Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Sometimes you have to let go and see what happens.....
07/Sep/18 7:48 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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That was a 'note to self'!
07/Sep/18 7:49 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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CynB - I have to take meds at 8am and 8pm and cannot miss them - anti-rejection tabs etc. I find my mobile great - alarm goes off at both times - a constant reminder.
07/Sep/18 9:44 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Welcome back, Viv. It's good to 'see' you here again. I hope all's well with you and yours.

Heidi, I hope your EGD goes well tomorrow. How awful that all the surgery pre-testing is so costly. I have read that 'sometimes' if you are paying cash, you can negotiate a lower price with the hospital to get prices similar to what they would get from an insurance company's policy. It can't hurt to try. Thinking of you and crossing fingers that it might help.

Cyn, I hope Emily's first driving lesson goes well!

Cyn, I like your TOPP/'note to self'! It's a good reminder for me, too!

Midge, hubby (years ago and before cell phones) had a watch that could set multiple alarms. We had to remember to silence it if we were at a concert or somewhere where the alarm would be intrusive. He doesn't set an alarm any more, though I wish he would. (I think he's become a bit too 'relaxed' about the times for taking medicine.)

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts and vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},, and
07/Sep/18 12:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Viv!

Cyn, Alie’s first driving lesson was in my brother’s driveway. She ran over a plant. Her second was in the university car park when they were on break and there was nobody there. Her third was an automatic and she drove all over town. She now refuses to drive anything but an automatic. I have a manual.
07/Sep/18 6:20 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, that's what happened with Hayley and Emily. Someone gave Hayley a manual car for her 16th birthday. She could not manage the gears and stopped learning. Then she wanted to try an automatic but she still hasn't bothered and is now 18. That put Emily off trying a manual, so their father gave the car back to their kind friend.
Emily went well with her first lesson, the female instructor said she was impressed with her, and Em was very enthusiastic. We have booked another lesson - and Colin and Andrew have just left this morning to look at a few auto cars for Emily. This may trigger Hayley to try again, who knows?
08/Sep/18 10:03 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I too set an alarm on my phone for my arthritis tablet but it won't work for Col. Now he's back at work, he gets up early and leaves at 5.30 am. On those days I don't do his eye until he gets home at lunchtime. Then I do the other before we go to bed.
Suzy's suggestion of putting it in a different place worked yesterday. Will keep trying that.
08/Sep/18 10:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie... That WAS the lowered price. Nearly 50% lower!
The testing went well. I was put under general anaesthesia so remember nothing. I was told tentatively that everything looked pretty good except for a couple of red spots. They took biopsies of those. I return to see the surgeon on the 20th to get the official results. On the 15th, I have the sleep study scheduled. I've never had one of those before. I hope they have a very soft mattress so I can sleep well.
08/Sep/18 3:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

The driving discussion makes me wonder if manual transmission cars are more popular than automatics in Australia. It seems to me that cars with automatic transmission are far more popular in the U.S. I can understand Alie's giving up learning to drive while using a car with transmission.

WOW, Hayley received quite a gift on here 16th birthday! I'm sure there are s number of companies/individuals who would donate a car for a student to learn. I can also imagine becoming quite frustrated and eventually giving up if the task seems insurmountable. Hayley will learn when she's ready. Having a young sister who is also learning may indeed be an incentive! Oh, and a car may also make a difference. Happy car shopping to Col and Andrew!

Cyn, I'm glad that putting Col's meds in a different location after each does is helping keep track of them.

Heidi, I guess I am very removed for the 'price' of medical tests and surgeries. I'm stunned! I'm glad the testing went well! I hope you'll be comfortable for the sleep study. The first time I had one, the room was quite cool, and my feet were very uncomfortable. They kept checking on me and suggesting I should try to get comfortable. I finally told them my feet were extremely cold, so they got a pair of the hospital socks for me. That did the trick. Good luck!

I'm falling asleep at the computer, so I'll say Good Night. Sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
08/Sep/18 5:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all!

Julie, manual cars are cheaper to buy and maintain. There’s also the feeling of being more in control of the car for car enthusiasts. Generally people who can afford it and are not driving enthusiasts buy automatic cars here too.

Heidi, hope the biopsy is clear.

Cyn, glad the place thing worked. I’d be lost without my pill box, which wouldn’t work for drops and creams!

