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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Alabama, USA
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That should be age in place POLICY, not police, but you figured that out didn't you? Thank you spell check, not!
29/Oct/13 11:18 AM
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Suzy.. just got a poke from Richard on FB, I guess Brenda is ok
29/Oct/13 11:45 AM
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Rolanda, lol!
29/Oct/13 11:49 AM
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Hi, Fellow Sudokuaholics! Woo Hoo, I'm here before 10 p.m.
MizT, I also question that Iris has the best placement for her. I suspect she gets quite frustrated trying to do her laundry. Hopefully she isn't making her own meals. Hubby's step-dad had Alzheimers, as did one aunt. They were both in facilities with a dedicated 'wing' for those patients. MIL had some memory issues, though not diagnosed as Alzheimers; rehab after her broken hip called it 'Sundowners.' For her last few years, we paid for her laundry to be done for her, as well as her meds. (We lived over an hour away, as we let her choose her new 'home,' so didn't choose to spend our precious visiting time doing her errands.)
Being narrator for the play sounds like a great role. Having an 'understudy' ought to remove too much pressure and worry in case you are unable to fulfill your duties. It should be fun! Tricia, I hope you had fun at the pool today!
Heidi, I'm glad you and Anita were able to have that conversation. I'm sure it cleared the air, and convinced her that you don't hold her responsible for Challenger's death. I'm glad you have the RV for the trip to and from Chicago. It is really paying for itself, as you have been able to use it so much! It's too bad that you won't be able to help the Lions with the chili supper, but good that you won't need to deal with the jerk who likes to put pepper in your food.
Hi, Theresa! I hope all is well with you and your family and extended family. I suspect you still have a lot on your plate!
June, I am glad to hear that you are going to pace yourself while at Belinda's - and not be climbing on ladders while there alone. (BTW, I heard a commercial today for 'Leaf Guard,' another brand of gutter toppers here in the states. I agree with you that MizT is likely to be the best dressed for Halloween!
Nola, I hope the finishing touches are being done on the house. Will your son move back in when it's finished?
Rolanda, I hope you are pacing yourself today and not trying to finish everything.
Thinking of Brenda and Richard and hoping the storms in England are not causing problems for them!
Thinking of those who haven't posted a lot lately: Viv, Broni, Bean, Tami, Vicki and others. (Sorry, my brain isn't working well tonight.)
Sending {{{{{
}}}}}, healing vibes, positive thoughts and prayers for all of you and those you love!
29/Oct/13 2:49 PM
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MizT, sometimes it's the age in place police who enforce the policy!
Rolanda, thanks for letting us know Richard was able to get on FB today!
And, I'm off!
29/Oct/13 2:51 PM
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I had a nice wander around the town near Belinda's. I shop in a big shopping mall which caters for the students at the nearby university and is all those 'chain' shops. This little old village had some lovely boutique shops with much nice clothes than I see at home. i had my coffee and a chicken sandwich. Silly my had it in a lovely
cake shop and sat looking at things to make ones mouth water. Not a good idea when I am on a special diet and loosing some weight! However I was not tempted!
I am trying to clean up her sudy. I have cleaned her window and changed the curtain. Not sure if she will approve??? The room is bright yellow with a dark blue carpet (when you could see it for cat and dog hair) and some old dark pink curtains that Sharon had many years ago. I have put up some bone/brown scrim curtains that I had in my lounge about 30 years ago.
We have had some nice rain this afternoon. Much needed but we do need a lot more.
Must get back to work as I would like to finish this room today.
29/Oct/13 4:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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June.... I really like your change of curtain color in the study. I suspect Belinda will, too. Pet hair is part of the decor in an animal lover's home, and helps neutralize the color schemes. So, with time, the dark blue carpet will turn a gentle shade of heather brown. That'll go well with the curtains.
30/Oct/13 1:29 AM
Stevenage UK
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Sorry I have not been here for a couple of days. We needed to have the downstairs carpets cleaned (washed rather than hoovered) so this being half term and the girls are home, we hired machine to do it all. We bought a bottle of the chemical which goes with the machine which was supposed to be enough for up to eight rooms. So far we have done the dining room, lounge and the passageway from the front door. June will know these are not huge areas. The bottle is nearly empty, but the carpets look a lot better.
