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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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'Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.' (Woodrow Wilson)
04/Jun/16 11:26 AM
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Lots of rain here and my garden is very happy.
not sure about Ken as they were to play the final of their Pennant Bowls and it has been postponed till tomorrow. If they do not play tomorrow it will be 25 June which is Belinda's 50th. birthday and she is having a party that night. The party is about an hour away and that would make driving logistics very hard.
04/Jun/16 11:30 AM
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Suzy, you certainly are getting some rain when I look at the radar. Hope your day goes well. Sorry that they cannot do anything about your health problems.
MizT. glad they have sorted some meds to see you over till the insurance is sorted.
Hope that you are enjoying some siesta time Heidi while Gil is away. At least it is a respite from stress.
Midge. Enjoy having your son home and celebrating his 40th. birthday.
Julie, you are always so diligent posting every evening. It seems ages since I posted.
I have been busy sorting through old photos for Belinda. Also going through lots of old papers etc and tossing lots in the bin!
04/Jun/16 11:38 AM
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Good Evening!
Suzy, I am no help when it comes to adult gift ideas. Cash seems to be the most appreciated by our daughters.
Midge, still no gift suggestions for your son. I hope he enjoys his 40th birthday celebration!
Hi, June! It's good to see you here. Thank you for the great TOPP! You're doing what I should be doing - going through lots of photos and boxes and tossing lots in the bin. At least we did something today that should have been done over a year ago. We have an upright freezer that was LONG overdue for defrosting. It's finished, and reloaded! Unfortunately, it took much longer than it should have because of the severe ice build-up. I hope Ken's Pennant Bowls can be played tomorrow and doesn't need to be delayed until Belinda's birthday! the logistics for that day don't sound good.
Sending lots of healing energy,
, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for everyone!
04/Jun/16 4:35 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm enjoying getting so much sleep. I didn't get up today until 3 pm.
05/Jun/16 5:13 AM
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Greetings to All!
Good Morning and Good Night, Heidi! Good for you! How nice to be able to get some undisturbed sleep!
Just about to head to bed, so here are some {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, positive thoughts, healing energy, and prayers for everyone!
05/Jun/16 4:59 PM
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Hi all,
Over 9 inches of rain, roads blocked, then cleared, then blocked again. Idiots driving through flood waters. Short power outage that was originally going to last until 3am according to the electricity company.... And it's still raining!
05/Jun/16 6:10 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, no, Suzy!!!! It sounds horrible.
06/Jun/16 3:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gil is on his way home. He got a late start, so he won't be home until early afternoon. He doesn't like to drive after dark. They had to take his sister's husband to the hospital this morning. He has heart surgery scheduled next week (his carotid arteries are blocked 80% and 95%!), but when he started passing blood today, they panicked. Fortunately, the CAT scan showed nothing serious.
06/Jun/16 12:54 PM
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About 12' of rain all up, in 2 days. Our river is at 9.3m, 3.something is the good level. There is a king tide expected at 9.30 tonight so the people who live on the river will be flooded again. It's worse in other places though. I saw one of the big trees that blocked the main way to my house this morning. It was cleared to the side of the road. They must have had heavy equipment to move it! I think it's Collaroy that caught the worst of it. Hugs seas washed away people's pools! Who has a pool when you live on the beach? Rhetorical question.
Sending vibes to Gil's BIL. I hope he is better after the surgery.
06/Jun/16 3:01 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Just a quick Hello and Good Night, as we have an early start in the morning.
Sending healing energy,
, prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
06/Jun/16 4:24 PM
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Sea Cruise...
A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship
And orders a Scotch with two drops of water.
As the bartender gives her the drink she says
'I'm on this cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday
and it's today.'
The bartender says 'Well, since it's your birthday,
I'll buy you a drink. In fact, this one is on me.'
As the woman finishes her drink
The woman to her right says
'I would like to buy you a drink, too.'
The old woman says 'Thank you. Bartender,
I want a Scotch with two drops of water.'
'Coming up' says the bartender
As she finishes that drink,
The man to her left says
'I would like to buy you one, too.'
The old woman says 'Thank you.
Bartender, I want another Scotch
with two drops of water.'
'Coming right up' the bartender says.
