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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”
― Groucho Marx, The Essential Groucho: Writings For By And About Groucho Marx
13/Jul/18 4:36 PM
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Groucho Marx was a very wise man...
14/Jul/18 5:57 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Thunderstorm in winter, Suzy. That's unusual.
We're having a cold spell up here, 7C when I got up at 7am, even lower at 4C tomorrow morning. know it is laughable for some of you, but in sub-tropical SE Qld it is cold. Brrrr!
14/Jul/18 8:27 AM
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Cyn, Our feels like temp went below 0 again last night. Dana sent a screenshot of the temp when she got up to cook a turkey for Xmas in July, 2 degrees! And that’s normal! At least this year, normal is changing thanks to our politicians saying climate change is a liberal conspiracy rather than believing 97% of scientists.
14/Jul/18 10:13 AM
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Greetings, Everyone!
Suzy, I'm glad you have Gizmo to keep you company on the weekends when Alie is away. I'm also glad that your doors now close and lock!
What a great - and true - TOPP, Suzy!
CynB and Suzy, I hope you will both see some more moderate temperatures soon!
Heidi, I hope you're getting some much-needed rest, especially for your back and the pulled muscle!
MizT, are you still waiting for your BIL to complete updates & checks on your computer? I hope you're feeling better and hope you're getting more chances to play cards.
DOrA, have you seen any wildlife since your dog has joined you back at home?
Midge, have you been able to get caught up on all of the work since your holiday?
Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, and prayers!
14/Jul/18 11:42 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Yes, Suzy, the worst thing about governments not believing in Climate Change is that they will never believe it until it's too late - and it probably is already! I worry about our children and grandchildren.
14/Jul/18 12:33 PM
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Yep, Cyn. And our PM is on record saying he wouldn’t lead a government which didn’t act on climate change. Lobbyists got to him I’m sure!
Dana had a pig in her front yard this morning. 😍😍😍😍
14/Jul/18 1:09 PM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, my computer is up and running well now, it is me who is not. Lots of pain issues, and those are keeping me from doing necessary things, forget about the things I want to do. Although my auto is now drive-able, and I did drive to grocery one day last weekend, today I took our EP bus to grocery. I could have made it to the car, made the drive to store, I think, but walking the grocery or just from parking into store if they offered electric carts was beyond me today. I had also done a big Wal mart order of the cleaning, health and dry grocery items I needed, went to store for things that are not eligible for the 2 day delivery, or items not offered elsewhere. Milk, half and half, bread, strawberries, and a few things 'while I am here.'
I found even that tiring, took a 2 hour nap after I returned and had lunch.
thankfully today was a purchased lunch, one of my favorites. Fried catfish, slaw, baked beans, greens, corn muffin and peach cobbler. More than I could eat , so have some items to add to tomorrow lunch. I plan on making salmon cakes, one can salmon will make 3 or 4 meals worth. I have made jello with tropical fruits for my desert the next 4 days. I bought a box of saltine crackers today, took out the one package (1/4 of total) and donated the other 3 to the pantry. I love crackers, and would have finished off the box in 2 days or less if in my kitchen. I need the one pack for rolling the salmon cakes in, before frying them in lightly greased fry pan, they are yummy with that crusty, salty coating.
The last 3 afternoons we have had cooler air come in from t storms that were nearby. we could hear the thunder, but not a drop of rain. On radar, today's storm looked to be maybe 2 blocks south of us, that close but no rain. the cooler temps, down to low 80s, high 70s was nice.
Julie, no, I did not play cards last weekend. I might have if I had gone down, they stopped early cause Brenda was not doing well without her oxygen, but if I had been down they might have played one more game without her. Just been a bad week for me. I did get a few things done, did one load of laundry, since cleaning lady missed one week, her vacation. I also bleached some white undies and wash cloths here in the apartment. i SOAKED AND RINSED, THEN RAN THEM THROUGH NORMAL LAUNDRY, BOTH LOOK MUCH WHITER NOW. did OTHER CHORES, FORGET WHAT. i FELL ASLEEP WHILE CLEANING LADY WAS HERE THIS WEEK, i HAD BEEN OUTSIDE THAT MORNING WATERING AND THE WORK IN THE HEAT GOT TOO ME.
