Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, that thing about changing Insurance to this doc before seeing him was not at doc request, it is insurance policy. And my appointment did not go well. He does not take patients with chronic pain, who need medication. BUT THEN he turned around and wrote me a script for my regular medication for the next 3 months, till I can find another doctor. go figure. So I am still without a doctor. I really liked this guy too is the bad part.

I had heard several times from friends here who have same insurance as I have that my insurance would not pay for visits to more than one primary care doc per month. I phoned the insurance co, and no, that is not correct. Since he was listed as my primary care doc when I went, they will pay this visit. Since he refused to take me as patient, they will pay for another as soon as I can choose one in their network and get appointment. Good to get that straightened out. I do hope I do not have a collection of insurance cards with different names on them before this is over.

Lovely day here today! Sun shining, trees colorful, blue sky and just the perfect temp. A nice day for a ride hehehe. My return trip was in the newest vehicle of the transport company. It was a Mercedes! Everything still worked,very smoothe ride, quality shows. I did not have to wait on them this morning, in fact driver was 2 minutes early picking me up. Return they made up for it, I waited over an hour. OK, not MUCH over an hour, but they missed their goal of pick up within an hour by 10 minutes.

I HAVE A NEW GREAT NEPHEW! Remember the baby shower I went to Saturday! Well, Joann went into labor this morning, about 3 weeks early, and they did the C section. Vincent was 18 1/2 inches long, and weighed 5 pounds and 12 ounces. He has his mom's red hair combed up into a Mohawk hair style hehehe. Cute as only a newborn can be, and being a C section, not a mark on him.

I am cool, might have to turn on heat first time, or just go get a warmer shirt. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
06/Nov/13 8:21 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni, good for you taking the day off. You are right in being good to yourself. If you are not, no one else is going to take care of you. I hope this day off will restore some energy. Thinking of you, hope things go smoothly Friday.

YES, thank you Broni, you said it concisely, doc and Tricia had no choice, was all insurance doings.

I keep trying to post by hitting enter, I am NOT on FB hehehe
06/Nov/13 8:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks for straightening me out, Broni and Tricia. I really wish Insurance companies and lawyers would stop practicing medicine without a license.
06/Nov/13 9:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm not here I'm supervising a senior science class. This is an extra, puts me at 6 periods which is not usual. The teacher took off in a rush to go to the hospital. I assume with his wife since he was fine, but I don't know for sure.

Anyway, because it's an extra I don't feel guilty being here.

Broni, I'm so glad you took a day off, you should have taken more, though I don't think those employee leave things go to cousins, even if they are more like sisters. Big hugs and continuing to think of you.

MizT, what a bummer about the doc, though a relief that he wrote the script to keep you going. At least now you know what question to ask before you make the switch.

Heidi, great news about the extra money! After all the expenses you had I bet it came in handy...
06/Nov/13 2:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I'm just dropping by for a few minutes. I hope all are well!

Heidi, I am so sorry to hear of your friend's tragic accident. It sounds like he has a good attitude and lots of determination! What a wonderful community you live in to support him with a fundraiser! Your friend sounds like a real trooper! What a great idea to give talks on farm safety!

CynB, what a fun idea to recreate the photo from 15 years ago!

MizT, I hope you had fun at the baby shower!

Heidi, please thank your friend, the war hero, for his service to our country the next time you see him.

I hope your back is feeling better, Heidi! It's awful when you can't just put things off for another day and rest it! I certainly understand your thoughts on letting IH attempt to do something with your large equipment that requires skill and/or finesse.

Mama, I'm glad to read that you have a date for your gall bladder surgery! I'll start the prayers going now for a skilled surgeon and medical team!

Heidi, I just read that you promised IH a great dinner after you returned from the sale barn. Methinks he should have promised you a great dinner out - or brought in, if you preferred. Wonderful news about the fundraiser for your friend!

Hooray for Tami! What a great inspiration for table centerpieces for Dylan's Bar Mitzvah party!

Thanks for the link to the shoes, MizT! A friend has a pair that she wore to a committee meeting last year. She said they were very comfortable. I couldn't imagine it, as my feet really prefer to have a good instep support and orthotics.

June, you certainly find ways to keep busy! Wow - 7.5 kilos of potatoes, quiz night/fundraiser, bowls with the men, salad lunch and Melbourne Cup! I would have been absolutely no help with the modern music category!

Suzy, I got a chuckle about song lyrics. Hubby and I rarely understand what is being sung. We think back to the 60's and folk music that you could understand and told a story - and wonder about the modern stuff.

Heidi, wonderful news for your friend Debbie that her eye surgery can be delayed.

Suzy, it would have been fun to see Alie's class singing!

Heidi, what a great day for selling cattle! Woo Hoo!

Broni, I think your clarification about MizT having to chose the doctor is probably correct. I'm so glad you decided to give yourself a day off! You certainly need it with all you've been doing! I thought about you on your Friday and hope all went well.
06/Nov/13 5:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'll save page 48 for tomorrow, as I'm fading fast. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and for each of you!
06/Nov/13 5:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, I think the funeral for Maz is this coming Friday. I am sure one of the Aussies will correct me if I am wrong.

