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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Alabama, USA
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Heidi, sorry to hear about broken water pipe, but was glad to see it is not as bad as it originally looked. Hope the plumber returned and now has the plumbing problem repaired. what about the AC? Is someone coming to check on that? With July's hot summer days, AC is very needed. Hugs, hope everything can be running smoothly soon.
Suzy, glad winds are back to normal again at your place. WOW, the temp really dropped quickly in 3 hours.
Julie, hope you soon get caught up with those chores that pile up when one is busy elsewhere. Thanks for popping in to say HI
I have hit a rather rough patch at the moment, pain levels at times leaving me shaking as if I had a chill. After trying everything in my bag of tricks (computer time is distraction, sometimes) all I can do is curl up in bed and wait till next medication time, hoping that taking the same medication will magically work better next time.
Did I say I got a new battery for auto? So far I have not made a trip. Was hoping I could drive to grocery yesterday or today, still have hopes there might be a window of opportunity today. I am out or soon will be out of bread, milk for my night time warm milk, and jam for my breakfast toast. Colas, but that is not a must have. Thankfully our bus is back from repairs. there was NO grocery trips this past week, and because of a special trip to the casino (gambling only allowed on Native American reservation land in Alabama) on Tuesday, on one of the normal grocery shopping days, it will be Friday fore bus to grocery again, bummer.
While much of the USA is having record breaking heat, we are having a few days of high's in low to mid 80's. that is below normal for July in Alabama, we are usually in mid to high 90 range. Lots of pop up t storms, even when we do not get a downpour, nearby storms and clouds cool our temps, yeah!
OK, time to get dressed and make that quick run for grocery. Hope our Aldis has finished remodeling, that is easiest trip driving and less walking in the store cause it is smaller. Just hope they have items I need today.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
08/Jul/18 12:29 AM
Alabama, USA
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WOW, it took forever for that to post. Trying again to see if it is a continuing problem.
08/Jul/18 12:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The a/c repairman is so busy that he can't get here until Monday. Normally, they come within an hour of my call. Debbie leant me a large fan, and that's helping a bit.
08/Jul/18 5:05 AM
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Hi, Everyone! Wow; I missed a lot of posts!
MIzT, I'm glad no one was injured when the large tree branch came down, and glad no one at your daughter's home was injured by the lightning. That must have been very frightening! I'm glad you're enjoying the opportunity to play cards! Thank goodness you were able to get your computer issues ironed out!
Suzy, you've been having some temperature and wind extremes! I'm so sorry you had to have the discussion with the police! As others have said, any discussion about cancer or cancer treatment is extraneous to the situation. If protocols weren't followed and mistakes were made by the doctors/surgeons, that's where the investigation should be focused. I'm glad Alyssa was with you when the discussion/questioning took place!
Wow, Heidi, you certainly had a long day at the pain clinic and in the car going home! I'm so glad the epidural was a doozy and your back was already feeling better the next day! So sorry to hear about the burst water pipe. I'm glad it wasn't as bas as you had anticipated. Hopefully the cost of repairs will be reasonable! I hope your Air Conditioner is now working.
Thank you for the jokes, DOrA and Suzy!
Cyn, I hope Col enjoyed birthday lunch with the granvdaughters! Cheesecake sounds like a great substitute for a birthday cake! I'm so glad to hear that all phases of your reno are mostly completed!
08/Jul/18 4:03 PM
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Heidi, I'm so sorry the AC repairman couldn't arrive soon! I hope you got some of the cooler and dryer air leading into the weekend.
I'm keeping all of you in my thoughts and sending positive thoughts and energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
08/Jul/18 4:17 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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They've got 4 of those boys safely out of the cave in Thailand. Now we wait several hours for the rest. I had a very disturbed sleep last night thinking of them all - and their families - and their brave rescuers.
09/Jul/18 8:09 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Something like that would be the sum of all fears for a parent. As a parent, we have all had to let our children go and have adventures.
And breathed a sigh of relief when they get home.
09/Jul/18 8:13 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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School holidays here this week, as it was last week. We have Chloe coming to spend Tuesday to Thursday with us, not sure if big sister Emily will grace us with her presence.
The funny thing is, while they do like to see us, we know that some of their desire to be here is that we have better wifi than their father does.
09/Jul/18 8:19 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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We may be getting old but we're not stupid!
09/Jul/18 8:20 AM
Alabama, USA
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CynB, To think, they have been in that cave for 14 days now, and I just realized today, part of that time they had to have been in the DARK. There is nothing as dark as a cave dark. I was once in a commercial cave tour, and after a warning, they turned off the lights. I almost freaked before they got them back on, and again today when I realized the boys were most likely in the dark for the last part of their stay, unless they had REALLY GOOD batteries in their flashlight, till the rescuers arrived.
Your grandies are not stupid either, go visit where the best wifi is hehehe. That is one way to get that generation to visit.