Forgive the caps, I was not screaming, just hit wrong key. sorry.
Getting sleepy now, time for bed. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
14/Jul/18 1:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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Once again, thunder. I can even see flashes of lightning, but not a drop of rain. In fact the sun is shinning. Bummer. Radar shows it is raining next door even. I was hoping for rain, or I shall have to water again tomorrow.
I hope everyone is just having a nice busy weekend, it has been a while since the last post. Come back when you can. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
15/Jul/18 7:04 AM
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CynB, I agree with you and your concerns for our children, grandchildren, and hoping there will be some sanity about climate change so that we might see our great grandchildren. It boggles my mind that so-called educated people don't believe the scientists and the changes already becoming quite apparent due to climate change.
Suzy, was the pig in Dana's yard wild or domesticated? Had it escaped from somewhere nearby? I bet her three littles enjoyed seeing it.
MizT, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having so many pain issues. Doing errands on the day-to-day chores and things that are so necessary can be a real challenge when pain raises its ugly head! It's hard to find enjoyment in the usual activities when pain takes up residence. At least it is good to hear that you have hd some cooler weather. I just wish those nearby storms would deposit some rain there so you wouldn't need to water so frequently!
We went to an outdoor orchestra concert Thursday night, but had to leave at intermission because of sciatica & back issues. We had tickets for another concert tonight, but didn't feel up to it and rain was predicted. Our seats were in a covered pavilion, but a long walk to it from parking. If the clouds opened up, we would have been completely SOAKED by the time we could get to the car.
Thinking of all of our Sudokuaholic friends and hoping all are well! Sending healing energy, positive thoughts,
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers to all!
15/Jul/18 12:48 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry I haven't been here much. My groin muscle is killing me again, so I'm spending most of my time in bed... which is the only time it doesn't hurt a lot... as long as I lay on my back.
15/Jul/18 1:39 PM
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I am living in an animal attack zone. Baby teases Gizmo, Gizmo uses me as a bounce castle to get to Baby. It’s a never ending cycle. I could of course close baby’s cage, but that feels mean. I’ll just have to hope I don’t bruise
15/Jul/18 1:52 PM
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Julie, since we opened Baby’s cage, he is spending nearly as much time with me as Gizmo, though part of that seems to be a deliberate tease of Gizmo. He seems to experiment with how close he can get to him before he attacks. That would be easier to read if they weren’t both male
MizT, any chance of rain overnight? We could do with some too. I hope your aches improve soon.
Heidi, I hope your groin does too! Improve I mean.
15/Jul/18 3:35 PM
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His name was Bubba, he was from Mississippi... And he needed a loan, So... He walked into a bank in New York City and asked for the loan Officer. He told the loan officer that he was going to Paris for an International redneck festival for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000; and that he was not a depositor of the bank.
The bank officer told him that the bank would need some form of security for the loan, so the Redneck handed over the keys to a new
Ferrari. The car was parked on the street in front of the bank. The Redneck produced the title and everything checked out. The loan officer agreed to hold the car as collateral for the loan and apologized for having to charge 12% interest.
Later, the bank's president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the Redneck from the South for using a $250,000 Ferrari as
collateral for a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drove the Ferrari into the bank's private underground garage and parked it.
Two weeks later, the Redneck returned, repaid the $5,000 and the interest of $23.07. The loan officer said, 'Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very
nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out on Dunn & Bradstreet and found that you are a Distinguished
Alumni from Ole Miss University, a highly sophisticated investor and Multi-Millionaire with real estate and financial interests all over the world. Your investments include a large number of wind turbines
around Sweetwater, Texas.
What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow $5,000?'
The good 'ole boy replied, 'Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $23.07 and expect it to be there when I return?'
His name was BUBBA....
Keep an eye on those southern boys!
Just because we talk funny does not mean we are stupid.
16/Jul/18 12:51 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good one DorA!!
Julie, sorry to hear that your night was ruined by sciatica and that you missed the next concert for the same reason. Isn't getting older a nightmare?
MizT and Heidi - same with you both, I hope you get your pain issues under control. Living with constant pain is debilitating.
Col's been having a bit of trouble with Restless Leg Syndrome recently. He goes to bed and it starts and gets to be restless body. We've got him on Magnesium which seems to help a bit, but caffeine and smoking don't help. I've got to not drink coffee after dinner and he knows he should stop smoking but only he can decide that. Karin and I have pointed out that smoking has a bearing on it.
