary and serve a purpose...well done here too...Lol. Julie, I have saved you until last for two reasons...first I hope you can get here twice in a recent row and read this far down in a post, and secondly to thank you for the time and effort to always let us know we are thought of and secondly, to congratulate all on the birth of a new baby in the family. I'm sorry that things were so stressful when the baby was born...but oh what a gift to have and hold. Glad things have calmed much and wish you the fun and fulfillment of complete baby-love.
To all of you, I hope you see that each post can mean so much to others and I thank you for them always....May your love and concerns be shared by all and the results continue to be mostly favor
23/Feb/16 4:31 AM
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Mamacita - you are a wonderful inspiration to us all. I thank you for your loving and peaceful posts.
23/Feb/16 10:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm feverish, and my ankle is on fire. It feels like the Achiles tendon again. I'm suspecting inflamation.
23/Feb/16 10:09 AM
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Just a quick Hello to all!
Heidi, I think I'm glad you're allowing Gil to do more of the tagging, though it must be so frustrating as you anticipate mistakes. At least he is participating in the work of the farm. My prayers are for your back to give you fewer problems and your ankle and Achilles tendon to calm down!
Mama, what a wonderfully warm and encouraging post! It is always a pleasure to read what you have written! Thank you! I am in total agreement with Midge's comments to you, as well!
And now, here are some prayers, positive thoughts,
, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you! Lets throw in some flowers
for good measure! Take care!
23/Feb/16 6:05 PM
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Quick drop in with an anecdote: Tahli was tiny when she was born, and at a year old was the same size Bizzy was at 6 months. Which was hilarious when she was walking around. Now she is in the 95th percentile for height. Turns out her paternal Aunty is 5'11'. That could be interesting. She could be the tallest of all of us!
23/Feb/16 6:21 PM
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For those of 'a certain age', who remember when music really was...
24/Feb/16 4:12 AM
Alabama, USA
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Appointment yesterday with my new dermatologist. NO NEW SPOTS, yeah. that is 3 years now with no new. Like the new doc.
24/Feb/16 4:41 AM
Alabama, USA
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An abundance of daffodills blooming. Some look a bit worn, as it has rained on them.
We have severe weather headed our way, a high likelihood of large, long lasting tornadoes. Yep, that is what an early spring in Alabama gets us. Timing is bad for Birmingham, 8 pm till 1 am. Tornadoes in the dark are the worse. I hate that my bed is adjacent to the window. I might spend the first part of the night out in the hall. That is our safe place.
HEIDI, when will the storm hit your area? I hope all is well on the farm, no damage for you.
24/Feb/16 5:02 AM
Alabama, USA
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Just cheking in. It is now almost 9 pm local, and we are having rain. there have been some tornadoes, but far south of us, 5 hours away at the Gulf. One small bit of damage in our county earlier when a small but intense t storm went across a very small area south of town. Could be straight line winds, or a F 0 tornado on the ground for about one minuet. Warnings are being lifted, perhaps it shall be past our area before bedtime for me.
Just wanted you to know all is well with me.
24/Feb/16 1:59 PM
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No time to read or comment today. Just dropping by to say Hello and share some {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers!
24/Feb/16 4:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Feeling a bit better today, though still dripping with sweat.
The temperatures outside are dropping quickly. It's raining, and they're calling for possible snow tonight.
25/Feb/16 8:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Great news anout the lack of new spots, MizT.
25/Feb/16 8:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Snowing and sleeting now. A good night to stay inside.
25/Feb/16 1:36 PM
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Greetings, Everyone!
Heidi, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, though it sounds like a very good time to stay inside, warm, and dry!
I second Heidi's comment on the good news about no new spots, MizT!
My eyes are drooping, so it's time to say goodnight. Sending
, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and positive thoughts!
25/Feb/16 7:03 PM
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Stay inside warm and dry Heidi. Pleased about the spots MizT. Still hot but cool change expected later this morning. Jane lands in about 4 hours. before Christmas a whole lot of boxes were dumped in the sunroom to be sorted and stuff put out. That room gets very hot so the mess is still there! I had hoped to have it sorted before the visitors arrived.
26/Feb/16 4:59 AM
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