Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Is it time yet?
04/May/16 12:47 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Gee Whilickers ! I counted right, this time...
04/May/16 12:48 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Suzy, I know sputter, but 'splutter'? I'm afraid to ask...
04/May/16 12:50 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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DorA, splutter is sputter with a bit more phlegm. Well, you asked....
04/May/16 4:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello and Good Night!

Congrats on counting right, DOrA! I rarely remember to check the numbers before posting, then get caught without any idea for a TOPP.

Suzy, PLEASE take care of yourself! Your family needs to remember to keep their germs to themselves, as well! They have been raised well and can be responsible for helping you to stay as healthy as possible!

Heidi, it's time for better news to be coming to and from you! Keeping fingers crossed!

Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for everyone!
04/May/16 4:50 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Yuck, Suzy, I really hoped it was a 'typo'.
04/May/16 4:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just went a whole week remembering to take my pills every day. First time ever!
04/May/16 7:58 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Yeah Suzy, getting those pills every day can be hard, so happy you made it this week.

Just in from watering containers that are under cover, that do not get the rain. the others will need water by tomorrow, unless it rains. I did not water today because we have a very large 'cherry picker' crane taking workers up to 5th floor balcony. they are replacing the patio covering for top balconies. the back side of building one gets full afternoon sun, they really need the awnings to keep apartments cool. One awning has been missing for some time, taken down after a storm damaged it. Last storm damaged 2 more that were already a bit raggedy, so it looks as if all of them may get replaced. I had to go down yesterday to move my car so they could supposedly park the cherry picker in those parking spaces. they got nowhere near needing that space yesterday. nor will they today. but I was lucky, I got a space in the parking lot, just two spaces removed from where I was. the other 8 people displaced were not so lucky.

Still so much to do in garden. today I potted up a Penta I bought yesterday. I had those last year, they lasted well all summer, so when Aldis's had them yesterday, nicely grown in a gallon and half growers pot, I could not resist. This years are fire engine red. Last? Bright pink.

DORA, had seen your risky joke before, shows what kind of friends I have that send things like that, eh? Still cute.

Suzy, hope you soon recover from your sniffles and cough.

Heidi, glad you got those two teeth worked on. Hope your mouth is happy for a while now. Sorry to hear you have a water leak again. Is the pipe old galvanized or PVC? PVC pipe I can repair, but not the metal ones. Well, could have , in years past. could not bend long enough to do that now.

I read and thought of each of you, but must get off my chair and get a few things done. today is cleaning day, and I must de clutter a couple of areas so Ann can find it to clean. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

05/May/16 1:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish I could send you some of our rain, MizT. It's a nearly daily experience here. I see from the radar that it's been keeping to the north of you, for the most part.
In fact, it's raining right now.
05/May/16 2:54 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Suzy - a good way to remember taking tablets. Set the alarm on your mobile for the same time everyday. Mine goes off at 8am and 8pm for my anti-rejection tablets - I would have no hope remembering without the alarms. Heidi good time for a water leak - you are getting it from under and above. Sorry to read about your friend - what a horrible way to go and so hard on family. Son no. 2 arrived back from Bali during the night - smelt his cooking at 3am. No. 1 son still there doing some snorkelling. Hubby off to Brisbane today and I will go on Sunday for a few days to catch up with a couple of friends from when we lived there in the 70s. Love these trips. Cheers for now.
05/May/16 11:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good to see that you're getting some rain right now, MizT.

Remembering to take pills is REALLY hard. Good for you, Suzy!!!!
05/May/16 11:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've tried alarms. Hubby even had one on his phone too. What seems to have worked is reminding hubby about his pill, singular, every day.

I make up words all the time, I use words in ways they shouldn't be used, but when I read an ebook and it says 'tampering down your enthusiasm' it kinda ruins the book for me.
05/May/16 11:18 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a brief visit to say Hello to everyone. Probably won't make it here tomorrow. Too much going on with a mid-morning concert and baby-sitting grandie most of the rest of the day and evening.

