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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Nothing will stop you from being creative so effectively as the fear of making a mistake. - John Cleese
25/Jun/18 1:12 PM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, yes, the fruits and veg from farmers market and fresh and flavorful, but expensive. I used one $6 coupon to pay for 6 peaches and last week when our veggie man came, I got 3 for $1. Oh well, have to look at it as free with the coupon.
I did something new today, played my first game of Canasta. I had been going down, watching and asking questions. today one player had to leave early for appointment, so I sat in. I did not embarrass myself
. Some of it had to be beginners luck. I finished off the game they had started before Marsha had to leave, but we did not get a full game in with me. I developed a migraine type headache and had to leave. when I got home, I remembered I had not eaten lunch, and breakfast had been a peach and a cup of coffee. Some food and a nap sent headache on it's way.
Nice top Julie. I have decided mistakes are a part of life, and no longer let that fear keep me from doing new things. like the canasta game today, figured I would make mistakes, but learn from them. Did not make any major mistakes, and was told I was welcome to play anytime one of the regulars could not make it. Putting that fear behind me has opened a lot of new things to me.
Another night meds are not working. Pain from low back down to my ankle of left leg, keeping me from dropping off to sleep. Oh well, no appointments tomorrow morning, so if I ever get to sleep can sleep late tomorrow.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
25/Jun/18 3:10 PM
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MizT, the fruits & vegetables sound wonderful! I hope you enjoy them!
Canasta! Years ago I played it with my grandmother, but haven't played for more than 50 years. I remember VERY LITTLE of the game. I never had anyone else to play it with. Good for you for joining the group and learning enough to be able to play! So sorry you got such a bad headache! That can be a side effect of missing a meal AND fluid. I hope you get a good night's sleep.
Cyn, do you have workmen or women at your house? I hope the next part of the reno goes well!
Heidi, I hope your groin muscle and other aches are improving!
Suzy, how are you? Is it still so cold and windy?
DOrA, I hope you're returning to activities and chores gradually and not overdoing!
Midge, how are you? Do you have any good days with your legs?
Broni, we haven't heard from you for a while. I hope all's well!
Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, and prayers for each of you!
26/Jun/18 1:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Groin muscle is improving! I can now lay on my side for over a half hour at a time. The back is bad, but I've got my next epidural in 6 1/2 days.
26/Jun/18 3:36 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all,
Heidi, I'm glad your epidural is getting closer.
MizT, sounds like a nice morning at the farmers market despite the downpour. I love peaches!
Julie, yes, we have workmen in the house today finishing all the little things off now that the tiling is done. All is now finished except for the shower screen. They will measure it up tomorrow, manufacture it and it will be installed in about a week. Then, finally all will be done and finished. I'll post some photos then.
27/Jun/18 8:29 AM
Alabama, USA
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Counting the days with you Heidi. Will that be Monday or Tuesday? Hope it is a doozy. Good to hear your groin muscle is improving, sending wishes it improves quickly now that it made a start in that direction.
Julie, I played rummy with my father for years, Canasta is a bit similar, but a lot more 'rules' to remember. And, as other games have been here at EP, it seems there are a few 'house rules' here, different from other's games. One I am not sure is standard, dealer shuffles (or if problems with hands lets one of the players shuffle for them) then passes deck to the right for that player to cut. IF player can cut 44 or 45 cards from the top of the deck, ( 11 cards each with or without one to start discard pile)100 points for that team. did it on my first try! Never had done it before but watched enough cuts I thought I could cut without embarrassing myself by being so very far off. Second time, I missed, heavy by 2 cards, so beginners luck on that first one. I am looking forward to weekend with hopes I can play at least one game with them. they usually play 3 or 4.
Waiting for my BIL to phone, I need help with my computer. Hope he can find my password to my e-mail. windows upgrade removed stored passwords, there is supposed to be a way to retrieve them and he would know how if it is indeed possible.
