Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, since the sun room gets so hot, I do not foresee you using it to entertain the guests, so does not sound like a big deal to me. Besides, they are coming to enjoy your company, not to inspect your house!

I do hope Jane's flight was able to make up time, since she was late leaving the coast. Was she flying out of LAX? Enjoy your visit with her and Marg.

I would have loved today to capture a screen shot and post on TOS, one of the find the cat kind of things, only something much bigger than a cat, and very hard to find. Find the elephant! One of the Asian elephants at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee wandered into the heavily wooded hillside near the pond. Bare branches of hardwoods, and trunks of the tall pines were grey. The day was grey, the shadows were grey. The elephant was grey, the hillside ground cover was a different shade of grey. NOW, on top of that, the wind was blowing the tree branches that were between the elephant and the camera, the wind was swaying the pole the camera was on, and the camera itself was bouncing on it's mounts. Even when she was moving, I could loose her. Never thought one could loose an elephant in the Tennessee woods hehehe. I saw Shirley, one of two elephants I can identify, asleep. Did you know an elephant, if it feels safe, will lie on the ground for naps? Because of their size, they can only sleep 45 minuets to an hour, because of the weight of their own body on internal organs.

A real wildlife day today. I was watering plants in my lounge window, and found ANTS. A colony had moved into my containers, eggs and all. My watering scattered them, save the babbkes, save the babbies! I sprayed and sprayed with an eco friendly plant insectiside, think it only drowned the ones in it's path. but at least they were on the move, trying to get back outside. I know there is a huge colony of ants under the asphalt in our car park, keep finding mounds along the edges of it. With the 3 days of rain, ground saturated, flash floods , they were hunting a dry space for the eggs. So up from the outside they came, YUCK.

New dress that Tay gave me for Christmas now fits! I have lost inches if not as many pounds as I hoped. Wish I had a camera. Even found that a navy 3/4 sleeve shrug I already had goes with nicely, need the sweater today, it is COLD still.

26/Feb/16 5:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have an equine dinner/meeting in Glasgow KY tonight, about an hourdue south. The weather is deteriorating quickly (sleet and snow) alto' the forecast was for cloudy only. It's going to be an interesting drive.
26/Feb/16 7:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June...PLEASE don't worry about the sunroom. Jane won't even notice it. She'll be too busy enjoying your company and admiring the plants and wildlife outside. She's seen houses and boxes before. She's much rather visit with you if you AREN'T tired from unnecessary cleaning.
26/Feb/16 7:06 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Hi all. Back from a wonderful couple of days of pampering at the beach with my daughter. We had eyelashes tinted, d had a pedicure, and spent a lovely couple of hours at the hot springs, then a mud massage. Never done anything like this before and it was so enjoyable. Also went to the movies one night - I slept through most of it but who cares - it was fun. D has to now finish her move today with 2 of her brothers helping. this means more junk back at my house - starting to look like Steptoes again. Hope you are feeling better Heidi - Achilles is so painful. So glad you are enjoying your elephants MizT. Have fun with your guests June - and remember to post some pics. Bye for now.
26/Feb/16 9:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Had a great time at the dinner seminar. Now I'm tired,and off to bed.
26/Feb/16 3:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all!

Had a long day with a good ending - a Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert including Yo-Yo Ma playing Shostakovich Cello Concerto. The drive to Chicago took 1.5 hours, but the return trip took about 40 minutes. We left the house at 5:20 and returned at 11:15, so it's time to head to bed after a quick check of email (waiting for music for a cello choir this weekend).

Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
26/Feb/16 6:24 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Morning Everyone,
Great hearing that good times were flowing for many of you...that's always a blessing. Nothing much going on here but all is well for the most could be a little more to my liking, but one can't have it her way all of the time...Lol.
I have been enjoying the company of my great grandson for a week or so and he'll be here for a little more time. His mom is busy with a special project in her North Carolina home so my Grandie Reina is keeping Ezra for her sister until it's complete. It's fun watching the two kids play and learn together ( Angelique and Ezra), and I haven't been able to spend much time with them before they left, so this good for now.
Not sure just how long this way we are all enjoying life at the moment will last, but God does work in ways to help us do what we need to do while spreading as much joy as possible, and SA seems to be sharing in that arena right now...and how great it feels....let's hope it last for a good while. Peace.
27/Feb/16 2:53 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just glanced at the clock & found it's much later than I thought, so off to bed I go. But first, Hello to everyone, and please feel free to share healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
27/Feb/16 7:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Great day meeting up with everyone. Will post some photos tomorrow. Jane and Margaret are off to the City to do their own thing tomorrow.
27/Feb/16 11:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all,
MizT, no spots is wonderful! I hope the weather has improved over your way.

