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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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The sooner one develops compassion in this journey, the better. Compassion lets us appreciate that each individual is doing what he or she must do, and that there is no reason to judge another person or oneself. You merely do what you can to further your own awakening. ~ attributed to Ram Dass
(If I have miscounted again, at least enjoy the quote.)
21/Mar/17 1:16 PM
Alabama, USA
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Read that Suzy needs a place to come for some distraction. I understand totally. This page, this group was my distraction, my safe place, a few minuets for me, during Al''s fight with cancer. So, everybody, come on here, talk about mundane things, and send her hugs!
Today is the first day of spring here in the USA. Warmest temp we have yet had, 76F. Another resident and I planted the 2 Homestead Verbena I had bought before the big freeze we had last week. I hope they do as well as they did last year. By this time last year, it had spread, covering a HUGE area, I think I had a photo from my FB memories that I shared over there.
Tanya is at home, She walked the 3 blocks to where her car was parked here at EP, and drove herself home, shortly after we left her there. I have had only brief contact with her, but she did sound better. Still not making the best decisions, but she is adult now. I cannot make decisions for her.
I spent some time on the covered patio today, doing some clean up around the table where we work on potting up containers. Potted the deep purple Petunias I had also bought earlier, but could not get them outside. there was a program going on just inside the only wheelchair access off the patio. I disturbed them enough just getting outside with the things we used for planting. I can move them to their home for the spring tomorrow.
Just bought a new vinyl table cloth for that potting table. It hangs down in the front, helping hide the big storage containers underneath. current cover had been there 2 years, was very soiled, and cracked. could not find the same color, but got a nice dark blue. There is blue in the seat cushions on furniture, I think it will go with.
Computer is doing better, and I can see this screen better than the old monitor. Did I tell you what Joy (daughter #3) found as the problem the new monitor would not work? The power cord was not firmly plugged into the monitor. Easy fix. She had asked me while we were in ER with Tanya, what would I do/say if it just came on, started working when she turned it on. hehehe Told her I would be happy, just wanted it working. It was not quite that easy, but almost. BTW, I was NOT the one who attached the power cord, so not my bad it did not work. My bad I had not checked that, I suppose. OH WELL, it is working, and Joy likes my choice of monitor, wants one like it now. also likes my newish computer chair. Said she was going to search our shared Amazon account to find where I ordered it.
21/Mar/17 2:12 PM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, you had not miscounted, thanks for this TOPP.
Broni, so sad that Bella is having trouble with her back legs. I hope the drugs help a LOT. Do keep us informed. Our fur babies are important.
Heidi, what is your cow count now? How many more calves to come? What is happening with the divorce, everything going smoothly with that?
Suzy, the story of your niece's friend sitting across from your hubby at work was so touching. Small world, huh?
OK< all I remember now that I am on the new page. I did read all the last page, have not read all the pages I missed the 2 weeks I was down.
HEIDI, did you ever get the text I sent, in answer to the one you sent? It was from a different phone number than you phoned, not yet able to text from my replacement cheap phone. I tried and it send one letter, then zapped out your message, silly phone.
I do not take my smart phone outside with me. I once found it on the ground in the garden, damp from a slight sprinkle of rain. Luckily the old phone number you had came forward to the cheap phone. I should send you my smart phone number also. thanks for checking on me.
OK< late, time for me to start getting ready for bed. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
21/Mar/17 2:23 PM
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We're under a thunderstorm warning again. We've had 13 inches of rain already this month. At least nobody is traveling in this one.
21/Mar/17 4:08 PM
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Vent: Alie's bf is on chemo drugs for his arthritis. That means a cold could kill him. She won't leave me here alone. I think she should be with him. But I kinda sorta like that she's here too.
21/Mar/17 4:40 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I understand that you like Alie being with you. I am glad she wants to be. It might be comforting to her to be with you. Hugs to both of you, friend.
I keep trying to post here as we do on FB, hitting enter. also find myself looking for things as they are on my smart phone. So many ways to get the same results, too much for my old brain.
Up to early once again, should be getting more sleep. Last night I got caught up in a book after taking my sleepy time meds, so totally my fault. Perhaps a nap later today?