08/Sep/18 7:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Still only tiny bits of rain here. Parts of Sydney got so much hail it looked like snow on the ground yesterday, we got 1 minute of rain after some noise in the sky. I checked the radar and it looked like they got more in town.
08/Sep/18 7:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Some excitement here tonight. Alie and her bf went to a movie and dinner. Bf had chest pain so she made him go to emergency. 3 hours later he’s discharged but he has to see a cardiologist. Possible arythmia. I’m not sure if that’s how you spell it, the computer didn’t recognise it. Also possible a typical pneumonia.
08/Sep/18 11:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thank goodness that Alie insisted he go to the ER. Now he can get that possible pneumonia checked out and treated before it becomes too serious. Also he can get that heart checked out before he has a serious problem with it. Alie could have saved his life.
09/Sep/18 1:49 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, I hope Alie's boyfriend's health problems get sorted out. It's unusual for a young man to have heart problems.
09/Sep/18 7:55 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, I think that a lot of Australian men in particular drive manual vehicles. It's a bit of a rite of passage with them. I only learnt in an auto after having troubles with manuals. I encouraged both my children to go for manuals, which they did and they followed through with their own kids. Karin's two both have manual licences and cars. Once Hayley baulked at the manual business, I think it scared Emily into only wanting to drive an automatic.
They did find a car for E & H yesterday, another Ford Focus - that's 3 in the family now. We are Ford or Toyota people.
09/Sep/18 8:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Three also has heart problems, but his are probably caused by drug use in the past. He doesn’t use now. Dana wouldn’t let him near the kids if he did
09/Sep/18 1:18 PM
saltie  From Rockhampton
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A lot of Australian country drivers feel that they need manual transmission vehicles to help them negotiate the dirt roads they encounter. These often also need 4-wheel drive and low range to deal with the worst situations. But many take it to extremes, and insist on manual when in truth they rarely drive on dirt roads and never on truly difficult ones. My mother is one of them - she never leaves the tar these days, but insists on keeping her manual car.

For myself, I would still choose manual for a lot of dirt road driving, but I want an automatic for driving about town. Lights and unexpected stops etc are so much easier to deal with when you don't have to operate the gearstick and clutch as well. It also makes for a faster, smoother start from the lights which makes for less stress at our busiest intersections and roundabouts.
09/Sep/18 3:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick Hello and Good Night and healing energy and lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! I hope to read & comment tomorrow!
09/Sep/18 5:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I just reread my post dated 08 Sept., and it was evident that I was falling asleep while typing. I hope it wasn't too confusing to read. Sorry about that!

Suzy, I think manual cars here are also cheaper, but I think I remember reading that fewer manual engine cars are made, as more automatic engine cars are being sold here. Other than the people we know who have trucks, I think everyone we know (both male and female) drive cars with an automatic engine.

Suzy, I hope you'll be getting some rain soon! A minute's worth isn't much help.

Wow, Suzy! I'm glad Alie was with her boyfriend when he experienced chest pain and she could convince him to go to the ER. I hope he will truly follow up and find out if he has pneumonia or a heart arrhythmia and do whatever is recommended.

Heidi, have you heard the results of the biopsy? I hope your muscle strain/s showing improvement and you're on the road to a healthier you!

Cyn, is a different kind of license required for people who drive cars with manual transmissions? I hope Hayley and Emily will enjoy learning to drive the Ford Focus!

Saltie, I understand the need for 4-wheel-drive and manual transmission for those who do a lot of driving on unpaved roads. It makes sense. We find it kind of surprising that people in an area as urban as the Chicago area feel the need for 4-wheel-drive, though. If your mother enjoys driving manual and can comfortably do it, I guess my thought is, 'Why not?' Good for her. But for me, I'm happy to be driving an automatic. (Hubby once seriously considered a manual, and even took me out to try driving it, but when he got behind the wheel, his VERY LONG legs caused difficulty for him to clutch, and he quickly got over the interest.)

MizT, I hope all's well and the pain is subsiding.

Tami, I hope your hubby is feeling better as he waits for his MRI.