Sending a double dose of healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
05/May/16 2:25 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Spent 4 hours with a string trimmer, 'mowing' under the fence, this afternoon. About half a mile. My back is 'talking to me'.
05/May/16 3:30 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I shouldn't complain. For an old far*, I'm in damn fine shape for the shape I'm in...
05/May/16 3:32 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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This just in, via email. I LMAO!

Sometimes Seniors Don’t Understand Directions

Assuming we’re all Seniors . . . this is why you (a senior!) should listen very carefully to your doctor’s instructions.

I went to my nearby pharmacy, straight to the rear where the pharmacists’ high counter is located. I took out my little brown bottle, along with a teaspoon, and set them up on the counter. The pharmacist came over, smiled, and asked if he could help me.

I said, “Yes . . . could you please taste this for me?”

Seeing someone who very obviously a senior citizen, the pharmacist went along. He took the spoon, put a tiny bit of the liquid in it, but it on his tongue and swilled it around.

Then with a stomach churning expression on his face, he spat it out on the floor and began coughing. When he finally got control of the situation, I looked at him very directly and asked, “Now! Does that taste sweet to you?”

“HELL NO,” he yelled, shaking his head back and forth with a venomous look in his eyes. “What IS that?”

“Oh, thank God!” I said. “That’s a real relief. My doctor told me to have a pharmacist test my urine for sugar.”

I can never go back to that pharmacy, but I really don’t care. They aren’t very friendly there any longer.

06/May/16 4:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yomorrow we're working the whole cattle herd... shots and dewormings for all cows, bulls and calves, and castrations for bull calves. And I'm going to brand numbers onto purebred cows. But to get the cows up to work them, I had to move the horses into another pasture so we can move the herd thru' the horse past. Moving the horses started out easily enough.... until the horses discovered that IH had left a gate open in the pasture I was moving them into..... and all 8 horses got loose!!! It took me 1 1/2 hours to catch them all. They liked being loose. I'm fuming right now.
06/May/16 5:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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corrections: ''Tomorrow'' ''pasture''
06/May/16 5:32 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Heidi - I don't know how you cope - no wonder you are fuming. Good one Dora. Hope you are feeling better Suzy.
06/May/16 10:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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DorA I'm glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffee or my phone would have been drenched! Good one.

Heidi. Gil is good at making life hard.

Julie, we're you performing in the concert?
I'm getting better every day.
06/May/16 11:21 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Goodness! Where is everyone. Was it something I said?
07/May/16 2:04 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Suzy, Glad to hear you're making progress...

Threw a chunk of 'red meat' on the barbie, this evening. Mmmm. Been too long!

Heidi, I trust the cow wrangling went well and that the water pipe situation has been resolved.
07/May/16 2:09 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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'Command performance' for family passing through the area, tomorrow. Have to board the hound for two days as it is supposed to be too warm to leave him in the ute while we get together over lunch. Then there is the 80 mile drive, each way...
07/May/16 2:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

DOrA, you certainly know how to get a day's work from yourself! Hope you got some rest, too. I liked the pharmacy story! Enjoy your occasional 'red meat' and the family get together!

Heidi, I'm so sorry about the horses escaping. Have you ever considered counting the number of times Gil has messed up and made additional work for you? On second thought, it would probably would be too depressing. I hope there are no more broken water pipes, and hope working the cattle went more smoothly than moving the horses!

Suzy, it's good to hear that you're steadily getting better every day! The concert was one for which I could be audience. Unfortunately, the recital on which all of my teacher's students must play is in 2 weeks. I'm NOT looking forward to that. Well, in some ways I am, as I enjoy hearing the other students. It's just that I really don't enjoy having to perform a piece.

Sending positive thoughts, prayers, , healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
07/May/16 2:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just introduced Alie to andy Kaufman as Elvis. Her comment: best elvis impression she's seen because he can do the highs as well as the lows. Most she's seen can only do lows.
07/May/16 2:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Why is the 'what does a yellow light mean?' Joke just as funny the 20 th time you've seen it?
07/May/16 3:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Got confirmation today that not telling the kids until I know more is the right thing to do. I told my real life coffee friends and they freaked just as bad as hubby. The girls have enough to worry about. I'll tell them when I know what's going to happen.
07/May/16 9:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I completely understand what you mean about not wanting to perform in front of others, but I'm also sure you will do well. I actually have watching/ listening to you perform on my bucket list. Meeting Mamacita was of there too though so I'm not holding my breath.