It was 4 years on July 1st since I stopped smoking.
16/Jul/18 9:06 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, you seem to be enjoying the antics of Gizmo and Baby - that's great!
16/Jul/18 9:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, Yes, we did get rain later in the early evening. There had been thunder about for over an hour with no rain. I had some trash that needed to go to the dumpster, so me in my power chair took it down. I got to the dumpster before I saw the first HUGE raindrop, it left an Oreo cookie sized wet spot on the asphalt. Felt one big drop hit me as I started back to the covered area at the entrance, then the heavens opened. I had a puddle on my foot rest, my hair was dripping, and my clothes were wet, in the time it took me to navigate the 50 feet to cover. I hit the speed button, up from my normal cruising speed of 3 to a 5. I was very glad I had a towel and a couple of wash cloths in my back of the chair pack.
This morning it was a quick check of the flowers to be sure everything got it's fair share of the rain. Some of the plants have such a dense leaf cover, water does not always get through to the soil below. I was finished in about 15 min, instead of over an hour yeah!
Did I say I made some really good salmon cakes for the 3 days I would not have meals? They have been soooo good! I had different veggies each day so far, and I really do not mind having the same meal 3 days in a row.
Nothing much new going on here. Heidi, I do hope your groin muscle pull improves and soon. what has the doc said about it, any ideas on something to help?
Suzy, so glad your doors both lock now, no more blowing open with the wind. I hope Allie enjoyed her Christmas in July meal, but for me, I could eat turkey and dressing no matter what the outside temp. I usually buy a turkey at Easter time, about the last time they are readily available, and cook it, then freeze part, to have good turkey meals into summer.
Julie, I can sympathize about the sciatica, that is a big art of my pain now, caused by that bulging disk. Sorry you missed half your performance, and hope that getting home and more comfortable place to sit relieved the pain.
Cyn, sorry to hear col is having restless leg/body at night. that can so rob one of a good night's sleep. Some magnesium if harder to digest and get into the blood stream than others. You might want to research that or ask your pharmacist which kind would work best. My doc was not a big help to me, said none of them absorb very well, so buy the cheapest I could find. I have found most anything is better than the Mag. Oxide which was the cheapest.
I found the battery I need for my wireless doorbell, online on Amazon. Special battery, looks like half of an AAA. They should be here by Wednesday, be nice to have operational door bell again.
It seems I have come to the limit of how long I can sit at computer tonight, so I am out of here. Huge hugs to each of you, with extras.
16/Jul/18 10:27 AM
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CynB, congrats on giving up the nicotine habit. I might have given up recently if I hadn't had a bunch of well-meaning people reminding me that I am a smoker.
See if you can interest Col in a hands-on hobby such as model building or painting (paint-by-number eg). He might not be able to continue for long periods if it bothers his eye, but if both hands are busy for a time it may help to reduce his smoking.
16/Jul/18 11:00 AM
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Hi, Everyone! Thanks for the good wishes! Actually, it's hubby who is having issues with sciatica and some neuropathy. I suspect it may be similar to what Midge has been dealing with. He has been trying a medication, but no consistent results so far.
Heidi, we have missed you. You have certainly had a long time trying to get the pulled groin muscle to heal. Has a doctor offered any suggestions to speed improvement/healing? Sure hope it will happen soon!
Suzy, it seems like Baby and Gizmo could be a full-time diversion. I'm glad Gizmo is small and that you have avoided bruising so far. A larger dog might easily knock you down. Did you get any rain yet?
DOrA, good one about Bubba! That Bubba would seem to be a very clever 'redneck.' And who would have ever guessed that an international redneck festival could actually be a thing? Very funny! I wonder if Bubba would like to share with us . . .
CynB, I think there is a medication for restless leg syndrome that my doctor for sleep apnea has mentioned. (Sorry, I don't remember the name of it.) I've also heard of putting a bar of soap between the mattress pad and the bottom sheet near where your legs might be. I have tried it with a small 'hotel-size' bar of soap. A friend also tried a calcium-magnesium supplement, saying the combination was recommended to her, rather than just magnesium. Good luck to Col, and I hope he finds a remedy that helps!