Good to see you posting, and you did a great summary once again. I know you have been busy busy lately, but not a word about your activities did you write. How was your lesson this week? Still having problems keeping up with the string quartette you play with? Or has teacher helped you over the rough spots?

I had to opt out of the trip to pool today, tummy is not happy. Tummy being unhappy has me wringing wet with sweat, literally dripping off my face. not a pleasant feeling. No idea what is going on, but it can stop now. Enough already! I need to shower and dress for the day, almost time to pick up my bought lunch for today. NOT gonna eat it till tummy is happy again.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
07/Nov/13 4:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi all.....
I slept through the morning, and have been fighting a headache. Aspirin isn't helping much. I have been running a few errands this arvo for the Lions Club, but fortunately they're all local. I think my truck needs to go in for repairs. The brakes are getting iffy, and the transmission is acting up. Plus it needs new windshield wipers. I'll probably take it in next week. IH will be gone next week, so I'm staying home anyways and I can use the RV if I need to go anywhere. I'll head down to MizT's once IH is done traveling.
07/Nov/13 6:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're leaving for the trip to Chicago on Friday evening around 8 pm. I love night driving, and do my best sleeping during the day anyway.
07/Nov/13 8:35 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all of you!

MizT, it's too bad the doctor didn't work out, but at least he was honest up front and let you know he wasn't comfortable working with patients with chronic pain. At least he was considerate enough to write a prescription to allow you to have the meds you need as your search continues. Good luck! BTW, many hospitals have referral services. I would expect that Birmingham would have a teaching hospital and might be able to refer you to a doctor who works with patients with chronic pain. Also, perhaps someone in administration or another resident might be aware of such a doctor.

Congratulations on your new great nephew, MizT!

Broni, I hope the day away from work provided time for rest and relaxation!

Heidi, I hope your headache and back have improved! Sorry your truck is going to need work. Will you be driving through the night, or just until you find a good place to spend the night? I hope you have perfect traveling weather and good roads with NO mattresses in them!

Suzy, I hope all of the students were well behaved and cooperative!

Well, hubby and I were obviously exposed to someone with a cold in the past week or two! Symptoms started almost simultaneously last night around 9 p.m. Since then we have had runny noses, sneezing, draining, scratchy throats, congestion. Luckily, we don't puppy-sit tomorrow. Today was my quartet class for 2 hours followed by my lesson for 1 hour. I was wiped out when I was finished. Hopefully the cat will let us sleep in for a while in the morning. We changed back to regular time from daylight savings time on Sunday, and she still wants breakfast at her 'usual' time. So, off to bed I go. Feel free to share these positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ! Good night!
07/Nov/13 4:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Those potatoes I did last week were small white round ones I cut into four, boiled, put in a baking dish with some butter and herbs, then when I got to the club I sprinkled grated tasty cheese over them and popped them back in the oven to melt the cheese. No way was I peeling 7.5Kg of potatoes. Tonight we are going to the local Thai restaurant with some friends (the men started work together back in January 1957).
Had a good day on Melbourne cup day. Bowled for the first time in 3 months. Won the game and got some chocolates as winning lead. Won the ingredients for a roast dinner in the raffle and third in the $1 sweep.
Yesterday another friend and I went to buy some bulk handkerchiefs. $5 dozen. They also had lots of bargains in sheets, towels doonas etc.
I have also been washing curtains. The cards had rotted in the tracks. I had to take the curtains down to put in the new cords.
07/Nov/13 6:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Broni, you will be in our thoughts tomorrow. please take care of yourself. Thank you Cyn for being there for us. RIP Maz.
07/Nov/13 6:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I hope you got your sleep in! That was a lot of playing while unwell.

June, I did think that was an awful lot of potatoes to have to peel, I'm glad you didn't have to! Congrats on your multiple win day!!

