Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Will Julie the monster bit me. I tried to open the door on an old truck. The hinges were Rusty. The door opened hard. As a result, using two hands, I nearly took the end off of one finger. 8 stitches to put it back together. I think the cleanup just had a pause for the time being.
01/Oct/20 3:30 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Well, snuck up on me. As we I am away from home, I have nothing profound to post...
01/Oct/20 4:20 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Three doubles, and a handful ibuprofen, should do it. G'night, all y'all.
01/Oct/20 4:24 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sounds painful, DOrA.
01/Oct/20 11:49 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Yep, I agree Karma is a B!tch!
I would bet that the lack of and worry over money is not a fun aspect of their relationship. Passing the blame.
Whoa, sorry about your finger DorA. Hope it feels better soon.
02/Oct/20 9:47 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Yes Heidi, it did smart a bit.
02/Oct/20 12:21 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Thanks CynB. It feels much better today unless I bump it.
02/Oct/20 12:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in to say Hi and Good Night! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
02/Oct/20 5:20 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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''Nitey Noodles'', Julie...
03/Oct/20 12:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Wow, DOrA! I hope your finger heals quickly and well and isn't too terribly painful! I can understand how that might influence the decision to take a break from the clean-up. I hope you weren't very far from a hospital or immediate care facility at the time! Take care! Did you need to get a tetanus shot?

I'm not sure if I mentioned the most recently rescheduled date for my surgery. It is now scheduled for Oct. 8. I need to get a COVID test on Monday. (It will be my first.) I need to get out to the store and 'fill the larder' so I won't need to worry about having enough food in the house. I really hope to avoid going to the grocery store for at least 3 or 4 days after the surgery.

Thinking of Everyone! I hope everyone is well and avoiding bacteria and viruses of all kinds!

Sending healing energy, , positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for All! Take care!
03/Oct/20 4:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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As far as cello, I am still taking lessons over Zoom and practicing as much as I can, though some days I'm lucky to find 30-45 minutes. I'm still working on the Prelude from Bach's First Suite for Cello. It's really challenging!

With hubby and I both scheduled for surgery this month and all the pre-op and post-op appointments and continued search for a neurologist & neurosurgeon we're keeping very busy. The latest neurosurgeon said he needed surgery and he has a broken vertebra. That (broken vertebra) was not mentioned by the orthopedic surgeon or other two neurosurgeons. He also said it would be a very involved surgery and be very painful with a long recovery period. We're still seeking answers.
03/Oct/20 4:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, can you have your groceries delivered? Ot do what we call here, 'Click and Collect', which is what I've been doing. Ordering online and just collecting it from an allotted area away from crowds.
Things are looking so much better here. It was Football semi-finals or something yesterday and although we're not fans, it was lovely to hear the cheering coming from neighbours houses where they were obviously, finally after months of having to limit who comes into our homes, enjoying the game with friends and a beer or two.
Our Chief Health Officer has opened our borders to people from designated 'safe' areas in NSW, so they are streaming through our borders. Good for the economy. I just hope that everyone does the right thing. Most people do but there's always someone wanting to cheat the system with no regard for the rest of us. Things are improving in Victoria, they have had it so much worse than other states. I have my fingers crossed for us all, here in Australia and worldwide. It's worrying that it's bad again in parts of Europe.
04/Oct/20 10:04 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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CynB, there are several grocery stores/markets from which we could order for pick-up. We just haven't got around to setting it up. I have been in a routine of purchasing groceries from several stores and taking advantage of their specials. I think I would need to limit purchases to 1 store & haven't decided which to choose.

That's good news that borders are being opened to certain safe areas, at least for now. I certainly hope people will be honest, considerate, and careful and follow all the guidelines! Good for Victoria and making progress!

It's too bad that so many states in the U.S. are being increases in cases. And now even at highest levels of government. Some experts are predicting a very bad winter here with combinations of COVID-19 and flu producing a lot of difficult cases requiring hospitalization.