MizT, I'm glad you got some rain and didn't need to spend so much time watering flowers, but so sorry to hear that you also got 'well watered.' It's a good thing you had a towel and some wash cloths to dry off a bit.
The salmon cakes sound wonderful, especially since you have a variety of veggies to complete your meal on various days.
It's nice to have you drop by, saltie! I hope at least one of your suggestions might interest Col and help him to keep his hands busy if he should decide to try to quit smoking.
I need to head to bed, so it's time to wish everyone lots of
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers. Take care, Everyone!
16/Jul/18 2:48 PM
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The only thing that helped me quit smoking was nicotine replacement, and I’m addicted to that now
16/Jul/18 6:39 PM
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When it was ''time to quit'', I just did. Last cigarette was around 2200, Dec 31,1979. Great New Year Resolution. I've never looked back. Ended up giving away 2 + cartons. Oh yeah, the last I bought cost about $3.50 US. Smokers, today must have 'money to burn'...
17/Jul/18 3:46 AM
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DorA, I’ve read there are different types of smokers/types of addiction and that’s why some can give up easier than others. Same with other drugs. It was relatively easy for me to go from drinking a bottle of wine a night after Don died to a couple of glasses on the weekend. For some that would be impossible without help. But I quit smoking several times before it held, and if I suddenly became a millionaire I’d probably start smoking again, even after two strokes.
17/Jul/18 10:27 AM
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DorA - funny how you can remember the exact time you gave up smokimg - I think I can remember every time I did too!!! Haven't smoked for years but I still regard myself as a smoker as the temptation is still there. Hope Heidi, MizT, Julie & CynB's hubbies are all on the mend. it is not good to feel 'off' all of the time. Windy here today, gusts of up to 120km expeted and possible hail - how I wish winter was behind us. I suppose I can't complain too much, we have had some sunny days albeit very cold. Our 46th anniversary last Sunday and we went to the footy, lasted half a game and had to leave because of the cold. Went to D's pub, lit a fire and watched the rst of the game there - much more preferable. Took a very close friend out to dinner last night who has muscular dystrophy. It is so sad to see her so twisted and weak, makes me feel like I should never whinge about my problems, I am so lucky. Back to work, cheers to all. btw what is Baby Suzy? I have missed so much and haven't had time to cath up.
17/Jul/18 10:29 AM
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Midge, Baby is my budgie. He’s called Baby because when we got him we had an old man budgie called Tip Tap. He got his name because he had a deformed beak that never stopped growing and he would tap it all the time. We trimmed it regularly, but he still tapped it. Baby was tiny compared to him, and it takes a while to find out their gender, hence the name. It stuck even when he was no longer a baby.
17/Jul/18 11:39 AM
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Living in the country, as I do, the second worst thing about going to town, after traffic, is the smell of second hand smoke. And it's nearly impossible to avoid.
Probably the worst smell, at home, is the near by chicken farm, if the wind is blowing the wrong way, which is very rare, thank goodness! (yeah, I know, it's the ''smell of money''.)
17/Jul/18 12:03 PM
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DorA, I remember the first time I landed in LA, 1988, I could smell the smog. I only smelled it a couple of times after that and I’m not sure if that’s because the initiatives to clean the air were successful or if I’d become used to it. I suspect the latter because years later I said to hubby something like, I’ve lived here for x years and still haven’t seen the Hollywood sign. We went for a drive that weekend to check it out. It rained a few days later and when I was driving to work down la cienega blvd, there, right in front of me, was the Hollywood sign! I saw it intermittently after that.
17/Jul/18 12:15 PM
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My remembrance of the 'atmosphere' in the L.A. basin, is coming down off of Cajon Pass on I-15, when I was driving big trucks, for a living.
My thought, every time, was that it was like descending into a bowl of pea soup. Kind of a yellowish green haze. Who in their right mind would subject themselves to breathing that?????
17/Jul/18 3:23 PM
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Just popping in to say Hello, as it's past my bed time.
Feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and
17/Jul/18 5:35 PM
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Like Hong Kong - hubby wanted to shout sons a helicopter trip but no point - couldn't swee anything. Actually pale blue plastic big seller in parts of China - they stick it on their windows.