21/Mar/17 11:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I got the one letter text from you, MizT, and figured that you were probably having problems texting, so I didn't want to add to the problem by texting again. The important thing was that you got my initial message.
I've been excessively sleepy again. Today I didn't wake up until 6 PM!!! Slept all day. It's hard to get work done that way. Ineed to go outside and check the cows. They've had a break in calving lately. Still 7 to go.
Tomorrow I'm having lunch with some friends. We're trying out a new restaurant. The local golf course/ country club just opened up a restaurant called the Putter Par and Grill. The food is supposd to be quite good.
22/Mar/17 9:32 AM
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Two things. My habit of removing my bra while I'm at home means an awful lot of people have seen me braless lately.
Alie is going through photos to make a slide show for the memorial and I found someone else I haven't told. There are no links between this man and anybody currently in our lives, but he was hubby's best man at our wedding.,
22/Mar/17 2:43 PM
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Did you get married in Australia Suzy?
Suzy some people you can wait till things settle a bit before you let them know. When my Mum died I went through her Christmas card list a couple of weeks later and sent out a small notification to those who lived further away. That Christmas (she sent out over 90 cards) there was only one card that came and that was someone who I tried unsuccessfully to contact.
22/Mar/17 3:32 PM
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Saw the oncologist. he is surprised I do not have any symptoms of the tumour (no pain). Two options, wait until I have symptoms and then Chemo or start chemo now. I want treatment before it advances so I will start more chemo next week. It is a cocktail of 3/4 drugs. One will go in over two days by a pump. They will insert a 'port' (Rubber under the skin) and inject other drugs through that. I think I will be on fortnightly treatments. More diarrhoea (I still have that from the last treatment), some skin changes, tingling in the fingers. Some hair thinning but not loss. At this stage I have not read the print out about the drugs.
22/Mar/17 3:38 PM
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With all the moisture from the rain we got moisture in a power board and kept blowing the fuse. Called Laura's father (an electrician) so we hope that we have solved the problem.
A bit noisy outside. Sounds like another storm on the way. Radar gives the same indication.
Our fridge is pulled out from the wall so I had better go and clean the top and scrub the floor before it gets pushed back.
Had the oven repaired the other day so that is now all clean as well.
22/Mar/17 3:42 PM
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It's noisy here too June. Will you have to be in hospital for the 2 day one?
22/Mar/17 3:55 PM
Magnolia, KY
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June... you're very smart to go through the chemo before you start feeling the symptoms. The earlier the better. And the sooner it starts, the sooner it ends.
Back to bed. I need more sleep.
22/Mar/17 4:23 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Lots of posts since I was here last night, and I hope to read all of them.
MIzT, was Tanya released from the hospital, or just decided to leave? I remember a doctor appointment I had many years ago when I was in my early 20's. After sitting in the waiting room for more than 1 1/2 hours, I was finally taken into an examination room, told to undress and put on one of the lovely paper 'gowns.' I sat & waited for at least another 45 minutes while freezing. Finally a nurse opened the door, looked in, and said in surprise, 'Oh, you're still here!' and left. After another 15 or 20 minutes, no doctor, nor any explanation, I decided to put my clothes back on and left the office without a word to the receptionist (or anyone else). My drive home took about 30 minutes. Ten or 15 minutes later, the phone rang. I told my husband not to answer it. I never heard again from that doctor's office. Do you suppose Tanya became impatient and just wanted to get home? If that's the case, I guess I can understand that she would walk to her car and drive herself home. I hope she's feeling better now!
MizT, you have certainly been busy with your gardening! A nice warm day like you had probably has everyone quite anxious to see the results of your efforts! I'm glad Joy was able to trouble-shoot your computer and discover what was wrong. Here's hoping you are free of computer problems for a long time to come!
Suzy and June, I hope the rain storms don't cause any difficulties and just give a good soaking, then move on.
Suzy, it's nice that Alie wants to stay with you. She must feel torn, though, wanting to be with her BF needing to have such strong medication for his arthritis, and wanting to be with you. Will keep him in my thoughts! I hope the search through old photographs is relaxing and at least partly enjoyable for both of you!
Wow, Heidi, you really must need that extra sleep! I hope you're not coming down with some bug. Hopefully the calving will go smoothly and you won't need to think too much about it. I also hope all is going well with the divorce proceeding and you will seen be free from any further dealings with IH!