We had another pop up t storm yesterday. Early morning forecast included a heat advisory, with actual temps mid 90's and heat index of 105+. boy did they miss that one, I am happy to say. Because of clouds and the cooling rain, temps barely made it to 80, and then fell 15 degrees with the rain storm. I enjoyed being outside for a while.
hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
27/Jun/18 8:37 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I just looked back and realised it has been a couple of weeks since I last posted. That darn flu knocked me around a bit. I always congratulated myself that up to last year and for the previous 20 years I had never had a bad case of the flu, and only 2 mild cases in all that time.
Then last year and now this year - double whammy!
Getting older is not for sissies that's for sure. My arthritis has been worse this year than ever before, I have carpal tunnel in both hands, so I am slow doing anything.
I turned 70 and my body said 'that's it!'
Or that's the way it feels.
27/Jun/18 8:40 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Or maybe it's because I have stopped dyeing my hair and allowed it to go it's natural colour - white! Under the dye my hair has been white for many years. Not happy about it but it sure is cheaper!
27/Jun/18 8:43 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Or like my grandie Emily, who has no filter, said - 'Just face it Nanny, you're old!'
27/Jun/18 8:47 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Then she gives me a big bear hug and says, 'I'll look after you'.
27/Jun/18 8:48 AM
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Cyn, my grandmother was blonde until the day she died. In her 70s, of cancer. I always swore I’d be the same, but it’s three years since I had any colour at all put in my hair. I’m still blonde, but with what Alie calls highlights that are actually grey hairs. I want to buy one of those mousse hair colours that wash out, in blue I think, but they’re not cheap and I’m chicken.
The highlights of my day so far. I drove Alie to work and put on a load of washing. Gizmo has decided the people installing solar panels on next doors roof are a threat. He was barking so much I had to lock him inside. At least inside he only growls.
27/Jun/18 10:56 AM
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I’m trying to decide if I’m up to going to two funerals in one day. I was checking to see when my neighbour’s funeral is going to be and discovered that an old friend’s father’s funeral is on the same day. We haven’t seen each other in a lot of years, but we were very close in high school.
27/Jun/18 11:43 AM
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, Friends!
Heidi, HOORAY for some improvement with your groin muscle. It's about time! Be careful so you don't over-do and the improvement can progress! I'm so glad it's now less than a week until your epidural. Sure hope it will be a hum-dinger of a doozy! Until then, please take care of yourself!
Cyn, I'm so glad the second project is nearing an end. It must have been aggravating to have workmen in the house while you were feeling so miserable. I hope you'll be fully recovered soon!
MIzT, I don't recall cutting the cards and all that entails when I played Canasta with my grandma. You may well be right that it's a local development or addition made by current or former residents. Truthfully, I thank something similar happens with many games. We had played a game with grandchildren once and weren't sure of the directions, so I read them and found that SIL had probably NOT read them very carefully, as he had taught the grandies things that weren't included in the game's directions. It makes it hard when you've only played once and want to play the game correctly.
MizT, I hope your BIL was able to get things figured out and track down your passwords for you! And so glad those high temperatures didn't materialize. Those high temperatures are pretty much what is predicted for our area this weekend and coming week. I hope they're wrong!
Cyn, your frustration about health issues is understandable. I will turn 70 later this year and am NOT looking forward to it. I already have enough issues.
It's a good thing your Emily followed her pronouncement with a big bear hug!
Suzy, I look at some of the colorful hair and think it would be fun, but am also chicken. Plus, my sister says I still have enough color that I would need to bleach it first. Nope, I don't have the patience or willingness to spend that kind of money.
hope the workmen next door finished today so Gizmo doesn't need to be frustrated by the presence tomorrow.
Suzy, if you decide to go to the 2 funerals, be sure you have something fun or lighthearted to do afterwards so try to help balance out your day.
Thinking of everyone and sending prayers, warm {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy, and
27/Jun/18 1:02 PM
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The hound came home with me, yesterday. I thought he was a little slow on the walk but it was hot. Then his collar felt a little tight. Hmmm....
Today we went out to the vet's for a weigh in. In 8 weeks he's put on 14 lbs. From 82 up to 96.