07/May/16 10:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I didn't check in yesterday because I was SO tired after working the cattle, It went fairly smoothly except for one tricky bull calf who escaped the head catch and rejoined the herd without being vaccinated and castrated. The 2 bulls are VERY happy since they're back in with the cows. Rede was given all the lactating cows and Duke got the 11 dry cows and the 7 young heifers. Tho' Rede got the majority of cows (30 of them) he was very jealous of Duke, since one of Duke's cows was in flaming season. In 3 weeks, we'll be working the herd again to give the calves boosters and to put fly tags on everybody. We'll then castrate the escapee and the one calf that wasn't brought in with the herd. Gil hadn't noticed that a cow and her calf (the youngest) were left behind when he caught the herd yesterday morning. Then we'll combine the 2 groups. We do that in case of disaster. If one bull should suddenly have a fertility problem, the other can cover the cows that didn't get bred without extending the calving season too much.
08/May/16 2:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hello friends, I have no reason for not getting her last couple of days, except a major case of the blahs, a queasy tummy constantly, a major case of the sleepies, and continuing itchy scalp. I had a thought tummy problems could be one medication, found out ALL symptoms can be side effects of same medication. Of course I found out just after taking today's dose. I will leave this off tomorrow and see what happens. It had been helping the fibro, but this is just too much happening to continue taking it. I can't seem to win for loosing.

Heidi, Gil is a champion of leaving gates open, I have heard this several times before. You have to check after him more than you would a 12 year old boy! I join the others in hoping that working the cows went better after you found the horses.

DORA, half a mile of using the string trimmer is above and beyond. Glad you made it through. Now if you will just bring your string trimmer over here, I have some weeds . . . .

Auzy, happy to hear you are getting better and better, hope that continues.

Julie, I hope you enjoyed the concert. I remember how it felt to perform in front of a group, from childhood piano lessons. did not mind too much when I knew the piece really well, but the last one I was assigned was for to difficult for me, and I blew it. I never went back to class.

Midge, if you had to be awakened at 3 am, I hope smelling son's cooking was a pleasant experience. did you get up and join him for a midnight snack? Enjoy your trip and catching up with acquaintances.

I keep reading about the fire in Alberta Canada, they cannot get it even marginally under control. Reports are the entire town is now uninhabitable, so much infrastructure gone. Very sad, very scary.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
08/May/16 3:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The thing was, MizT, that I had checked that gate the day before, and it was closed. Knowing that I was moving the horses into that pasture, he still opened that gate and left it open!!!!
08/May/16 4:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just 2 hours until the Kentucky Derby!
08/May/16 6:31 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, do you have a favorite in the Derby? Hope you enjoy the race.

I forgot to mention that the crane thing is still in our parking lot. Three days after I was asked to move my vehicle, I get another call, move it again. they needed 4 spaces to park it in the second location. Was feeling really singled out until one of our older residents got into her car next to me and moved her car, for the second time. How lucky could the two if us be hehehe.

So far they have only worked on the two awnings that were either missing or torn from storm. replacing the bright yellow awning with grey metal, really a contrast. No one knows if they will be replacing the three others that are not yet torn.

Another day of the sleepies, I have not left my apartment, still in my robe. the benedryl helps the itchies, but it keeps me dozing off in the middle of a really interesting documentary series. I did stay awake long enough to put together a really good lunch today. A slice of roast pork loin, collard greens, and mixed squash and onions, a garden salad (made enough for tomorrow also) with strawberries with a touch of vanilla yogurt for dipping, yummy. I think soup for dinneer tonight will do for me, I have planned over Italian homemade soup.

OK, rambled around enough, maybe I should get dressed and go downstairs for a breath of fresh air before dark. Or maybe immerse myself into book 4 of a really nice series of books.