17/Jul/18 5:44 PM
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Thank goodness the doors are fixed! It’s mad out there! Not as bad as the dangerous wind warning said it was going to get, at least not yet.
17/Jul/18 11:40 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Saltie, I was able to give up smoking after a 4 day stint in hospital with a suspected heart problem. While there I decided that it was time to try to give up. The night before I was allowed home I found out that my problem wasn't heart related but I decided to still try giving up. I kept thinking I didn't want to feel that head spin you get after not smoking for hours/days. It worked and I have never looked back, to my amazement. I don't hassle Col about it, it's a decision he has to make.
But, yes, the minute a non-smoker or advertisement ventured an opinion on my smoking habit ensured that I would keep going.
18/Jul/18 9:12 AM
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Cyn, I was in hospital for six weeks, no smokes, no patches. I thought, now's my chance. But after repeated exhortations that 'This would be a good time to give up', like I didn't know that,
I lasted about a week before I succumbed. Didn't anyone even notice that I hadn't lit up since I got home? Grrrr!!!
Ah well, better luck next time I try!
18/Jul/18 10:52 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Reading about the difficulties of giving up smoking makes me really appreciate that neither hubby or I ever started. Hubby's Dad smoked cigars, as did my great uncle. We used to laugh as kids that we knew Uncle Ade was coming for a visit because we could smell his cigar. (We lived in a small town and many people, including our family, walked everywhere because w didn't have a car.) My Dad smoked cigarettes - maybe 2 or 3 an evening at home. He started when he was in the Army. Then, after several of us kids asked him to stop smoking, one day, he did. No warning, no fanfare, no discussion, just no more cigarettes. I think I was in my late teens, so near the end of high school or early in college. I don't think my youngest brother (12 years younger than I am) even remembers Dad smoking.
SO, for those of you who have tried to quit, we appreciate the effort. Maybe one day it will work for you. For those of you who successfully quit, congratulations! In spite of the difficulty, I hope you are able to remain a non-smoker. But, no judgements on anyone!
Congratulations, Midge, on celebrating your 46th wedding anniversary! Too bad it was so cold at the footy, but so nice that you could go to D's pub, light a fire, and enjoy the rest of the game in comfort! Sorry to hear about your friend who has muscular dystrophy.
Midge, I don't remember what medication has caused your leg problems. I'm beginning to wonder if hubby is having a similar reaction.
Reading about the pollution some of you have experienced is kind of scary, especially because of those who deny global warming and climate change and have pointedly tried to undo the anti-pollution efforts of our previous president. We don't drive into Chicago on a regular basis, but there are certainly days when we need to be closer to downtown in order to see the 'skyscrapers.' And most summers when the temperature rises into the 90's and above, and the humidity is high, there are warnings to avoid strenuous activity or even being outside for those who have breathing issues and can stay in air-conditioned locations. Midge, I find it interesting that light blue plastic for covering windows is a big seller in Hong Kong
Suzy, I am also VERY glad that both of your doors can be closed and locked. That was a worry you didn't need, especially with the strong winds you've been experiencing.
CynB, you're right. Col needs to be the one to make the decision to quit smoking when the time is right.
salty, I'm sorry no one realized you were making the effort to quit, and so didn't support your effort.
Thinking of all of our fellow Sudokuaholics, whether they visit frequently, infrequently, or just stop by to read without commenting. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy,
, and prayers to everyone!
18/Jul/18 1:16 PM
Alabama, USA
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Thanks for the no longer smoking stories and congrats to each of you who has managed to quit. For those who were not successful this time, maybe next time will be the charm. I quit three times before it stuck.
I gave up smoking on Dec 31, 1999. No, not another new years resolution, that is just when I had such a raw throat and entire upper respiratory system I could not bear the pain the smoke caused. After hubby realized his second hand smoke really was causing the terrible coughing fits I was having, he moved his smoking outside, to either his office out the back or on our back porch. I washed walls, cleaned curtains, fabreezed carpets and upholstry to get smell out of my house. I found I was more addicted to the menthol in my heavily menthol ciggies, so got me some menthol cough drops. when I craved a cig, I popped one in my mount. I also found something to do with my hands, that was great advice for Col, but I doubt he would want to do blue-work embroidery like I did hehehe. Took about 9 days to get over the sore throat, figured with that many days in, I could keep going. I bought the patches, and at that time they were a big chunk out of our budget cause insurance would not pay any of the cost. I put them on the bench in kitchen and every day I would say 'If it gets any worse than it was yesterday, I will use the patches.'
