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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Redlands Qld Aus
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'A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies,
the man who never reads lives only one'
Top of the page quote to thank Mama for the Author's name!
11/Nov/13 4:24 PM
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Two anecdotes today:
I forgot to turn up my bullsh1t detector this morning. Dana called and asked for help as she only had a half a toilet roll left. I said sure, I'm heading over town around 11 I'll help you then if that's okay. She sounded unsure and like she would rather I came immediately. That should have sent my detector into overdrive, but I missed it, only getting a slight tingle. I happened to have some spare rolls of toilet paper around so I took them with me. I get there and she thanks me a lot and says do you mind if we go to town anyway I've got a few things I want to get so I don't have to worry about them. A bit of a tingle, but hey, I'd hate being trapped at home in rainy weather too. So we go into the shops and she picks up 2 bananas and 2 peaches. Tingle a bit stronger now, but I can't put my finger on it. It was kind of like that feeling you get when you know you've forgotten something and can't remember what it is. We are leaving the shop and Dana stops to buy smokes. Still nothing. I went to the loo at her house and saw 4 toilet rolls. Still nothing. It wasn't until I got home that the light bulb lit up and I jumped up out of my seat with that 'I got it' feeling! From the first phone call it was all about the cigarettes.... every single word after that was a lie, and there were lots of them.
11/Nov/13 4:27 PM
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Thank you Cyn, I missed that!
Second anecdote: I don't have to worry about my detector with Alie. I haven't caught her out so far and I caught Dana out months and months before everyone else (you might remember me complaining about Don criticising me for saying she was lying).
Alie went to a jamming session on Saturday night. She was going to know about half of the people there, some of them only online - friends of friends. When she arrived at the party she said things were really weird. A group of people there that she didn't know came up to her doing the effusive 'you're Alie Anne'!! One of them even gave her a big bear hug. She said to me 'we weren't even facebook friends'. She said to them. 'How do you know me'. Everyone knows you, you're Alie Anne, you sing and stuff. She's been offered time in a recording studio and asked to be female vocals on someone else's recording.
11/Nov/13 4:35 PM
Magnolia, KY
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For Tahli's sake, I hope Dana never has to experience a daughter lying to her constantly. She really doesn't have a clue about honor, honesty and trust, does she?
11/Nov/13 5:08 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to bed. See you all tomorrow.
11/Nov/13 5:08 PM
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Greetings, All! Still fighting the cold and difficulty sleeping because of coughing. Seems once I finally get to sleep, the first light of morning is creeping into the room, prompting the cat to start her breakfast requests. Haven't been able to get back to bed afterwards yet. Maybe tomorrow?
Broni, I'm glad the service for Maz is done! You were well prepared and had back-ups. Doesn't matter. Sometimes things just don't go as you planned
Cyn, thanks so much for representing us and offering support to Broni!
Nola, seems the 'busy-ness' continues. So glad the title has been changed to your name so you can get to work on what needs to be done. Keeping you in our
and prayers as you wort through items.
MizT, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better.
Heidi, I'm glad you felt good enough to overcome obstacles and collect the horses from Crazy 1 and Crazy 2.
Tami - PERFECT! A partner-in-crime at Target. That will help the hours fly by.
Suzy, great pictures of Alie! Seems like she was a bit uncomfortable at the jamming session. Great news that she was offered time (hopefully free or very low cost) in a recording studio, and the opportunity to sing back-up on a recording. It may be time to begin educating her about contracts I think I sense some frustration/disappointment in some of your comments. Does Dana realize how second-hand smoke can harm her babies?
Mama, I hope both you and Jazz feel better with the dawn of a new day!
Oh, dear! I'm sure I didn't respond to everyone, but my brain isn't waiting for me to finish. My apologies to those I forgot! You're thought of on a daily basis!
Time for me to head to bed. Sending lots of
, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
11/Nov/13 7:22 PM
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Lovely lovely rain! I am sure my garden is loving it.
Took my sister to lunch today as it was her birthday last Friday.
Mamacita, I am sure you are having a nice sleep knowing that you do not have to worry about jazz. I do hope you soon are able to have your operation and will feel much better.
Suzy,I am sure you understand the craving for a cigarette. Just a pity Dana was not wise enough to tell you the real reason for the shopping trip. Please that you could vent here.
when you mentioned the other day about Elie looking like Zooey, I had no idea who you were talking about. When I looked at the magazine in the Sunday paper I thought 'that girl looks like Alie', Then read the name and the penny clicked.