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts and vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
10/Sep/18 12:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie - with driver's licence here, if you go for your licence in an auto, that's all you can legally drive (I think, or it was years ago) but if you go in a manual, you can also drive an auto. Fair enough, I think.
They picked up Em's car yesterday, she's very happy.
11/Sep/18 11:00 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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(Apologies to those who have already read this on FB)
Col went to the opthalmologist yesterday. Finally some action, they are fast-tracking his corneal transplant and hope to do it within the next 2 months. Then up to 12 months for that to heal properly before they insert a lens. Then we will see how much sight he will regain. I think there will be a problem with his pupil, it doesn't dilate any more, but apparently they can alter it's size.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Workcover, the compensation people, put a bomb under the hospital people, that's why he got some attention finally. He's probably a marked man there. They are also sending him to a private specialist on Oct 8 for an opinion on whether the treatment is correct.
11/Sep/18 11:08 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Cyn, I guess that makes sense. If someone can drive a manual transmission car, they should be able to also drive an automatic. I don't know for sure, but I don't think there is a separate license for driving manual transmission cars here. Good luck to Emily (and Hayley, I think) on learning to drive the car!

I need to head to bed early tonight. The alarm will be set for 5 a.m. Not my favorite time to get up, but no choice.

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, , positive thoughts, and prayers for Everybody!
11/Sep/18 11:21 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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That is great news CynB - about time, I looked after a friend who had a transplant(she has advanced MS so couldn't do the eye drops herself) and whilst it was off putting at first, it was very successful. I marvel at how far our treatments have come. No, 2 son finally allowed to fly - he is coming home at the end of the week from Thailand. Able to get footy tickets for Sat to see our team in the prelim finals - happy but why a game at 7.30 at night?
11/Sep/18 11:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That IS good news, CynB. Hope is always good.

My next test is the sleep study on Saturday the 15th of Sept.. next weekend. Then my epidural is the 24th, Psych evaluation on the 25th and healthy lifestyles class on the 26th. Then on Oct 1st I have the pre-surgical cardiology appointment. Deffinite progress towards the bariatric surgery.
11/Sep/18 12:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Good news from Cyn, Midge and Heidi ‼️‼️‼️

I think you can drive a manual if you got your license in an automatic once you turn 25. Not sure how that works for someone like Dana who is 25 and still unlicensed. She learned in a manual, but will only have access to an automatic for the test
11/Sep/18 2:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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When I learned to drive, with my learners permit (drive with an adult licensed driver) my father arranged for me to drive many different vehicles. Any friend of his who visited, Dad asked if he could take me for a drive in their car. Manuel , automatic, even a DUMP TRUCK! I never drove the same vehicle as my last driving lesson (we had 3 autos at the time). With my 15 year old learners permit, I drove the family to the lake, pulling our boat on it's trailer. I was never afraid to get into any vehicle and drive it, after than. I also had to change a tire, and be able to check all vital fluids on multiple vehicles.

The phones in our building have been out over weekend. I phoned Spectrum, our provider, and had a tech out yesterday, who got my phone and internet back running. I ONLY had to hold for 22 minuets to talk to a live person. It kept telling me to go online for help. DUH, if only I could . I had managed to get my TV back myself, by re-booting the cable box. On Monday our management here met with high level Spectrum management about the continuing problems. I lent my 'free for seniors' cell phone to a friend who has been without a phone for a week! A free cell has been ordered for her, but it takes a bit to get here.

I had bought some Mums, dark red, and full of buds, a week ago. I kept finding them droopy, looked to be from lack of water. I put them in a saucer so I could water from bottom, still they did not look so good. Over weekend, I repotted them to larger containers, they were so root bound, water was just running through the pot. they are MUCH happier now.

Cyn, congrats to you and Col, I hope this helps him regain his sight. Heidi, I thought the sleep study interesting. where I went, patients were monitored by camera, it was on ceiling, and also had sound. If I needed anything, like the AC adjusted cause I was cold, just had to ask. hope your remaining tests go well.

Today I am off to grocery, on the bus. OH we had rain, at last, it rained off and on for 24 hours, enough to do some good.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
12/Sep/18 12:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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BTW, I had a cell phone not 'bundled' with Spectrum, or like many here, I could not phone for a tech.
12/Sep/18 12:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all.

Aggravation with MRI continued. Finally got approval about 2:00 with a 7:30 appointment. Doctor made up for it. Called hubby first thing next morning will results. All is good. A hematoma in the muscle but no tear. Has to let it heal naturally and go easy for a bit. At least no surgery is needed.

Heidi, keeping fingers crossed that you will have surgery as planned.

Cyn, Good news about Colin. Here there are not many manual cars available. I can drive one, and wanted one, but nothing available when I shopped. At least not without going to 100 different dealers. Drove a manual for 4 years and miss it.

Don't remember much else. Will see you all again soon.
12/Sep/18 3:03 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oh, my! Cyn snuck in another post while I typed, so my response to her about driver's license didn't really go with the post that showed up just before mine.