The place where he spent about half the time, feeds their dogs open bowl, style and frequently mixes in table scraps, I'm told. At nearly two pounds a week gain, he sure wasn't on starvation rations...
He is an opportunistic eater - if it's available, he'll eat it...
It is good to have him home, but he probably got more exercise where he was at. He had two other dogs to play with, so the weight will, probably, come off slower than it went on.
We've done the 'diet thing' before. We will survive - both of us...
27/Jun/18 2:45 PM
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DorA, the weight gain might be a good thing if you walk him on a lead. That’s a big dog and him being a bit sluggish might be safer for a while! Midge has a dog that will eat until it’s sick. Is yours that bad?
27/Jun/18 6:19 PM
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I turned off all the lights and locked up. Then I’m brushing my teeth getting ready for bed, look down at my pills and go oh sh1t, it’s Wednesday! I go to the kitchen, grab the rubbish to take out, open the door and it’s raining. I swap my slippers for sandles, I have trouble getting the bag out of the inside bin, but eventually succeed, put it in the rolller bin and take that out to the street. Relock the door, change into my jammies, climb in bed and swear worse. I forgot to take my pills. I want my brain back!
27/Jun/18 11:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm SO tired of the daily (and nightly) thunderstorms! It's been going on for a week now, and we have at least another week of storms ahead.
28/Jun/18 5:46 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, at least with blonde hair the grey doesn't stand out as much. You can go grey gracefully!
Heidi, I don't know about you but oncoming thunderstorms always give me a headache which doesn't ease until the storm is over. I, too, hate when we get them too often.
28/Jun/18 8:44 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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It was so nice to get up this morning and know that we won't be having tradesmen through the house all day.
I'm having lunch today with some of my Art Group to say Bon Voyage to one of the ladies who is off to the UK for her daughter's wedding but will be gone for 4 months. They are doing a house swap with people who want to come here. I'm not sure that I could do that, even though it makes perfect sense.
28/Jun/18 8:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've always enjoyed thunderstorms (when I worked at the zoo, I spent time with another keeper - the herpitologist - who also loved thunderstorms. During one, we'd put on a record of a thunderstorm, full volume, and order a pizza delivery. When the delivery guy showed up, he'd freak at how much worse the storm was inside. Once he was gone, we'd let his pet cobra loose in the room while we listened to the storm and ate pizza.) But several of the collies are afraid of thunder... especially Katy, but also Ruby, Fancy, Timmy and Spike. Only Angel and Sandy don't mind them. They won't let me sleep if a storm is near.
Mammogram tomorrow afternoon. Ouch.
28/Jun/18 9:59 AM
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DOrA, seems like the hound enjoyed himself while away. Suzy may be right - walking him may be easier at first if he needs to take his time.
Suzy, at least you remembered to take your pills before drifting off to sleep. Have had a similar occurrence about forgetting to take out the garbage.Not ever fun, but especially in the rain (or sometimes snow here).
Heidi, sorry about all the thunderstorms. Too bad you can't enjoy them because of all the dogs who don't!
Cyn, I hope you enjoyed the lunch with your Art Group! That must mean you're feeling much better! I agree with you - would be very uncomfortable swapping houses with another couple or family, though on paper it sounds like a good idea.
Heidi, I hope the mammogram isn't too painful tomorrow. That reminds me that my last one was in June last year, and they didn't send me a reminder card this year.
Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts,
, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
28/Jun/18 3:19 PM
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My doctor retired. That means I have to train a new one! I’ve seen him before. He’s the one who stitched me up again when the stitches burst on my shoulder where I’d had the skin cancer removed. He’s good, but he doesn’t bulk bill like my old doctor.
28/Jun/18 4:06 PM
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My neighbour mule peeved. It hasn’t stopped raining since she got her solar panels installed.
28/Jun/18 4:07 PM
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Okay, still no brain. I wasn’t going to sleep so I got up to check if I took my pills. Yep, Thursday space empty. I just decided to double check because it’s after 1 and I’m still awake. Turns out I looked in the am half earlier instead of the pm half. Maybe I’ll sleep now...
