Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.''

- Albert Einstein
10/Mar/17 2:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, my experience was the opposite. I'd be dead if I wasn't wearing a seat belt. I'm obsessive about wearing mine.
10/Mar/17 11:09 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi, Pete has an exemption from wearing a seat belt from his doctor, it causes too much pain.
June, hope the prognosis is the best it can be.
Zusy, is it the 15th hubby is operated on?
MizT has no more posts on TOS so guess her computer is still down.
Luv and Jugs to you all.
10/Mar/17 2:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll give her a phone call tomorrow to check on her.... after my 11 am appointment with my attourney. We're going over the final papers for the divorce, and if they're acceptable, I'll sign them. Then they get submitted to our county clerk, I think. The divorce could be final in 2 weeks. Then the adulterer can marry his nightmare of a girlfriend... the one his relatives can't stand. And Iwill be FREE!!!!!
10/Mar/17 3:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, yes it's the 15th. We're still trying to work out the logistics. If his surgery is later in the day, we'll be fine. If not, we're kind of screwed as Bren's new place only has room for one extra to sleep over. There is no parking either. Alie and Bren are planning to take our car up this weekend so they can park it in Bren's spot. We'll take the train up the day of surgery. I'll travel to the hospital using the free bus because parking is around $50 a day. Our car will be there to drive home after he is released. He definitely won't be well enough for a train ride. Now I just have to work out what to do with Gizmo.

Heidi, they deserve each other. I'm imagining much pain in his future.
10/Mar/17 3:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The good news is that we are celebrating our anniversary tonight. Speaking of which I'd better start getting ready.
10/Mar/17 3:28 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, I can understand your feelings in regards to seat belt usage. So many things are legislated these days. Our family prefers to use seat belts, but certainly never had an experience like yours! Suzy, fortunately, I have not had an experience like yours, either.

Great TOPP, Heidi!

Broni, I hope Pete is doing well. It's a shame that a seat belt can cause excessive pain, but good that he can get an exemption.

Happy celebration of your anniversary, Suzy and Mr. Suzy!

June, I hope all is going well. Keeping you in my prayers!

Suzy, sending some prayers for your hubby and his medical and surgical team that all goes well!

Heidi, thanks for offering to call MizT tomorrow. Please give her our best wishes!

Suzy, good luck with all the logistics of pre- and post-surgery preparations! Sometimes the planning can be as difficult as the actual surgery. Do you have a neighbor who can keep an eye on Gizmo?

Sending lots of and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing energy, and positive thoughts for everyone!
10/Mar/17 7:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Home again. We has 24 hours free wifi at the motel. I had typed a post just after Suzy's and hit send as they cut me off!
It was great meeting up with Suzy again and she looked so much better than when I saw her Feb. last year. That was when Jane and Margaret were in town and Suzy had just started driving again.
10/Mar/17 9:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We enjoyed our few days away. We did a lot of driving (Ken's thing) but it was not really beach weather. I also forgot to take my book. Ken had a cold which made it hard for him to enjoy the break. We made him sit at another table when Suzy and I had coffee.
Good calf count Heidi. Good luck with getting the divorce settled without any more hassles.
Off to bed. I will have to wash and shop tomorrow.
10/Mar/17 9:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Glad you're back home safely, June.

The divorce will be final in 2 weeks!!!
11/Mar/17 5:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just fed hay to the cows and horses, put out 100 lbs of mineral for the cows, and tagged a new heifer calf out of a first time momma. All is ready for this weekend's last ,and biggest, kick of winter. They're calling for 3 nights of below freezing weather and possible snow tonight and tomorrow. I think they've exaggerated the severity since winter forgot to arrive this year. Not worried.
11/Mar/17 6:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Home again! We had an ocean view room which was lovely! We ate far too much. It turned out this was a jazz weekend so we got to see street performers which was awesome. I had a great time!
11/Mar/17 12:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A while ago I mentioned the local show. On TOS I've just shared a video of fire fighters demonstrating tree felling at our local Showground. I don't think you can see it if you're not on Facebook so I won't bother sharing the link here.
11/Mar/17 12:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

June, I'm glad you were able to get away for a bit, even if it wasn't ideal. Sometimes a few days away is all it takes to feel renewed and refreshed. I hope that was the case for you!

Suzy, keeping you and your hubby in our thoughts and prayers! I hope all of the logistics work out in your favor!

Heidi, I'm so glad the calving has been mostly uneventful this year and you have had quite a number of healthy calves born. I'm also so glad to hear that the divorce will be finalized in a few short weeks. It seems like IH and his'fiancee' deserve each other.

Broni, I hope all's well for you, Bella, and Pete! Take care!

Even though MIzT is not likely to be able to read this, I want to let her know we're thinking of her and hope to be able to 'see' her here again soon!