Suzy, I had a chuckle when you mentioned going braless while at home, and a number of people seeing you that way. C'est la vie! There are far worse possible situations!
June, it's good news that the tumor is not causing you pain. I hope the new treatments go well and don't bring many side-effects with them! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!
Now that I am able to have weekly (or almost weekly) cello lessons again, my new teacher asked if I would be interested in playing on her Studio recital. She's a young girl - maybe about 25 years old, so younger than my D's, and studied cello from about age 5 or 6 through high school with the same cello teacher as our D and I did. I like her as a teacher and respect her ability, and appreciate that she asked if I wanted to play on the recital. Previously, my teache
22/Mar/17 5:10 PM
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WOW, I really ran over tonights! Here's the rest of my post:
Previously, my teacher had basically said that all of her students were required to play on the recital. I REALLY DISLIKE playing on a recital, but understand that it can be beneficial. But, I'm still on the fence as to whether I'll do it. We have started looking at a piece that is not too long, but has its challenges. The recital is April 30, so I still have a bit of time to decide.
Bed is calling my name, so I'll say good night. Sending healing energy,
, prayers, positive thoughts and vibes, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
22/Mar/17 5:11 PM
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Julie, I think we've reached an age where if we really dislike something we can choose not to do it. You have had a lot going on and this is taking on another stressor. If, however, you decide you want to do it for the benefits, I will cheer and wish I could be there to hear you.
Having said that, I did something I really didn't want to do today. I let them slide me into that noisy af machine to take pictures of my brain. They play music, but the machine is so loud I couldn't distract myself from my thoughts by listening to the music. Crowded House by the way. They must look at birth dates when they choose what to play. My life right now has been about distracting myself from my thoughts. It's very hard to stay still when you're crying. But it's done so my family has one less thing to worry about. Which is the only reason I agreed to it.
22/Mar/17 6:22 PM
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The baby I mentioned a few months ago didn't make it. In his short life he had 2 weeks out of hospital. They hoped the bone marrow transplant would work, but it didn't.
22/Mar/17 6:45 PM
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Sorry to hear that Suzy. Maybe that was a blessing. Very hard for the parents but so hard to see a small child suffering.
22/Mar/17 9:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tiring day today. I had lunch with Donna (Debbie was sick and couldn't join us) then I hitched up my stock trailer and went into the feed store for four 200 lb protein tubs for the cows and 8 bags of dog food. Once I got back, I fired up the tractor and first fed hay to the cows using the hay spear on the front end loader.Then I took the hay spear off and put on the bucket. Once that was done, I rolled the protein tubs out of the trailer into the bucket on the tractor, and drove out into the middle of the pasture with them and placed them out with space between. I didn't have to do any lifting, but it was hard work rolling the tubs into the bucket of the tractor. The cows were thrilled with the tubs and really went to work on them.
Tomorrow I have a dental cleaning at noon.
23/Mar/17 12:48 PM
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Excerpt of conversation:
D: I like this over here. I think it should stay here.
Me: dad liked it there.
D: dad's not here
Me: don't
D: picks up lap top and leaves room in a huff.
23/Mar/17 3:33 PM
qld, australia
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RIP Bella Basset, missed her 14th Birthday by a month and 5 days. Very sad but she is out of pain.
Luv and hiugs to you all.
23/Mar/17 5:23 PM
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Just a quick Hello, but enough time to see Broni's post above. I am so sorry and sending condolences. She was a very special girl and had a good life with you. Now she can run pain-free and happy! Sending oodles of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
for you and all of our fellow Sudokuaholics.
Suzy, I appreciate your thoughts on the recital. I haven't made a decision. If I don't have the song well-memorized by the week prior to the recital, I will decline the 'opportunity' (my word, not my teacher's). I will probably never be comfortable performing as a soloist, but it was also never my goal, so I'm fine with that. I know there are benefits, but I won't lose sleep over it.
Suzy, I suspect D was just offering a personal opinion & not intending to suggest that many things need to be changed. On the other hand, she needs to learn that it's usually best to delay making changes. There may be a time when all involved agree to some rearranging, but now isn't the time. {{{HUGS}}}
So sorry you had to deal with the banging and clanking machine, Suzy. Hopefully any results determined will be reassuring to all! Also sorry to hear about the little baby. Such a difficult time for his family!