29/Jun/18 1:23 AM
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Oh, Suzy! I am dreading the day when our doctor and dentist decide to retire. They're about the same age as we are. Whenever we have an appointment I remind them how much we like and rely on them.
Bummer about all the rain. No wonder your neighbor is peeved, Suzy. The rain must be due to stop soon!
Suzy, I hope you finally got to sleep! Thank goodness for those pill sorters. Eventually it's possible to determine if you took the right pills at the right time. (Hubby uses one to keep track of his meds.)
I hope everyone is well and hope Heidi's muscle is continuing to improve.
Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts,
and prayers to each of you!
29/Jun/18 12:35 PM
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Julie, I love my pill sorter, but I hate filling it! Maybe I should buy a month size one (do they make those?) so I don’t have to do it as often. I take 63 pills a week. Not as much as some
29/Jun/18 5:18 PM
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Alie is going away this weekend, again. Every time she goes away she makes sure I have food already prepared. Even going so far as to cut cheese into slices for me. It’s very sweet. This weekend I have leftovers from two hello fresh meals, left over Chinese from her birthday dinner, and sliced cheese. The fridge smells amazing when I open the door! And she’ll only be gone one night!
29/Jun/18 9:21 PM
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It’s wine night and Alie has been chatting to me nonstop for the last few hours. That means I’m chatty and probably won’t sleep easily. Which is a shame, since Alie’s train leaves at 7.30am. I hope she has a good time, she deserves it!
29/Jun/18 11:17 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Enjoy your leftovers Suzy, I have leftover gnocchi with blue cheese sauce and proscuitto from our family meal at our favourite Italian restaurant last night. It was an early birthday celebration for Col whose birthday isn't until 5th July but it's so hard to organise teenagers, they have such a busy social life. Even then Chloe missed out, she had plans that couldn't be changed. School holidays started yesterday, so she'll come over on the day and spend it with her beloved Poppy.
30/Jun/18 8:16 AM
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I saw the photo from the celebration Cyn. Looked like you had a great night out!
30/Jun/18 8:44 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Yep, Suzy, those pill sorters can be quite helpful. I know hubby has quite a bit more than 60 pills a week and has been using a sorter for almost 20 years. Unfortunately, he has large fingers and sometimes drops a pill in the wrong compartment. He gets quite frustrated when that happens! HIs first sorter was sent by the mail order prescriptions company his insurance required him to use at the time. He didn't order it (didn't even know there was such a thing), but perhaps his doctor ordered it, and of course he had to pay for it. When we had to replace it, we had to search quite a while to find one that was big enough to hold most of his meds. (Some are rather large chewable lozenges.)
Suzy, Alie is a very thoughtful daughter to be sure you have meals prepared or ready to eat for the time she is gone. Enjoy them! And I hope she enjoys her time away.
CynB, the early birthday celebration for Col sounds wonderful! It's too bad Chloe had to miss it. Fortunately she can spend some time with him on the actual day. You're fortunate that everyone lives close enough to get together for special occasions!
MizT, I hope all's well. Did you get to play Canasta again?
Heidi, I hope your muscle is continuing to heal and you're getting enough sleep. Your epidural is getting closer!
Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, prayers,
, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
30/Jun/18 3:03 PM
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Man, it’s windy out there! And it’s a cold wind! Our temp is over 13 degrees, but our feels like is 1.9. That’s 35 or 36 F I think.
30/Jun/18 5:10 PM
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Cyn, I just remembered that photo would have your natural hair colour and went back to check it out. I like it! I think it’s mainly hard for you because I think your hair was dark when you were younger.
30/Jun/18 5:23 PM
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Our feels like temp is up to 45 F. That might seem high for some topsiders, but for here that is cold! Not as bad as earlier when the winds were blowing. I’m kinda lucky my hot flashes and Gizmo keep me warm
30/Jun/18 9:36 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Yep, Suzy, my natural colour now is white! Ugh!