Sending cheerful and positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , , prayers, and healing energy to Everyone!
11/Mar/17 1:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I tried calling MizT repeatedly today. The 3 times I tried her cell phone I got a busy signal, and the one time I tried the landline phone I got no answer.
11/Mar/17 2:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia said her computer is still down. She is waiting for her other daughter who is more computer savvy to see if she can find the problem. Posted on TOS.
11/Mar/17 6:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Grrrrrr. Hubby just said, I'm eating whatever I want tonight because this is my last Saturday night. I asked him to please finish that sentence and he laughed at me! So I told him to fix it. He didn't. I called him a name.
11/Mar/17 7:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Darn! I just lost my post! Guess I'll start again with good wishes and to each of you!

Heidi, thank you for trying to call MizT! Since her cell phone was always busy, and no one answered her land line, perhaps she and 1 or 2 daughters were out and about and trying to determine what might be needed to get her computer up and running again.

June, thank you for the update from Facebook about MizT. Maybe I should try sending her a private message on there to let her know we're thinking of her and hoping all is well . . .

Heidi, do you know how many more calves might be on the way? I hope any yet to be born will be healthy - and easy births!

Suzy, I'm sure your hubby was just thinking it was his last Saturday night dinner prior to surgery or last Saturday night dinner to eat at home for a while. Sending positive thoughts for both of you in the coming week!

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
12/Mar/17 2:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to do a recount of the cows, but I think there are only 7 or 8 cows left to calve, Julie.

I'm glad MizT got word through on TOS that she's OK. I didn't want to have to drive down there to check on her during calving season. Plus, I need to be around here to watch Gil remove his stuff. He's doing it very slowly, and needs to have everything out soon. He has until one week after the divorce is finalized. At this point, he's dropping in once every other day to remove one or two small boxes of books.... and at this rate, it'll take him several months.
12/Mar/17 2:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here is a MESSAGE from MizT. She just responded to my private message to her on Facebook.

'Still computer problems keeping me from SA. Can't get there from this phone
Please tell everyone I miss them
I will try to post occasionally on FB sudoku site.'

'Daughter will work on it again next werkend
Thanks for checking on me. Hugs'
12/Mar/17 2:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Let's see if I counted right. Here are some quotes from the cellist, Pablo Casals:

It takes courage for people to listen to their own goodness and act on it.

The truly important things in life - love, beauty, and one's own uniqueness - are constantly being overlooked.

The earth becomes heaven when you release your fear. The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human.

The capacity to care is what gives life its most deepest significance.

The love of one's country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border? There is a brotherhood among all men. This must be recognized if life is to remain. We must learn the love of man.

We ought to think that we are one of the leaves of a tree, and the tree is all humanity. We cannot live without the others, without the tree.

You must work - we must all work to make the world worthy of its children.
12/Mar/17 4:44 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, I obviously didn't count carefully, but they were worth sharing, anyway.

Be sure you read the comments from MizT above the quotes from Pablo Casals.
12/Mar/17 4:46 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Not much time left. 'Walk-a-bout' starts in 2 weeks, with departure for starting point in 1. Things are crazy, somewhere.
13/Mar/17 4:11 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Definitely worth sharing, Julie. Thanks!
13/Mar/17 4:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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For some reason, I'm very sleepy today. I could barely drag myself outside to do a cow/calf check. No news. Now I'm heading back to bed. I'm even too sleepy to read or watch a DVD. I also have a lot of head congestion, so this could be a bug.
13/Mar/17 8:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, loved your MOPP. Well worth reading.

DorA, it feels strange to read your walkabout comments. Indigenous Australians go on walkabout. I haven't heard it talked about in years though. Then it was like where's Jim. Oh, he's gone walkabout. My understanding was that it was something they did when living in a house with places they had to be every day became difficult and they needed to reconnect with themselves.

Hubby is in the middle of sending a Facebook message to his family about his tumour. Not how they'd want to find out, but a phone call would be hard too. They'd want answers we don't have yet.
13/Mar/17 11:30 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Howdy, Everyone!

DOrA, will you share an idea or general area where you'll be headed for your 'Walk-about?' Have you given yourself a calendar or time frame, or will it be open-ended. Inquiring minds, you know!

Thanks for putting up with my miscount, Everyone, and thanks for naming it a MOPP, Suzy. It almost seems that it was planned that way, if it has a name. I guess I got overly excited when reading about Pablo Casals, and just wanted to share some of his quotes.

Heidi, I hope you aren't really coming down with some bug. Maybe it's early 'Spring Fever.' At least you can listen to your body and not worry about someone thinking you weren't working hard enough.

Suzy, I hope your hubby's notification of family went relatively smoothly. No matter how well-stated or thorough the explanation, I'm sure you'll both be dealing with follow-up questions and discussions. I'm sending you both patience and strength to get through the next few days, and lots of positive thoughts and healing energy!