Never did use them, actually took the unopened carton back for a refund, used the cash to buy more embroidery supplies
Midge, I no longer consider myself a smoker, I no longer have any desire to smoke. OH I did for a while, the cravings that really got me were after weeks, even months of non smoking, no desire to smoke, one would creep up on me, strong urge, ambushed me. but I managed and after a couple of years, I realized I have not had any urge to smoke in so long I could not remember when it last happened.
Now the smell of a dirty ash tray or smoke on the clothing and in the hair of a heavy smoker is nauseating to me. Going into the home of a heavy smoker just was not going to happen. I had to get off the elevator recently, one of the men who had a long bushy beard, got on elevator after being out in the outdoor smoking area. smell in his beard, on his hands and clothing was too much, I got off and waited for elevator to return without him!
This was my third time to give up ciggies, and after 19 years I am truly a non smoker. Pulmonologist said my lungs are now as clear as someone who had never smoked. I was very lucky.
We had another afternoon, evening of rain yesterday, yeah, another day the plants are happy. I was able to pull up the patch of weeds on the edge of the lantana bed today, ground that soft a slight tug pulled them up by the roots.
Nothing else going on here, so I am off to bed. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
18/Jul/18 2:11 PM
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From May 2nd to mid Sept 2011 I was in hospital - no ciggies. Went to rehab, mum passed and I took it up again when I could get the wheelchair outside. Promptly gave it up after a few weeks and have fought a battle ever since. Can go for months without - then have to resist the temptation. Probably will always be like this.
Julie - the meds are steroids (Prednisone) and Tacrolimus (anti-rejection). Unfortunately on these for life. Complaint is called 'venous incompetence' - the steroids have weakend my veins to the point I have dark purple hands and shins. Not pleasant.
18/Jul/18 2:32 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Saltie, I understand that perfectly. I never told anyone I had given up and few noticed, then when I had done a full year I told everyone on social media and told them I wanted no congratulations because I felt much worse these days than I ever did as a smoker. I have put on 20 kgs and still unable to shed it and my anxiety and OCD levels have risen to sky high.
I felt so much better when I could just go outside and light up.
The day Col had his accident I did think I wanted one but luckily I was stuck for hours in a hospital, a non-smoking premises, and I didn't want to leave his side. The feeling went away, and I think/hope I probably would have baulked if I had tried.
Midge, your mother's passing would have been extremely stressful, no wonder you caved. I could never have coped with dealing with my parent's dementia and deaths without a puff - that was 10 years of constant stress (2001 - 2011).
19/Jul/18 8:53 AM
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Midge, I started again when my mother died. Since hubby I will sometimes buy a couple of little cigars, anything to avoid buying that first packet, which I know would tip me back into full time smoking.
I’m sorry I didn’t wish you happy anniversary earlier. My brain did it’s usual switch off thing. Happy anniversary!
19/Jul/18 11:21 AM
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I don't dare mention if I am trying to quit. To do so would invite an extended lecture on the evils of tobacco. That would be followed by denunciation of my weak character and my lack of concern for others as evidenced by my failure to give up years ago. Support? Why would I need support? What about support for those affected by my smoking? Time to light up!
No, I keep the packet in full view, and a half-full ashtray by my side. Keeping the packet is not a problem for me - not having any on hand causes me to panic and go out to buy more and then smoke more to deal with the panic!
One day I will succeed!
19/Jul/18 11:25 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Saltie, that was me! The anxiety when the packet is low and you can't get to the shop to buy more. The certainty that every single person who suggests that I give up will make me keep going.
I used to love Leper's corner outside shopping centres and public buildings where all we fellow smokers didn't judge.
I gave up because I was ready to. Those who knew, like my family and grandies, also knew to shut up about it.
19/Jul/18 11:50 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, I like the idea of the cigars. They are not something that can be chain-smoked. If I thought I could have 1 cigarette per day without wanting/craving more, I would do that but I know I can't. I still enjoy the smell of the smoke.
19/Jul/18 11:54 AM
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