And Julie, we are lucky to have both children and therefore our grandchildren living near enough to get together often.
01/Jul/18 8:37 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Wet day = lazy Sunday! Yesss!
01/Jul/18 8:38 AM
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We’re having a lovely day here. The feels like temp is about 54, the sun is shining, it’s peaceful. Dana’s kids have been playing outside since breakfast, it must be warmer where she is too. She just sent me a message, it has a happy ending.
Daniel walks in. 'Mum Issy is stuck on the swings' super chill.
'OK well let her know I'll be out in a moment'
I sent Tahli out to help a couple minutes later.
Proceed to finish making lunch and serve it.
Walk out and the girl is literally hanging from the freaking basketball hoop!
She's got some good upper body strength o.O
Dana ran to her and rescued her. Issy is fine, just cranky.
01/Jul/18 12:42 PM
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Oh my, Suzy! Poor Issy - and poor Dana! They both probably felt awful. By the way, I'm glad the wind has died down and the temperature has risen. Our temperatures are in the mid to high 90's with real-feel around and above 105 and high humidity. YUCK!
I want to let everyone know that things are going to be really crazy this week, and I doubt I'll be able to visit, read, or comment for a while. I'll let you all know when things get a bit more normal. It's nothing crazy or awful, just extremely busy with too much to do and not enough time.
Heidi, I hope your epidural will be a DOOZY!
Take care, Everyone. I'm sending a huge supply of healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts,
, and prayers.
01/Jul/18 3:45 PM
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Julie. We’ll see you when things calm down...
01/Jul/18 5:24 PM
Alabama, USA
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Well, my BIL did not phone me to help with computer when I first mentioned it. He too is getting older and just forgot. Then Thursday we had a t storm that flicked out lights and back on a couple seconds later, and scrambled brains of all my electronics. TV was the easiest for me to correct, so did that one first. Was Friday before I got my computer back up. I had a black screen, even though the monitor light indicated monitor was on. Tried that back off and on, I briefly got the monitor's logo, then a 'no signal' message and back to black. OK, monitor was not fried, good to know. I could not turn the tower off and back on with the off button. It's 'on' light was shining brightly, the fan was humming, but nothing else happening. OK, need to find the power cable in all the nest of cables under desk. No way I could get down to it, well, down was doable, but would not be able to get up again. Found my grab-it stick, pulled out the power strip, traced cables to find which went to the tower. Took a while but found it! unplugged, and one minute later re-plugged it. Lights on my monitor, yeah. Took a while for it to go through start up, but I had a computer again. Later that night, BIL phoned, found the password to mail, and did a de frag.
Now, I was on the computer reading and answering different posts here when BIL phoned. He asked me to do something here, to find and update the program he uses to give him remote access to my puter. I clicked off the Sudoku page, and never got back to it, lost the long post where I had chatted to many of you, bummer.
Suzy, in scrolling back, one of your posts caught my eye. About how you hate to fill your pill sorter. Yes, here they do make one for a month, but it takes up a lot of space. Might not be a problem for you. another alternative is to buy 3 more weekly ones, and fill 4 at a time. BUT here in the US, there is a pharmacy that will pack your pills in dose packs, pills you take at say 9 am, lunchtime, and bedtime, or whatever your schedule, in little plastic bags, with date and time. They said, for anyone in medicare and I imagine any insurance, no upcharge for this service. I saw an advertisement for one of them just recently. I know my pharmacy does this for residents in nursing homes and assisted living, where nurses give meds. I wonder if such is available in Oz? I will try to look it up once I have sent this post.
The t storm that zapped my electronics blew down a huge tree sized limb from tree in front of our building. Limb blocked one lane of the street, and the sidewalk out front. Management here phoned 911, fire truck rolled by taking a look, but went on to other calls, possibly where entire road was blocked. It was a few hours later fore they came back and cut the limb and moved pieces to side of the road, between road and sidewalk. By morning the city trucks picked them up, there were a LOT of trees down from that windstorm. Fire department are first responders to trees blocking roadways
02/Jul/18 3:30 AM
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