11/Nov/13 8:07 PM
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Broni, please take lots of 'Me' time and take care of yourself. Sorry I am not closer and could offer more support.
Tricia, you also need to take care but so pleased when we read all that you are able to achieve in your new surroundings.
Heidi, we all need to hear the fun and mundane things as they are all part of our lives and even when we are going through hard times it is nice to know life goes on.
11/Nov/13 8:13 PM
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Cyn and Broni, how did you fare in the storms yesterday and today?
I do hope the storms put out the fires that you mentioned Cyn.
Nola, how pleased you will be when everything is all behind you. How heartbreaking to be sorting through Judy's things. it always brings back so many memories.
When I was looking for something the other day I found a book Sharon gave me 10 years or more ago and it is 'The complete book of flower fairies'. It is all verses and I will be able to read them to Laura when she is staying here. (I have always had a thing about fairies)
11/Nov/13 8:23 PM
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Julie, I do hope that cold gets better soon. You do a wonderful job responding to everyone and we do not expect to have you respond to them. (Although we do love it when you do).
11/Nov/13 8:26 PM
Stevenage UK
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Richard's birthday today so no cooking for me as we are going out, with the family, for a meal tonight. I should be packing a case now as we are going to Castleton, in Derbyshire, for a few days. It is going to be cold but as we are staying in a pub we aren't too worried :-)
12/Nov/13 1:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That sounds delightful, Brenda. One of my favorite books of all time is Pride and Prejudice, and I remember Elizabeth and her Aunt & Uncle staying in a pub in Derbyshire. Quite respectable and very comfortable. I wish I could be going there, too.
12/Nov/13 2:19 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June!!!! Rain!!!!
That book Sharon gave you sounds delightful, and just the thing to share with Laura. Reading it to her will make it seem that Sharon is there, too. I bet she will be, in spirit.
12/Nov/13 2:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH has left for Tennessee and won't be back until late tomorrow night. Today is Veteran's Day, so nothing is open, and I have no appointments. A dream day! Tomorrow will be busy. I have a dental appointment at 2 pm (an hour's drive away) to try to finish the implants.... again. Then I have to rush home, through rush hour traffic IN MY RV to pick up my friend Debbie and go to the Cattlemen's meeting at 6:30. The guest speaker is my favorite judge, who will be talking on fencing laws and property boundary laws and rights. A topic that all land owners need to hear. That's why I'm bringing Debbie. Guests are always welcome.
12/Nov/13 2:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Debbie's son was doing some yard work for a friend, and she asked him to remove a row of shrubs. Debbie described them to me, and I figured out that they were Nandina, a relative of bamboo. I really wanted some, so he just delivered a truckload of plants to me. So now I have to get them into the ground before the freeze tonight and the snow tomorrow. These are BIG plants, so I'm taking a half hour break between planting each bush. I wonder how long it will take for IH to notice them. They're in a highly noticeable place.
12/Nov/13 6:20 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi all, I feel so much better...I had a great night's sleep and will be picking jazz up from the vets tonight when my daughter gets off of work. He has some problems with his gait, but its not really bad and the vet is unsure whether it will continue or go away. While he is not 100%, he still has lots of living to do and this mommy couldn't be happier with that news.
Cyn...Love the topp!!!
Suze, I think I would have to tell Dana that the next time she needs smokes, just say so and allow you the opportunity to at least know the truth. If one assumes adult behaviors, s/he should be adult enough to give respect to those who help...that is the best way to insure a continuation of help. I for one would be resentful of being manipulated by a lie when helping someone. I know you didn't ask for my advice and you will do what you think best, but I just had to say what I felt about her action. I'm sorry to overstep.
Brenda, I did send out a birthday greeting to Richard on tos, but please let him know that he is wished well. Have a great stay at the pub.
June, glad you found the book and are looking forward to sharing it with Laura...that will form many good memories for you both. Julie, wishing a speedy healing for you and hubby. My cold is waning,but I continue to sneeze and have other allergy symptoms that are annoying...but don't make you feel quite as bad..hope that doesn't happen to you two.Just get rid of the whole thing at
Well, still a bit to do so will close for now...May your days be bright and your nights right and all will be well in your worlds...Peace.
12/Nov/13 7:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I got 20 shrubs planted. They're right on the line that delineates the parking area for the RV. from the lawn, on the back side of the RV. They'll just screen the RV from the south side. Nandina rarely matures more than 8 ft. tall, and usually closer to 5 - 6 feet. It had huge clusters of red berries that stay on the plant all winter. The leaves stay green all winter, too.