As he gives her the drink, he says
'Ma'am, I'm dying of curiosity.
Why the Scotch with only two drops of water?'
The old woman replies
'Sonny, when you're my age,
You've learned how to hold your liquor...
Holding your water, however, is a whole other issue.'
07/Jun/16 1:26 AM
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'OLD' IS....
Your sweetie says
'Let's go upstairs and make love'
And you answer:
'Pick one, I can't do both!'
Your friends compliment you
On your new alligator shoes
And you're barefoot!
A sexy babe or hunk catches your fancy ....
And your pacemaker opens the garage door!
You don't care where your spouse goes
.. Just as long as you don't have to go along.
You are cautioned to slow down
By the doctor instead of by the police
'Getting lucky' means you find your car
.. In the parking lot.
An 'all nighter' means not getting up
To use the bathroom.
'OLD' IS WHEN.....
You are not sure these are jokes!
Have a good day!
07/Jun/16 1:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Funny stuff, DOrA.
Gil is home. He had a great time with his father. He's doing wonderfully, especially for 92 years old. Gil's depressed about his brother Jon, since he had been hoping for some improvement. He took Jon out of the facility for a day, and Jon annoyed the daylights out of him. I keep having to tell him that Jon's brain damage is permanent. His brother-in-law Randy is still in the hospital. It turned out to be a kidney stone. They're talking about postponing his heart surgery because of the kidney problem. Not good. He's a walking time bomb right now.
07/Jun/16 11:07 AM
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Hi, Everyone! I haven't taken time to read posts yet. I just saw this on the internet, and although it's a year old, I decided to share:
'Against incredible odds, a Texas heifer named Fifteen birthed quadruplet calves in March 2015.
“We knew she was pregnant, but we didn’t know she was going to do this,” said Jimmy Barling, whose wife owns the cattle.
After noticing buzzards circling in the air, the couple went out into the fields of their De Kalb ranch and discovered that Fifteen had already dropped three calves. They stayed to witness the fourth calf being born and called their veterinarian, Dr. Mike Baird.
“They were pretty fragile when they hit the ground,” Baird said. “(They were) pretty small. There’s been a lot of around-the-clock nursing care.” The smallest of the calves weighed in at about 25 pounds, one-third of the average weight of a healthy calf.
Fifteen needed some assistance nursing all four of her babies, so three calves – named Eeny, Meeny, and Miny – were taken to neighboring farms. Their sister, Moo, is doing just fine with their mother.
Baird, who put the odds of such an event at 1 in 11.2 million, also took blood samples from each calf for DNA testing, just to confirm the quadruple status. “In the interest of science and the animal world, it’s one of those things that need to be verified beyond a shadow of a doubt.”'
There's a video, but I haven't watched it because hubby is in the room trying to sleep. Here's a link:
07/Jun/16 2:40 PM
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Wonderful jokes, DOrA! Thanks for sharing them!
Heidi, I'm glad Gil enjoyed his father's birthday party and made it back home safely. Kind of scary news for his brother-in-law, and just plain sad about his brother. It's damage that isn't reversible.
Time to head to bed. I just found out I have a LOT of music to learn by the end of the month - in addition to new duet music and music for string orchestra. I'm going to be busy. About 8 pieces are for a celebration of my cello teacher - possibly more than 50 cellists playing, as well as some violinist and violists. It should be amazing - and a lot of fun!
Better get some sleep so I'll be clear-headed in the morning. Sending
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
07/Jun/16 3:14 PM
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Just a quick Hello filled with {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and
08/Jun/16 3:39 PM
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Another risky (Risqué) Golf story
A Match made in Heaven…………
Ed & Nancy met while on a singles cruise and Ed fell head over heels for her.
When they discovered they lived in the same city only a few miles apart Ed was ecstatic. He immediately started asking her out when they got home.
Within a couple of weeks, Ed had taken Nancy to dance clubs, restaurants, concerts, movies, and museums. Ed became convinced that Nancy was indeed his soul mate and true love. Every date seemed better than the last.