Heidi, it seems like you put in a week's worth of work today. It's no wonder that you are tired!
Time to head to bed. Sending healing energy, positive thoughts,
, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for each of you!
23/Mar/17 5:52 PM
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Broni, I'm so sorry, even though she's out of pain, thebloss is still hard.
23/Mar/17 7:17 PM
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Broni, so sorry about Bella. Your faithful travelling companion. I know that she was a very important part of your family.
Things start tomorrow. An ultrasound for the surgeon who will insert the port on Monday. The chemo will start on Tuesday at 8.30 AM. The pump will be removed after two days. This treatment will be repeated every two weeks and involved four different drugs.
23/Mar/17 8:54 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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June, I will be thinking of you during the upcoming treatments. Being positive can be very beneficial physically and mentally.
Broni, So sorry to hear Bella has passed away. Your trips would have enhanced her and your time together. She had a loving and wonderful life with you.
Suzy, each day we wonder if you are OK. Your brother sounds awesome dealing with issues to releave you of some worry, along with the girls company.
Julie, Mizt, Heidi and other that visit here, it is great to read how life is going with you.
23/Mar/17 10:39 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Greg has had a kidney stone, was flown to Brisbane via Flying Doctors, had a stent put in and next week, back to Brisbane for blasting of the stone plus reinsertion of another stent. Lots of hospital admissions trying to manage the pain due to an infection. Next op 30th March.
Finally, I will have a total knee replacement 23rd March. The waiting list via public system is 2 yrs, so I will pay and get it done because it is limiting my ability to work, socialize etc.
Greg and I are very lucky with good family support with Paul and Renae helping with anything we need.
MizT....hope your daughter is much improved.
23/Mar/17 10:53 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Error there. My knee op is 23rd May...NOT today!
23/Mar/17 10:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Rest in Peace, Bella Bassett. I'm glad the pain is gone for her.
((((( HUGS ))))) tp Broni.
24/Mar/17 1:36 AM
Alabama, USA
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Broni, so sorry to hear about Bella. You two had a long life together, she traveled more than most animals. Huge hugs to you, I know it hurts more than you expected.
24/Mar/17 3:21 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, I hope this next round of treatments goes as side effect free as your last has gone. Do you have a date when they will start ? OOOPS, see your later post. Good luck Monday with the insertion of the port. Will be thinking about you, LOTS.
Heidi, of course you were tired after all the maneuvering of heavy tubs, changing out function of tractor, unloading bags of dog food. I am tired just reading it.
Julie, I am happy for you that you were able to find a cello teacher you admire and appreciate. As you said, you have time to decide about the recital. I would not worry about it now, just wait and see how it feels later.
Nola, too many hospital visits for your family. I hope your hubby can get rid of his kidney stone, and your knee replacement goes as well as some I have seen with friends here. Do remind us as the date gets closer, I have trouble remembering MY appointments, then my sis, daughter, you get the picture
I feel spoiled. I sat at my computer while having my breakfast and ordered groceries. the little grocery elves will dance around the store tonight, and pack up my order. I shall drive to the 'pick up' kiosk tomorrow between noon and 1 pm, they will scurry out and load my groceries into my auto, no up-charge, yeah! Paid for them online, they are not allowed to accept tips, yep, I like this service, from Wal Mart. Only walking is from our lobby where I leave power chair, to my auto in parking lot. So much easier for old bones.
Next, I need to order gardening items for pick up at the big box store. Maybe for Saturday or Sunday, I will have to unload both orders once I get home. Power chair can make that much easier.
Suzy, I know how you feel about the bangs and whirls of the brain scan machines. NOT FUN. Glad that is behind you now. My thoughts about no bra at home. If you phone me to say you will be dropping in, I will put one on, says she sitting at puter bra-less. If you drop in unannounced, you will find me without. It is bad enough summer temps are here, and I MUST wear one when going out of apartment. Winter temps = jackets or coats that hide a multitude of sins. My excuse? bras hurt, weight on my shoulders, tight around inflamed ribs. If I can reduce pain, I am all for whatever it is.