12/Nov/13 10:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I was just checking the weather. The rain is supposed to start around midnight, and the snow is supposed to start between 3 and 4 am. I decided to let Mother Nature water in the shrubs for me.
12/Nov/13 10:40 AM
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Happy birthday to Richard. Enjoy your trip to Castleton. We love the Peak district and have been to Peverel Castle. We also like the area around Monyash. Have a great trip.
No bowls today because of the rain so I have been catching up on some ironing.
Mamacita, so pleased that you had a good sleep. You needed that to make you feel better.
12/Nov/13 11:47 AM
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Hi all. Haven't been around for a while and haven't had time to read on everyone's news - will do so later today. After Townsville, we have a week at work and then off to Perth again first weekend in Nov. for a ball one of our customers was giving on the Sat. night. Had a lovely time then crashed for the next day. Monday I met up with my cousin and her husband at the casino (I was flowergirl at their wedding nearly 60 years ago) - it was so great to see them. Back home to work for a few days then my hubby surprised me with a trip to Hobart (Tasmania) for my daughter and myself - for 3 days. It was lovely to spend time together and just please ourselves. We went to the Salamanca market on Sat. (a must for visitors to Hobart) then up Mt Wellington where it snowed. Imagine - snow in Australia in November!! We went by ferry to MONA (Museum of Old & New Art) - very interesting but very confronting - not for the faint-hearted. Some of the exhibitions I had to walk away from. Anyway, back home now and back to the grudge (at least until mid Dec.). Hope everyone is keeping well....
12/Nov/13 2:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm off to bed early. The back is sore from digging so many holes. But the shrubs sure look good there. The rain has started early, and it's still 54 F (12.2 C). It should plummet soon. I'm now about to look for a relaxing movie and enjoy my solitude.
12/Nov/13 2:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I was just about to ask about you, Midge. It sounds like you're feeling relatively good. That sounds like a nice surprise trip to Hobart.
12/Nov/13 2:06 PM
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Not feeling so good but I am not saying 'no' to anything at the moment - for so long we didn't do anything but work and now is the time to let go a bit. Going on a very short cruise with my sister and friend for a week in December along the eastern coast of Aust. and back to Tasmania. This one may be a problem for my dialysis as the renal unit is increasing my dial. to 3 times a day -bummer - so I may not be able to go on day trips - haha - one of the trips is to the Dandenong Ranges (where I live). Hubby and one son off to China this weekend for business - so it will be very quiet at thome with just one son. The son going is the one just diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes - he is coping very well with his injections etc. Heidi - you are unbelievable - I can't get over how much you achieve with your crook back! How about some photos? Glad you are getting to use your RV - my dream holiday by myself with my dog.
12/Nov/13 3:51 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, did you dig those plants in by hand? No tractor impliment to dig for you? bummer.
It is cool here this morning, and we get a freeze tonight. I need to get some of the plants in for 2 nights, since we will have more good ewather afterwards. Shannon said I could get the maintenance men to help, easier said than done hehehe.
I am off shortly to try once again to get a phone card (adds minutes to my cell phone). Last week, before it was needed, I picked up one while shopping for baby gift. At the registar, it would not scan in, defective somehow. No matter, I could get one before mine ran out. Tried again sunday, at another store, they did not have any! Came home, tried going online, and by phone, neither worked. Now I am out of minutes, have probably lost my phone number. So trying once again today to get my phone back online.
House keeper coming this afternoon. I should be clearing the clutter from my desk and from my chair-side table, she cannot dust if she cannot SEE the desk top hehehe. I should get up and out of this chair and get busy. Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
13/Nov/13 1:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I had to dig them by hand because my tractor implement is out on loan.
I woke up this morning to a world covered in a light frosting of snow. It's deep enough to track a cat.
MizT.... you can usually get on line to the cell provider and add minutes to your phone without a phone card.
Off to fire up the RV and run to the bank to do some Lions Club business. My dental appointment isn't for another 4 hours.
13/Nov/13 1:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Banking done. Now I get to do a bit of ''gninaelc'' until I leave for the dentist's in just over an hour.
13/Nov/13 3:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm back home with beautiful new teeth! I'm gonna take it easy-ish until I leave for the cattlemen's meeting in an hour. Busy day today. Debbie just told me that she can't make it tonight after all, so I'm going on my own.
13/Nov/13 8:25 AM
Alabama, USA
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Midge, some of the things you are saying YES to sound like such fun. I hope you are getting maximum enjoyment from them, even though you are not feeling your best.