Mamacita, you are always amazing! I could collect your posts and read them over and over.

June, I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday! I overheard hubby asking Dana if she thought I was up to driving to Berry on Monday. He has a flexi so will be home. If he didn't have a three way conference call planned I think he'd insist on driving me! I'd like to know what he is thinking planning a conference call for his day off.

Midge, I would love to hear more about the health stuff you go through. It's interesting. But then I feel nosey because it's a little weird of me.

Broni, you are taking some incredible photos in your travels. I hope you are getting some printed to hang on your walls.

We had Alie home for about a week, and 2 birthdays that week. Tahli turned 4 and Dana turned 23.

Julie, I wish I had half your energy! Hearing you play is on my bucket list. Even if it's in your lounge room.
28/Feb/16 12:03 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tomorrow I see a neurologist. Hopefully he'll have the results of all the blood tests I had. It would be good if he could tell me why I'm having strokes.

Tuesday I have a follow up appointment from the skin check I had.

On the 4th I'm going with Dana to an appointment about Tahli. We all need to know how best to interact with her. Last week we told her we were going for coffee and to a play land. We drove past McDonald's and she was confused about us not stopping. She then thought we were going to the big place we went to for Bizzys birthday. Instead we went to a hardware/garden store that has a coffee shop and play place inside. She cried and refused to go inside because it was a shop. Not what we'd promised. Hubby got annoyed, I just picked her up and carried her until she saw the play equipment. He says she was being a brat, from my experience in the classroom, I believe it was her autism. She might be only level one or two, but there is something there. Tonight Bizzy and Daniel gave me big kisses bye bye, Tahli gave me the back of her head. They are all on the amazing spectrum. Love them to death.
28/Feb/16 12:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I saw photos of you and Jane and Marge, other Sydney residents or adventuresome members who traveled to Sydney. I think CP was there, could not put names with familiar faces. Hope you all had a great time!

Still on page 204, last I heard Heidi was dripping with fever, foot pain, while it was snowing and sleeting outside. Hope to find you are better once I turn the page.

More after I turn the page.
28/Feb/16 4:06 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, so glad you were able to make it to the meeting and back. Happy for you that both weather and body cooperated.

Midge, that sounds like a wonderful couple of days of pampering at the beach for you and your daughter. The mud massage sounds interesting. Did mud stay on till it dried before removing? Moving day for daughter sounds stressful for you and for her, since some of her things will store with you a while.

A friend of mine here at EP is paying for a storage unit, a few things she was not ready to part with yet and a LOT of things her family had left with her when she still lived in the family home. she sorted, moved them, and pays the storage, but as her ability to get to the unit is failing, she has given them a deadline, get them out or they go to charity. From seeing her concern for her children's cast offs, I can understand a bit what you are going through.

OH, Midge, there are some photos up now on TOS, Jane has found time to post a few on FB.

Julie, I enjoyed hearing about your trip. So happy you enjoyed the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Shostakovich Cello Concerto. You mentioned you were waiting for music, and checking e mails. Can music scores be sent as e mail? Most everything else can, but had never thought about that. does it take a special program to send it, or is it just sent as a jpg or some such file? This is really interesting, I learned something, and hope to learn more about the process.

Mama, it is good that Grandie Reina is keeping Ezra for her sister. I am happy you are enjoying watching Angelique and Ezra together. It is nice for you to see them interact and wonderful they seem to be behaving themselves. Sometimes cousins do not get along after the novelty wears off, say 3 days or so hehehe. Enjoy every moment you can, before he is back to SC.

Suzy, the weather is warming a bit more each day. today is sunshine, and long sleeve shirt weather, with a light jacket for the shade. Still windy. Where is Allie off to now, you said 'had' her home for a week. Enjoy your meet up with Jane and Marge, as I am sure you will. Hope everything is fine with your skin check followup. Be sure to let us know, we caare.