Almost time for bed here, huge hugs to each of you, with extras.
09/Jul/18 12:05 PM
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Warm Greetings to Everyone!
We were so happy to hear this morning that 4 members of the soccer team were out of the cave. I hope all of the others and their young coach will be equally lucky and will soon be above ground and dry! CybB, you're right. It must be like every parent's worst nightmare - that something could happen over which the parent has no control. Thankfully, teams of experts from several countries seem to be working together to bring the rest out.
Cyn, you're probably quite right about there being a VERY SLIGHT ulterior motive for grandies to visit you. Grandparents can often see what might be driving their grandchildren, while at the same time enjoying the time spent together! I hope it's an enjoyable visit for as many grandies as come for the visit (and you and Col, of course).
MizT, from what I've read, the young coach has worked with the boys to teach them to meditate and conserve energy. I suspect and hope that may help them calm their fears.
We need to get up early tomorrow, so should head to bed soon. Sending lots of
, healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for everyone!
09/Jul/18 12:34 PM
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My back door is locked!
09/Jul/18 1:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Great news,Suzy!
And wonderful news for the boys in the cave and their families. A round trip for a rescuer ... to the boys and back out... takes about 11 hours. That's a LOT of oxygen tanks. A scuba tank generally has air for 3 hours, so they need to have plenty available. They use 2 rescuers for each boy, so that should take about 12 tanks of oxygen to rescue each boy. Maybe more because of the time spent in getting the boys ready.
09/Jul/18 11:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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They now have 8 boys out!!!!
Only 4 boys and their coach remain. I wonder if they're going to try for all 5 at once?
To be honest, I didn't think that they'd be this successful. The falling oxygen levels in the cave really had me concerned, especially after that SEAL died.
09/Jul/18 11:25 PM
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For the edification of those who frequent TOS, I submit: neville/
I wonder where they get the money to support all this building and their world wide infrastructure...
Could it be from selling the personal information they collect about users of their website, to advertisers?
10/Jul/18 5:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The a/c repairman is here.... and has been working on it for over an hour. It's gonna cost me.
10/Jul/18 6:16 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Such good news about the next 4 boys out of the cave. Now we all hold our breath wating for the last 4 boys and their trainer.
What I want to know is why did he take 12 boys so deep into that system of caves?
10/Jul/18 7:33 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Glad your air-con is being fixed Heidi. Now watch the weather cool down. Isn't that the way?
10/Jul/18 7:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I suspect that they were trapped by the flooding which blocked the cave entrance and were hoping that there was another way out. Or were trying to find a dry area with a lot of light. Or, they got to the first large cave, looked around it, got turned around and went the wrong way to go out. We'll find out the full story once they are all out and released from quarantine in hospital.
I just read that an Aussie doctor and experienced caver talked them into taking out the sickest and weakest first. I can't beleave that they had been planning on taking out the healthiest boys first. The weakest ones could have died if they did that. As it is, the weakest one had to be airlifted by helicopter to the hospital. Waiting a few more days could have killed him.
They'll be starting the attempt for the final 5 in a few short hours. They have to get tanks of oxygen filled and placed inside at regular spacing to enable them to complete the rescue. They'll need more tanks this time since there's one extra person to rescue. This reminds me of Amundsen's journey to the South Pole. Many trips had to be made back and forth to make many depots of food and fuel before they could make the final run to the Pole and make it back alive. Not planning that very well killed Scott and his party.
10/Jul/18 10:11 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am reading again and again that they DID take the strongest boys first. Part of their reasoning was a successful rescue of the stronger boys would be a mental boost for the weaker boys, seeing it WAS possible to make it out. It took me a search for 'Aussie doctor cave rescue' to find any mention of the change of plans. An Aussie news source is the only one I have seen about him convincing them to go weakest first.
I read that the time out for the second rescue took 2 hours less than the first. Media stated the rescuers gained experience taking out the first group, but makes sense that the weaker boys would take longer. It will be interesting to find why major news networks are still saying the stronger boys came out first.
In any disaster, it seems a lot of misinformation is broadcast, with news media racing to be first with the news, even if it is the wrong news! I am just glad 8 of them are out, and wondering how they handle getting the 5 remaining out.
hope they can re-stage for the remainder before weather turns again.
10/Jul/18 11:02 AM
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Hooray, Suzy! I'm so glad your back door can now be locked!
Heidi, it sounds like you have experience diving. It's good to have some insight into what the rescuers and boys must be dealing with. WOW! 12 tanks of oxygen to bring out one of the boys! Plus the amount it takes to take the oxygen tanks in and stage them at appropriate locations.
Heidi, I hope the AC repairs didn't set you back too much! With the recent excessive hear, you, your dogs, and birds really need to have it working!
I hope the cave rescue continues successfully!
I'm falling asleep, so it's time to say Good Night! Feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, prayers, and positive thoughts!