Cyn, wonderful news for Col! Crossing fingers that everything works out well!

Midge, wonderful news for you and your son, who will soon be home!

Heidi, wonderful news for you about upcoming tests that should lead the way to your bariatric surgery!

Hip, hip, hooray! {{{HUGS}}} for Cyn & Col, Midge and son, and Heidi! That's the best run of good news for a while!

MIzT, so sorry phones & internet have been out! Very frustrating for you and all of the residents.

I'm glad you thought to repot the mums, MizT! I'm sure they're much happier with room to stretch and grow. And great news that you finally got a longer and more helpful rain.

I hope you had a successful grocery run, MizT.

Yay! Tami and hubby got some good news too! Finally an MRI, and with good results that the healing will happen on its own and without surgery!

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts and vibes, prayers, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
12/Sep/18 4:03 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Happy Wednesday all. Not much to say. Just stopping in on my lunch break for a quick pick me up.
13/Sep/18 2:52 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all!
Looks like good progress is being made for you, Heidi. I hope that continues and your surgery goes ahead and does the trick for you.
MizT - I always feel panicky without my usual communications methods - internet and phone. I'm glad it's been sorted for you. I've struck that problem before where I'm supposed to go online to report problems - when my main problem is that I'm not connected online. Ho hum!
Big hugs to everyone! I hope all is well.
13/Sep/18 6:36 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I knew there was something else.
Tami - I'm so glad the MRI got done and the results were okay, even if a bit annoying for your hubby while it heals. Better than some other options.
13/Sep/18 6:50 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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That's how Col and I look at what has happened to him. Yes, it's been stressful; yes, he may never get full sight back; and yes, it may impact on us financially. But - it could have been worse, so much worse. We know 2 couples where one partner is watching the other partner get more ill every day with no hope of recovery. That's heartbreaking.
We just take the 'it is what it is' option.
13/Sep/18 6:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's a healthy attitude, CynB. It could have been MUCH worse.

I got the results back from my most recent blood tests. Iron and vitamin D are extremely low and my thyroid is way off again. I'm going on prescription suplementation for the first two, and have to go back to my GP for the third.
13/Sep/18 10:00 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Tami! Thanks for popping in during your lunch break! I hope it provided the pick-me-up that you needed. I suspect you don't have more than 20 or 30 minutes, so we appreciate the effort to drop by! I hope your afternoon and evening were spectacular! Wishing a quick recovery for your hubby!

Heidi, I hope all of the coming tests go as planned and you can proceed with the surgery and the start of a new life! The fact that iron and Vitamin D are low and need supplementation - on top of thyroid being off and possibly needing medication for that could really explain your lack of energy. This could bring such a major change for you - or at least a change toward the positive!

Cyn, I suspect you and Col are feeling even more positive than the rest of us are about possible outcomes and doctors who care about creating needed improvement. The best is yet to come!

Sending positive thoughts for everyone, as well as healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, prayers, and
13/Sep/18 12:21 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all.

Cyn: I agree with the 'it is what it is' attitude. Hubby could have been a lot worse. I Colin is doing OK.

Heidi, please take care of yourself.
14/Sep/18 8:26 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thinking of all of our Sudokuaholic and Sudoku Friends & sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
14/Sep/18 11:58 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Severe fire danger in my region tomorrow. There are two levels over severe. When it gets to the top one, many people evacuate just in case, even with no fires.
14/Sep/18 5:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sleep study tomorrow night. I really hope I don't have sleep apnea.
15/Sep/18 5:03 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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just lost a long post, operator error. Gee, I have not been off line long enough to forget that I cannot leave the page without loosing what I was saying, but that is what I did

Heidi, hope the low iron, vit D levels do not delay your surgery. Some people have difficulty absorbing some nutrients post surgery, so they may not want to start anyone off with low levels. Good luck getting them up where they need to be.

CynB, happy to hear that Col is being fast tracked, it is about time. Good luck.

Midge, know you are happy that son is able to return home. Hope his trip and continued recovery go well.

We have had more rain, another entire day of rain. It has been cloudy and very humid all day today, too thanks to the hurricane . That is one huge storm, with wide reaching bands.

I now have the work cell phone number of the tech that has been assigned to keep our building up and running. He thought he had me back online last Wednesday when here, but it was off again before I got to the computer just after he left my apartment. Today He even came back to be sure it had not hopped off again, just before he left for the day.

I have now forgotten all I commented on in the lost post, bummer. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
15/Sep/18 8:35 AM
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