June, the only time I ever almost enjoyed ironing was on a cool, rainy day. The heat of the iron, the warm clothes was a nice contrast to the cool damp weather. But I did say ALMOST enjoyed ironing hehehe. I hope it is not the chore to you it is for me, hate to iron anything.
Mamacita, so happy you got a good night's sleep, and hope you find Jazz much improved tonight. May you both sleep well back in your old routine.
Brenda, enjoy your few days away. You seem to be able to take several short trips, and I think I would like that better than one long holiday away from home. Hope the pub is warm and cozy for you. Happy belated birthday to Richard.
Broni, continue to keep you in my thoughts. I hope you are faring better now without the stress you had planning funeral. Be kind to yourself now.
Heidi, congrats on the new teeth, and on getting the new shrubs. I like Nandina too, lots of color and interest. How lucky you got them free. Plants of that size and that many would have cost a tidy sum to buy.
Your cold weather hit a few hours before ours did. Forecasters said temps would start dropping around 3 pm. them missed the timing. Before we left on the bus at 10:30, the north wind kicked up and you could feel the temp dropping.
OH, I did try online to add minuets. It did not work. I probably did something wrong. I filled in all the blanks, did whatever to submit, and it would go back to the screen I just filled out! What was really funny was trying to do by phone. I pushed the buttons as directed, was told my responses were inadequate, and I should phone back on a touch tone phone. My phone IS a touch tone phone hehehe.
BUT today I took phone and my $$ to Wal Mart wireless center, and a young lady working there got my phone working again, with same phone number. Very nice of her.
This cold front really hit me hard. After trip to Wal mart on the bus, I came in, got my medicine, prepared a quick lunch and went to bed. I woke just seconds before Mary, the house keeper knocked. I hurt so badly I could barely walk to the door. I let her in, and went to check how long ago I had taken my meds. Guess what? I had gotten the pill out, wrote down the time, put pill on the notebook till I got something to drink, AND NEVER TOOK IT! Remedied that situation quickly, climbed back in bed in tears, would have really boo hooed but that made me hurt worse. Mary cleaned around me today hehehe. I had already changed bed, so she tiptoed around doing her cleaning and let me rest. Getting really warm and very still helps when pain is that bad. Maybe with next meds in just a bit I can get pain levels back down into acceptable levels. Thanks for listening to me pi$$ and moan. That helps with the frustration of this.
Did I say I got appointment with another doc, hopefully h
13/Nov/13 12:56 PM
Alabama, USA
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Part 2:
Did I say I got appointment with another doc, hopefully he will be my new primary care doc. Appointment for Dec 9, just under 4 weeks. New patient appointments are scheduled for TWO HOURS in his office. Should be enough to discuss what is going on, ya think?
OK, time to get meds and a bite to eat. Not really hungry, but like others here, must take some of my meds with food.
I am thankful today for a nice warm place to live, on a cold, cold night like tonight. Unseasonable is what forecasters say, and with that wind, hearing about wind chill or 'feels like' temperature for first time this fall. Not the first draft or cold breeze gets in here no matter how much the wind blows! Hugs to each of you, with extras.
13/Nov/13 12:57 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's COLD outside! Not all the snow melted today, and it's going down to 20ºF (-6.6ºC) tonight! Tonorrow night the low will be 27ºF (-2.8ºC). After that, it'll be warming steadily until weekend lows around 58ºF (14.4ºC)!
Why are so many people astonished that I can drive the RV so well? Yet nobody is ever astonished that so many men can drive big semi trucks, even men who are illiterate. If they can do it, why can't I do a better job?
13/Nov/13 1:29 PM
Alabama, USA
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Who was astonished about your ability to drive the RV, Heidi? Of course you can drive it.
13/Nov/13 1:35 PM
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Reckon women drive better than men - I agree with you Heidi. My cousin drives one of those huge trucks at the mines - she is only 5 feet tall and isn't even as tall as the tyres! In Hobart my D and I had to hire a small car as my D is 22 and under 25 are not allowed to drive anything larger than a matchbox. What a joke - my D learnt to drive in an 8 seater van and is allowed to legally drive her father's turbo Subaru. Our car had 4 doors (3 of which opened) and the hire co's comment was - only 2 of you in it anyway - never again will I use Redspot.
13/Nov/13 2:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Almost everybody I know seems astonished that I can drive it. I don't know why. I've always been an excellent driver. I had to take it to the cattlemen's meeting tonight (my only working transportation) and many people acted surprised that I could handle a vehicle that big. And that surprises me. Nobody ever acts surprised that a man can handle a big rig.