08/May/16 10:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nyquist won the Derby. He was the favorite, the most experienced horse, and the only undefeated horse entered. He was last year's 2 year old champion. It's really rare for the previous year's 2 year old champion to win the KY Derby. We'll see how he does in the Preakness. He defeated this field fairly easily, so he should have an easier time in the Preakness with a 14 horse field instead of a 20 horse field, and a shorter distance.
08/May/16 10:34 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Mother's Day to all the mums even, or especially, if your babies are furry.
08/May/16 10:42 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all!

Suzy, how fun to introduce Alie to Andy Kaufman. He was so talented! I recently read that there are some people who believe that he faked his death and is still alive. I hope you are feeling well, and hope the girls won't hold it against you for not telling them sooner, though I completely understand holding off until you have more definitive information. As for the recital, I feel as if I'm better prepared than ever before, even though it's 2 pages long. Plus, I still have 2 weeks of preparation time. It's just that in the past, after I started playing, it was as if my mind turned off, and I couldn't even remember if I played everything. Of course, that won't happen this year!

Heidi, I can imagine you must have been thoroughly exhausted after working the cattle. Luckily it seems as if things went fairly smoothly after the horses were caught and the gate was closed. It seems that you have a plan for taking care of the young bull calf who was able to avoid his fate and the missing cow and calf that Gil forgot, assuming Gil doesn't botch anything when you work the herd again in a few weeks. What a great plan you have for covering the possibility of a fertility problem! I didn't get to watch the derby, but you seem unsurprised by the results. Do you think there's a chance for a Triple Crown again this year?

MizT, I'm so sorry you have not been feeling completely yourself. I wonder if you might be right and the medication might be contributing to the situation. Too bad that you had to move your car again for the crane! Hopefully it won't happen a third time! Also hoping that tomorrow is a better day and you have an enjoyable day.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms, Mums, Grandmoms, Nanas, YiaYias, etc. And, as Suzy says, let's include the moms of four-legged babies! Have a wonderful day!

Sending cheerful and positive thoughts, , healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for each of you!
08/May/16 3:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Seems ages since I posted here. I am over the cough/flu that I had when we got back from Japan. However I found out I had type 2 diabetes before we went to Japan and so far we cannot get the medication to get the blood sugar down enough. I find the medication leaves me tired and with no energy.
I am being so careful in what I am eating and have now lost 10k over the last 2 months. Still more to go however! Finding some clothes that I had not worn for some time now fit me again!
08/May/16 7:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums.
Heidi, not sure how you copy with the farm, a very bad back and a disorganised and forgetful husband. lets hope the breading season will bring you lots of healthy calves.
MizT, hope your get up and go soon returns when you sort our your medication.
Julie, we know that you will do well in the concert. We just need you to put something on Youtube so that we can see you play.
DoA, lots of work whipper snipping (as we call it). How big is your property?
Suzy, you are always in my thoughts. Hope the cold is almost gone. Take care.
Thinking of everyone else.
08/May/16 7:38 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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June, Just over 16 hectares. Just shy of 700 ft on the road and half a mile deep. It's wooded - mixture of trees & brush. Clear only where I clear and maintain it, the fence line and a few trails. Whipper snipping is the only way to get under the fence. I did about a 2 foot wide area, a foot on each side of the line so that it looks almost presentable after mowing with the tractor/brush hog. I intend to spray under the fence so I don't have to do anymore 'snipping'.
09/May/16 1:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That must be a long, narrow property, DOrA. I have almost 63 hectares (a fraction over 155 acres), but it's irregular in shape since it's been purchased piecemeal as adjoining properties become available. I cannot walk a half mile in a straight line, tho' with twists and turns I could probably cover nearly a mile without doubling back.

It's always possible for Nyquist to win the Triple Crown. But it is an extremely difficult accomplishment and takes a super-horse. I don't know yet if Nyquist is good enough. Yes, he's the dominant horse in this crop of 3 year olds, but 3 tough races in 5 weeks, at distances these horses have never run before, can take it's toll on any but the very best. I think he can take the Preakness, but I have reservations about his ability to dominate in the mile and a half Belmont Stakes. His pedigree says he'll tire at that distance. It just depends on whether the rest of the field tires more.
09/May/16 6:08 AM
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