I am about to put one on and go out to bank, Another trip where I do not have to get out of auto, yeah! Have a tiny bit to deposit, need 2 rolls of quarters for laundry, and some singles for the snack machine.
hugs to each of you, with extras.
24/Mar/17 3:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the dentist's. I made history, for me! This was the second check-up in a row with NO cavities!
I never wear a bra at home, and only half the time when I'm out. I wear loose clothing, with layers, and that hides a lot of nasty things. I've gotten to the point where I don't care much what I look like. I just want to be comfortable and enjoy colors on myself.
It sounds like treatment is progressing swiftly, June. Good luck with this ultrasound... then the procedures that start on Tuesday.
I agree with MizT, Nola. Too much hospital time for your immediate family. I have heard horror stories about kidney stones, and would wish them on nobody (except Gil). I hope hubby's nightmare ends SOON. I also hope that they can move that knee replacement ahead of schedule. I've known a lot of people who have gotten them and they all wish they had done them sooner. I have never heard of anyone regretting getting the surgery.
((((( HUGS ))))) to EVERYONE who needs or wants them. I believe that's everyone.
24/Mar/17 6:35 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
It's good to 'see' you, Nola! So sorry to hear about Greg's kidney stones and hospital visits. I hope he is soon free of any stones and the associated pain! Good luck May 23 when you have your knee replacement! Prayers that all goes well medically for both of you! So glad you have the help and support from family!
Heidi, great news from the dentist! Hopefully the next check up will continue the pattern!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts for everyone!
24/Mar/17 5:20 PM
Alabama, USA
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I do not think I have told on myself about the nutty coffee incident. Two mornings ago, I was washing up some dishes, while cooking oatmeal, heating up my coffee for my breakfast. My back was telling me to hurry, finish, sit, but there seemed to repeatedly be just one more little thing I should do before sitting down to eat. I was adding a touch of salt, some sweetener and butter to my oatmeal, sweetener and creamer to my coffee, and getting out the walnuts. Oatmeal with walnuts every day has kept my cholesterol under control without medication, so I do this religiously. So I get the nuts from the freezer, my back says 'I really mean sit NOW,' and I hurriedly pour nuts into my coffee!! At the first splash I realize what I have done, put the remainder of the one serving into my oats, and head for the chair. The nuts did not really affect the coffee, till the last few sips, and I found walnuts in coffee to be a pleasant taste
I made the trip for grocery pick up without incident. I even got stopped at a LONG traffic light when I was about 10 minuets out, and was able to phone ahead as requested. BUT I did not know how to notify them I had arrived. there is a thing that looked a bit like the speakers at drive through fast food, but no one ever said anything. then I noticed NO SPEAKER. I could not figure how to make it work, so I drove on to the covered parking spaces for pick up, got my cell phone, and phoned them again. A young lady came out and explained how that thingy worked, it was a touch screen, I should have touched it to 'wake it up' and then typed in my name. OK, I have lived a sheltered life, never seen a touch screen before. I would have appreciated some hint, like a sign on it that said TOUCH to activate hehehe.
Only other problem was the time I chose for pick up, on one of the busiest roadways in metro area, driving between 12 and 1PM on Friday. Rush hour like bumper to bumper traffic. Lesson learned! I really need to find how to change stores for pick up, there is now another, not as busy traffic wise, north of me instead the urban sprawl that is south of my location. But I do enjoy this service, arrived home feeling so much better than usual after a shopping trip. And that much driving really recharged auto's battery. My short trips around neighborhood are barely enough.
So many trees in bloom, pollen is high, the tables on patio are yellow. I said for a long time, we were going to miss Margaret when she left EP. Margaret always was doing something, always moving, like the energizer bunny. She kept those tables dusted, she filled, ran and emptied the dishwasher in kitchen daily, made the coffee, picked up any trash that fell when dumpsters were emptied. It will take a LOT of volunteers to make up for one Margaret. she is the resident who recently moved to assisted living, memory loss, not eating, loosing her keys multiple times daily, etc.. It was time for her to go, but no one person can take her place.
25/Mar/17 11:30 AM
Alabama, USA
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I ran over just a bit, here is the remainder.
OK, I have run off at the fingers long enough tonight. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
25/Mar/17 11:32 AM
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Nola, I'm sorry to hear Greg has a kidney stone, they are painful! I hope your knee op goes well. I understand the time immediately afterward is very painful, but in the end it is worth it. Hugs in advance.