Suzy, I understand about the incident with Tahli. My grandson, who is 13, is severely autistic, non verbal. With the proper school, he has progressed far beyond early expectations. When things are not as T expected, it was then out of her comfort zone. Daughter and staff at school take a lot of time preparing GS for any new experience, and even then he has had public 'meltdowns' much more severe than what T had. Take good notes at her appointment, and I hope with more understanding, her grandpa will be more supportive. My SIL still has problems when GS acts out in public, or is being very difficult getting ready for the day. I think it is a man thing. Grandpa needs to realize his reaction to Tahli adds to your stress level, not good with your strokes things. Hugs to you,

28/Feb/16 4:49 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi All,
Suzy my heart went out to you and my head went out to your hubby when faced with talia'd eaction to her recent outing.
My head to your hubby because it is a common reaction many have when kids don't behave as wished when others see them, and we become embarrased....and we don't understand what is going on. As Tricia said, it also can cause you undo stress....hope the visit to the doctor helps with this most of all so that all will be on the same page.
You had my heart because you not only took care of the immediate and I agreed with your opinion that the behavior may well be caused by whatever level of autisic influnce she may have, and that you understood seeing the bacxk of her head when she left to go home and your heart is filled by love and understanding....Way To Go Grandmom...she needs every bbit of that.
Tricia, power to you too for sharing your GS's experience and loving folks enough to not hide things that do not fall under your control, nor should embarassed you, but many are. These things are the work of God, in my opinion, to let us know that we are here to help each other live as best we can...and together we must help each other learn how to use those long handled eating utensiles to feed each other the cup of kindness and spiritual foods. Thanks for doing it so well. You always offer such good advice.
Off to check out the lasrtest stuff on the web for a bit and then back to my books. Peace.
28/Feb/16 8:16 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends!

Just a quick visit to say hello and bring healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and prayers to all!
28/Feb/16 7:18 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Another fun game of find the elephant today. African elephants like to push over trees, and their habitat has a lot of tall loblolly pines, plus the remains of those they have downed. So, the picture is wooded,with grey shade, grey logs with brighter spots where the elephants stripped the bark to eat, and in the distance, with a pasture background, this finger nail sized blob of grey with lighter spots back-lit by lighter golden grassland. Now I am viewing with my 21 inch monitor at full screen, so this is tiny in relation to the full photo. Wait, did that move? Yep, can see an elephant shape, 2 legs, a body, a head and a trunk that is moving, she is eating! How I wish I had control of the camera and could zoom in!

All well here, hope everyone is or has had a great Sunday. Hugs.
29/Feb/16 3:31 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello and Good Night! Here are some {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, and to share.
29/Feb/16 8:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry that I'm not very communacative right now. I've got a painful sinus infection.
01/Mar/16 5:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all,
New little animal in the family. He is only 9 weeks old so can be a bit of a pain, until he tires himself out. A gorgeous pain though.

My neurologist appointment was interesting. The blood tests showed no risk factors. I have to have an MRI, a carotid ultrasound and a TOE. that's the bummer one.

I had one of my frozen spots refrozen today. It hurt much more this time.

Feel better Heidi.

I would rather kiss the back of Tahlis head than not kiss her at all. Ido. Push kisses so she knows it's happening.
01/Mar/16 11:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forgot to mention I met up with June, Jane and Marg! That was the main thing I wanted to tell you. It was great to see them all again.
01/Mar/16 4:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have the best hubby in the world. Today I was prescribed a cream that isn't on the PBS and told it would be very expensive. I have private insurance so some of it will be covered. I have to pay the first $38.80, I will then get up to $50 from insurance. If it's more than $88.80 I pay that too. If he's telling me it's expensive it could be well over $100. I broke the news to hubby when he came home for lunch because this will have to go on credit. He just asked me if I had it yet and when was I getting it. No hesitation.
01/Mar/16 4:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends!

We have an early morning and a long day tomorrow, so I'm off to bed. But first, here are today's {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, , and healing energy.
01/Mar/16 5:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Dropped Jane and Marg at the airport for their flight to Lord Howe Island. I have felt exhausted all day. Other than bath Minnie (Yes I am looking after Belinda's dog) I have done very little. I will post amore tomorrow.
01/Mar/16 9:08 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, you were really on the go with Jane and Marge. Of course you are tired. Rest up, and feel better after a couple of days with nothing on your plate.