On the one-month anniversary of their first dinner on the cruise ship, Ed took Nancy to a fine restaurant. While having cocktails and waiting for their salad, Ed said,
'I guess you can tell I'm very much in love with you. I'd like a little serious talk before our relationship continues to the next stage. So, before I get a box out of my jacket and ask you a life changing question, it's only fair to warn you, I'm a total golf nut. I play golf, I read about golf, I watch golf on TV. In short, I eat, sleep, and breathe golf. If that's going to be a problem for us, you'd better say so now!'
Nancy took a deep breath and responded, 'Ed, that certainly won't be a problem. I love you as you are and I love golf too; but, since we're being totally honest with each other, you need to know that for the last few years, . . . . . I've been a hooker.'
'Aha' Ed said, 'I'll bet it's because you're not keeping your wrists straight as you hit the ball.'
09/Jun/16 2:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The belt on my lawn mower broke again!!! It's now in the repair shop, but they tell me that they have a weeks worth of work to do before they can get to mine.
09/Jun/16 6:28 AM
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My guard dog warned me someone was coming and then there was a knock on my door. A police officer says, I know the answer to this but did axxxxx fxxxxx just come into your house? Um no. I didn't think so, but I was told she had run into here so I had to check. That's my excitement for the day.
Oh, I did have an 'I live in bogansville' experience this morning. Two people yelling and screaming at each other. She runs off 'I'm out'. He chases after her screaming the kids are starving! Women on the path mutter domestic violence. He didn't touch her in any way and his argument seemed valid to me. They end up in the same store as me and in about 10 minutes were in line to leave. I know how long because I ended up behind them in line. They had 2 frozen meals, some frozen chips/fries and junk food. Not even any bread. I'm thinking the kids will still be starving tonight. At least they stopped yelling after the first aisle.
09/Jun/16 2:11 PM
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Greetings, One and All!!
DOrA, what a great 'risky' golf story! Thanks for sharing it!
Heidi, how frustrating! I wonder why the new lawn mower belt broke so quickly. And if you need to wait a week for them to fix it, your grass is going to be very tall again. Too bad there isn't an easy solution!
We have an early morning, so I should be heading to bed very soon!
I hope everyone is well! Sending good wishes, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, and healing energy to Everyone!
09/Jun/16 2:26 PM
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Oops! How did I miss Suzy's post. Oh, I see. She must have posted as I was typing. Seems you had more than one exciting episode today. Maybe the food the couple purchased was for the kids?I hope the rest of the day improves! Take care!
09/Jun/16 2:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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You don't need that kind of excitement, Suzy. When white trash fight, there's always a chance innocent people in the area might get hit with fallout.
I am NOT enjoying having my mower down for the count. And I can't use my tractor and bush hog because both are in the shop being repaired. We're awaiting parts. And the other tractor is acting up, but Gil refuses to take that in to be repaired until mine is back home. And I still need to have the RV towed into the dealership for repairs to the electrical system. I'm feeling overwhelmed.
Hi Julie!
09/Jun/16 2:54 PM
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The police story expands, but remains unresolved. Alie came home and said why are there 3 police cars out the front? And the strange car in next doors driveway? Um, don't know.
09/Jun/16 3:31 PM
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I'd be feeling overwhelmed too Heidi!
09/Jun/16 3:32 PM
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Maen, all Y'all. ''Sticky Beak'' checking in...
10/Jun/16 1:56 AM
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No bogansville stories today. Tahli got hit in the forehead by a rock at preschool. A rebound injury and not serious. We dropped in on a retirement party for a lovely lady. Now I'm drinking red wine. My kind of day.
10/Jun/16 7:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Back is killing me today. The methadone is having little effect.
11/Jun/16 4:10 AM
Alabama, USA
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OH MY, I did not realize it had been so long since I was here last! Here is a summary from me:
The steroid dose pack took care of the psoriasis rash and also the fibro flare. I had a GOOD week. Did a lot in the garden. I put down cardboard (as a weed barrier) and mulch in the island in parking lot. Took some photos and discovered how to put them on facebook (just asked Mr google) I know a few of you saw those. Insurance approved the new medication, it is injected, but the pharmacy forgot to send out needles and syringes. I got those yesterday. That is OK cause I did not start the med till last Wednesday, due again next Wednesday. I do not take 2 new medications at the same time. big difference in delivery system, I knew there would be. Medicare is not going t pay for the 'cadalic' injectible one dose pen I had as sample. I get a multi dose vial, syringes, must draw it up and actually stick myself. Seeing that the needle is a 31 gauge insulin needle and syringe (needed to get the tiny 1/3 of a CC dose prescribed) I do not see big pain from injecting that.