13/Nov/13 3:08 PM
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Hi, All! A long day followed by a meeting and home later than planned. Guess what? Tomorrow is another long day followed by a meeting. Why does the coughing get worse at night, making sleep elusive? These colds can't last many more days.
Thinking of all of you, whether you have posted recently or not - or whether or not I have read your post. Take care, All! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and
13/Nov/13 6:11 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends. I survived the night, actually slept very well, and achies are much better today, YEAH! It is time to go uncover the flowers, so I can cover them again tonight hehehe. My apartment is HOT, it is 35 outside, but with the sun on my windows, temp inside is a too warm 76. I have windows opened a bit.
Flowers seemed to have survived the cold night. One more tonight then back to normal warmer temps.
Julie, good to see you pop in for a hello. You do stay busier than any two people I know hehehe.
Midge, what a caring responsible company, NOT! If they let doors go broken what else do they leave undone on their cars?
Last night I got so upset with one of our residents. I do not know who she was, but when I went down about 10 pm to cover the plants, she was standing at entrance to the shade garden, just two steps outside our building entrance. There is NO grass in that area, just ferns, hostas and other shade tolerant plants. She was letting her dog go wee on the plants.
I have been noticing urine damage to some of the plants when I water in that area. Why do people do this? There are other areas where she could take her dog, but she might have to take more than two steps out into the cold. It was cold, yes, but it was not raining (this garden is under cover of the bridge between buildings and I have seen it used as doggie potty often when it is raining). Do people not know what dog urine can do to plants? Do they just not care? I guess I am glad I do not know who it was, it was dark and she was covered head to toe against the cold. If I knew I would have to say something to her about this. AAAGGGHHHH. There, vent over, and I feel better. Thanks for listening.
14/Nov/13 2:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Don't people know that concrete does not absorb or neutralize dog waste? Dogs should only be ''exercised'' on grass or dirt areas. For the convenience of male dogs, some type of post should be made available for them to mark their territory. But they should NOT be allowed to relieve themselves on potted landscaping. Maybe you should work with the management, MizT, to make a notice that can be posted in areas where dog walkers will see them.
14/Nov/13 7:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thank you for sharing your head cold with me, Julie.
14/Nov/13 7:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Anybody up for a story with a good ending... so far?
Remember that local farmer who lost both his legs in an automatic combine? That benefit that was put on for him raised a lot of money (over $51,000.00), and the donations are still pouring in. The farmer himself is shocked at this outpouring of love and help. Well, he's been getting so much publicity and public support that some companies got involved (I suspect for publicity and local approval) and have now donated the physical therapy needed before he gets the legs, the training and therapy he'll need once he gets the legs, AND THEY'VE DONATED THE LEGS THEMSELVES!!! So now the money that was raised, which was earmarked to pay for his new legs, will be going to pay his medical bills. The donations cover a quarter of the bills that have already accrued. Hopefully, more corporations will jump in and help.
14/Nov/13 8:33 AM
Mamacita 2
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Good evening to you good folks...Yay Kentucky folks in Heidi's area...and those who have jumped in to help make a good story better. All is good with that Heida...glad you shared and continued good fortune to those involved.
MizT, I like the idea that perhaps you cam enjoine the management of the place to place posters informing of the better places where animals can go potty...many do not know the damage done and of course you always have those who do not care...but perhaps informative signs will help educate and deflect some damage...can't beat a try with a failure huh? BTW, I agree the Julie is busier than two or more I add my thanks for the continued cold germs she has't run Julie..we've got to blame somebody don't we?
Hi Midge...good to see you've been missed.'ve been fairly quiet..have you been working overtime with school or the kids/grands recently..Is all okay? Are you feeling alright? Not seeing as much as I'd like...but understand that time may be a factor...just want to be reassured I guess.
one more week bnefore surgery..while I still have the sniffles things are moving forward...pre admit lb work is in the a.m and then only a few more days to wait. The pains have abated a lot,but are still bothersome and I'm really looking forward to being done with this mess! Something else will come along...but this will be done and I'll find new complaints...that's life...but it's good. Peace all...enjoy what we have so that we can fuss another day huh? LOL!
14/Nov/13 11:34 AM
Mamacita 2
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Happy that I know you have read what was meant to be typed rather than what you read...good onya all! I'm outofhere.....have a great day/night!
14/Nov/13 11:38 AM
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