We were lucky in the storm the other day. We didn't sustain any damage at all, apart from one stem off a pot mum broke. The storm wasn't very severe here but in other areas there were problems including 4 deaths.
Richard had to work from home yesterday as there were no trains running because of trees on the lines. Today he got his normal train and it was on time too.
Well got to get back to cleaning carpets until the chemical runs out.
30/Oct/13 4:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Glad to hear that you're OK, Brenda. When they say ''UP to eight rooms'', they aren't kidding. The rooms they mention must be tiny... glorified closets at best.
30/Oct/13 5:14 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Wonderful news to hear you are unaffected by the storms,Brenda.
We were wondering how you were.
To those who asked, Paul will be moving back. I sign off on the house today and the pool is the last item to be completed.
I am going shortly to do some shopping.
Have a good day all.
30/Oct/13 8:58 AM
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Morning all,
June, is your back feeling any better? And your legs? I've heard out of towners say the same thing about shopping here. We go up to Shellharbour to go to the bigger shops with more selection. They come down here and rave over our wonderful shops. We have lots of small speciality shops with interesting stuff you don't see in chains. Kind of expensive though.
MizT, I had a thought about Iris and her laundry. It is possible that someone is paid to do her laundry but she forgets, knows that it has to be done, so goes to do it. It sounds like she would have been a helpful, friendly person in her youth. I hope her caregivers remember that. I can't believe they pay CNA's minimum wage! When we had a nurse coming in for Don's father it cost a fortune - most of the money must have gone to the agency. Sad. Here Alzheimer patients are in lock down facilities. All outer doors are locked with signs on them telling visitors not to let anyone, no matter how competent they seem, follow them out through the door. How are your achies today? Better I hope. I can't wait to see photos of your pirate costume!!! Narrator sounds like fun.
Heidi, thoughts to your friend. I wonder if being healthy his whole life is making all of this easier to deal with? I think it would be a huge psychological benefit to expect to be fully well again.
Rolanda, you must have either a really small washing machine or really big suitcases! 7 loads!! Which reminds me, I should be out at the stringy thing, not here. Oh well, tough.
MizT, the shelter in place program for nuclear accidents is about as useful as hiding under your desk - which is what my husband had drills to do in school. I think it makes you feel like you're doing something useful when there is nothing useful that can be done. A way of controlling panic rather than creating a different outcome.
Tami, are you still with the 'good' kids? Are you enjoying it?
Brenda, I'm really glad the storms weren't bad at your place! Trees falling down can be very dangerous. My carpets desperately need doing too. Since you can't come out to do mine for me, I'm going to pay someone to do them. Only the lounge and hall though. One day we'll get floating floors.
Nola, what a relief having the house so close to finished! A celebration is in order - a nice cup of coffee while you're out maybe.
Speaking of coffee, I ran into a friend in town a couple of days ago. I told her about Daniel - she gave me a hug and bought me a cup of coffee. Without me saying anything she understood how we feel about having a D who has unprotected x3s and 2 children before she's 21. Summed up with 'not proud'. When I got home I told hubby she'd bought me a cup of coffee. He asked why. Dana was over for dinner so I said to congratulate me on Daniel. He gave me a look that told me he knew exactly what I meant.
30/Oct/13 9:40 AM
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Suzy, Well, I guess I could have made bigger piles of washing.. my (front loader) machine can take a bigger load, only it would take twice as long to wash, as I would have to choose a different setting.
But I prefer to the setting I use..
and I am not too sure about how clean it washes when loaded up tooo much.
anyhoo it is all good. everything washed, folded put away, except for a few shirts that still needs ironing.
I took enough clothes with us to have clean everyday. ( I was NOT going to do any washing whilst away)
1 large suitcase and 1 small suitcase (which could have been a tad larger but that is all we had).