{Paperwork done and turned in for re-certification. she accepted my bank statements for proof of doctors visits, only one letter out to a doc to verify payment. I could NOT find where that one went through my bank.
Inspection was today, she made note of the three things I reported. We will see how long it takes to get those taken care of.
Cooked a yummy steak on the grill today. another resident had asked the grill be turned on (staff must do that, an insurance thing) so I did not have to ask. I had planned to for this afternoon, to have steak for dinner, had for lunch instead. Leftovers for next few days.
bought myself an osculating fan, to help move the somewhat cool air about the living area. Now to put it together, bummer. I have a fan borrowed, want to get it back to owner.
I have been reading a lot, I had picked up a book that was #4 of a 4 part series. I ordered 1, 2 and 3 online. got one of them for 1 cent and no shipping cause I have PRIME. used books, cheap and all arrived in better than advertised condition.
I read one page back here, news too old to comment on, so I will post without reading the current page, it is time for my sleeping medicine and bed here.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
11/Jun/16 12:43 PM
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Hubby just got pulled over for speeding. Grrrr
11/Jun/16 2:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good to hear drom you, MizT. Even better to hear good news! Thanks for letting us know.
My next epidural is in only 2 1/2 weeks. I suspect the last one just wore off. ... that's why I'm hurting.
11/Jun/16 2:23 PM
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Just a quick hello, then off to bed! Good to see Suzy, Heidi, DOrA, MizT have all been here. Please stay safe and well, Everyone!
Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
11/Jun/16 5:07 PM
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Drunk posting. Had the grand kids over today, but wasn't really up to it. That lead to a couple of glasses of wine, maybe 3, after they left. I blame the stroke but think it's probably the PTSD. Feeling no pain now though.
12/Jun/16 12:18 AM
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Busy long weekend. Friday night we took Laura to see Vivid at a suburban shopping centre (Laura had already been to the city). Yesterday we shopped and today we have done some gardening but will go out somewhere after lunch. Maybe to the vintage trains in the city station and then to Vivid at the Botanic Gardens tonight. We could not get tickets to the Vivid at the Zoo. It was booked out. Tomorrow we are off to Belinda's place for the day.
my best news is that I am now walking everywhere without the walking stick. The weight is still going down. About 13k (28 lbs) now. I feel so much better.
12/Jun/16 12:28 PM
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Memories: talking to Alie about a matinee of disney on ice. Alie reminded me of her matinee performance as Chiffon in Little Shop of Horrors. She fell off the stage! Turned out she had seriously bad tonsillitis. Ended up on mega antibiotics and 2 types of painkillers. No wonder her coordination was off. Her singing wasn't though. That kid had an incredible pain threshold! She doesn't have tonsils anymore though.
12/Jun/16 12:35 PM
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June, that sounds like a fun weekend. I saw a story about the vintage trains and buses and was a little wistful that I couldn't go.
12/Jun/16 4:30 PM
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Greetings to Everyone!
Suzy, I hope you get some well-deserved rest!
June! Congratulations! Sounds like you're doing really well! Very busy weekend for you!
Thinking of everyone, but falling asleep, so it's off to bed for me. But first, here are some {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
12/Jun/16 4:39 PM
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Great day yesterday. The train trips were booked out but we were able to walk through some very old carriages and climb into a steam engine just before it went on one of it's trips. We the rode through the city on an old double decker bus. Off for some grub at Circular Quay before walking to the Botanical Gardens for the Vivid light show. Absolutely spectacular. The lazar lights making patterns on the trees and then back to see the show on the Opera house. A long walk to the train station and home just after 8PM. The best I have walked for years!
Suzy, the vintage trains are on every long June weekend. We have been a couple of times.
13/Jun/16 7:29 AM
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We don't plan anything for long weekends June. So many people travel down this way that the roads are chockas so we stay home.
13/Jun/16 11:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just slept for 24 hours! Missed a meeting, too.
13/Jun/16 3:08 PM
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