MizT, I just read your nutty coffee story to my girls. They thought it was funny, especially the fact the coffee tasted good with walnuts in it.
Heidi, congratulations on no cavities!
25/Mar/17 4:17 PM
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June, hubby always checked the mail when he came home for lunch so I have only remembered twice in the last week and a half. Today I found your card and gift. Thank you so much for thinking of me!
25/Mar/17 4:19 PM
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Hi, Everyone! NO time to read or comment tonight/this morning. I discovered today that our tax person had wanted as much information as we could get to him by March !. OOPS! So I've been working since dinner time on gathering and organizing information. But now, I must head to bed and get a bit of sleep before the sun comes up. Luckily there's not much (other than continuing on this project) that absolute MUST be done over the weekend. Didn't have time to make phone calls today, so don't know if we'll be getting together with D, SIL & grandie for a bit & had hopes of lunch or dinner with youngest brother, if his schedule coincides with ours. We'll see what the morning brings.
Sending much
, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts for everyone!
25/Mar/17 6:47 PM
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I had a dental check up Monday morning at 9 AM but now have to be at the hospital at 8.30 AM to have the port inserted.
We went out to dinner last night as I may not feel like eating much for a while. Ordered a nice piece of steak and it was not tender. And it was expensive! told the waiter to tell the chef!
I have a bit of a sore throat. Not good. Gargling salt water.
My pleasure Suzy. Enjoy however you use it.
26/Mar/17 3:35 AM
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Just another quick Hello as I head off to bed. Had another day of trying to sort out (and find) everything we need to do taxes.
Sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for Everyone!
26/Mar/17 6:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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Saturday, we had a nice gentle several hour rain. The kind that soaks in, much needed. I hope the new verbena will be happy and start to spread and cover in that bed out back.
OK, gardening question. How do I get rid of white fly? I have tried soapy water, blasts from the garden hose, an 'Eco-friendly' insect spray, and then a systemic bug killer, nothing worked last summer and fall. As I started an order for the garden shop, trying to figure what a potting MIX, not potting soil was, and how to convert quarts to cubic feet so I had some idea how large/small the bags would be, I read some reviews. It seems one of the major brands, the expensive stuff that always produced nice healthy plants, last year came with white fly eggs, or gnats or both. I lost a lot of plants last year, and think it was from the contaminated potting soil, cause I bought the 'good stuff'. the white fly or something similar is back this spring, found them in the pansies that escaped it last fall and were looking so good this spring.Now they are wilting, brush them and a hoard of grey/whitish/silver small flying insects swarm up. I cannot see any eggs on back of leaves, Very discouraged to try planting anything in containers this year. I noticed NO good reviews of this national brand product dated 2016 or 2017, most reviews of product were from 2015 or 14, when you got a good product that did not come with problems.
Today is again overcast, and cooler. I must check on the weather to see if rain is forecast again today. I do need to pick up a few things from the garden shop. Our 2 way garden hose splitter that we have had for years now leaks, and the garden hose has split. I can get a repair kit for the hose, and a new new 2 way. I also need mulch for 2 beds to keep down the weeds somewhat. But I do not want to drive in rain, or have to unload car in rain.
Julie, I hope you find and sort your tax information quickly. I have started gathering information for my re-certification for occupancy of my apartment. One more month to go, but I can start on the almost 11 months past. Not one of my favorite things to do, and I am sure not yours either.
June, I am sorry your steak was not tender. It is such a disappointment when you pay good money for inferior product. I hope the insertion of port goes well, will be thinking of you.
Suzy, you will soon find your daily routine, including going out for the mail. Huge hugs to you. Hope you and the girls got a chuckle from the walnut coffee story. That is one I have not repeated.
OH, I had an unexpected phone call yesterday afternoon. Scrabble friend Mary phoned, saying 'come downstairs, Judy and I have ice cream to share'. Those two had been out looking for a new kitty for Judy. One found her
, but she cannot pick him up until they do a check of her vet records, and general background check. So, they stopped at grocery on the return trip, picked up 2 tubs of ice cream, bowls, spoons, then phoned friends to j
27/Mar/17 12:09 AM
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