We went out to Lunch, Dinner and Dinner so glad rags for those occasions. and the day before we left Day wear and Wedding wear.
at least 1 pair of jeans each (P had 2).
30/Oct/13 11:29 AM
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Todays excitement is : Grocery Shopping.
I had enough in the Pantry, Freezer, Fridge to last us a couple of days upon our return.
today I am 'Old Mother Hubbard'!!
The cupboard is bare..
and I will be doing my usual Wednesday Socialising
have a cuppa with my sister before the Grocery Run
and have lunch with my friend B, not sure if it is at her place or mine today either way, we BYO Lunch.
30/Oct/13 11:33 AM
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and talking of food.. time for breakfast!
30/Oct/13 11:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tomorrow I need to do a meds pick up... I've been going through a lot of pills lately. The last epidural either didn't work well, or the 2 falls I had recently messed up the back. In the way back, I'm going to stop and visit James again.
30/Oct/13 2:05 PM
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I have been out to lunch with a cousin who lost her husband a couple of weeks ago. We had a lovely chat. A lovely day weatherwise and I have done some washing for Belinda. About to go clean the dust out of the bathroom.
Suzy, the back was bad since I had that day surgery but feels better the last day or so. Once I get mobile it is not so bad.
30/Oct/13 3:53 PM
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Brenda, pleased the storms did not cause you too many problems. Good luck with getting all your carpets done. I just spot mine but when the time comes I get the professionals in.
30/Oct/13 3:59 PM
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Hi, Everyone! I'm just doing a quick peek and poke (the keyboard) tonight. We have an early start tomorrow with back-to-back-to-back-to-back activities starting at 9 (45 minute commute to get there) and ending perhaps by 7. Because tomorrow is my Quartet Strings class (2 hours) and cello lesson (1 hour) are nearly an hour each way, that accounts for 5 hours right there. We may get home for1/2 hour between the 9:00 meeting and leaving at noon for my class and lesson, and then another 10 minutes or so between getting home from my lesson and leaving for the 5:00 meeting. The rest of the week is pretty much the same, so I might not be getting here often until next week.
June, I suspect Belinda will appreciate the new curtain - and all of the work you have been doing to help her. I hope you are remembering to pace yourself and let your aches and strains heal.
Brenda, great news that you didn't have damage from the storm! I'm not surprised that the chemical for rug cleaning doesn't extend as far as they say. If they really get 8 rooms cleaned, they are as small as Heidi suggests or not really dirty at all. I'm glad you have help - or at least encouraging support from the girls!
Hooray, Nola! A big job completed! I hope you never need to face that kind of clean-up again, and hope Paul appreciates the clean and new aspects!
I agree with Suzy and MizT - CNA's should be paid much better than minimum wage! Also agree that Alzheimers facilities are usually locked and have alarms. In spite of that, residents sometimes get out.
Suzy, you have a very understanding friend - and husband. It must be difficult, but you are doing what probably most of us would do - supporting to the best of our ability and sharing unconditional love.
Rolanda, I understand about limiting the size of washer loads with a front-loading. Sometimes it seems that so little water goes in, it's a wonder all of the clothes are wet when the load is finished. I hope the grocery shopping went well today!
Heidi, it's probably a combination of things contributing to your amount of pain. I admire you for being able to do all that you do in spite of the pain. It's too bad you can't just 'call in' to the pharmacy for a refill.
It's time to call it a night. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and
. Enjoy the rest of the day/evening/tomorrow!
30/Oct/13 4:18 PM
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I'm back. I went over town to pick up Alie and ran into the father of a school friend. I asked him how he was. Well not too well actually he says. He has colon cancer. He was telling me about his treatment and how Pete, his son and my school friend had been driving him to Sydney for his specialist appointments. Then he was walking with his wife and just stopped. Pete that is. He'd had a seizure. tests showed he hasa brain tumor. Our is it had since he has had it removed. His daughter is in the middle of her HSC. So when I'm feeling sorry for myself I know who to think about.
30/Oct/13 4:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, Suzy... no matter how bad our problems are, there is always somebody worse off. We still have the right to feel sorry for ourselves at times, though.