I hope everyone is well! I'm thinking of Everyone and sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for All! Take care, Everyone, and stay safe!
04/Oct/20 2:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Fever and body aches are back.
05/Oct/20 4:44 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi, rest up and feel better soon.
Julie, that's not good about the prediction for winter, but in those states that get the really cold temps, it's logical that it will get worse unless much care is taken. Fingers crossed for you all. There's one advantage to being an island nation, we can control our borders better. People are able to fly home to Australia but are put into mandatory quarantine for 14 days. They are tested for Covid while in quarantine. As of yesterday here in Qld we had 6 cases of Covid, all from citizens returned from elsewhere.
05/Oct/20 8:41 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Julie I hope your latest neurosurgeon and some others can agree - that is a worry having a new problem arise out of the blue. Are you able to get some help during this month of ups and downs? Even some ready made meals in the freezer will help. We have an abundance of meals until i can have them delivered to my eldest son. I was cooking for a friend and since she passed, I am still doing too much.
Hope you are feeling better Heidi - don't like th sound of your aches and fever. Have you been tested? I heard today on a US report about Trump and the fact that 80% of people who are positive do not have any symptoms - so no wonder it is spreading.
Had a heart stress test this morning - paying for it with tendonitis in my hip now. It is strange at the hospital, everyone is so wary of the others and no friendly faces any more.
Enjoy your freedom CynB - we are so looking forward to getting out of lock-down but after the hot weekend we have just had and the idiots reveling at the beaches, I think it will probably extend our closet time, The football was a heart-stopper on Saturday night - our team won by 1 point - just my hubby and I watching, so missed the rest of the family.
Hope your finger is on the mend - rust is an awful combination DOrA.
05/Oct/20 4:45 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I'm so sorry to read that your fever and body aches have returned! While those symptoms aren't necessarily unusual for you, have you considered that you might possibly have been exposed to someone with the COVID-19 virus? I hope you feel better soon! I hope you can get plenty of rest!

CynB, You're right! Your status as an island nation has probably helped keep the number of COVID cases low. I hope that doesn't change!

Thinking of Everyone and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, healing energy, and prayers! Take care, Everyone!
05/Oct/20 4:45 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Midge, I have my fingers crossed for Victoria. The numbers are getting less and less. So near and yet so far. This is the danger zone. This is where people get too confident that it's over. We had those 3 silly girls who went to Melbourne for a party and snuck back into Qld. Caused a new outbreak that lasted 2 months. Although it's frustrating, slowly slowly is the way forward.
Hopefully it will be a Happy Christmas for us all!!
06/Oct/20 6:55 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Thinking of Everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and ! We have a very early start to the day tomorrow.
06/Oct/20 3:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

We were finally able to have hubby seen by the primary neurologist at one of the big Chicago hospitals today. She was very nice and very thorough. She has ordered more blood tests to rule out that any of his long-term medications might be causing some of his symptoms. She was also complimentary of his local neurologist and felt he had done a good job of trying to track down and/or rule out possible contributory causes.

Everything looks like a go for the lumpectomy, including a negative COVID test. I'll be glad to hopefully move on from that and get ready for hubby's cornea transplant. With all of the craziness off this year, I think I'm glad we'll be getting these things taken care of now, rather than contributing to another crazy year next year.

DOrA, I hope your finger is better!

Heidi, I hope you're feeling better and getting past the fever, aches, and pains!

Midge, I bet you're glad your stress test is over. Hubby had one last week. (Doctors discovered a few years ago that some of his medications prevents him from being able to get his heart rate up, in spite of a lot of effort on the treadmill. The doctor now orders a chemical stress test.)

I hope your hip tendonitis clears up quickly, Midge! I'm sorry everyone at the hospital seemed so somber. I've been lucky that people in the Breast Center each time I've had to be there in the past month have been personable and friendly.

I hope you'll soon be out of lock-down, Midge! It's hard to imagine how many people have no consideration for others, causing continued problems. At least you were able to enjoy the weekend football! So glad your team won such a close contest, but a shame the whole family couldn't enjoy the game together!

Midge, we've been able to freeze some meals in preparation for this week and into next. I should then have some time to stock up again before hubby's surgery. Thanks for thinking of us. I hope your son enjoys the meals you've been preparing for him!

It's getting late, so I'll say Good Night. Thinking of Everyone and sending , positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to All!
07/Oct/20 2:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Feeling a little better today. I don't have a fever, and hope to get some chores done.
08/Oct/20 1:31 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm running late & should be in bed. Thinking of Everyone & sending healing energy, powerful positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and ! Take care, Everyone!
08/Oct/20 3:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I thought everything had been settled, and I was getting my driver's license back. Silly me. Despite paying the fine to get it re-instated, and telling me everything was OK now, they still won't let me have my license. I have to take another written driver's test. And because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the people who do that are shut down except for during a 2 hour period one day a month. You'd think that they'd cut me some slack because they suspended my license erroneously. But no. I'm really sick of this. And terrified that a cop will stop me and discover I'm driving without a license.
09/Oct/20 4:00 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi, what a ridiculous situation to be in!
They should just reinstate your licence. What a bureaucraptic (that 'p' wasn't accidental) bungle.
Can you go higher up?
I'm thinking probably not because that would then entail you shouldering the cost of a lawyer. And it's cost enough already.
You must feel so understandably angry!
I could go on. I am furious for you!
09/Oct/20 11:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just got the lawn mowed. The rain from Hurricane Delta is supposed to start here tomorrow. It's so much easier to mow before the rain comes than after.