I hope everyone saw the comments from MizT that I shared just before the 'MOPP!' It sounds like it could be at least another week before she's able to post here again.

Sending positive thoughts and vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing energy, and for Everyone!
13/Mar/17 12:10 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Suzy, that fits...

Julie, starting near Campo, CA & heading north...
13/Mar/17 5:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all, tomorrow is hubby's surgery. I have so much to do today and yet, look where I am.

Hubby's family didn't ask any questions, they just sent prayers. That went ove like a lead balloon, but was better than the alternative.,

DorA, will you actually be walking, or was that just a way of saying you were going off grid?

Heidi, are you feeling better?

Julie, we still haven't trained you out of not saying anything about what you are up to.
14/Mar/17 10:18 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Both - Suzy

Walking - Tramping - Trekking.

While I still can. No spring chicken here and not getting any younger..............
14/Mar/17 3:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick hello, then off to bed because the alarm is set for 5:45.

Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and
14/Mar/17 4:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I will be thinking of you both tomorrow Suzy. I am quite sure it will all go well. Just remember you also have to take care of yourself.
I get my results of the CT scan tomorrow. I am enjoying feeling well at the moment so not looking forward to the next lot of treatment.
I do hope that you are OK Heidi. Have you got someone who can check on you from day to day when you are not well?
14/Mar/17 8:16 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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DoA. Is that from campo CA to where you live? That is over 1000 miles. Hope that you enjoy your walking/trekking/tramping. I am sure you have some very strong boots!
14/Mar/17 8:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It's 12.14 am and I'm wide awake. I've had a glass of wine, hoping that would make me sleepy. Maybe I'll just have to go and stare at the ceiling for a while. Up at 6.30 to get ready to take the train to Wollongong. Our car is already up there thanks to Alie and Bren's generosity. They worked out a way for us to have a car space but it meant leaving Bren's car downn here.
15/Mar/17 12:17 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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When do you leave DorA? I think you've said but my brain isn't working right now.

June, I'm not sure which news is best for tomorrow so I'll just send hugs.

Julie, I'm hoping there is still some fun in your busy life.
15/Mar/17 12:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My fingers are crossed hoping everything goes well for Suzy and her hubby.

I hope you get the best news possible, June.

Still out of it, but I'm able to do cow checks, thanks to the UTV. Very little walking needed. And the cows seem to be taking a break during this short spell of cold weather. The storms missed us entirely... the system parted in the middle as it passed over us, so we got none of the predicted snow, sleet or rain. Bizarre winter.
15/Mar/17 2:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Time to wait now. He's behind the doors I can't go through.
15/Mar/17 1:07 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Six days & a wake up...
15/Mar/17 1:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

DOrA, I am intrigued! Have you been preparing for your walkabout? Of course, I had to google Campo, CA. One thing I read is that 'Campo is near the official southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail, a recreational hiking and equestrian trail extending 2,650 miles (4,260 km) north to the Canada–US border.' That sounds challenging! Is is somewhat similar to the Appalachian Trail? Will you have a Walking - Tramping - Trekking partner? I wish you a wonderful and safe walk-about! Will you have internet access so you can pop in occasionally and give us an update? Good for you for challenging yourself!

Suzy, thinking of you and hubby and hoping for the very best! If there is a group family waiting room, you might find someone with similar interests to chat and help pass the time. That happened to me during hubby's longest surgery in October.

June, also thinking of you and hoping the report on your CT scan is favorable. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you!

Heidi, thank goodness you have the UTV to help you get around for calf checks. I hope by now you are feeling better!

Hubby had his cataract surgery yesterday morning and a follow-up with the ophthalmologist this morning. He says his vision seems to be improving since his check-up this morning. We had a meeting of our wood-turning club tonight. We are both dragging from too many early mornings and late nights. I even tried to nap today, but without any luck. (Maybe I should have taken something for the near-migraine before lying down.) I had lots to do to get ready for the meeting, so no time to practice today, and my lesson is tomorrow. Oh, well!

Hoping to head to bed soon, so I'll send my {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and for Everyone!
15/Mar/17 2:32 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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The 'PCT' is similar to the 'AT', but somewhat less 'social', from what I've read. My 'training' has been minimal, I hate to admit. The hound & I do walk the fence line most afternoons. About 1 1/2 miles. Five months a year, there are numerous puddles and the ground is soggy, but there is no elevation change to speak of. I'm afraid I'll have to hike my way into shape. Cell service is spotty at best. Wifi is only available in some towns, and is generally quite slow. My brother has loaned me an apple smart phone, but I've never used one before, so don't expect much. I think I can actually type a text message faster on a 'dumb phone', because the virtual keyboard is so small I have to make numerous attempts to get each letter right.

There are a lot of blogs, online, written by hikers that describe their travels.

I'm not starting out with a companion, but there will be plenty of others...
15/Mar/17 3:49 PM
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