Suzy, what new farm animal do you have? What mischief is it causing? Really am wondering what it could be.

HEIDI, hope you have medication for the sinus infection, and you are soon recovered. thanks for checking in.

Lovely spring like day today, I was told yesterday was also. I did not get out. Was planning a shopping trip with Tanya, but my back took a bad turn while she was doing lunches, and it was a no go. I fell asleep in my recliner after taking prescribed meds, and slept THREE hours. Figured that would keep me awake last night, nope, 8 full hours. Back is some better today, and planning to drive myself on 2 of the errands planned for yesterday. Hope it works out.

My over the door fold down ironing board arrived and Tanya helped me hang it. No tools necessary for the easy installation. Instructions were photos only, no words, but we made it fine. Now I will easily be able to press wrincled from hanging clothes.

I think one reason back was so bad sunday pm and Monday, other than weather coming in, was Carolyn and I found one of our much older residents in parking lot, bringing in the groceries from her shopping (yes,she still drives). she was holding on to the handle of her grocery cart and slumped. Just could not take another step. Afraid she would fall and be in hodpital forever, I put her in MY poser chair, and then guided the chair while walking beside, as she did not know how touse the joystick. Required both walking and bending, not fun, but we got her to her door, where she insisted she could now put away her groceries all alone. I asked our social worker to check in on her Monday, make suer she was OK, and perhaps convince her she should not go shopping alone again. If we had not happened to see her . . .She did not have on her help button, and most likely would not have pushed it until AFTER she fell. Sweet lovable, but stubborn and too proud to call for help.

Hugs to each of you, till later.

02/Mar/16 2:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, June is an amazing host, really goes the extra mile.

Our new animal is a puppy. He's kind of our therapy dog, you know how you can't feel sad when there's a baby animal to love. Of course we'd love hm more if we got to sleep more. We tried to make him sleep on the floor last night. He ran around the bed trying to jump up for half an hour. Yes, we gave in in the end.

It is amazing that the older lady is still shopping for herself. Perhaps she has no one, or maybe she's just plain stubborn and independent.

Oh drat. I want to get up to turn the fan on, but that will wake Gizmo and he'll start chewing on me again.
02/Mar/16 11:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What kind of puppy?
02/Mar/16 1:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Love the name, gizmo!

In like a lion, out like a lamb? If that is so, then we should have smoothe sailing the rest of March. We were under severe T storm warnings when out of the blue, a tornado popped down in the south west corner of our county. Reports of severe eamage and injuries. Neighboring towns were sending in thier fire and rescue units to help with an after dark house to house assessment. We were seeing coverage of thiss one when another warning tornado on the ground south and east of that one. Will be morning before we know the extent. these were happily short lived tornadoes, but as the forecaster said, when you are hit by one, short or long, it is the dame to you and your family. I did hear there were 4 injuries and 2 transported from the first location. Here? Rain. I saw lightning only once, did not even hear the rain or thunder.

most unusual thing to happen: These storms were through here at 5:30 to 6:30, just before and after dark. forecaster said once they are gone, no more danger. I fell asleep watching tv after that and woke about 8 pm when my phone went off. Picked it up to read, tornado warning for Birmingham. Really? Tried to get more infrmation, nothing on TV, or computer. Looked at the message once again, was timed 5:30 pm, for the first one! Then phone powered down again. low battery. Next time we have severe weather in forecast, I shall make sure my phone is fully charged. How I got warning for the later one and not the first one, who knows???

Had been looking for a rain coat or jacket, something really water proff, not 'water resistant' and light weight for spring and summer rains. Cound not find anywhere, even on Amazon. I found one as a freebie 'if you order from our catalog'. I did, it arrived today, and it is just what I needed, also bright blue. I love a bright raincoat for rainy days.