CynB.... I've gotten this far after getting FOUR lawyers involved!!!! That was to prove that the taxes were owed by ex-IH, not me, and I owed nothing to them. They suspended my license AND vehicle registrations over property taxes HE owed. I don't want to do that any more. I keep getting poorer, and lawyers keep making money over this. And I can't take the b@stard to court to get my money back because the courts are not open for this sort of case. Only murder cases right now.
10/Oct/20 7:43 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, what an awful predicament! You must be so sick & tired of IH by now. I hope this can get straightened out for you soon!

I'm dragging & need to get to bed - having trouble finding the right key on the keyboard. Thinking of everyone & sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and Stay well; wear your mask; practice social distancing; sleep well! Good Night, All!
10/Oct/20 5:14 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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G'day, all y'all. My finger is doing well. The stitches have been removed. Pain is non-existent unless I bump the finger.

Somewhere South, the rain has returned. 2 to 3 inches of rain are expected in the next few days. That will slow progress. Overall the cleanup is going well. My back is 'talking to me' . Degenerative discs in The L4 L5 area. At least, I woke up on the green side of the grass, so I guess life is good.

11/Oct/20 4:06 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all!
Glad your finger is doing well, DorA. Not good about your back though. Getting older is not for wimps, that's for sure.
Heidi, I understand your aversion to spending good money on lawyers. I hope a good solution presents itself for you. I wish you enough bright spots in your day so that the aggravating stuff disappears, if only temporarily.
Julie, I wish you a nice restful day! That would be nice.
11/Oct/20 8:27 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Only a few days now and we're off on our road trip, on Tuesday. Very excited. Getting organised with what to pack. Col finished work on Friday for 3 weeks. We'll only be gone for 10-12 days. Our house/dog sitter will be here this afternoon to settle in before we go. She's so excited to have the house to herself and be the queen of her domain. As long as the house isn't trashed and the dog is still alive when we get back, I say - go for it, Hayley. She's a responsible adult these days. I have said - no parties, but she's welcome to invite a friend or two over whenever she wants.
I will try to get here when I can, wifi could be a problem, we'll be at the back of beyond for days, basically in outback Queensland so communication could be a problem.
11/Oct/20 8:36 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Off to have brunch at some artisan restaurant with my daughter and her partner this morning.
Any meal that I don't have to prepare is good!
11/Oct/20 8:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to try to take my written driver's test. I hope this is my last hurdle.
12/Oct/20 11:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I FINALLY HAVE A DRIVER'S LICENSE AGAIN!!!!!! Now I need to contact the DOT and get the erroneous suspension removed from my record, and try to get the fees back.
13/Oct/20 1:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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A thin line of intense storm with 40 MPH (64 KPH) winds just blew through here. I'm going to have to clean up downed branches, and remove leaves from my fish pond tomorrow. Foryunately, I've heard no reports of any tornados.
13/Oct/20 1:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Past bedtime here, so I'll say Hello & Good Night! Sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, , & prayers for all! Enjoy your trip, CynB & Col!
13/Oct/20 7:01 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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15/Oct/20 2:30 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I like your windmill joke, DOrA! (BOPP)

15/Oct/20 10:38 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, looks like I miscounted. Sorry about that!
15/Oct/20 10:39 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hooray, Heidi! I'm so glad you were able to get your new driver's license! That must remove some of the worry of being stopped while driving without it. I hope you'll be able to get the erroneous suspension removed from your record quickly and easily and get the fees returned!

Heidi, that must have been quite a storm! I hope there aren't too many downed branches and hope your fish pond isn't full of leaves! (Leaves are really dropping quickly here, even without that intense storm.) I hope no tornadoes develop there!
15/Oct/20 10:44 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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CynB, I hope you and Col are having a restful and enjoyable road trip! Take care and enjoy!
15/Oct/20 10:47 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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DOrA, I hope your finger is fully healed. Good luck with all of the clean-up! Hopefully the weather will cooperate!
15/Oct/20 10:48 AM
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