10/Jul/18 3:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I am a certified SCUBA diver, though I haven't done any diving in years.
10/Jul/18 6:14 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I just read that the rescuers entered the cave a little over 5 hours ago. I also read that this trip will require a LOT more oxygen than the others since not only do they need it for the rescuers going both ways, but for the 4 boys, the coach AND the 4 other rescuers who have been staying in the cave with the boys and caring for them. I don't know if the 4 rescuers who have been staying with the boys will need escorts since they will have been weakened by low oxygen levels themselves. The more I read, the more I learn how massive this trip is.
10/Jul/18 6:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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What wonderful news to wake up to!!! They're ALL out safely!
11/Jul/18 2:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It would have been perfect if that one Thai Navy SEAL hadn't died. His death highlighted how crucial it was to have a supply of oxygen tanks placed along the route. And how dangerous the trip really was.
I read that the boys and their coach got lost in the cave, since it has branches and isn't a simple single corridor. I can imagine that happening easily, especially since they couldn't have much in the way of lights. The whole ordeal until they were found by 2 British divers must have been terrifying for them.
11/Jul/18 4:27 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Such wonderful news that the boys are all out and safe.
11/Jul/18 7:42 AM
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Did you hear? The Australian doctor who was in there to treat them and to decide who came out first based on their condition, and was the last one out, found out his father died when he got out. He was literally the last one out as he’d been caving for decades.
11/Jul/18 3:14 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Heidi, I'm so glad your diving expertise helped us to make sense of what was going on with the rescue and understand all that was involved! It is so sad that the Thai Navy SEAL died in the preparations. I read that he was retired but felt a need to help. Such an unselfish person!
Suzy, how sad for the Australian doctor whose father died while he was with the boys and their coach in the cave. That doctor is another of the group of unselfish persons involved in the rescue.
It has been a very long day with a meeting that ran quite late. The alarm is set for 5:15, so I'm off to bed. Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and
for everyone!
11/Jul/18 3:28 PM
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11/Jul/18 6:05 PM
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Adul Sam-on, 14, played a crucial role in Thai rescue mission
ADUL Sam-on, a displaced teenager from one of the world’s poorest countries, has emerged as the hero in the Thai cave rescue. i-rescue-mission/news-story/c67e69230431f4450c0e6fb6535df44b
Remember to look for and remove any spaces that appear in the link...
12/Jul/18 2:00 AM
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I think there were many heroes involved. The coach who kept them calm. The boys who remained calm even though they were hungry and scared. The boy who made it possible for them to communicate with rescuers. The divers who searched for them, the divers who found them, the divers who brought them out. The divers who dropped oxygen tanks along the path. The diver who died doing just that. The people who made sure everyone was fed. The people who organised everyone. The people who supplied everything. The doctor and others who stayed in the cave with them. The list is endless.
12/Jul/18 10:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Very true, Suzy. Don't you wish that people could cooperate unselfishly like this all the time?
12/Jul/18 10:19 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - I totally agree with that last statement. We look at the help and co-operation from so many people and countries, and the interest, concern and finally jubilation that was shown in this case, and we begin to wonder why this doesn't happen in all cases where people, families and children are lost, stranded or forced to leave their homes. Why is there a difference? Because politics and religion were not involved in the case of these lucky boys.
12/Jul/18 12:10 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Bravo to all the heroes involved and to all the boys and their coach!
12/Jul/18 12:12 PM
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What a wonderful story of cooperation and kindness that has been shared with the world. I'min total agreement with all of you. There were many unnamed heroes. The rescue could not have been accomplished without cooperation and selflessness. If only the people of the world could function in this way at all times!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you!
12/Jul/18 1:23 PM
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I've just watched a video about another group to be grateful for. A woman who owns a laundry saw pictures of the volunteers wearing dirty clothes that they had been wearing for 4 days. Every night she picked up the dirty clothes at 9 and returned them at 4.30 in the morning. She was helped by employees, family and volunteers who wanted to do something to help even though they couldn’t be a part of the rescue. I’m sure she worked her regular business all day too, though that wasn’t mentioned.
12/Jul/18 9:21 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I saw that video too, Suzy, and thought the same- that I bet she worked a full regular day as well.
13/Jul/18 7:52 AM
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The sky was very noisy for a while last night. I did an oopsy and had a shower. Half way through I remembered the stories about getting electrocuted in the shower in storms. I decided it was probably an old wives tale and finished my shower. I googled when I got out. Nope, not an old wives tale. After all that we only actually got a few mm. Lots of noise and a light show, but heavy rain for only a few minutes.
13/Jul/18 12:40 PM
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Hi, Everyone! I'm just dropping by to say Hello and Good Night! Another long day is drawing to a close. Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and
I hope everyone is well - and give warning that the page is about to turn. (Just one more post, I think)
13/Jul/18 3:00 PM
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Home alone again. Alie will be back on Sunday.
13/Jul/18 4:36 PM
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