31/Oct/13 2:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm off in a few to do the meds pick up. I only have 2 pills left. Then I'm gonna do a little bit of shopping, then off to visit my old friend James. When we moved to this farm, he had the 600 acre farm behind us, with a large herd of beef cattle, which he managed by himself. Yet he always had the time to help us out, teach us some of the tricks of the trade and be a friend. I ended up spending time at his farm helping him when he needed it. too. About 10 years ago, some people made him an offer he couldn't refuse for his place, and he sold it. He has apologized profusely to me since then because they turned out to be the neighbors from lleh. We've maintained our friendship in between his trips to see all the places in the world that he'd always wanted to see. This year, he hasn't travelled because his girlfriend (his wife died 2 years before he sold the farm) has had health issues and is going through a lot of testing. So it was fortunate for him that he was home and could get to Jewish Hospital in Louisville (where the first successful heart transplants were done, as well as the first artificial hearts implanted). He's in good hands.
31/Oct/13 2:29 AM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends, sorry I have been missing. I have quickly skimmed through this page and seems that everyone is safe and well.
I have some very sad news, my cousin Maz suddenly passed away early this week and I am the only family here in Qld at the moment. I am OK just sad and very busy.
Luv and Hugs to you all.
31/Oct/13 7:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, no, Broni. I know how fond you were of her.
Rest In Peace, Maz.
31/Oct/13 8:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm feeling kind of smug. Last month, I told IH that I'd like to invest in AAA, in case of either of us having a breakdown far from home. I told him that he. especially, needed it because his truck has 440,000+ miles on it. He threw a major fit over spending the money , so I didn't buy the coverage. So, today he went to Lexington on some errands and the water pump went out on his truck. He's 2 hours from home, had to have his truck towed to a service station, and has to wait until tomorrow for the part to come in. Without AAA, it's costing him a lot of money, more than it would have if we had AAA, plus the cost of membership. Of course, he complained to me that he thought we DID have AAA today, and he told the tow truck that we did. The tow truck driver told him that we didn't, and IH took the attitude that it was my fault. I reminded him about his tantrum over it. ''Oh, yeah'', he said.
31/Oct/13 8:29 AM
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Broni, this is one of those times where being a cyber friend sucks. If I was a local friend I'd be at your house right now!
31/Oct/13 9:35 AM
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I've told you about the horrible Principal who is dismantling CAPA at Nowra High. (Creative and Performing Arts). Yesterday she apparently walked all the way from the canteen area to the music rooms because she heard a 'beautiful voice'. Alie told her she's getting better - you used to be able to hear her from K block. She was singing a Christina Aguilera song. She has never performed this one. I'm pretty sure this is the one she means as I have heard her singing this one.
31/Oct/13 9:42 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Broni, I am a local and I am available anytime you need a friend. You know that!
But I know you have Teresa and I know you're back at work.
Just remember I am here if you need anyone!
31/Oct/13 10:17 AM
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I forgot you were close Cyn!
31/Oct/13 10:57 AM
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♥ Broni ♥
my condolences on the loss of your cousin Maz.
31/Oct/13 11:40 AM
Mamacita 2
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I've lost a very long, detailed post that I will not try to recall. The gist of it was sending heartfelt condolences to you Broni on the loss of your cousin, and Angelique's celebration of Halloween, plus sending wishes to all that your fondest dreams come true and life only gets better from there. Many of you were mentioned, but know that all of you are treasured. Peace. Happy Halloween.
31/Oct/13 1:14 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Just popping in to say Hello! I did a quick glance and saw Broni's news. Broni, my most sincere condolences to you. May your cousin Maz RIP. {{{HUGS}}}
Today has taken its toll, and tomorrow is another long day, so I'm off to bed. Peace, healing vibes, positive thoughts, prayers,
and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
31/Oct/13 5:36 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Sincere condolences Broni.
31/Oct/13 7:12 PM
Stevenage UK
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((HUGS)) Broni, thinking of you, and your extended family, at this sad time.