07/Nov/13 7:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, I will be with you in spirit, please give Cyn a hug and pretend it's from me.
07/Nov/13 7:37 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks for all your thoughts for tomorrow.
Feeling a lot stronger today, yesterday I don't remember much but I did achieve a lot, not sure if the daughter will get to the funeral so had to make lots of alternate plans to cover the things she wanted to do.
Still need to organise the music and finish the reflection photos, oh and work out my speech. Going to be a late one tonight.
Thanks for listening.
07/Nov/13 8:00 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'll give Broni hugs from all of you tomorrow!!
Broni - hope you get it all finished quickly tonight and try to get some sleep.
The pain and grief won't be gone after tomorrow but some of the stress will.
07/Nov/13 10:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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CynB....please give Broni a hug from me, too.
Broni... I don't know how to say it better, or even as well as the others here, but you're in my thoughts and heart constantly right now. You have my admiration for the strength you've shown through this ordeal, while you're hurting so much inside.
08/Nov/13 3:18 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Broni, shared sorrow,sadness and commiserate feelings of a multitude of things will be packed into the hugs Cyn will be giving you as you say goodby to Maz. Know that we all understand the mixed emotions that are swirling around inside you and that only time will help sort them out. Yes we are all there with you spiritually and hold you close...A tough night and day to get past and then please give vent to all that is inside you by remembering the joy that follows such sadness. Let the knowledge that Maz is no longer bothered by her earthly woes comfort you. The Dove of Peace is on your shoulder...let it lead you into the sunshine once again.♥
08/Nov/13 3:31 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello to all
This has not been a good period for me and I have been feeling a tad sorry for myself. I've had quite a pity party and now need to come out of the funk of it. A fresh cold, an ingrown hair on my labia, another gallbladder attack ( or just a continuation of one I think since there's been little let-up from the pain, and to top that off, Medicare has stated they overpaid some medical claims during my illness and rehab from the auto accident last year and are recouping almost 4000.00 dollars next week....and my condo fees went up.... As I started feeling really down I started to look at all of these things and some how it brought a smile to my face...because I know that the pain and root cause of much of this self pity is the anticipation of the surgery that will make me feel better in the long for the's a big hit, But, I am able to repay it w/o having to go for that ingrown hair thingy too shall pass. Have a great day no matter whats on your plate...just dance around the cr@p and know it will fade away eventually...Peace.
08/Nov/13 3:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Gee, some bug or something has got a hold of me and will not let go! again today, sick tummy, either freezing or sweating. I am going back to bed. Hope to wake up to all systems normal once again. I canceled 3 activities for Wednesday and one for tomorrow that is not gonna be well received, I was to work at the fundraiser, 'Holiday Market'. Hope someone can cover my shift, but if this is contagious I do not need to share.

Hugs from afar, I cleaned my keyboard so I could not share this nasty bug. Till later.
08/Nov/13 3:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OUCH, Mama, I feel your pain. Not a good place for an ingrown hair. Would hot compresses help? A sitz bath perhaps? You have had so many other troubles, that is just insult to injury.

And medicare wants money back from you?? Geeze Louise, I thought once they paid a claim you were home free. The rules keep changing, and not for the best either. Hang in there, come here to vent, and we will throw cyber rocks at whomever is causing you grief ;)

Huge Hugs
08/Nov/13 3:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ditto what MizT said!!!

(I can't think well right now. I have a blinding headache.)
08/Nov/13 4:10 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks Heidi and Mama,
we will see what today brings.
Mama, I hear you loud and clear.
Get well soon MizT.
08/Nov/13 7:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The RV is now stocked with food and drinks for the trip. Tomorrow early afternoon I'll gas it up and hook up the horse trailer. We'll be meeting south of Chicago, so the drive may only be about 6 hours each way, depending on traffic.
08/Nov/13 8:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, with you in spirit
08/Nov/13 9:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, being able to apply your wisdom to yourself is very difficult, but you have managed again. Sending thoughts and virtual hugs.
08/Nov/13 9:57 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Helicopters overhead and I went out and could see smoke rising, came in and checked out the alerts site and it is less than 1 kilometre away. It is a small are of bush so they should be able to get it under control easily. There is no wind and a lot of houses between us and the fire so I do not feel threatened in any way.
08/Nov/13 10:15 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Looking at the news helicopters the fire has moved down the gully towards the bowling club. Ken is down there with about 60 9/10 year olds teaching them to bowl. (I went last week but there were enough others there today. I guess the kids will be taken back to school. Makes me suspicious as there was a fire in the gully behind the club a week or so ago at about 8.30am. Someone at the club saw it early and it was quickly put out. Just hope that we do not have someone lighting fires around here.
08/Nov/13 10:30 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It does sound suspicious June.
08/Nov/13 10:47 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hope everything is ok know June.
((HUGS)) Broni.
08/Nov/13 11:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, it has made it to facebook and is yellow on the RFS site. Facebook says they are sending in an aircrane.
08/Nov/13 11:17 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Great excitement NOT! The fire flared up several streets behind us and the smoke started blowing over our house. There were about 4 news helicopters and then in came Elvis ( he drops the water on the fire) very low over our house. I ran in to get the camera and forgot to check the setting when he next came back. however I did get some shots but not quite as close. The fire has died down a lot so we can now go shopping. There is another fire to the north (the other end of this bush reserve but it is a long way from us. It did not get down behind the bowling club. That would have been a worry as it would lead to a big area of bush.
08/Nov/13 12:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've got 3 days work next week!
08/Nov/13 12:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thank goodness they were able to nip it in the bud so quickly June.
08/Nov/13 12:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's too close for comfort, June!!!
08/Nov/13 12:48 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The helicopter is still going low over the house and dropping water on the fire..
08/Nov/13 1:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Are people evacuating yet?
08/Nov/13 1:10 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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No idea Heidi. There is not much wind so they are probably staying with their houses and just hosing them down. It is a narrow strip of bush and quite built up either side. It is along a creek so probably a lot of undergrowth that is burning. I just put a photo that I took a couple of minutes ago on my page. It is the helicopter that is dropping the water.
08/Nov/13 1:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The more I hear about the huge amount of fires you have in Australia, the less interested I am in living there. I'm quite happy in Kentucky, thank you.
08/Nov/13 1:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's too close, June.
08/Nov/13 1:18 PM
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