Also like my new white shirts. Mine were looking sad, stains or just no longer white. I donated the lot of them and replacing them with new. I got 2 today, one long sleeve, and one short. Also got my white summer pants I wanted all last summer. Same style and fabric I have in other colors, love them. I got to the end of this month and had money left over, so I went shopping hehehe.
02/Mar/16 2:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gizmo is a toy poodle because the kids are allergic to dogs and cats. We were told that they would put up with sneezing and itchy eyes for a kitten. There were none available, hard to believe but true, and then Gizmo caught our eye and the decision was made. So far the only thing he barks at are toys so, not a guard dog.

I'm glad your area was safe MizT. Sorry to hear that some people weren't. :-(
02/Mar/16 6:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick Hello and Good Night! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and all kinds of good and positive thoughts for all!
02/Mar/16 7:11 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Dinner - 15 minutes to steam the veggies. Half an hour to scrub the pan. It boiled dry and burned on the 'drippings'.

At least the veggies were good............
03/Mar/16 12:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH is trying to talk me into chauffeuring him to a meeting is western Arkansas next week. It's about an 8 hour drive each way, and he'd MUCH rather that I did the driving. So I asked him what incentive there was for me to do 16 hours driving, total, and then just sit around waiting for him. The cons: I don't do well at restaurants with my food allergies, so I would have to make my own meals. I can do that easier at home. I can relax easier at home. We're still calving. I can take care of my birds, dogs and horses easier at home. The pros: He's still trying to think of a reason FOR ME to do it.
03/Mar/16 2:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I hope he doesn't succeed in convincing you Heidi.
03/Mar/16 3:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Another long day and late night. At least it seems like things are getting done, but never enough time for all we want to do.

Sending lots of positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
03/Mar/16 6:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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When I ask him what's in it for me, he draws a complete blank. And he's been trying to think of something for 4 days now. Yet he keeps begging me to drive him out there. I did pose another problem to him. My RV was, and still is, winterized. Which means all the water systems are full of antifreeze. The dealership can't get me in until Wednesday morning to remove the antifreeze, flush the systems, and refill with fresh water. Gil needs to leave Wednesday morning. And I won't consider going without my RV.
03/Mar/16 6:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another thing. I have 11 baby cockatiels right now!!! The adults had an orgy, apparently. I will need to supplement them if I want them all to survive. I can't delegate that to someone else.
03/Mar/16 6:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm convinced you need to stay home Heidi
03/Mar/16 10:39 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Could Gil not take public transportation? Train, Fly? I know, he is to cheap, and he probably thinks if YOU drive, you will even pay for the gas I do hope you keep saying no Heidi.

Rain and more rain again today. No t storms yet, but it is a drizzly grey day with a bit of a choll. Just wait, temps start climbing tomorrow and by end of the week will feel like LATE spring.

Heidi, did I tell you I won BOTH games last week in scrabble? that was a first for me. I was a close second to Mary on both games yesterday.

I did not get to see my pain doc yesterday. When I signed in, receptionist was looking through computer files, then asked, do you have your referral? 'I have never needed a referral since the original visit.' Well, I do need one now. Somehow no one ever brought that to my attention. DRATS! The referral had to go from primary care doc to insurance, they would have to approve, and send to pain doc permission for me to see them, approve 6 visits, which could be renewed if needed. Just one more stumbling block to keep people with legitimate need for pain treatment, because of the illegal use of drugs. I spent the morning getting that taken care of, HOPEFULLY it will be in place by my new appointment time a week from today.

Tanya is also having problems with HER insurance. they are denying coverage of her medication, and we cannot afford to pay private pay. AAAAAGGGH.

04/Mar/16 2:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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He says that he will pay for the gas. But it would cost me the same in gas money to stay home. No reimbursement for my time, and wear and tear on the RV. (We COULD leave directly from the RV dealership after the servicing.) I'm still waiting for him to come up with an incentive to make up for all the inconvenience to me.
04/Mar/16 4:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Miserable day outside. It started out with a combination of rain and snow, but has now changed to just rain.
04/Mar/16 4:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just tagged 3 new calves: 2 heifers and 1 bull. The count now is 9 live heifers and 8 bulls. The 2 heifers are interesting. One is a purebred, a daughter of the first purebred heifer born here. The other is out of a 17 year old cow that always gives us the biggest calf of the crop at weaning time (when she has a male). This is only her third daughter. I'm tempted to keep both of them.
04/Mar/16 7:10 AM
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