31/Oct/13 8:16 PM
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Broni, so very sorry to hear about Maz. I do have a couple of photos of her on my page. Actually it was quite sad as when I looked I noticed that Liz from Melbourne is also in the photo. I remember when you both stayed here for the big Sudoku meet when Vici visited Australia (Nov 2009)
31/Oct/13 8:58 PM
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It is nice to be back home. I had two cups of coffee when I went out to lunch yesterday so I did not get to sleep till about 2am. Last minute jobs at Belinda's before the 80 minute drive home.
The good thing is I had the post Op appointment and I got the all clear. It was what I expected as the pap smear earlier had also been clear.
I was so tired earlier that I almost felt ill. I had a nice sleep before dinner but will still be in bed early.
31/Oct/13 9:03 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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June, I was looking through pics just the other day and found some of that day in Sydney with both Maz and Liz in them (didn't know about Maz at the time) and also one taken at the Scout Fair a couple of years ago of Broni, Maz and I.
Broni - if you read this and want copies of the pics let me know and I will email them.
31/Oct/13 10:00 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Halloween is all over here. Got 40 bags ready, had given them all out by 7.05pm. Had to put up a sign to tell everyone I was out of treats. Must remember to get more for next year. Kids were all polite and all dressed up. The little ones were so cute!
Andrew posted a pic of the loot that Em and Chloe got - first time for them. They went with friends of Andrew's.
31/Oct/13 10:04 PM
Alabama, USA
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CynB I miss seeing the little ones dressed up in costume. I do wish we could host a Halloween Party for little ones here,or have a kindergarten class come visit in costume, it would be so fun.
Broni, Huge Hugs to you, and to friends and family of your cousin Maz. Sudden deaths are hard on family, but you should consider, sudden death is one of the easiest ways to go for the person. I hope fond memories of times past will help you through this sad time.
JUNE, I know how coffee can affect your sleep, it happens to me also. That is why I only drink de caf. Staying awake till 2 am is not fun, and worse if you must be up at a certain time come the morning. I hope your sleep gets back to normal tonight.
Heidi, yes, go get your meds, and I wish you did not have to go so far for them. But we all can be thankful there is pain relief. After yesterday when I went 9 hours with no meds, I had a taste of what life could be without them and I did not like the dish!
I have yet to make my silver buckles for my shoes for my costume. they should not take long. I have just been a tad busy here, and pacing myself takes twice as long to do anything hehehe.
Yesterday after scrabble game, I looked out my window at the pansies, and OH NO! One pot was overturned, 12 plants scattered on the drive way, dirt had been swept up into a pile and left. I wonder what happened and when, and why noone let me know? I scooped up the dirt as best I could and put back into pot, and proceeded to replant the Pansies. I noticed one was missing from another pot, and put that solid purple one back with like kind. No one seems to know what happened, some vandalism, either a stray dog or perhaps a possum, or someone angry with me? HEY, if you have a problem with me, take it up with me. Do no take it out on the plants, those are for everyone! I need to go down and water again, new plantings need more than established ones. I spent some time deadheading the mums, that pot looks better now. Still a lot of buds there, maybe a splash of Miracle Grow to encourage them to open fore cold weather?
OH OH, I won at Scrabble yesterday! And by the best personal score ever, too. A few lucky turns, one where I got 36 points putting down ONE LETTER, just happened to be the right letter, a J, on a double word space, and made a word in both directions! So that one J counted 4X, hehehe. I should have taken a photo of that board hehehe.
Time to get moving. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
01/Nov/13 1:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Congrats on the win, MizT!!! That's a LOT of points for one letter! Brilliant!
My personal best score at Scrabble with one word was ''Quadroon'' on 2 triple word scores, making several new words off of it, plus getting a Bingo (using all my letters at once) and the person I was playing with had never heard the word and challenged me. I got 176 points on the one word. The game was never finished. My opponent (Helene) threw the board across the room and screamed ''EARTHQUAKE!''. She also refused to ever play Scrabble with me again.
01/Nov/13 3:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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01/Nov/13 3:07 AM
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